Obama: War on Terrorism Does NOT Exist


So true!!!!!!
Yes, they will. There is no bottom to the depth of idiocy, incompetence, stupidity, arrogance, that this president has achieved and is continuing to achieve. He's reaching new levels of ineptitude on ah hourly basis.
As long as he keeps making their leaders take dirt naps, he can call it whatever the fuck he wants.
Obama: War on Terrorism Does NOT Exist
Where is Bossy bitching that Obama didn't use those words?

Lets refresh that little memory:

"We have contained them," Obama told ABC News in an interview that aired Thursday. "I don’t think they’re gaining strength."

"What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq."

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries.

He wasn’t saying, as critics have shorthanded, that ISIS no longer presents a threat -- an assertion that the Paris attacks would have negated. In fact, in the same interview, Obama acknowledged that ISIS might have surpassed al-Qaida as the greatest terror threat in the world, adding that they are constantly looking for "a crack in the system" to exploit to carry out attacks
lol, good ole Politifact telling you what you all heard isn't what you really heard, so let them translate if for you because you are too stupid to Understand Obamaspeak, don't ya know.

as if Politifact isn't a left leaning Obama ass kisser.
Obama: War on Terrorism Does NOT Exist
Where is Bossy bitching that Obama didn't use those words?

Lets refresh that little memory:

"We have contained them," Obama told ABC News in an interview that aired Thursday. "I don’t think they’re gaining strength."

"What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq."

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries.

He wasn’t saying, as critics have shorthanded, that ISIS no longer presents a threat -- an assertion that the Paris attacks would have negated. In fact, in the same interview, Obama acknowledged that ISIS might have surpassed al-Qaida as the greatest terror threat in the world, adding that they are constantly looking for "a crack in the system" to exploit to carry out attacks

But, it turns out that they haven't been contained, even in that context.

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