Obama: “We are days away from fundamentally transforming the United States”


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Obama: “We are days away from fundamentally transforming the United States.”

Obama said that a few days before he was elected, as polls showed him ahead.

It is now about to come true with a vengeance.

For the first time in our history, we have a President (whom the Constitution requires "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed") who will go before the people and announce flatly that he will refuse to obey the law of the United States.

Current law says that any person from a foreign country who doesn't have a visa, must leave. If reports are correct, Obama will announce that he will refuse to deport such people, possibly millions of them.

He will even declare that they are now legally here, even though no law has changed, and US law says their presence here is illegal.

That's about as fundamental a transformation you can get. We used to be a nation of the Rule of Law. Now we will have a nation where one person elected to execute the laws, can decide not to execute them after all. And even announce it in advance. And no one can do anything about it. Such nations are colloquially known as "Banana Republics".

Tune in tonight. See history made.
Obama's EO is going to be analogous to a stay of execution to allow time for a retrial, not a pardon.

Congress is going to pass legislation soon which will grant amnesty to these people, so there is no point in deporting them.

You would not execute someone on death row "BECUZ ITZ DA LAW" if they are about to be found innocent.
Obama: “We are days away from fundamentally transforming the United States.”

Obama said that a few days before he was elected, as polls showed him ahead.

It is now about to come true with a vengeance.

For the first time in our history, we have a President (whom the Constitution requires "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed") who will go before the people and announce flatly that he will refuse to obey the law of the United States. Current law says that any person from a foreign country who doesn't have a visa, must leave. If reports are correct, Obama will announce that he will refuse to deport such people, possibly millions of them.

That's about as fundamental a transformation you can get. We used to be a nation of the Rule of Law. Now we will have a nation where one person elected to execute the laws, can decide not to execute them after all. And even announce it in advance. And no one can do anything about it.

Tune in tonight. See history made.

President Obama's executive amnesty will give work permits, photo IDs and social security numbers to millions
of illegal immigrants-taking jobs directly from unemployed Americans. Congress must not fund this effort.

Obama's amnesty will be a disaster!


That's all you have to say. Easy!

If the Republicans don't stop Obama they are worthless. We will never vote for a Republican again!
President Obama's executive amnesty will give work permits, photo IDs and social security numbers to millions
of illegal immigrants-taking jobs directly from unemployed Americans.


That's a lie.
The Republicans were too chickenshit to pass the amnesty legislation before the election. It would have hurt them on Election Day.

So they have precipitated this manufactured crisis by their delays and obstructionism.

Now that the election is over, they will pass the amnesty. Obama is simply staying the deportation of those who are about to receive amnesty from the Republican Congress.
Obama's EO is going to be analogous to a stay of execution to allow time for a retrial, not a pardon.
The usual lie from the usual suspect.

Obama's refusal to deport the illegal aliens, will go on forever. It's a deliberate violation of the law. Committed by a person who swore to obey and uphold that law.
Obama's EO is going to be analogous to a stay of execution to allow time for a retrial, not a pardon.

Congress is going to pass legislation soon which will grant amnesty to these people, so there is no point in deporting them.

You would not execute someone on death row "BECUZ ITZ DA LAW" if they are about to be found innocent.

Are you proposing that Obama's EO will nationalize 4 million people, and then Congress will pass a law that says, in effect, "Hey, we were just kidding, but we appreciate you giving us your address, so the buses will be by tomorrow morning?"

or ....

Obama's EO, over the objections of Congress (and the majority of citizens who disagree with the EO) will force them to accept 4 million illegals?

So, effectively, one man is going to nationalize 4 million people, over the objections of Congress and the majority?

Makes perfect sense to me ...
The Republicans were too chickenshit to pass the amnesty legislation before the election. It would have hurt them on Election Day.

So they have precipitated this manufactured crisis by their delays and obstructionism.

Now that the election is over, they will pass the amnesty. Obama is simply staying the deportation of those who are about to receive amnesty from the Republican Congress.

... or, maybe they are BRAVE enough to reject the amnesty legislation (as directed by their constituency).
The GOP reaction will be recission of appropriations to immigration and Barry-Care...they'll simply defund them and make Barry close the government...he'll also never get a new AG....if Holder quits, there won't be one. No judges, no agency heads, no confirmations, no nothing....let's see the boy deal with that. :badgrin:
Obama's EO, over the objections of Congress (and the majority of citizens who disagree with the EO) will force them to accept 4 million illegals?

So, effectively, one man is going to nationalize 4 million people, over the objections of Congress and the majority?

Makes perfect sense to me ...
Mmm hmm.

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