Obama wants to raise tobacco taxes - again...


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Tara Culp-Ressler

President Obama unveiled his budget proposal on Tuesday morning, confirming early reports that his initiatives include an expansion of universal preschool programs by raising revenue from additional tobacco taxes. Obama’s preschool plan is winning praise from both anti-smoking advocates and early childhood education proponents, but it isn’t popular with everyone. Even before the specific details were made available on Tuesday, the proposed tax increase garnered criticism from the powerful companies that comprise Big Tobacco.

The current federal tax on cigarettes is about $1 a pack, and President Obama’s proposal would increase that by an additional 94 cents. That hike would raise $75 billion to help subsidize preschool for children whose families who earn up to 200 percent of the federal poverty line, in a national effort to encourage more four-year-olds to enroll in pre-K programs. The tax increase would also raise $1.6 billion for the Early Head Start program and $15 billion for other programs.

The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids has praised the policy, noting that higher tobacco taxes are a proven method of reducing smoking rates as well as a reliable revenue source. The advocacy group also points out that the majority of Americans support increasing taxes on tobacco products. In a statement released last week in regards to Obama’s forthcoming budget, the Campaign described the proposed tax as “a health win that will reduce tobacco use and save lives, a financial win that will raise revenue to fund an important initiative and reduce tobacco-related health care costs, and a political win that is popular with voters.” Total annual public and private health care expenditures caused by smoking are estimated at $96 billion.

More: Big Tobacco Already Resisting Obama's Proposal To Fund Universal Preschool With Cigarette Taxes
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!
For Obama Bin Lyin' --- this is just the status quo. Remember when he promised to not raise taxes on the middle/lower class? Who does he think pays 95% of tobacco taxes???

Jus' a Lyin' POS!!!
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxes to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxes to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

I will mark this day on my calendar as the first day I agreed with Lakota.
Percentage-wise, Obama is smacking the hell out of tobacco users.

5. Tobacco tax hike. The president's budget nearly doubles the tobacco tax, from $1.01 to $1.95 per pack, and then indexes it to inflation from there. This is a clear tax hike on middle class Americans. According to independent estimates, the average smoker in America makes about $40,000 per year. Additionally, tobacco taxes are a declining tax revenue base, and as a result it's inappropriate to fund new government programs using it. This isn't the first time President Obama has raised federal tobacco taxes. In 2009, on his 16th day in office, he signed into law a 156 percent increase in the tobacco tax. Such tax increases are a violation of Obama's central campaign promise not to sign "any form of tax increase" on Americans making less than $250,000 per year. Tax increase: $78 billion.

Top 10 Tax Hikes in the Obama Budget
Yanno.......................I chew tobacco (Copenhagen Long Cut in the red topped can is my favorite) and, if paying a bit more for my bad habit is going to help fund education, go ahead.

Matter of fact, you can increase it from the current price I pay at 3.50/can to 4.50/can.

I'd really like to see our kids educated.

And you know..........................if it's for the children to be educated, I don't really have a problem. If it gets too expensive, I'll quit.

But, if it's to educate kids, that may mean I won't quit until it's over 10.00/can and only after we're turning out at least one Einstein type child per school per year.
Yanno.......................I chew tobacco (Copenhagen Long Cut in the red topped can is my favorite) and, if paying a bit more for my bad habit is going to help fund education, go ahead.

Matter of fact, you can increase it from the current price I pay at 3.50/can to 4.50/can.

I'd really like to see our kids educated.

And you know..........................if it's for the children to be educated, I don't really have a problem. If it gets too expensive, I'll quit.

But, if it's to educate kids, that may mean I won't quit until it's over 10.00/can and only after we're turning out at least one Einstein type child per school per year.

That's your choice, but not all tobacco users can afford that. First, Obama hit them with a 156% increase in 2009 and now he's planning to DOUBLE that again. I can also afford the increase - but that's not the point. It isn't right. It isn't fair.
Yanno.......................I chew tobacco (Copenhagen Long Cut in the red topped can is my favorite) and, if paying a bit more for my bad habit is going to help fund education, go ahead.

Matter of fact, you can increase it from the current price I pay at 3.50/can to 4.50/can.

I'd really like to see our kids educated.

And you know..........................if it's for the children to be educated, I don't really have a problem. If it gets too expensive, I'll quit.

But, if it's to educate kids, that may mean I won't quit until it's over 10.00/can and only after we're turning out at least one Einstein type child per school per year.

There is a more typical liberal response. "I don;t give a chit if the Prez is a Lying POS or not, I'm gonna defend him because I'm a lefty doosh-bag!!"

Freaking morons...
Yanno.......................I chew tobacco (Copenhagen Long Cut in the red topped can is my favorite) and, if paying a bit more for my bad habit is going to help fund education, go ahead.

Matter of fact, you can increase it from the current price I pay at 3.50/can to 4.50/can.

I'd really like to see our kids educated.

And you know..........................if it's for the children to be educated, I don't really have a problem. If it gets too expensive, I'll quit.

But, if it's to educate kids, that may mean I won't quit until it's over 10.00/can and only after we're turning out at least one Einstein type child per school per year.

That's your choice, but not all tobacco users can afford that. First, Obama hit them with a 156% increase in 2009 and now he's planning to DOUBLE that again. I can also afford the increase - but that's not the point. It isn't right. It isn't fair.

On this we disagree....................who determines what is "fair" or not? And.................why can't those with bad habits (like me) pay for a child to get a good education?

I know that I got a good one, and it was paid for by the people.

And................even if others can't afford that while I can, why shouldn't I share?

I even give money to people on the streetcorner, and don't really ask what they're going to do with it. I'm just happy that they're happy and can afford food (if they want it), or even a 6 pack (if that's what they want).

As far as kids getting knowledge so they can function in the world? As much as I can give, and as long as they learn.

And........................they can learn at their own pace.
Gun users have the lying NRA supporting them.

Tobacco users have the lying tobacco industry supporting them.

What a fucked up world...
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

Mark this down, I agree with you. If you are going to levy taxes that serve as a punishment for undesirable behavior, at least use the money to offset some of the damage resulting from that behavior.
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

Mark this down, I agree with you. If you are going to levy taxes that serve as a punishment for undesirable behavior, at least use the money to offset some of the damage resulting from that behavior.


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