Obama was anti the Magniksky Act but Clinton helped, now you know

The outright lie is that Clinton had the power of approval over the sale of the uranium mine and that she alone determined whether the deal would proceed. The Energy Department was the major player in the approval process, not State.

Another lie is that Hillary was involved in the approval process. Her Department reviewed the deal but she didn't participate in the review process.

Much of the cash which flowed from Russia to the Clinton Foundation was donated years BEFORE the deal was even signed.

As is typical of allegations against the Clintons, conservatives make up stuff about the Clintons and then convince others to investigate their fantasies using taxpayer money. When nothing is found, they continue to claim the original false allegations are true, and then make up something new, convince others to investigate, wash, rinse, repeat.

As we have seen with the Trump investigations, in Washington there are always those who are willing to leak damaging information and documents. Flynn is said to have turned on Trump to avoid jail and supposedly is cooperating with the FBI.

Through 17 investigations, no one has turned on the Clintons. No incriminating documents have ever turned up. If they were as corrupt as conservatives claim, why has no one ever testified against them? Why have no incriminating documents EVER surfaced?

As always, the simplest answer is usually the right one: they didn't break any laws.
why Putin did not want Clinton to be President.

This was not what he wanted to hear. Ever since Barack Obama had become president, the main policy of the U.S. government toward Russia had been one of appeasement. The administration had even coined a new phrase for it: “Reset.” This policy was intended to repair the broken relations between Russia and the United States, but in practical terms it meant that the United States wouldn’t mention unpleasant subjects such as “human rights abuse” so long as Russia played nice in trade relations and nuclear disarmament.

Now here I was asking for something completely at odds with this policy. “I’m sorry, Mr. Browder,” he said. “But, I still don’t see how 7750 applies to the Magnitsky case.”

The Russians Killed My Lawyer. This Is How I Got Congress to Avenge Him.
How about the human rights in cuba, you liberals are tripping over yourselves to over look?

This post is not about Cuba. I do question whether we have the rights to interfere in another countries human rights , we do not seem to do that in Israel or Saudi Arabia, or Egypt. We did it in Iraq and Syria, Why? Because Israel and SA wanted us to.

The Magnitsky Act did have a Jewish push behind it.
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And so why did Putin give Hilary 140 million dollars?

Hilary was actually Putin' s bitch........he had her all the way.....and her rapist husband too.

Actually your crude example is proof of Trumps guilt. Putin gave the Clinton fundation $140 million, and all he got was a T-shirt. That;s why Putin turned to breaking into the DNC server, breaking into election databases, and funneling the stolen intel to Trump.
Be careful of Putin, he is a true enemy of Jews Vladimir Putin is no friend of the Jews.

So says William Browder, the American-born Jewish tycoon who describes himself as the leader's "number one enemy" in his book: Red Notice.

Browder, 51, is on a mission to bring down the Russian president, the feared leader who has helped transform this world-renowned financier into a leading human rights activist.

I have come to meet Browder, the founder of investment fund Hermitage Capital Management, who made his fortune as the largest foreign investor in Russia until 2005, at his central London offices.


We never know who to believe, hedge funds play the market, which is why the average investor needs to be very careful. They control the markets. Many hedge funds are run by jews, so perhaps Bill Browder was crooked, who knows.

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