Obama was kept informed of the conversations by wire tap. No spin. No more BS libs

Okay, information to the gullible and novice Liberals here......Hillary claimed she never knowingly sent or received any classified information on her private server. This reeks of either incompetence or dishonesty. Every US Government employee has to attend classes on Cyber Awareness and OPSEC annually. We have to know how to recognize classified or sensitive information when we see it. We have to know who to contact when we spot a threat. We have to know the levels of classified communications and be able to name them. Reporting a breach isn't a crime. Hillary was guilty of negligence which was clearly spelled out by Comey on more than one occasion. She wasn't put under oath, so she didn't commit perjury. However she did knowingly mishandle classified information. Information that was later classified as Top Secret SAP. Comey could have recommended indictment but chose not to. Simply saying Obama bugged his private office is not a crime. Spelling out what happened in detail could be classified because of the sensitive nature of the evidence. Trump called for an investigation and he's getting one. He also announced there will be no futher comment on the subject. I think some government employees will be breaking rocks at Leavenworth before this is over.

Hillary skipped her classified training... but Trump and his team skipped their ethics training. So I guess it is tit for tat huh?
Yeah, run with that, Skippy.

Uh, it's true.

Trump’s team nixed ethics course for White House staff
Problem dipshit.......

"the contract was never awarded because after the election the transition team shifted its priorities, according to a letter the General Services Administration sent to bidders such as the Partnership for Public Service. The program was expected to cost $1 million, the documents show."

They canceled it. Period... you're just trying to make excuses now.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Obama's inauguration didn't have any "white spaces" where you could see the ground on the National Mall. His crowd also filled up the area under the trees, and was estimated to be 1.9 million.

Spinning "fake news" doesn't turn it into real news.
Obama's inauguration had no white sheeting laid down to set up the comparison either.
Okay, information to the gullible and novice Liberals here......Hillary claimed she never knowingly sent or received any classified information on her private server. This reeks of either incompetence or dishonesty. Every US Government employee has to attend classes on Cyber Awareness and OPSEC annually. We have to know how to recognize classified or sensitive information when we see it. We have to know who to contact when we spot a threat. We have to know the levels of classified communications and be able to name them. Reporting a breach isn't a crime. Hillary was guilty of negligence which was clearly spelled out by Comey on more than one occasion. She wasn't put under oath, so she didn't commit perjury. However she did knowingly mishandle classified information. Information that was later classified as Top Secret SAP. Comey could have recommended indictment but chose not to. Simply saying Obama bugged his private office is not a crime. Spelling out what happened in detail could be classified because of the sensitive nature of the evidence. Trump called for an investigation and he's getting one. He also announced there will be no futher comment on the subject. I think some government employees will be breaking rocks at Leavenworth before this is over.

Hillary skipped her classified training... but Trump and his team skipped their ethics training. So I guess it is tit for tat huh?
Yeah, run with that, Skippy.

Uh, it's true.

Trump’s team nixed ethics course for White House staff
Problem dipshit.......

"the contract was never awarded because after the election the transition team shifted its priorities, according to a letter the General Services Administration sent to bidders such as the Partnership for Public Service. The program was expected to cost $1 million, the documents show."

They canceled it. Period... you're just trying to make excuses now.
Nope. Your own link showed they cancelled the contract and conducted similar training anyway.
Okay, information to the gullible and novice Liberals here......Hillary claimed she never knowingly sent or received any classified information on her private server. This reeks of either incompetence or dishonesty. Every US Government employee has to attend classes on Cyber Awareness and OPSEC annually. We have to know how to recognize classified or sensitive information when we see it. We have to know who to contact when we spot a threat. We have to know the levels of classified communications and be able to name them. Reporting a breach isn't a crime. Hillary was guilty of negligence which was clearly spelled out by Comey on more than one occasion. She wasn't put under oath, so she didn't commit perjury. However she did knowingly mishandle classified information. Information that was later classified as Top Secret SAP. Comey could have recommended indictment but chose not to. Simply saying Obama bugged his private office is not a crime. Spelling out what happened in detail could be classified because of the sensitive nature of the evidence. Trump called for an investigation and he's getting one. He also announced there will be no futher comment on the subject. I think some government employees will be breaking rocks at Leavenworth before this is over.

Hillary skipped her classified training... but Trump and his team skipped their ethics training. So I guess it is tit for tat huh?
Yeah, run with that, Skippy.

Uh, it's true.

Trump’s team nixed ethics course for White House staff
Uh uh uh. You never know what you're talking about. It was for his transition team, nor did you comprehend the content.

But the contract was never awarded because after the election the transition team shifted its priorities, according to a letter the General Services Administration sent to bidders such as the Partnership for Public Service. The program was expected to cost $1 million, the documents show. The contract-based training program was authorized in 2000, and the Obama and Bush transitions both received the training.

“It has been determined that the requirements as defined in the RFQ do not accurately reflect the current needs of the Presidential Transition Team,” the GSA contracting officer, Matthew Gormley, wrote in the Jan. 10 letter.

The agency’s cancellation notice elaborated on the reasons for dropping the program.

“As a result of a change in Presidential Transition Team leadership after the Nov. 8, 2016, election, there have been changes in the PTT’s goals for the political appointee orientation program,” it said. Shortly after the election, Vice President Mike Pence took over running the transition from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie."

They shifted their priorities... EXACTLY! They didn't want to go through ethics training, and guess what, they don't give a flying fuck about being ethical.
That the DOJ obtained a FISA warrant is established fact. "

The problem is establishsing the target of that FISA warrant. I believe it was a server owned by a private company, but being used by Trump to communicate with a Russian bank.
Considering everyone around Trump is being investigated including Ivanka's freaking mother in law, it is not a bloody big leap to think Trump is being spied on as well.

It defies logic that we should omit Trump out of the equation.

So you won't answer my question? Got it, coward.
Okay, information to the gullible and novice Liberals here......Hillary claimed she never knowingly sent or received any classified information on her private server. This reeks of either incompetence or dishonesty. Every US Government employee has to attend classes on Cyber Awareness and OPSEC annually. We have to know how to recognize classified or sensitive information when we see it. We have to know who to contact when we spot a threat. We have to know the levels of classified communications and be able to name them. Reporting a breach isn't a crime. Hillary was guilty of negligence which was clearly spelled out by Comey on more than one occasion. She wasn't put under oath, so she didn't commit perjury. However she did knowingly mishandle classified information. Information that was later classified as Top Secret SAP. Comey could have recommended indictment but chose not to. Simply saying Obama bugged his private office is not a crime. Spelling out what happened in detail could be classified because of the sensitive nature of the evidence. Trump called for an investigation and he's getting one. He also announced there will be no futher comment on the subject. I think some government employees will be breaking rocks at Leavenworth before this is over.

Hillary skipped her classified training... but Trump and his team skipped their ethics training. So I guess it is tit for tat huh?
Yeah, run with that, Skippy.

Uh, it's true.

Trump’s team nixed ethics course for White House staff
Uh uh uh. You never know what you're talking about. It was for his transition team, nor did you comprehend the content.

But the contract was never awarded because after the election the transition team shifted its priorities, according to a letter the General Services Administration sent to bidders such as the Partnership for Public Service. The program was expected to cost $1 million, the documents show. The contract-based training program was authorized in 2000, and the Obama and Bush transitions both received the training.

“It has been determined that the requirements as defined in the RFQ do not accurately reflect the current needs of the Presidential Transition Team,” the GSA contracting officer, Matthew Gormley, wrote in the Jan. 10 letter.

The agency’s cancellation notice elaborated on the reasons for dropping the program.

“As a result of a change in Presidential Transition Team leadership after the Nov. 8, 2016, election, there have been changes in the PTT’s goals for the political appointee orientation program,” it said. Shortly after the election, Vice President Mike Pence took over running the transition from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie."

They shifted their priorities... EXACTLY! They didn't want to go through ethics training, and guess what, they don't give a flying fuck about being ethical.
Of course they don't....neither do their puppets.
How is it a fact? You have no verifiable source! Mark Levin or some journalist from Great Britain are not reliable sources...

As I said, the hate sites will be updated later today or tomorrow, and you will angrly demand that you never denied the tap on Trump tower.

You've been provided the facts, which were for the lurkers since you cannot reason. No point in arguing with you, your mind will be changed by the party shortly.

No, when I see REAL evidence from REAL sources and not just someone's opinion, then I'll eat crow. Save this post if you want. I admit when I'm wrong.

ThinkProgress will update what you think soon enough.
To Lefty Cretans.

I have asked this question 15 times in this forum. Not one Lefty Cretan dared answer it.

Again, do you believe Clapper?

He said, "No Russian Collusion with The Trump Team to impact the election."
He said, "No wire tapping in Trump Tower."

Trump Tower was where Flynn's congratulatory phone call took place and The Washington Post was given verbatim transcripts of that call.

So how did the Post Obtain something that could only be obtained by a wire tap?

Does Lefty Believe Obama's Chief Intelligence Officer, Clapper?

Phone A calls Phone B. Phone A is Flynn. Phone B is whomever he was talking to. Phone B has a wire tap... it records the conversation between Phone A and Phone B. Phone A did not have a wire tap.

Oh...so you've seen the documentation that spells this all out in detail???

I'm not a Democrat. :rolleyes:

Why is it that everyone that is anti-Trump has to be a Democrat?

You are a far left fascist whackjob who faithfully recites bullshit from the Soros hate sites.

Lemmee guess, you're a Republican like Jake Starkey and Guno5000, amirite?

No I'm a former Republican that is now an Independent. I've said this since day one on this forum, and have NEVER swerved from it. I'm pro-life and pro-guns... and fiscally conservative. I have said quite loudly and often, I can't stand the two political parties.

So you won't answer my question? Got it, coward.

You don't have a question. You have mindless talking points that your hate site told you would stump the Capitalists. Your idiotic gotcha bullshit was refuted long ago, yet you persist in repeating the idiocy, because it is all you know to do.
Okay, information to the gullible and novice Liberals here......Hillary claimed she never knowingly sent or received any classified information on her private server. This reeks of either incompetence or dishonesty. Every US Government employee has to attend classes on Cyber Awareness and OPSEC annually. We have to know how to recognize classified or sensitive information when we see it. We have to know who to contact when we spot a threat. We have to know the levels of classified communications and be able to name them. Reporting a breach isn't a crime. Hillary was guilty of negligence which was clearly spelled out by Comey on more than one occasion. She wasn't put under oath, so she didn't commit perjury. However she did knowingly mishandle classified information. Information that was later classified as Top Secret SAP. Comey could have recommended indictment but chose not to. Simply saying Obama bugged his private office is not a crime. Spelling out what happened in detail could be classified because of the sensitive nature of the evidence. Trump called for an investigation and he's getting one. He also announced there will be no futher comment on the subject. I think some government employees will be breaking rocks at Leavenworth before this is over.

Hillary skipped her classified training... but Trump and his team skipped their ethics training. So I guess it is tit for tat huh?
Yeah, run with that, Skippy.

Uh, it's true.

Trump’s team nixed ethics course for White House staff
Uh uh uh. You never know what you're talking about. It was for his transition team, nor did you comprehend the content.

But the contract was never awarded because after the election the transition team shifted its priorities, according to a letter the General Services Administration sent to bidders such as the Partnership for Public Service. The program was expected to cost $1 million, the documents show. The contract-based training program was authorized in 2000, and the Obama and Bush transitions both received the training.

“It has been determined that the requirements as defined in the RFQ do not accurately reflect the current needs of the Presidential Transition Team,” the GSA contracting officer, Matthew Gormley, wrote in the Jan. 10 letter.

The agency’s cancellation notice elaborated on the reasons for dropping the program.

“As a result of a change in Presidential Transition Team leadership after the Nov. 8, 2016, election, there have been changes in the PTT’s goals for the political appointee orientation program,” it said. Shortly after the election, Vice President Mike Pence took over running the transition from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie."

They shifted their priorities... EXACTLY! They didn't want to go through ethics training, and guess what, they don't give a flying fuck about being ethical.
Actually that is an assumption with no basis in evidence.

I'm not a Democrat. :rolleyes:

Why is it that everyone that is anti-Trump has to be a Democrat?

You are a far left fascist whackjob who faithfully recites bullshit from the Soros hate sites.

Lemmee guess, you're a Republican like Jake Starkey and Guno5000, amirite?

No I'm a former Republican that is now an Independent. I've said this since day one on this forum, and have NEVER swerved from it. I'm pro-life and pro-guns... and fiscally conservative. I have said quite loudly and often, I can't stand the two political parties.

You're fiscally conservative :lmao:

Uh, no...

You're a far left whackjob.

So you won't answer my question? Got it, coward.

You don't have a question. You have mindless talking points that your hate site told you would stump the Capitalists. Your idiotic gotcha bullshit was refuted long ago, yet you persist in repeating the idiocy, because it is all you know to do.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.


Lewd, you reciting the scripts from the Soros hate sites might well be the extent of your abilities, however to we rational folk, you talking points are not convincing..

{Mukasey added that the FBI reportedly tried to get a wiretap based on their criminal investigation function in June of 2016 and were rejected. They later got an electronic surveillance order in October of 2016. Raddatz asked if this means that there were suspicious activity between the Trump administration and the Russians, which Mukasey said all it means is that the DOJ felt that someone at Trump Tower might have been acting as an agent to the Russian government for whatever reasons—not necessarily dealing with the election. He also reiterated that the FBI keeps track of anyone, Russian, Korean, Italian, Chinese etc., who act as agents of foreign governments.}

Former AG: Yes–The President Is Right To Think That Trump Tower Was Under Electronic Surveillance

Trump Tower was bugged. That is established fact.

Did Obama order it? Your Fuhrer and the hate sites that do your thinking for you will say no. Obama is unlikely to have DIRECTLY ordered that Trump Tower be bugged, but indirectly his orders to do anything they can to find a link between Trump and Russia led to the tap.

Some former AG's opinion is not fact. You do understand the difference between opinion and fact right?

That the DOJ obtained a FISA warrant is established fact. Sadly, your Fuhrer does not allow you to acknowledge facts. Later today or tomorrow the hate sites will admit the irrefutable and provided you with spin to recite. Until then you will deny water is wet. Once given your new ordered you will deny that you ever denied the tap. You will recited the new spin and declare "we have always been at war with EastAsia."

How is it a fact? You have no verifiable source! Mark Levin or some journalist from Great Britain are not reliable sources...

Don't hand me that shit that only Mark Levin or Louise Mensch are the only sources on the FISA requests. The Guardian and the BBC have said the request was made. McClatchy as well.

Right in my OP the New York Times wrote about wire tapping. That means there has to be court orders.

Let's freaking see them and get ready to rumble.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Obama's inauguration didn't have any "white spaces" where you could see the ground on the National Mall. His crowd also filled up the area under the trees, and was estimated to be 1.9 million.

Spinning "fake news" doesn't turn it into real news.

Regardless, I gave you evidence of how the leftist press manipulates photographs.

The crowd was substantial and the yellow journalists of the DNC who published misleading pictures prove what I have said for years;

"Journalistic Integrity" is and oxymoron.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.

You recited a talking point from the hate sites that has been refuted dozens of times.

So you won't answer my question? Got it, coward.

You don't have a question. You have mindless talking points that your hate site told you would stump the Capitalists. Your idiotic gotcha bullshit was refuted long ago, yet you persist in repeating the idiocy, because it is all you know to do.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.
I think he feels he was bugged.....and nobody would know better than he does. Too many times in the past Trump has made statements that turned out to be true after the press trashed him for months. One of them is Obama's birth certificate. It is a forgery, because Obama sealed the original nobody knows for sure. The original states his father as unknown. Obama didn’t want that getting out.

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