Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.


Perhaps while you're running and hiding like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that Jesus would just LOVE forced government "charity" in place of personal charity, you could ALSO run and hide like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that God expects us to sit around with blank stares on our faces, unable and unwilling to use any discernment as to whether or not behaviors are right or wrong, sinful or righteous.

And if you DO actually grow a pair long enough to throw up that tired misquote about "Judge not lest ye be judged", be warned that I will laugh right in your cowardly, lying face. And I'm sure I won't be the only one.

misquote? I guess YOU are the sinless one here, eh fuckknuckle?


And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.



Well, admittedly, he has shown a certain intolerance for your brand of retarded posting.

I believe God calls us to be intolerant of ignorant and evil prophets seeking to disseminate false teachings.

I guess it's time for you to repent then... You know, after you decipher more tax ode standards from the new testament while looking for reasons to believe jebus was just making suggestions about charity.


you silly fuckers crack me up.
But you can't equate everyone that needs help with laziness!!! There are good people...who due to unforeseen circumstances...and low-paying jobs...need help. They're not lazy or stupid...just caught by the circumstances of life.

Truer words have never been spoken on this issue. And compassionate Americans are not opposed to giving them a hand up whether it's on the state or federal level.


And liberal Americans can't tell the difference between a hand up and cradle-to-grave Mommying.

yea yea yea, granny-killer. Go find a homeless dude to shit on so your low self opinion won't make your pussy bleed any more in this thread.
Perhaps while you're running and hiding like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that Jesus would just LOVE forced government "charity" in place of personal charity, you could ALSO run and hide like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that God expects us to sit around with blank stares on our faces, unable and unwilling to use any discernment as to whether or not behaviors are right or wrong, sinful or righteous.

And if you DO actually grow a pair long enough to throw up that tired misquote about "Judge not lest ye be judged", be warned that I will laugh right in your cowardly, lying face. And I'm sure I won't be the only one.

And YOU'RE the one running around hiding like a yellow bitch from proving YOUR assertion that Jesus is opposed to using tax dollars for helping his disabled children and disabled war veterans.

Face it, you're wrong in that Jesus would be opposed to us using our tax dollars to help pay for childrens operations, disabled American vets medical care and food for elderly shut ins.


Dumb shit, this has already been long-established. The fact that YOU can't read, and the fact that YOU have deliberately dumbed down any comprehension ability you might have had so that you don't ever have to deal with facts, doesn't change the reality that Jesus NEVER talked about government or institutional charity. While He certainly talked about charitable obligations, they were ALWAYS personal and individual. I've said it several times, Fitz has said it, numerous people have said it, and you just don't want to hear it.

Sorry, ass clown, but it's not "hiding" for me to decline to climb down inside your waxy ear canals and physically implant the information you're avoiding into your tiny little brain.

Now that we have cleared up the fact that your question has been copiously answered, we are all still waiting - with no expectation that you will acquire any courage or intellectual honesty, mind you - for YOU to back up YOUR assertions. And since we have been so kind as to allow you to make unsubstantiated assertions and THEN demand that other people prove you wrong before you will deign to back up your bullshit, you will NOW get your lying, bullshitting, leftist ass busy on a post containing your documentation of Jesus' love for government "charity", and His instructions that Christians should love government "charity".

You made the statement; you demanded that we prove your statement wrong; you loftily declared that you were not obligated to provide any proof of your statement until it was proven wrong. You will now answer, straight up and no dodging. Anything else will be an admission of surrender.

go tell it to the camel trying to convince itself that it can fit through the head of a pin, you dumb ****.


You know very well what he does for the poor, needy, etc. He votes for leftist Democrats who raise taxes, stealing money from the productive and crippling the economy, and then pass the ill-gotten gains out like Easter eggs in the form of welfare programs. Then he sits around patting himself on the back for what a warm, loving, compassionate human being he is for giving away other people's money to those nasty peasants so HE won't ever have to soil his hands by working with them.

That's why all these entitlement programs should be defunded and turned into National Charities.....Lets just see how generous these liberal clowns are if that happens.

Lib's do a good job of talking the talk. But it's quite known they don't walk the walk when it comes to laying down their own damn money.....Just ask Joe Biden!
Privatize privatize privatize.

yea, moneychanger... go sell some sheep and oxen at the temple too!

And YOU'RE the one running around hiding like a yellow bitch from proving YOUR assertion that Jesus is opposed to using tax dollars for helping his disabled children and disabled war veterans.

Face it, you're wrong in that Jesus would be opposed to us using our tax dollars to help pay for childrens operations, disabled American vets medical care and food for elderly shut ins.


Dumb shit, this has already been long-established. The fact that YOU can't read, and the fact that YOU have deliberately dumbed down any comprehension ability you might have had so that you don't ever have to deal with facts, doesn't change the reality that Jesus NEVER talked about government or institutional charity. While He certainly talked about charitable obligations, they were ALWAYS personal and individual. I've said it several times, Fitz has said it, numerous people have said it, and you just don't want to hear it.

Sorry, ass clown, but it's not "hiding" for me to decline to climb down inside your waxy ear canals and physically implant the information you're avoiding into your tiny little brain.

Now that we have cleared up the fact that your question has been copiously answered, we are all still waiting - with no expectation that you will acquire any courage or intellectual honesty, mind you - for YOU to back up YOUR assertions. And since we have been so kind as to allow you to make unsubstantiated assertions and THEN demand that other people prove you wrong before you will deign to back up your bullshit, you will NOW get your lying, bullshitting, leftist ass busy on a post containing your documentation of Jesus' love for government "charity", and His instructions that Christians should love government "charity".

You made the statement; you demanded that we prove your statement wrong; you loftily declared that you were not obligated to provide any proof of your statement until it was proven wrong. You will now answer, straight up and no dodging. Anything else will be an admission of surrender.

go tell it to the camel trying to convince itself that it can fit through the head of a pin, you dumb ****.



it's the eye of a needle.
Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

The above is the most ironic post of this entire thread.


I almost wish that fairy tale you believe in were true so I could watch jebus tell you that he knows you not.
Thanks for proving my point that an atheist doesn't know shit about what a relationship with Jesus is all about. Maybe as a believer I should tell you how to be a good atheist, since obviously those not of your faith are just as qualified as you are to tell others how their faith works.

If that is the last canard you have in your quiver you'd better hit the floor and start praying, little guy. Your hubris is self-righteousness and you CLEARLY have no clue what the new testament is all about. I bet you go to church because it's more of a social club than spiritually relevant.

You can have whatever opinion about atheism that you want, sinner. There is no handbook for my beliefs that illustrate CLEARLY how an icon wanted his followers to act. Sorry to make you feel so convicted. If you think this is about competing beliefs you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Dumb shit, this has already been long-established. The fact that YOU can't read, and the fact that YOU have deliberately dumbed down any comprehension ability you might have had so that you don't ever have to deal with facts, doesn't change the reality that Jesus NEVER talked about government or institutional charity. While He certainly talked about charitable obligations, they were ALWAYS personal and individual. I've said it several times, Fitz has said it, numerous people have said it, and you just don't want to hear it.

Sorry, ass clown, but it's not "hiding" for me to decline to climb down inside your waxy ear canals and physically implant the information you're avoiding into your tiny little brain.

Now that we have cleared up the fact that your question has been copiously answered, we are all still waiting - with no expectation that you will acquire any courage or intellectual honesty, mind you - for YOU to back up YOUR assertions. And since we have been so kind as to allow you to make unsubstantiated assertions and THEN demand that other people prove you wrong before you will deign to back up your bullshit, you will NOW get your lying, bullshitting, leftist ass busy on a post containing your documentation of Jesus' love for government "charity", and His instructions that Christians should love government "charity".

You made the statement; you demanded that we prove your statement wrong; you loftily declared that you were not obligated to provide any proof of your statement until it was proven wrong. You will now answer, straight up and no dodging. Anything else will be an admission of surrender.

go tell it to the camel trying to convince itself that it can fit through the head of a pin, you dumb ****.



it's the eye of a needle.

Does your tax rate fit?
after deductions, it went down to the 15 percent bracket.

What Would Jebus Deduct?

i don't claim to know where he stands on such things.

that is as honest of an answer as i've seen in this thread.


I bet he could turn water into Soul Glo, though.

The above is the most ironic post of this entire thread.


I almost wish that fairy tale you believe in were true so I could watch jebus tell you that he knows you not.
Thanks for proving my point that an atheist doesn't know shit about what a relationship with Jesus is all about. Maybe as a believer I should tell you how to be a good atheist, since obviously those not of your faith are just as qualified as you are to tell others how their faith works.

If that is the last canard you have in your quiver you'd better hit the floor and start praying, little guy. Your hubris is self-righteousness and you CLEARLY have no clue what the new testament is all about. I bet you go to church because it's more of a social club than spiritually relevant.

You can have whatever opinion about atheism that you want, sinner. There is no handbook for my beliefs that illustrate CLEARLY how an icon wanted his followers to act. Sorry to make you feel so convicted. If you think this is about competing beliefs you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Oh... shiver and quake. the religion forum troll is about to attempt to skewl me! run for my very widdle life! :rolleyes:

Grow the fuck up and get over your bad self, sally frillypants. But at least you got that pussy Gewse to like your oh so tough words.

Your hubris is self-righteousness and you CLEARLY have no clue what the new testament is all about. I bet you go to church because it's more of a social club than spiritually relevant.

Your arrogance so much lack of wisdom it'd be terrifying if it wasn't so wrong. But that is what makes it funny. Your sublime arrogance of self is obviously making you a wonderful discerner of character. "Social Club" churches disgust me probably more than you. They pretend to be worshiping God, when they are as far from Him as you, practicing form, but not content. Like a monkey trying to play schoolhouse with all the props. Lots of noise and motion, but no content. Then again, I understand the "WHY" of the situation. You obviously stop at the hatred for the "WHO".

You can have whatever opinion about atheism that you want, sinner. There is no handbook for my beliefs that illustrate CLEARLY how an icon wanted his followers to act. Sorry to make you feel so convicted. If you think this is about competing beliefs you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Well thank you so much for proving my point. You don't think for one second I should be lecturing you on how to be a good atheist. That is my point for why you aren't qualified to lecture anyone else from any faith on how to be of their faith. Your nose is so used to your own hypocritical stench it is used to it.

I was expecting this type of response from someone completely under the sway of a spirit of rebellion. A lot of atheists are. What's the most sad is that you think, in your own self-supremacy, you're not the useful idiot for something bigger and badder than you are. Your own hubris clouds your mind to anything beyond yourself, and well.. that's just pathetic. I wish I could help free you from your own plight, but it's painfully obvious you love your oppressor without ever knowing it is there. Instead, I think I'll be better served to pray for you to be shown what controls your mind in it's little hate filled cage, prodding you with the spiritual stick to lash out at those who follow Christ like the good little monkey you are. Oh so scary you are. A little monkey in a cage doing what it's master bids it.

Ook ook ook... poke scream and fuss when your cage comes near a true believer of Christ. Good monkeyboy.

You neither frighten me nor entertain me. I pity you, because I've seen your kind before. Better and more capable.

Now, the demon will be so obedient to go elsewhere, the adults here are talking and you need to find another thread to troll. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of rebellion who controls Shogun, and command it to reveal its true nature to him in God's own time so he may choose freely to get help or cleave to his demon further. In Jesus' holy name, Amen.
it's the eye of a needle.

Does your tax rate fit?

after deductions, it went down to the 15 percent bracket.
Reminds me of an old spot of wisdom I heard from a pastor.

A couple came to him and asked him how should they tithe. The wife said it was 10% of the gross income. The husband said he believed it was off the net income.

The pastor immediately came back with a question for them both.

"Do you desire gross or net blessings from God?"

They began to tithe their gross income.
Thanks for proving my point that an atheist doesn't know shit about what a relationship with Jesus is all about. Maybe as a believer I should tell you how to be a good atheist, since obviously those not of your faith are just as qualified as you are to tell others how their faith works.

If that is the last canard you have in your quiver you'd better hit the floor and start praying, little guy. Your hubris is self-righteousness and you CLEARLY have no clue what the new testament is all about. I bet you go to church because it's more of a social club than spiritually relevant.

You can have whatever opinion about atheism that you want, sinner. There is no handbook for my beliefs that illustrate CLEARLY how an icon wanted his followers to act. Sorry to make you feel so convicted. If you think this is about competing beliefs you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Oh... shiver and quake. the religion forum troll is about to attempt to skewl me! run for my very widdle life! :rolleyes:

Grow the fuck up and get over your bad self, sally frillypants. But at least you got that pussy Gewse to like your oh so tough words.

Your hubris is self-righteousness and you CLEARLY have no clue what the new testament is all about. I bet you go to church because it's more of a social club than spiritually relevant.

Your arrogance so much lack of wisdom it'd be terrifying if it wasn't so wrong. But that is what makes it funny. Your sublime arrogance of self is obviously making you a wonderful discerner of character. "Social Club" churches disgust me probably more than you. They pretend to be worshiping God, when they are as far from Him as you, practicing form, but not content. Like a monkey trying to play schoolhouse with all the props. Lots of noise and motion, but no content. Then again, I understand the "WHY" of the situation. You obviously stop at the hatred for the "WHO".

You can have whatever opinion about atheism that you want, sinner. There is no handbook for my beliefs that illustrate CLEARLY how an icon wanted his followers to act. Sorry to make you feel so convicted. If you think this is about competing beliefs you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Well thank you so much for proving my point. You don't think for one second I should be lecturing you on how to be a good atheist. That is my point for why you aren't qualified to lecture anyone else from any faith on how to be of their faith. Your nose is so used to your own hypocritical stench it is used to it.

I was expecting this type of response from someone completely under the sway of a spirit of rebellion. A lot of atheists are. What's the most sad is that you think, in your own self-supremacy, you're not the useful idiot for something bigger and badder than you are. Your own hubris clouds your mind to anything beyond yourself, and well.. that's just pathetic. I wish I could help free you from your own plight, but it's painfully obvious you love your oppressor without ever knowing it is there. Instead, I think I'll be better served to pray for you to be shown what controls your mind in it's little hate filled cage, prodding you with the spiritual stick to lash out at those who follow Christ like the good little monkey you are. Oh so scary you are. A little monkey in a cage doing what it's master bids it.

Ook ook ook... poke scream and fuss when your cage comes near a true believer of Christ. Good monkeyboy.

You neither frighten me nor entertain me. I pity you, because I've seen your kind before. Better and more capable.

Now, the demon will be so obedient to go elsewhere, the adults here are talking and you need to find another thread to troll. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of rebellion who controls Shogun, and command it to reveal its true nature to him in God's own time so he may choose freely to get help or cleave to his demon further. In Jesus' holy name, Amen.

In the same post we read these words..........

Grow the fuck up and get over your bad self, sally frillypants. But at least you got that pussy Gewse to like your oh so tough words.

And then these.........

In Jesus' holy name, Amen.


If that is the last canard you have in your quiver you'd better hit the floor and start praying, little guy. Your hubris is self-righteousness and you CLEARLY have no clue what the new testament is all about. I bet you go to church because it's more of a social club than spiritually relevant.

You can have whatever opinion about atheism that you want, sinner. There is no handbook for my beliefs that illustrate CLEARLY how an icon wanted his followers to act. Sorry to make you feel so convicted. If you think this is about competing beliefs you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Oh... shiver and quake. the religion forum troll is about to attempt to skewl me! run for my very widdle life! :rolleyes:

Grow the fuck up and get over your bad self, sally frillypants. But at least you got that pussy Gewse to like your oh so tough words.

Your arrogance so much lack of wisdom it'd be terrifying if it wasn't so wrong. But that is what makes it funny. Your sublime arrogance of self is obviously making you a wonderful discerner of character. "Social Club" churches disgust me probably more than you. They pretend to be worshiping God, when they are as far from Him as you, practicing form, but not content. Like a monkey trying to play schoolhouse with all the props. Lots of noise and motion, but no content. Then again, I understand the "WHY" of the situation. You obviously stop at the hatred for the "WHO".

Well thank you so much for proving my point. You don't think for one second I should be lecturing you on how to be a good atheist. That is my point for why you aren't qualified to lecture anyone else from any faith on how to be of their faith. Your nose is so used to your own hypocritical stench it is used to it.

I was expecting this type of response from someone completely under the sway of a spirit of rebellion. A lot of atheists are. What's the most sad is that you think, in your own self-supremacy, you're not the useful idiot for something bigger and badder than you are. Your own hubris clouds your mind to anything beyond yourself, and well.. that's just pathetic. I wish I could help free you from your own plight, but it's painfully obvious you love your oppressor without ever knowing it is there. Instead, I think I'll be better served to pray for you to be shown what controls your mind in it's little hate filled cage, prodding you with the spiritual stick to lash out at those who follow Christ like the good little monkey you are. Oh so scary you are. A little monkey in a cage doing what it's master bids it.

Ook ook ook... poke scream and fuss when your cage comes near a true believer of Christ. Good monkeyboy.

You neither frighten me nor entertain me. I pity you, because I've seen your kind before. Better and more capable.

Now, the demon will be so obedient to go elsewhere, the adults here are talking and you need to find another thread to troll. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of rebellion who controls Shogun, and command it to reveal its true nature to him in God's own time so he may choose freely to get help or cleave to his demon further. In Jesus' holy name, Amen.

In the same post we read these words..........

Grow the fuck up and get over your bad self, sally frillypants. But at least you got that pussy Gewse to like your oh so tough words.

And then these.........

In Jesus' holy name, Amen.


Sometimes you have to slap the person to get their attention. But then again, your dear and fluffy version of God wouldn't have the teeth to chew jello.
Oh... shiver and quake. the religion forum troll is about to attempt to skewl me! run for my very widdle life! :rolleyes:

Grow the fuck up and get over your bad self, sally frillypants. But at least you got that pussy Gewse to like your oh so tough words.

Your arrogance so much lack of wisdom it'd be terrifying if it wasn't so wrong. But that is what makes it funny. Your sublime arrogance of self is obviously making you a wonderful discerner of character. "Social Club" churches disgust me probably more than you. They pretend to be worshiping God, when they are as far from Him as you, practicing form, but not content. Like a monkey trying to play schoolhouse with all the props. Lots of noise and motion, but no content. Then again, I understand the "WHY" of the situation. You obviously stop at the hatred for the "WHO".

Well thank you so much for proving my point. You don't think for one second I should be lecturing you on how to be a good atheist. That is my point for why you aren't qualified to lecture anyone else from any faith on how to be of their faith. Your nose is so used to your own hypocritical stench it is used to it.

I was expecting this type of response from someone completely under the sway of a spirit of rebellion. A lot of atheists are. What's the most sad is that you think, in your own self-supremacy, you're not the useful idiot for something bigger and badder than you are. Your own hubris clouds your mind to anything beyond yourself, and well.. that's just pathetic. I wish I could help free you from your own plight, but it's painfully obvious you love your oppressor without ever knowing it is there. Instead, I think I'll be better served to pray for you to be shown what controls your mind in it's little hate filled cage, prodding you with the spiritual stick to lash out at those who follow Christ like the good little monkey you are. Oh so scary you are. A little monkey in a cage doing what it's master bids it.

Ook ook ook... poke scream and fuss when your cage comes near a true believer of Christ. Good monkeyboy.

You neither frighten me nor entertain me. I pity you, because I've seen your kind before. Better and more capable.

Now, the demon will be so obedient to go elsewhere, the adults here are talking and you need to find another thread to troll. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of rebellion who controls Shogun, and command it to reveal its true nature to him in God's own time so he may choose freely to get help or cleave to his demon further. In Jesus' holy name, Amen.

In the same post we read these words..........

And then these.........

In Jesus' holy name, Amen.


Sometimes you have to slap the person to get their attention. But then again, your dear and fluffy version of God wouldn't have the teeth to chew jello.

There is no "version" of God. There is only God. And anyone who honestly believes that He is opposed to using government resources to help the poor and needy is sadly mistaken. I would love for you to take the following sentence to your Pastor (or whatever you call your spiritual guide) and get his opinion...

"God is opposed to nations helping their poor and needy, particularly the sick and disabled whom cannot care for themselves".

Now if you can be honest about his response I would really, really be interested in hearing it.

Bear in mind that there is much about government spending that I oppose. But helping those who cannot is certainly not part of that. You have a point on those able bodied people who "milk the system" but there are giudelines that must be met to qualify. And if they are collecting them illegally then they should be arrested. And if you have a problem with the guidelines then you should talk to your political representative.

But to paint a picture that you are "forced" to give your money to others who refuse to help themselves is just blatantly wrong. And to try and imply that God is on your side in this is just ridiculous.

Obama: "We're responsible for each other"

Obama confuses me. In one breath he's referring to Republicans as "the enemy" and saying they can come along but have to sit in the back, can't have the keys to the car, etc... and then in the next breath we have to be responsible for one another and look out for each other.


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