Obama wants 3.7 billion approved for the border crisis BUT

It's all Obama's fault. Keep telling yourself that.

It is all Obama's fault, and if you were not a lockstep Democrat stooge, you would know that. He created this mess when his words and actions left the impression in Central America that children would not be deported. Those people believe that the children will establish an anchor that the rest of the family can use to get to America legally, and that is why the flood began.

Obama created this crisis with his pen and his phone, and he can solve it the same way. Time to hit up his wealthy friends for the funds to house, feed, and clothe these people.

BTW, that would go a long way toward improving that income inequality that you loons love to bitch about.

Perry had written Obama a letter stating his concerns a few years ago and Obama ignored it.

Typical.....but his golf handicap is down to 17 after 177+ rounds on the links while in office.

And the gop caused it by not adopting a comprehensive reform that fast tracked deportation of newly arrived illegal aliens.

Cry me a fcking river. Polticians playing politics with kids.
It is all Obama's fault, and if you were not a lockstep Democrat stooge, you would know that. He created this mess when his words and actions left the impression in Central America that children would not be deported. Those people believe that the children will establish an anchor that the rest of the family can use to get to America legally, and that is why the flood began.

Obama created this crisis with his pen and his phone, and he can solve it the same way. Time to hit up his wealthy friends for the funds to house, feed, and clothe these people.

BTW, that would go a long way toward improving that income inequality that you loons love to bitch about.

Perry had written Obama a letter stating his concerns a few years ago and Obama ignored it.

Typical.....but his golf handicap is down to 17 after 177+ rounds on the links while in office.

And the gop caused it by not adopting a comprehensive reform that fast tracked deportation of newly arrived illegal aliens.

Cry me a fcking river. Polticians playing politics with kids.
Yeah, yeah, gop.
Democrats are waiting pen in hand for the day legislation is passed by the gop.
I laugh at you bent dog.:lol:

But yes politics is being played by both parties and the administration
Perry had written Obama a letter stating his concerns a few years ago and Obama ignored it.

Typical.....but his golf handicap is down to 17 after 177+ rounds on the links while in office.

And the gop caused it by not adopting a comprehensive reform that fast tracked deportation of newly arrived illegal aliens.

Cry me a fcking river. Polticians playing politics with kids.
Yeah, yeah, gop.
Democrats are waiting pen in hand for the day legislation is passed by the gop.
I laugh at you bent dog.:lol:

But yes politics is being played by both parties and the administration

Umm, you'd have to reread it, but I said both parties are playing to their bases with this. and our immigration law is so bizarre only a dysfunctional band of sociopaths could dream it up
I hope congress appropriates zilch. I'm sorry for the kids, but they invited themselves. This whole situation is the result of the gop not giving an immigration bill without deportation a vote. I don't care whether illegal aliens already here and working get green cards, citizenship or whatever, but they are not going home.

Some starving kids and an inability to provide the basic services the supreme court says detained non-citizens must have will just further expose the break down of representative democracy.

Then with no funds, how are they to BE repatriated? Perry will not spend Texas money to secure Texas borders, that leaves only the Feds, and yes Texas has concurrent jurisdiction. Perry wants 500 million already.

Border security IS THE JOB OF THE FEDS NOT THE STATES. And you are wrong Perry HAS spent state funds on the issue.
Only 100 million of it is allocated for the actual border lol.

Congress better damn well vote no on this bullshit.

I don't get it. First he create crisis, now he's asking money for solving it.

How money will be spent? On deportations or on welcome centers?

At the end, he'll claim that he created half a million jobs...
Ame®icano;9418909 said:
Only 100 million of it is allocated for the actual border lol.

Congress better damn well vote no on this bullshit.

I don't get it. First he create crisis, now he's asking money for solving it.

How money will be spent? On deportations or on welcome centers?

At the end, he'll claim that he created half a million jobs...

oh well get something on the level of OscamCare

they want nothing short of Amnesty...Don't let this liar in chief try and fool anyone
Only 100 million of it is allocated for the actual border lol.

Congress better damn well vote no on this bullshit.

so you don't really want to attempt to solve the border issue, just bitch about it ... got it.

throwing money at it is not a solution. Secure the border, deport everyone here illegally. This is not complicated unless, like the dems, you are trying to create a few million new dem/lib voters. Face it, this is not about compassion, this is a dem/lib attempt to create new deb/lib voters

It is easy to see it that way. Hard not to.

Only 100 million of it is allocated for the actual border lol.

Congress better damn well vote no on this bullshit.


If the House would vote on the bill they previously agreed to, that includes money to seal the border.

The Senate passed it a year ago but it has been on Boehner's desk every since.

Bohener already said it isn't going to be passed until Obama can be trusted to follow the law, including enforcing the fuckings laws already on the books. And as long as Obama keeps doing things the way he has been, he'll never be trusted!

This mess is very directly the fault of the lying Republicans. All they care about is putting this country in ruin. That's why they vote against jobs, against vets and against closing the border.
It's the Republicans' fault....blah blah blah

You dimwits are always blaming someone else for Libturd fuckups:
Republicans in Congress
The Koch Brothers
Gun owners
Fox News
Angry White Males

Take some responsibility for your actions just once, you cowards!
are you claiming that the VA mess was caused by lack of funding? Really? Then where did they get the money to give bonuses to employees?

The VA had a surplus, so yes....funding isn't the issue.

I'm very skeptical of both parties regarding our border. Both parties had opportunities to do what's right since 1986, and nobody stepped up to the plate.

That's because the democrats want the votes and the republicans want the cheap labor.

Note: The democrats also want the cheap labor, they just want the votes more.

The claim that Republicans want illegal aliens for any reason is simply a lie.
It is all Obama's fault, and if you were not a lockstep Democrat stooge, you would know that. He created this mess when his words and actions left the impression in Central America that children would not be deported. Those people believe that the children will establish an anchor that the rest of the family can use to get to America legally, and that is why the flood began.

Obama created this crisis with his pen and his phone, and he can solve it the same way. Time to hit up his wealthy friends for the funds to house, feed, and clothe these people.

BTW, that would go a long way toward improving that income inequality that you loons love to bitch about.

Perry had written Obama a letter stating his concerns a few years ago and Obama ignored it.

Typical.....but his golf handicap is down to 17 after 177+ rounds on the links while in office.

And the gop caused it by not adopting a comprehensive reform that fast tracked deportation of newly arrived illegal aliens.

Cry me a fcking river. Polticians playing politics with kids.

But the Demorats are in no way responsible even though they didn't propose such legislation either?
And the gop caused it by not adopting a comprehensive reform that fast tracked deportation of newly arrived illegal aliens.

Cry me a fcking river. Polticians playing politics with kids.
Yeah, yeah, gop.
Democrats are waiting pen in hand for the day legislation is passed by the gop.
I laugh at you bent dog.:lol:

But yes politics is being played by both parties and the administration

Umm, you'd have to reread it, but I said both parties are playing to their bases with this. and our immigration law is so bizarre only a dysfunctional band of sociopaths could dream it up

More bullshit. The GOP establishment is on the same side of this issue as the Democrats. They aren't "playing to their base."

Almost every word libturds post on this subject is an outright lie.
The VA had a surplus, so yes....funding isn't the issue.

I'm very skeptical of both parties regarding our border. Both parties had opportunities to do what's right since 1986, and nobody stepped up to the plate.

That's because the democrats want the votes and the republicans want the cheap labor.

Note: The democrats also want the cheap labor, they just want the votes more.

The claim that Republicans want illegal aliens for any reason is simply a lie.

Then why didn't Bush do anything about the illegals? Why didn't Bush Sr? Reagan? etc.
That's because the democrats want the votes and the republicans want the cheap labor.

Note: The democrats also want the cheap labor, they just want the votes more.

The claim that Republicans want illegal aliens for any reason is simply a lie.

Then why didn't Bush do anything about the illegals? Why didn't Bush Sr? Reagan? etc.

The Bush's have Mexican family & it wasn't doable anyways with a democrat congress.

The problem is 100% democrats
The claim that Republicans want illegal aliens for any reason is simply a lie.

Then why didn't Bush do anything about the illegals? Why didn't Bush Sr? Reagan? etc.

The Bush's have Mexican family & it wasn't doable anyways with a democrat congress.

The problem is 100% democrats
Yep. And the idiot dimwit in charge now goes on photo ops and pretends he is doing something like always, pretends.
The claim that Republicans want illegal aliens for any reason is simply a lie.

Then why didn't Bush do anything about the illegals? Why didn't Bush Sr? Reagan? etc.

The Bush's have Mexican family & it wasn't doable anyways with a democrat congress.

The problem is 100% democrats

Bullcrap. I don't understand you. The GOP and the Democrats are basically the same party. Everybody else in the world sees that except the democrats and the republicans.
That's because the democrats want the votes and the republicans want the cheap labor.

Note: The democrats also want the cheap labor, they just want the votes more.

The claim that Republicans want illegal aliens for any reason is simply a lie.

Then why didn't Bush do anything about the illegals? Why didn't Bush Sr? Reagan? etc.

Reagan was the last President to give illegals amnesty. President Bush wanted to as well. It was the right thing to do then too. But Congress was/is more worried about re-election than what is good for the country.

The claim that Republicans want illegal aliens for any reason is simply a lie.

Then why didn't Bush do anything about the illegals? Why didn't Bush Sr? Reagan? etc.

Reagan was the last President to give illegals amnesty. President Bush wanted to as well. It was the right thing to do then too. But Congress was/is more worried about re-election than what is good for the country.


Yes, and Bush favored amnesty also. Columba is of Mexican heritage, Jeb did favor amnesty in the past.

Murked, I will correct what I wrote, Perry wants every penny Texas spends back NOW, and the law that makes deportation expensive was signed in 2008, I remenber many complaining about Bush being behind it. Jeb! and Culumba, who is actually a decent woman, she admitted her problem with shoplifting and got treatment:

Only 100 million of it is allocated for the actual border lol.

Congress better damn well vote no on this bullshit.

Even John Boehner said 100 Millions was overkill -- a few weeks back. They wanted less allocated toward border patrol. Of course now they have to pretend like they're against everything Obama proposes even though its exactly what they originally wanted.

Typical Tea Bagger bullshit.

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