Obama Wants To Know What Color You Are If You Buy A Gun

It is a daily event. Some USMB nutter gets outraged about something that he or she doesn't really understand.

There has been a field on the Form 4473 asking for "Race" since at least 2001. It's an optional field, you don't have to answer it.

The only change made in 2012 is that "Race" and "Ethnicity" have been separated into two different questions on the form.

which has nothing to do with identifying someone for the instant background check. race has been on the brady form since at least 1993 and probably before that. the "hispanic" or non-hispanic is an Obama creation and has no proper use

It was updated to reflect the reality that "Hispanic" people are actually "White" people.

for years the DOJ played games with that. If you were a victim of a crime and are LATINO, you were listed as LATINO

if you were a perpetrator of a crime and Latino, you would be included among WHITE perpetrators
Gun nuts. how nice eh


So rather than admit that you were hoodwinked by a fake story, you feign outrage and offense at my use of the term "gun nuts".

You know, I don't think I've ever heard you complain when righties here call lefties names... I wonder why that is?
Gun nuts. how nice eh


So rather than admit that you were hoodwinked by a fake story, you feign outrage and offense at my use of the term "gun nuts".

You know, I don't think I've ever heard you complain when righties here call lefties names... I wonder why that is?
I don't recall you caring when Lefties attack righties with any slur either.

I don't care when anyone attacks anyone.

I'm not the one making butthurt comments like "Gun Nuts. how nice eh".
Gun nuts. how nice eh


So rather than admit that you were hoodwinked by a fake story, you feign outrage and offense at my use of the term "gun nuts".

You know, I don't think I've ever heard you complain when righties here call lefties names... I wonder why that is?
I don't recall you caring when Lefties attack righties with any slur either.

I don't care when anyone attacks anyone.

I'm not the one making butthurt comments like "Gun Nuts. how nice eh".
Yes you are you are whining about someone doing just that.
The only thing that I find a bit disconcerting is that Lois Lerner is rumored to be the person put in charge of the implementation of that new ATF policy!
Gun nuts. how nice eh


So rather than admit that you were hoodwinked by a fake story, you feign outrage and offense at my use of the term "gun nuts".

You know, I don't think I've ever heard you complain when righties here call lefties names... I wonder why that is?
I don't recall you caring when Lefties attack righties with any slur either.

I don't care when anyone attacks anyone.

I'm not the one making butthurt comments like "Gun Nuts. how nice eh".
Yes you are you are whining about someone doing just that.


Whatever you say.

That brings up an interesting point, though.

Your favorite past time on this board for last few years has been to constantly accuse liberals of "hypocrisy" for not calling out their own side - and yet I've never once seen you call out a Conservative for anything at all.

I wonder why that is....

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