Obama was not a good President, So why would he be a good President?

Obama was completely unqualified to be President the first time around. The last three and half years have proven that.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp50h4VyLmo]Lousy New Obama & Biden Campaign Slogans - CONAN on TBS - YouTube[/ame]
Obama was completely unqualified to be President the first time around. The last three and half years have proven that.

The qualifications for President include 1) being 35 years or older 2) being a natural born U.S. citizen.

I see you're still hanging on to the birther controversy.
I think he meant Obama has been a terrible president and well... Is there any controversy on this?
The funny thing is that Obama is campaigning on all the things he will do, yet, the empty headed morons who will vote for him seem to have forgotten that he's already been POTUS for 3.5 years and all he's done is screw things up.
I think he meant Obama has been a terrible president and well... Is there any controversy on this?

I dunno. Ask the folks who are and will benefit from the ACA.

I'm sure the parasites will love it but try asking the businesses that will fail, or ask the people who will lose their health insurance, or the elderly who will lose their medicare, or the doctors who will leave the field, if they like the ACA. You will always find that the leeches and moochers will love getting free stuff at the expence of people who work.
Last time I checked Obamacare wasn't that popular.

Americans are against the mandate.

They generally favor the rest of the bill.

That's because - like always - the taxpayers want something for nothing.

Support for the provisions of the healthcare law was strong, with a full 82 percent of survey respondents, for example, favoring banning insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

Sixty-one percent are in favor of allowing children to stay on their parents' insurance until age 26 and 72 percent back requiring companies with more than 50 employees to provide insurance for their employees.

Most Americans oppose health law but like provisions | Reuters

I doubt the folks whose salaries and wages came from stimulus dollars mind him, either.
The funny thing is that Obama is campaigning on all the things he will do, yet, the empty headed morons who will vote for him seem to have forgotten that he's already been POTUS for 3.5 years and all he's done is screw things up.

He is, in fact, campaigning on what he's done.

If you watch or read one of his campaign speeches, then you'll know what he's campaigning on. Novel thought, I know.
Last time I checked Obamacare wasn't that popular.

Americans are against the mandate.

They generally favor the rest of the bill.

That's because - like always - the taxpayers want something for nothing.

Support for the provisions of the healthcare law was strong, with a full 82 percent of survey respondents, for example, favoring banning insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

Sixty-one percent are in favor of allowing children to stay on their parents' insurance until age 26 and 72 percent back requiring companies with more than 50 employees to provide insurance for their employees.

Most Americans oppose health law but like provisions | Reuters

I doubt the folks whose salaries and wages came from stimulus dollars mind him, either.

That's spin, dude.

The truth is most Americans are fiscal conservatives and oppose Obamacare. Most of them don't like the idea of socialized medicine and government "taking care" of people. Most americans prefer to take care of themselves. Most of them prefer economic freedom. And as much as Obama and his supporters try to change that, it's impossible because you can't shove things down the throats of the majority like you're trying to do.

Obama is a radical and he hates all the things that have made America great. And all his life is dedicated to change the American mentality by every possible mean. He must think that this is his mission in this life, he must think that "hey, America is so evil and I'm the one who's gonna change that". Dude, you can't go forcing something this way. You can't just think you are so smarter than everybody else and that you know the truth and your mission is to force it down everybody's throats.

Obama is so convinced he's right about everything. That is his main problem. That is why he doesn't care about lying and misleading people and attacking his opponent like if he were the devil. By now it's very clear that Obama's philosophy is "the ends justify the means" and he's gonna push it as hard as he can. That's why it's so important to defeat him.
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Last time I checked Obamacare wasn't that popular.

Americans are against the mandate.

They generally favor the rest of the bill.

That's because - like always - the taxpayers want something for nothing.

Sixty-one percent are in favor of allowing children to stay on their parents' insurance until age 26 and 72 percent back requiring companies with more than 50 employees to provide insurance for their employees.

Most Americans oppose health law but like provisions | Reuters

I doubt the folks whose salaries and wages came from stimulus dollars mind him, either.

That's spin, dude.

The truth is most Americans are fiscal conservatives and oppose Obamacare. Most of them don't like the idea of socialized medicine and government "taking care" of people. Most americans prefer to take care of themselves. Most of them prefer economic freedom. And as much as Obama and his supporters try to change that, it's impossible because you can't shove things down the throats of the majority like you're trying to do.

Obama is a radical and he hates all the things that have made America great. And all his life is dedicated to change the American mentality by every possible mean. He must think that this is his mission in this life, he must think that "hey, America is so evil and I'm the one who's gonna change that". Dude, you can't go forcing something this way. You can't just think you are so smarter than everybody else and that you know the truth and your mission is to force it down everybody's throats.

Obama is so convinced he's right about everything. That is his main problem. That is why he doesn't care about lying and misleading people and attacking his opponent like if he were the devil. By now it's very clear that Obama's philosophy is "the ends justify the means" and he's gonna push it as hard as he can. That's why it's so important to defeat him.

Wow, how much pot/kettle and RW smear points can one fit in one post??
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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me

The Pub propaganda machine fools you 24/7, dingbat- see sig. Change the channel, dupe of the greedy rich. Pubs have obstructed and BS fear mongered everything since Obama was elected. You inhabit a bizarro universe, a worldwide disgrace, laughingstock, and horror.

Romneycare (same thing) is a proven huge success, none of the Pub horrors you dupes think are fact...

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