Obama wants to ban target shooting on all public land


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I support this. I live in a state with lots of national forest land and shooters are everywhere. They put a piece of target paper on a tree 10" thick and fire away. When they miss the tree (they're all drunks) the bullet goes for miles. And the noise can easily travel 5 miles. I do lots of camping and all day long you hear gun shots. I don't know how people who live in the mountains handle it.

GUN WATCH: Kurt Hoffman: Obama Administration to Ban Shooting on Public Lands

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kurt Hoffman: Obama Administration to Ban Shooting on Public Lands

The U.S. News and World Report noted Monday that the Obama administration, perhaps frustrated at its inability to impose yet more restrictive gun regulation through the legislative process, is once again doing everything it can by executive diktat. This time, the infringement on that which shall not be infringed is to come via proposed new regulations barring hunters and target shooters from millions of acres of public land.

Gun owners who have historically been able to use public lands for target practice would be barred from potentially millions of acres under new rules drafted by the Interior Department, the first major move by the Obama administration to impose limits on firearms.

With candor that has likely not endeared him to his superiors, a Department of the Interior official freely admits that the idea here is not to make anyone safer:
"It's not so much a safety issue. It's a social conflict issue," said Frank Jenks, a natural resource specialist with Interior's Bureau of Land Management, which oversees 245 million acres. He adds that urbanites "freak out" when they hear shooting on public lands.
Aren't there dedignated areas in parks for that? I went to one that was right up against a hill. The bullets had no place to go but in the side of the hill.
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Aren't there dedignated areas in parks for that? I went to one that was right up against a hill. The bullets had no place to go but in the side of the hill.

Yes, there are shooting ranges but many people like to go off in the woods and shoot. I've done it many times myself. You wouldn't believe the crazy dangerous people i've seen at shooting ranges.
When they miss the tree (they're all drunks) the bullet goes for miles.

This statement shows that you have no clue about ballistics.

You are an idiot. When you shoot from a ridgetop a couple thousand feet above the surrounding land, the bullet can go for miles even if the rifle is horizontal. We don't all live in OK.

No it can't. It's just something you're making up. Like global warming, free health care and all the other liberal agendas liberals try to propagate on society.
This statement shows that you have no clue about ballistics.

You are an idiot. When you shoot from a ridgetop a couple thousand feet above the surrounding land, the bullet can go for miles even if the rifle is horizontal. We don't all live in OK.

No it can't. It's just something you're making up. Like global warming, free health care and all the other liberal agendas liberals try to propagate on society.

If you drop a bullet from muzzle level at the same time you fire the weapon, both projectiles will hit the ground at the same time. Physics is phun. :thup:
If you drop a bullet from muzzle level at the same time you fire the weapon, both projectiles will hit the ground at the same time. Physics is phun. :thup:

If the land is flat, that is (approximately) true. But it's not as simple as you think.
Obama wants to ban target shooting on all public land
Can you even read? Your thread titles are consistently complete bullshit, you either don't have the education to digest simple texts or are a compulsive liar. There aren't trying to ban all target shooting on public land, they are simply trying to manage it better instead of the current free-for-all.

Here is the draft of Bureau of Land Management policy being referenced by your thread: http://www.fws.gov/whhcc/doc/draftBLMshootingsportspolicy.pdf

shooting and possession and use of firearms are allowed on public lands managed by the BLM. However, the specific shooting activity must not:

- Cause a public disturbance or create risk to other persons on public lands. 43 C.F.R. § 8365.1-4(a) (Public health, safety and comfort);

- Deface, remove or destroy natural features, native plants, cultural resources, historic
structures or government and/or private property. 43 C.F.R. § 8365.1-5(a)(1); Facilitate and create a condition of littering, refuse accumulation and abandoned personal
property. 43 C.F.R. Sec. 8365.1-1;

- Violate existing use restriction, a closure and restriction order, or supplementary rules notice. 43 C.F.R. §§ 8365.2-5(a), 8364.1, 8365.1-6.
Background: Recreational shooting is a permissible use of public lands. As the West has become more populated, recreational shooters now often find themselves in conflict with other public lands users, and the BLM is frequently called on to mediate these conflicts.

In the past, BLM managers have avoided identifying areas available for recreational shooting, and instead have managed this use by closing areas to shooting in order to address public safety and resource concerns. This past management practice has created some confusion about where public land remains open to recreational shooting. Typically, little useful, specific information about where the public can shoot is available on maps, websites, or signs. Despite rising conflicts, recreational shooting continues to be popular on public lands, and public demand for safe, legal places to shoot remains high.

This guidance is based on the understanding that identifying areas where recreational shooting presents lower risks and conflicts while closing areas where risks are high may reduce shooting related conflicts, and may also reduce legal claims against the BLM for shooting-related injuries or damages.

Furthermore I doubt Obama had anything to do with it, but then again I've seen people on here thinking he delivers mail and wrote the code for the health website.
Looks like another Rightwing "We can't read" propaganda piece
I support this. I live in a state with lots of national forest land and shooters are everywhere. They put a piece of target paper on a tree 10" thick and fire away. When they miss the tree (they're all drunks) the bullet goes for miles. And the noise can easily travel 5 miles. I do lots of camping and all day long you hear gun shots. I don't know how people who live in the mountains handle it.

GUN WATCH: Kurt Hoffman: Obama Administration to Ban Shooting on Public Lands

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kurt Hoffman: Obama Administration to Ban Shooting on Public Lands

The U.S. News and World Report noted Monday that the Obama administration, perhaps frustrated at its inability to impose yet more restrictive gun regulation through the legislative process, is once again doing everything it can by executive diktat. This time, the infringement on that which shall not be infringed is to come via proposed new regulations barring hunters and target shooters from millions of acres of public land.

Gun owners who have historically been able to use public lands for target practice would be barred from potentially millions of acres under new rules drafted by the Interior Department, the first major move by the Obama administration to impose limits on firearms.

With candor that has likely not endeared him to his superiors, a Department of the Interior official freely admits that the idea here is not to make anyone safer:
"It's not so much a safety issue. It's a social conflict issue," said Frank Jenks, a natural resource specialist with Interior's Bureau of Land Management, which oversees 245 million acres. He adds that urbanites "freak out" when they hear shooting on public lands.

federal waterfowl and hunting lands already forbid this

as for national lands in general i do not favor it at all
I support this. I live in a state with lots of national forest land and shooters are everywhere. They put a piece of target paper on a tree 10" thick and fire away. When they miss the tree (they're all drunks) the bullet goes for miles. And the noise can easily travel 5 miles. I do lots of camping and all day long you hear gun shots. I don't know how people who live in the mountains handle it.

GUN WATCH: Kurt Hoffman: Obama Administration to Ban Shooting on Public Lands

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kurt Hoffman: Obama Administration to Ban Shooting on Public Lands

The U.S. News and World Report noted Monday that the Obama administration, perhaps frustrated at its inability to impose yet more restrictive gun regulation through the legislative process, is once again doing everything it can by executive diktat. This time, the infringement on that which shall not be infringed is to come via proposed new regulations barring hunters and target shooters from millions of acres of public land.

Gun owners who have historically been able to use public lands for target practice would be barred from potentially millions of acres under new rules drafted by the Interior Department, the first major move by the Obama administration to impose limits on firearms.

With candor that has likely not endeared him to his superiors, a Department of the Interior official freely admits that the idea here is not to make anyone safer:
"It's not so much a safety issue. It's a social conflict issue," said Frank Jenks, a natural resource specialist with Interior's Bureau of Land Management, which oversees 245 million acres. He adds that urbanites "freak out" when they hear shooting on public lands.

No bullet travels for miles mate. Certainly not any civilian-available one. Gravity pulls it to the ground long-before it reaches a maximum range. To have it travel to max range you'd have to angle it up like a bow firing an arrow. But I share your concern. I'm just not sure how practical or fair it is to expect people in the country to drive to a proper shooting range.
I only target practice on private land, mine

I use bait to get targets, I have a sign that says" Obama care, Welfare, EBT, Obama Phones, get yours here".
A bullet can conceivably travel for miles. But it would hardly be accidental.

Most shooters I know use the shooting ranges that many state and national forests have set up. I have never seen one single drunk at any of them. I have seen one drunk shooting at a makeshift target in Talladega National Forest. Or at least that is what the ranger told me when I drove up as they were arresting him.

Yeah, this is about yuppies freaking out when they hear gun fire during deer season. The sound CAN travel for miles.

But if those idiots want to ban all shooting on public lands, there will be far fewer places available for hunters to sight-in and to practice. This won't make things any quieter, but it very well could result in many more wounded animals dying slow, cruel deaths.
When they miss the tree (they're all drunks) the bullet goes for miles.

This statement shows that you have no clue about ballistics.

That and as long as I get what I want,the heck with everyone else.

Key word,public land!!

Yep, that is the key word. And hunters help fund those public lands and conservation programs a great deal through the extra taxes on ammo, licence fees ect.

They also act as a profitable means of controlling animal populations.

But if you want to talk about "...as long as I get what I want,the heck with everyone else", look at the basis for this entire effort. Some urbanite hears gun fire in an area where hunting is common and shooting is allowed (with restrictions) and suddenly there is a call to ban all shooting on public lands???

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