Obama wants 3.7 billion approved for the border crisis BUT

I hope congress appropriates zilch. I'm sorry for the kids, but they invited themselves. This whole situation is the result of the gop not giving an immigration bill without deportation a vote. I don't care whether illegal aliens already here and working get green cards, citizenship or whatever, but they are not going home.

Some starving kids and an inability to provide the basic services the supreme court says detained non-citizens must have will just further expose the break down of representative democracy.

Then with no funds, how are they to BE repatriated? Perry will not spend Texas money to secure Texas borders, that leaves only the Feds, and yes Texas has concurrent jurisdiction. Perry wants 500 million already.
All of the money should be for border enforcement as well as interior enforcement. If a dime of that money is going to go for the care, feeding and infiltration of illegals it should not be approved. Not a cent. Funds to facilitate the arrival and disposition of illegals will perpetuate illegal immigration and make it permanent.

Not a cent you poseur, not a dime.
I hope congress appropriates zilch. I'm sorry for the kids, but they invited themselves. This whole situation is the result of the gop not giving an immigration bill without deportation a vote. I don't care whether illegal aliens already here and working get green cards, citizenship or whatever, but they are not going home.

Some starving kids and an inability to provide the basic services the supreme court says detained non-citizens must have will just further expose the break down of representative democracy.

So, you don't care that it's an insult to everyone who came here legally, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry but didn't come here illegally?

You don't care than every amnesty bill in the past has only led to an increase in illegal immigration and that's why these kids are here? Because Obama did an end run around congress and signed the Dream Act as an Executive Order? This is directly Obama's fault and just more proof that we should never again give amnesty to any illegals.

Remind me again of what you call someone who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results?
I hope congress appropriates zilch. I'm sorry for the kids, but they invited themselves. This whole situation is the result of the gop not giving an immigration bill without deportation a vote. I don't care whether illegal aliens already here and working get green cards, citizenship or whatever, but they are not going home.

Some starving kids and an inability to provide the basic services the supreme court says detained non-citizens must have will just further expose the break down of representative democracy.

So, you don't care that it's an insult to everyone who came here legally, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry but didn't come here illegally?

You don't care than every amnesty bill in the past has only led to an increase in illegal immigration and that's why these kids are here? Because Obama did an end run around congress and signed the Dream Act as an Executive Order? This is directly Obama's fault and just more proof that we should never again give amnesty to any illegals.

Remind me again of what you call someone who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results?

It's all Obama's fault. Keep telling yourself that.
I hope congress appropriates zilch. I'm sorry for the kids, but they invited themselves. This whole situation is the result of the gop not giving an immigration bill without deportation a vote. I don't care whether illegal aliens already here and working get green cards, citizenship or whatever, but they are not going home.

Some starving kids and an inability to provide the basic services the supreme court says detained non-citizens must have will just further expose the break down of representative democracy.

So, you don't care that it's an insult to everyone who came here legally, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry but didn't come here illegally?

You don't care than every amnesty bill in the past has only led to an increase in illegal immigration and that's why these kids are here? Because Obama did an end run around congress and signed the Dream Act as an Executive Order? This is directly Obama's fault and just more proof that we should never again give amnesty to any illegals.

Remind me again of what you call someone who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results?

It's all Obama's fault. Keep telling yourself that.

Nice deflection.

Care to answer the questions?

like all RW's they want free stuff..

the billion dollar fence funding is gone ... it poured out through all the holes the illegals cut in it

So, you don't care that it's an insult to everyone who came here legally, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry but didn't come here illegally?

You don't care than every amnesty bill in the past has only led to an increase in illegal immigration and that's why these kids are here? Because Obama did an end run around congress and signed the Dream Act as an Executive Order? This is directly Obama's fault and just more proof that we should never again give amnesty to any illegals.

Remind me again of what you call someone who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results?

It's all Obama's fault. Keep telling yourself that.

Nice deflection.

Care to answer the questions?

you posted a diatribe, not a question.
I hope congress appropriates zilch. I'm sorry for the kids, but they invited themselves. This whole situation is the result of the gop not giving an immigration bill without deportation a vote. I don't care whether illegal aliens already here and working get green cards, citizenship or whatever, but they are not going home.

Some starving kids and an inability to provide the basic services the supreme court says detained non-citizens must have will just further expose the break down of representative democracy.

Then with no funds, how are they to BE repatriated? Perry will not spend Texas money to secure Texas borders, that leaves only the Feds, and yes Texas has concurrent jurisdiction. Perry wants 500 million already.

Take the money from the foreign aid we already give these countries. There are billions available. Tax remittances that Hispanics here send home. There is a few billion more. The last thing democrats should be saying is that there is no money. There's plenty of money.
Only 100 million of it is allocated for the actual border lol.

Congress better damn well vote no on this bullshit.


If the House would vote on the bill they previously agreed to, that includes money to seal the border.

The Senate passed it a year ago but it has been on Boehner's desk every since.

This mess is very directly the fault of the lying Republicans. All they care about is putting this country in ruin. That's why they vote against jobs, against vets and against closing the border.
so you don't really want to attempt to solve the border issue, just bitch about it ... got it.

Like the VA Crisis? The Echo-Chambermaids have very short memories.

are you claiming that the VA mess was caused by lack of funding? Really? Then where did they get the money to give bonuses to employees?

Lack of significant foresight and planning to the increased need of our military after these long ME wars should not be combined with bonus situation.

The problem is 'my way or the highway' attitude along with a no compromise position.

The Senate passed their bill 93-7 a month ago.

In A Rare Act Of Bipartisan Speed, Senate Passes VA Reforms : NPR
OP wants to cry that ALL the money isnt going to the border. Can you guess what will happen when or if all the money did go the border? Do you think the OP would still support it?

I hope congress appropriates zilch. I'm sorry for the kids, but they invited themselves. This whole situation is the result of the gop not giving an immigration bill without deportation a vote. I don't care whether illegal aliens already here and working get green cards, citizenship or whatever, but they are not going home.

Some starving kids and an inability to provide the basic services the supreme court says detained non-citizens must have will just further expose the break down of representative democracy.

So, you don't care that it's an insult to everyone who came here legally, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry but didn't come here illegally?

You don't care than every amnesty bill in the past has only led to an increase in illegal immigration and that's why these kids are here? Because Obama did an end run around congress and signed the Dream Act as an Executive Order? This is directly Obama's fault and just more proof that we should never again give amnesty to any illegals.

Remind me again of what you call someone who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results?

It's all Obama's fault. Keep telling yourself that.

It is all Obama's fault, and if you were not a lockstep Democrat stooge, you would know that. He created this mess when his words and actions left the impression in Central America that children would not be deported. Those people believe that the children will establish an anchor that the rest of the family can use to get to America legally, and that is why the flood began.

Obama created this crisis with his pen and his phone, and he can solve it the same way. Time to hit up his wealthy friends for the funds to house, feed, and clothe these people.

BTW, that would go a long way toward improving that income inequality that you loons love to bitch about.
OP wants to cry that ALL the money isnt going to the border. Can you guess what will happen when or if all the money did go the border? Do you think the OP would still support it?


:eusa_hand: careful, you might break one.

so you don't really want to attempt to solve the border issue, just bitch about it ... got it.

Like the VA Crisis? The Echo-Chambermaids have very short memories.

are you claiming that the VA mess was caused by lack of funding? Really? Then where did they get the money to give bonuses to employees?

The VA had a surplus, so yes....funding isn't the issue.

I'm very skeptical of both parties regarding our border. Both parties had opportunities to do what's right since 1986, and nobody stepped up to the plate.
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Only 100 million of it is allocated for the actual border lol.

Congress better damn well vote no on this bullshit.


If the House would vote on the bill they previously agreed to, that includes money to seal the border.

The Senate passed it a year ago but it has been on Boehner's desk every since.

This mess is very directly the fault of the lying Republicans. All they care about is putting this country in ruin. That's why they vote against jobs, against vets and against closing the border.

Nothing in the immigration bill currently in congress would help, in any way, with this crisis that Obama has created with his pen and his phone. These children, and adults are not running, they step across the border and wait to be picked up. They know more about our immigration laws and Obama's naive ignorance than you do.

Now, the liberal Democrats want to throw money at the problem, and when that doesn't work, throw more money at it. That is their solution to every problem.
Our border policy was catch and release under BushII and he too tried to get immigration reform

Yes, Obama's policy of pushing for some legal status for kids was a political move, just as the gop's refusal to enact comprehensive reform was a political move. I just see Obama as being more wiling to reach a compromise than the gop ... on this issue.
So, you don't care that it's an insult to everyone who came here legally, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry but didn't come here illegally?

You don't care than every amnesty bill in the past has only led to an increase in illegal immigration and that's why these kids are here? Because Obama did an end run around congress and signed the Dream Act as an Executive Order? This is directly Obama's fault and just more proof that we should never again give amnesty to any illegals.

Remind me again of what you call someone who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results?

It's all Obama's fault. Keep telling yourself that.

It is all Obama's fault, and if you were not a lockstep Democrat stooge, you would know that. He created this mess when his words and actions left the impression in Central America that children would not be deported. Those people believe that the children will establish an anchor that the rest of the family can use to get to America legally, and that is why the flood began.

Obama created this crisis with his pen and his phone, and he can solve it the same way. Time to hit up his wealthy friends for the funds to house, feed, and clothe these people.

BTW, that would go a long way toward improving that income inequality that you loons love to bitch about.

Perry had written Obama a letter stating his concerns a few years ago and Obama ignored it.

Typical.....but his golf handicap is down to 17 after 177+ rounds on the links while in office.
Like the VA Crisis? The Echo-Chambermaids have very short memories.

are you claiming that the VA mess was caused by lack of funding? Really? Then where did they get the money to give bonuses to employees?

The VA had a surplus, so yes....funding isn't the issue.

I'm very skeptical of both parties regarding our border. Both parties had opportunities to do what's right since 1986, and nobody stepped up to the plate.

That's because the democrats want the votes and the republicans want the cheap labor.

Note: The democrats also want the cheap labor, they just want the votes more.

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