Obama was kept informed of the conversations by wire tap. No spin. No more BS libs

God you're stupid. Can you not read?
"Intercepted Russian Communications..."
This was surveillance of the Russians, not Trump. It just so happened that the Russians, who were being tapped, were talking to Trump's people. Ooops! Got it a little backwards, TinyBrain.


Try again.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Now tell me, Tiny, does being a Russian troll pay well?

It is up to the orange clown to present evidence of his charge of criminal activities on the part of President Obama. If he fails to do so, or just tries to ignore what he stated, it is going to haunt him for the whole of his Presidency, which may not last that long, in any case.

His accusations are just the Dan Rather/Mary Mapes style of politicing. We accuse. You defend.

You prove to us that Trump wasn't under surveillance. You prove to us that the Russians hacked the election.

Ball is in your court. All this surveillance over all these months and no one can show any evidence. Jack Shit should be the new code name for the NSA.
All tyhis stuff is top secret DUH, conspiracy nutjob. It's impossible to prove something didn't happen. It's just that in the real world Obama couldn't and the FBI didn't. Levin and Breitbart are fake news, dupe.I think you're a Russian super patriot. Is that how you got into Canada...

All the information you need is in the NYT. They are the ones who told us that the conversations the wire taps produced were passed on to the WH.

They told us that the Russian communications were monitored and that Trump's people had contacted them . There are records of those calls that are now part of an investigation.
So if Obama had to be informed of what another part of government was doing, it shows he didn't order it, and clears him completely.

Obama-haters really are the stupidest humans to ever walk the planet.

Yes .

First off, who are they tapping ? Some shady stock firm on the 4th floor?

The Don is claiming HE was the target BECAUSE he's running for prez . There's no proof of that .
The proof was released to the press to attack Trump and get Mike Flynn fired.

You know, it's amazing how stupid Democrats can be....yet they claim they're smarter than conservatives just because of their politics.

Flynn was fired for his own actions.
How the fuck can anyone here admit that? We don't know... and none of us have the clearance to know for sure. We do know that the law says Obama can't order a wire tap.
The FBI ordered the wiretap, dumbass, and Obama knew about it. Anyone who says he didn't is a lying douche bag.

Prove it. Prove it. Prove it. Some article by some British journalist or an article from Breitbart referencing the British journalist isn't going to get it. You Trumpbots crack me up that you don't believe the Russian hack and meddling in the election but you believe some random British reporter. :lmao:

What are you talking about? I've linked to the NYT. The media has been reporting about this for months on end.

But Louise Mensch isn't the only reporter. The Guardian and the BBC have written about this as well.

It's the NYT's though that nails it. Continually.

No, those articles are saying that they got information through wire taps on the Russians communications, not Trump's team. Not sure how many times you guys have to be told this.

If your friend is selling drugs and the cops get a warrant to tap their phone... and you call your friend and the cops catch you trying to make a drug deal over the phone... they didn't wire tap your phone, but they did bust you. Do you understand? That's what happened here, Flynn and gang called the wrong people.

Pffffffffft. These investigations involve far more than just intercepted phone calls. Agencies have gone so far to demand that Deutsche bank investigate Ivanka and Jared Kushner and even Jared's mother for crying out loud.

Goalposts on the move.
Remember all the times the Trumptards around here said that it didn't matter if the DNC/Hillary emails were hacked ILLEGALLY,

because it was worth it to get to what the Trumptards called the truth?????

lol, I remember, and therefore,

why aren't you applying that reasoning to wiretapping Trump, if any such thing occurred?

If Barack Obama, the most corrupt president in the history of the nation, illegally wire tapped the President Elect, as it appears he indeed did, then this is constitutional crises that dwarfs Watergate.

I honestly don't know how it works. Is it treason and sedition by Obama? On the face it is, but can a sitting president actually engage in treason? It IS shameful beyond anything ever done by a sitting president.

Since there is ZERO evidence of an illegal wiretapping, you need to give it a rest.

So you admit there was "legal" wiretapping going on. All Trump said was he was being tapped by Obama during the election.

No that's not all Trump said, and no I did not 'admit' Trump was being legally wiretapped.
I seriously doubt he was being tapped legally. He was being tapped so they could find dirt on him. This is how they destroyed their enemies. The Obama Administration was notorious for finding dirt on anyone who got in their way. They didn't give a damn about laws. Laws are for the rest of us. Not them.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump actually said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
Remember all the times the Trumptards around here said that it didn't matter if the DNC/Hillary emails were hacked ILLEGALLY,

because it was worth it to get to what the Trumptards called the truth?????

lol, I remember, and therefore,

why aren't you applying that reasoning to wiretapping Trump, if any such thing occurred?

If Barack Obama, the most corrupt president in the history of the nation, illegally wire tapped the President Elect, as it appears he indeed did, then this is constitutional crises that dwarfs Watergate.

I honestly don't know how it works. Is it treason and sedition by Obama? On the face it is, but can a sitting president actually engage in treason? It IS shameful beyond anything ever done by a sitting president.

Since there is ZERO evidence of an illegal wiretapping, you need to give it a rest.

So you admit there was "legal" wiretapping going on. All Trump said was he was being tapped by Obama during the election.

No that's not all Trump said, and no I did not 'admit' Trump was being legally wiretapped.
I seriously doubt he was being tapped legally. He was being tapped so they could find dirt on him. This is how they destroyed their enemies. The Obama Administration was notorious for finding dirt on anyone who got in their way. They didn't give a damn about laws. Laws are for the rest of us. Not them.

Like I said, ZERO evidence.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump actually said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
We've known that people surrounding Trump have had ties to Russian officials and investigations have come from that for over a year now. That news is nothing new.
Trump is now attempting to flip the narrative to create the appearance of malfeasance by the Obama admin in order to make himself the victim rather than the focus of a quite serious investigation.
If Barack Obama, the most corrupt president in the history of the nation, illegally wire tapped the President Elect, as it appears he indeed did, then this is constitutional crises that dwarfs Watergate.

I honestly don't know how it works. Is it treason and sedition by Obama? On the face it is, but can a sitting president actually engage in treason? It IS shameful beyond anything ever done by a sitting president.

Since there is ZERO evidence of an illegal wiretapping, you need to give it a rest.

So you admit there was "legal" wiretapping going on. All Trump said was he was being tapped by Obama during the election.

No that's not all Trump said, and no I did not 'admit' Trump was being legally wiretapped.
I seriously doubt he was being tapped legally. He was being tapped so they could find dirt on him. This is how they destroyed their enemies. The Obama Administration was notorious for finding dirt on anyone who got in their way. They didn't give a damn about laws. Laws are for the rest of us. Not them.

Like I said, ZERO evidence.
Plenty of evidence. You just refuse to admit it. We've been reading the evidence in the news for at least 8 years.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump actually said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
We've known that people surrounding Trump have had ties to Russian officials and investigations have come from that for over a year now. That news is nothing new.
Trump is attempting to flip the narrative to create the appearance of malfeasance by the Obama admin in order to make himself the victim rather than the focus of a quite serious investigation.
It was clear long before Trump ran for president that Obama has been guilty of malfeasance. The list is long and well documented. You simply refuse to believe anything that has come to light even though you sucks have been bragging about the evidence since Obama took office in 2009.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
His supporters are all over these boards saying that he is right, offering proof, etc. I want him to just come out with the proof. If it has been in the NYT, this should be easy for him to do. Just show us the proof.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
His supporters are all over these boards saying that he is right, offering proof, etc. I want him to just come out with the proof. If it has been in the NYT, this should be easy for him to do. Just show us the proof.
Each day that does by with no proof makes it less likely that any exists.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump actually said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
We've known that people surrounding Trump have had ties to Russian officials and investigations have come from that for over a year now. That news is nothing new.
Trump is attempting to flip the narrative to create the appearance of malfeasance by the Obama admin in order to make himself the victim rather than the focus of a quite serious investigation.
It was clear long before Trump ran for president that Obama has been guilty of malfeasance. The list is long and well documented. You simply refuse to believe anything that has come to light even though you sucks have been bragging about the evidence since Obama took office in 2009.
Just let Trump show us the proof. We know what you think of Obama.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
His supporters are all over these boards saying that he is right, offering proof, etc. I want him to just come out with the proof. If it has been in the NYT, this should be easy for him to do. Just show us the proof.
Each day that does by with no proof makes it less likely that any exists.
I agree, but with Trump, you just never know. If he is lying or delusional about this, we might not need a special prosecutor on Russia. Article 25 is it?
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
The task of any prosecution is to present proof, not the other way around. Democrats never proved that Trump was in collusion with Russia. Instead they went on a fishing expedition looking for dirt. How did they know who Trump officials talked to and how did they know what was said during those conversations? They had to have been tapping his communications illegally and leaking it to the press even after he was sworn in.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
The task of any prosecution is to present proof, not the other way around. Democrats never proved that Trump was in collusion with Russia. Instead they went on a fishing expedition looking for dirt. How did they know who Trump officials talked to and how did they know what was said during those conversations? They had to have been tapping his communications illegally and leaking it to the press even after he was sworn in.
What prosecution?

They looked, they found nothing, that was it.

Trump, on the other hand, has made a historic accusation with no proof. We was judge and jury.
So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
The problem seems to be that nothing has been found. The only thing that has been discovered it that members of the Trump administration had contact with Russian officials in carrying out the transition. There has been no wrongdoing found. Democraps are taking a huge leap and accusing them of collusion without evidence. Democrats have ties to Russia. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt. Hillary took massive amounts of cash for her speaking engagements, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has been caught rubbing elbows with them. Never mind the fact that aprox 80 Democrats are card carrying Communists.
It may well be that nothing has been found, but that was the process needed to determine if anything was there.

Unless Trump comes up with real evidence, his inference that this had something to do with the campaign is another lie. Only THIS lie is historic in context.

So far, all he has is Mark Levin, Breitbart, and his little tweet.
His supporters are all over these boards saying that he is right, offering proof, etc. I want him to just come out with the proof. If it has been in the NYT, this should be easy for him to do. Just show us the proof.
Each day that does by with no proof makes it less likely that any exists.
I agree, but with Trump, you just never know. If he is lying or delusional about this, we might not need a special prosecutor on Russia. Article 25 is it?
For the stability of our government, such as it is, I would hate to see that. But the argument for it is there, and it's growing.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.

So the Republicans' argument here is not what Trump actually said - "How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the sacred election process" - which clearly infers meddling in the campaign, but that members of Trump's group were being investigated for ties to Russia.

Do have I have that right?
We've known that people surrounding Trump have had ties to Russian officials and investigations have come from that for over a year now. That news is nothing new.
Trump is attempting to flip the narrative to create the appearance of malfeasance by the Obama admin in order to make himself the victim rather than the focus of a quite serious investigation.
It was clear long before Trump ran for president that Obama has been guilty of malfeasance. The list is long and well documented. You simply refuse to believe anything that has come to light even though you sucks have been bragging about the evidence since Obama took office in 2009.
Just let Trump show us the proof. We know what you think of Obama.
I'm sure that if the proof hasn't been destroyed by Obama holdovers, he will. Last week Obama released a statement that all of the evidence needed to be protected. Either that was a cue to destroy it by his covert operatives inside the NSA, CIA, and FBI, or it was an order to spread it around before the guilty parties are discovered.


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