Obama was kept informed of the conversations by wire tap. No spin. No more BS libs

On the bright side Judicial Watch has kicked into gear with a FOIA lawsuit over the Flynn surveilliance.

And the net has to be spread far and wide in these investigations in the House and the Senate now to get the people who illegally leaked classified information.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.

You recited a talking point from the hate sites that has been refuted dozens of times.

Wrong. So you won't answer my question either. You know that no matter how you answer you lose. And you won't bite the bullet and give an honest answer... instead you'll just be a coward and try to deflect the conversation.

So you won't answer my question? Got it, coward.

You don't have a question. You have mindless talking points that your hate site told you would stump the Capitalists. Your idiotic gotcha bullshit was refuted long ago, yet you persist in repeating the idiocy, because it is all you know to do.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.
I think he feels he was bugged.....and nobody would know better than he does. Too many times in the past Trump has made statements that turned out to be true after the press trashed him for months. One of them is Obama's birth certificate. It is a forgery, because Obama sealed the original nobody knows for sure. The original states his father as unknown. Obama didn’t want that getting out.

That's not the question I asked. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?
Yer kidden, right?

What the NY Times published, taken 17 hours before the inauguration;


What they buried, taken 11 hours before the inauguration.


Funny how that works, isn't it?

Looks like lewdog was right. It's the same photograph, only zoomed in. Look at the shadows, they would be completely different in the two photos if they were taken 8 hours apart. You know the whole flat earth thing.

Why somebody would try to pull off those photos being taken 8 hours apart means they're either very gullible, and/or not very smart.
That the DOJ obtained a FISA warrant is established fact.

While the Trump White House cited five news reports to justify its request for a congressional investigation, only two actually are relevant.

It’s certainly ironic that the Trump White House - which has heavily criticized articles relying on anonymous sources - now relies on articles based on anonymous sources that cites information that has not been confirmed by any U.S. news organization. It would be amusing if it were not so sad.

Even if these reports are accepted as accurate, neither back up Trump’s claims that Obama ordered the tapping of his phone calls. Moreover, they also do not back up the administration’s revised claim of politically motivated investigations.

We’re still waiting for the evidence.

Fact check: Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims - The Boston Globe


Lewd, you reciting the scripts from the Soros hate sites might well be the extent of your abilities, however to we rational folk, you talking points are not convincing..

{Mukasey added that the FBI reportedly tried to get a wiretap based on their criminal investigation function in June of 2016 and were rejected. They later got an electronic surveillance order in October of 2016. Raddatz asked if this means that there were suspicious activity between the Trump administration and the Russians, which Mukasey said all it means is that the DOJ felt that someone at Trump Tower might have been acting as an agent to the Russian government for whatever reasons—not necessarily dealing with the election. He also reiterated that the FBI keeps track of anyone, Russian, Korean, Italian, Chinese etc., who act as agents of foreign governments.}

Former AG: Yes–The President Is Right To Think That Trump Tower Was Under Electronic Surveillance

Trump Tower was bugged. That is established fact.

Did Obama order it? Your Fuhrer and the hate sites that do your thinking for you will say no. Obama is unlikely to have DIRECTLY ordered that Trump Tower be bugged, but indirectly his orders to do anything they can to find a link between Trump and Russia led to the tap.

Some former AG's opinion is not fact. You do understand the difference between opinion and fact right?

That the DOJ obtained a FISA warrant is established fact. Sadly, your Fuhrer does not allow you to acknowledge facts. Later today or tomorrow the hate sites will admit the irrefutable and provided you with spin to recite. Until then you will deny water is wet. Once given your new ordered you will deny that you ever denied the tap. You will recited the new spin and declare "we have always been at war with EastAsia."

How is it a fact? You have no verifiable source! Mark Levin or some journalist from Great Britain are not reliable sources...

Don't hand me that shit that only Mark Levin or Louise Mensch are the only sources on the FISA requests. The Guardian and the BBC have said the request was made. McClatchy as well.

Right in my OP the New York Times wrote about wire tapping. That means there has to be court orders.

Let's freaking see them and get ready to rumble.

Shit, I posted ABC.

The "deny water is wet" idiocy of the fascist left was tolerated for far too long. It is their favorite trick. Drones like Lewd don't grasp, nor care, why they are instructed to recite absurdities, but Psyops planners at the hate sites program the drones to do so precisely to frustrate normal people Normal people expect others to react in a rational manner. When the drones utterly refuse to behave in a rational way, it throws normal people off. The frustration is what the handlers want.

Lewd does not grasp what he is saying, he says what he is programmed to say. The goal of his handlers from the Soros sites is to frustrate and fluster people like you.
Lewd does not grasp what he is saying, he says what he is programmed to say. The goal of his handlers from the Soros sites is to frustrate and fluster people like you.

You gotta admit that lewdog caught you with your "fake news" inaugural photos. Claiming the same photo, only zoomed in, were two different photos taken 8 hours apart has to go down as a classic.
Lewd, you reciting the scripts from the Soros hate sites might well be the extent of your abilities, however to we rational folk, you talking points are not convincing..

{Mukasey added that the FBI reportedly tried to get a wiretap based on their criminal investigation function in June of 2016 and were rejected. They later got an electronic surveillance order in October of 2016. Raddatz asked if this means that there were suspicious activity between the Trump administration and the Russians, which Mukasey said all it means is that the DOJ felt that someone at Trump Tower might have been acting as an agent to the Russian government for whatever reasons—not necessarily dealing with the election. He also reiterated that the FBI keeps track of anyone, Russian, Korean, Italian, Chinese etc., who act as agents of foreign governments.}

Former AG: Yes–The President Is Right To Think That Trump Tower Was Under Electronic Surveillance

Trump Tower was bugged. That is established fact.

Did Obama order it? Your Fuhrer and the hate sites that do your thinking for you will say no. Obama is unlikely to have DIRECTLY ordered that Trump Tower be bugged, but indirectly his orders to do anything they can to find a link between Trump and Russia led to the tap.

Some former AG's opinion is not fact. You do understand the difference between opinion and fact right?

That the DOJ obtained a FISA warrant is established fact. Sadly, your Fuhrer does not allow you to acknowledge facts. Later today or tomorrow the hate sites will admit the irrefutable and provided you with spin to recite. Until then you will deny water is wet. Once given your new ordered you will deny that you ever denied the tap. You will recited the new spin and declare "we have always been at war with EastAsia."

How is it a fact? You have no verifiable source! Mark Levin or some journalist from Great Britain are not reliable sources...

Don't hand me that shit that only Mark Levin or Louise Mensch are the only sources on the FISA requests. The Guardian and the BBC have said the request was made. McClatchy as well.

Right in my OP the New York Times wrote about wire tapping. That means there has to be court orders.

Let's freaking see them and get ready to rumble.

Shit, I posted ABC.

The "deny water is wet" idiocy of the fascist left was tolerated for far too long. It is their favorite trick. Drones like Lewd don't grasp, nor care, why they are instructed to recite absurdities, but Psyops planners at the hate sites program the drones to do so precisely to frustrate normal people Normal people expect others to react in a rational manner. When the drones utterly refuse to behave in a rational way, it throws normal people off. The frustration is what the handlers want.

Lewd does not grasp what he is saying, he says what he is programmed to say. The goal of his handlers from the Soros sites is to frustrate and fluster people like you.

Sorry, but I don't recite what anyone tells me to say. I'm my own person.

Why won't you answer my question? Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?!!? Why are you being a fucking coward? Looks like you are the one that is a fucking drone, you won't answer the question because you need someone else to tell you what to say.

The problem is establishsing the target of that FISA warrant. I believe it was a server owned by a private company, but being used by Trump to communicate with a Russian bank.

You believe whatever the Soros hate sites tell you to believe.

Slate ran a fake news story that was intended to hack the election for the fascist democrats. The Slate story made the absurd and completely unsubstantiated claim that a server in Trump tower was trading large amounts of data with Russian banks.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

Now the story was false, as we all know. This was nothing more that a fairy tale made up to try and damage Trump to sway the election, based on someone claiming to decipher DNS lookups (an actual server would cache DNS and only do a lookup once).

While the DOJ indeed used this fake news as the basis for the FISA request, there never was any server nor communication with a Russian bank, this was just the slander and libel that defines the leftist press.

The depth of the corruption of the DOJ on this issue is as of yet unknown, though we do know Loretta Lynch is a crook from top to bottom and part of the most corrupt administration in American history.

I think even you Soros Soldiers are fully aware that with enough digging, a LOT of dirt will be found. My question is what Trump will do with this?

Look, Lynch and Holder are Al Capone level crooks. I can think of little better for the health of the nation that putting those two in prison for the remainder of their lives (add Hillary in as well.) But what to do with Obama?

The problem is establishsing the target of that FISA warrant. I believe it was a server owned by a private company, but being used by Trump to communicate with a Russian bank.

You believe whatever the Soros hate sites tell you to believe.

Slate ran a fake news story that was intended to hack the election for the fascist democrats. The Slate story made the absurd and completely unsubstantiated claim that a server in Trump tower was trading large amounts of data with Russian banks.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

Now the story was false, as we all know. This was nothing more that a fairy tale made up to try and damage Trump to sway the election, based on someone claiming to decipher DNS lookups (an actual server would cache DNS and only do a lookup once).

While the DOJ indeed used this fake news as the basis for the FISA request, there never was any server nor communication with a Russian bank, this was just the slander and libel that defines the leftist press.

The depth of the corruption of the DOJ on this issue is as of yet unknown, though we do know Loretta Lynch is a crook from top to bottom and part of the most corrupt administration in American history.

I think even you Soros Soldiers are fully aware that with enough digging, a LOT of dirt will be found. My question is what Trump will do with this?

Look, Lynch and Holder are Al Capone level crooks. I can think of little better for the health of the nation that putting those two in prison for the remainder of their lives (add Hillary in as well.) But what to do with Obama?

Jesus dude you are like a broken record. If someone disagrees with you and is anti-Trump they are only that way because someone else tells them to be... you're a fucking loon.

Why won't you answer my question??? Why won't a single Trumpbot in this thread answer it?

Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar??? Why are all the Trumpbots cowards?

So you won't answer my question? Got it, coward.

You don't have a question. You have mindless talking points that your hate site told you would stump the Capitalists. Your idiotic gotcha bullshit was refuted long ago, yet you persist in repeating the idiocy, because it is all you know to do.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.
I think he feels he was bugged.....and nobody would know better than he does. Too many times in the past Trump has made statements that turned out to be true after the press trashed him for months. One of them is Obama's birth certificate. It is a forgery, because Obama sealed the original nobody knows for sure. The original states his father as unknown. Obama didn’t want that getting out.

That's not the question I asked. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?
What does it matter? You won't believe anything I say anyway.

I know Obama is a liar.
I know Hillary is a liar.
I know Chuck Schumer is a liar.
I know Harry Reid is a liar.
I know Nancy Pelosi is a liar.
I know Debbie Blabbermouth Shits is a liar.
I know Maxine Waters is a liar.
I know John McCain is a liar.
I know Lindsey Graham is a liar.
I know Chuck Todd is a liar.
I know Megyn Kelly is a liar.
I know Elizabeth Warren is a liar.
I know Al Gore is a liar.
I know John Kerry is a liar.

So you won't answer my question? Got it, coward.

You don't have a question. You have mindless talking points that your hate site told you would stump the Capitalists. Your idiotic gotcha bullshit was refuted long ago, yet you persist in repeating the idiocy, because it is all you know to do.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.
I think he feels he was bugged.....and nobody would know better than he does. Too many times in the past Trump has made statements that turned out to be true after the press trashed him for months. One of them is Obama's birth certificate. It is a forgery, because Obama sealed the original nobody knows for sure. The original states his father as unknown. Obama didn’t want that getting out.

That's not the question I asked. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?
What does it matter? You won't believe anything I say anyway.

I know Obama is a liar.
I know Hillary is a liar.
I know Chuck Schumer is a liar.
I know Harry Reid is a liar.
I know Nancy Pelosi is a liar.
I know Debbie Blabbermouth Shits is a liar.
I know Maxine Waters is a liar.
I know John McCain is a liar.
I know Lindsey Graham is a liar.
I know Chuck Todd is a liar.
I know Megyn Kelly is a liar.
I know Elizabeth Warren is a liar.
I know Al Gore is a liar.
I know John Kerry is a liar.

Nope, just tell me. Do you believe Trump or is he a liar?
You don't have a question. You have mindless talking points that your hate site told you would stump the Capitalists. Your idiotic gotcha bullshit was refuted long ago, yet you persist in repeating the idiocy, because it is all you know to do.

I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.
I think he feels he was bugged.....and nobody would know better than he does. Too many times in the past Trump has made statements that turned out to be true after the press trashed him for months. One of them is Obama's birth certificate. It is a forgery, because Obama sealed the original nobody knows for sure. The original states his father as unknown. Obama didn’t want that getting out.

That's not the question I asked. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?
What does it matter? You won't believe anything I say anyway.

I know Obama is a liar.
I know Hillary is a liar.
I know Chuck Schumer is a liar.
I know Harry Reid is a liar.
I know Nancy Pelosi is a liar.
I know Debbie Blabbermouth Shits is a liar.
I know Maxine Waters is a liar.
I know John McCain is a liar.
I know Lindsey Graham is a liar.
I know Chuck Todd is a liar.
I know Megyn Kelly is a liar.
I know Elizabeth Warren is a liar.
I know Al Gore is a liar.
I know John Kerry is a liar.

Nope, just tell me. Do you believe Trump or is he a liar?

I think he is often misquoted and his words distorted. He more honest than any of the dickheads I mentioned.

Do you think any of the assholes listed is a liar?????

Probably not.
Lewd does not grasp what he is saying, he says what he is programmed to say. The goal of his handlers from the Soros sites is to frustrate and fluster people like you.

You gotta admit that lewdog caught you with your "fake news" inaugural photos. Claiming the same photo, only zoomed in, were two different photos taken 8 hours apart has to go down as a classic.

Uh, no.

I showed you how the fake news YOU promote alters images to tell the story that supports your fascist party.
I asked a simple question that Trumpbots won't answer. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar? Which is it? It's one or the other.
I think he feels he was bugged.....and nobody would know better than he does. Too many times in the past Trump has made statements that turned out to be true after the press trashed him for months. One of them is Obama's birth certificate. It is a forgery, because Obama sealed the original nobody knows for sure. The original states his father as unknown. Obama didn’t want that getting out.

That's not the question I asked. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?
What does it matter? You won't believe anything I say anyway.

I know Obama is a liar.
I know Hillary is a liar.
I know Chuck Schumer is a liar.
I know Harry Reid is a liar.
I know Nancy Pelosi is a liar.
I know Debbie Blabbermouth Shits is a liar.
I know Maxine Waters is a liar.
I know John McCain is a liar.
I know Lindsey Graham is a liar.
I know Chuck Todd is a liar.
I know Megyn Kelly is a liar.
I know Elizabeth Warren is a liar.
I know Al Gore is a liar.
I know John Kerry is a liar.

Nope, just tell me. Do you believe Trump or is he a liar?

I think he is often misquoted and his words distorted. He more honest than any of the dickheads I mentioned.

Do you think any of the assholes listed is a liar?????

Probably not.

You don't believe Trump? Your answer is pretty confusing...

Or are you saying you believe him but he gets misquoted in the media that makes him look like a liar?
Lewd does not grasp what he is saying, he says what he is programmed to say. The goal of his handlers from the Soros sites is to frustrate and fluster people like you.

You gotta admit that lewdog caught you with your "fake news" inaugural photos. Claiming the same photo, only zoomed in, were two different photos taken 8 hours apart has to go down as a classic.

Uh, no.

I showed you how the fake news YOU promote alters images to tell the story that supports your fascist party.

Dude... the photo is OBVIOUSLY the same photo just zoomed in.
I think he feels he was bugged.....and nobody would know better than he does. Too many times in the past Trump has made statements that turned out to be true after the press trashed him for months. One of them is Obama's birth certificate. It is a forgery, because Obama sealed the original nobody knows for sure. The original states his father as unknown. Obama didn’t want that getting out.

That's not the question I asked. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?
What does it matter? You won't believe anything I say anyway.

I know Obama is a liar.
I know Hillary is a liar.
I know Chuck Schumer is a liar.
I know Harry Reid is a liar.
I know Nancy Pelosi is a liar.
I know Debbie Blabbermouth Shits is a liar.
I know Maxine Waters is a liar.
I know John McCain is a liar.
I know Lindsey Graham is a liar.
I know Chuck Todd is a liar.
I know Megyn Kelly is a liar.
I know Elizabeth Warren is a liar.
I know Al Gore is a liar.
I know John Kerry is a liar.

Nope, just tell me. Do you believe Trump or is he a liar?

I think he is often misquoted and his words distorted. He more honest than any of the dickheads I mentioned.

Do you think any of the assholes listed is a liar?????

Probably not.

You don't believe Trump? Your answer is pretty confusing...

Or are you saying you believe him but he gets misquoted in the media that makes him look like a liar?
I said i did.

This lie about Trump telling the Russians to hack Hillary was derived from a statement he made during an event jokingly asking Putin to turn over her 30,000 missing emails.

That's just one example.
Lewd does not grasp what he is saying, he says what he is programmed to say. The goal of his handlers from the Soros sites is to frustrate and fluster people like you.

You gotta admit that lewdog caught you with your "fake news" inaugural photos. Claiming the same photo, only zoomed in, were two different photos taken 8 hours apart has to go down as a classic.

Uh, no.

I showed you how the fake news YOU promote alters images to tell the story that supports your fascist party.

Dude... the photo is OBVIOUSLY the same photo just zoomed in.
I'm on my lunch break. Don't you have a fucking job???

Stop wasting people's time, dickhead!!!
That's not the question I asked. Do you believe what Trump says or is he a liar?
What does it matter? You won't believe anything I say anyway.

I know Obama is a liar.
I know Hillary is a liar.
I know Chuck Schumer is a liar.
I know Harry Reid is a liar.
I know Nancy Pelosi is a liar.
I know Debbie Blabbermouth Shits is a liar.
I know Maxine Waters is a liar.
I know John McCain is a liar.
I know Lindsey Graham is a liar.
I know Chuck Todd is a liar.
I know Megyn Kelly is a liar.
I know Elizabeth Warren is a liar.
I know Al Gore is a liar.
I know John Kerry is a liar.

Nope, just tell me. Do you believe Trump or is he a liar?

I think he is often misquoted and his words distorted. He more honest than any of the dickheads I mentioned.

Do you think any of the assholes listed is a liar?????

Probably not.

You don't believe Trump? Your answer is pretty confusing...

Or are you saying you believe him but he gets misquoted in the media that makes him look like a liar?
I said i did.

This lie about Trump telling the Russians to hack Hillary was derived from a statement he made during an event jokingly asking Putin to turn over her 30,000 missing emails.

That's just one example.

Well Trump said that Russia hacked the DNC and gave the information to WikiLeaks... so there you go. You said you believe him, so you have to believe that. End of story.

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