Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.



Well, admittedly, he has shown a certain intolerance for your brand of retarded posting.

I believe God calls us to be intolerant of ignorant and evil prophets seeking to disseminate false teachings.
I think he would. This is a link to his parable of the talents.
The Parable of the Talents
It's a blog; however, the story is about increasing wealth. Jesus condemns one of the servants, as being wicked and lazy. I think he would condemn the entitlement system as evil. He stands up for the poor. He does not stand up for those who don't try to improve their condition.

But you can't equate everyone that needs help with laziness!!! There are good people...who due to unforeseen circumstances...and low-paying jobs...need help. They're not lazy or stupid...just caught by the circumstances of life.

Truer words have never been spoken on this issue. And compassionate Americans are not opposed to giving them a hand up whether it's on the state or federal level.


And liberal Americans can't tell the difference between a hand up and cradle-to-grave Mommying.
Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.


Perhaps while you're running and hiding like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that Jesus would just LOVE forced government "charity" in place of personal charity, you could ALSO run and hide like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that God expects us to sit around with blank stares on our faces, unable and unwilling to use any discernment as to whether or not behaviors are right or wrong, sinful or righteous.

And if you DO actually grow a pair long enough to throw up that tired misquote about "Judge not lest ye be judged", be warned that I will laugh right in your cowardly, lying face. And I'm sure I won't be the only one.

And YOU'RE the one running around hiding like a yellow bitch from proving YOUR assertion that Jesus is opposed to using tax dollars for helping his disabled children and disabled war veterans.

Face it, you're wrong in that Jesus would be opposed to us using our tax dollars to help pay for childrens operations, disabled American vets medical care and food for elderly shut ins.

And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.



Well, admittedly, he has shown a certain intolerance for your brand of retarded posting.

I believe God calls us to be intolerant of ignorant and evil prophets seeking to disseminate false teachings.

But you can't equate everyone that needs help with laziness!!! There are good people...who due to unforeseen circumstances...and low-paying jobs...need help. They're not lazy or stupid...just caught by the circumstances of life.

Truer words have never been spoken on this issue. And compassionate Americans are not opposed to giving them a hand up whether it's on the state or federal level.


And liberal Americans can't tell the difference between a hand up and cradle-to-grave Mommying.

Thank God that you people are in the VAST MINORITY and that MOST Americans don't feel the way you do.

Why? You (or we) never have before. There's a reason welfare programs were created in the first place.

Even today with the programs already in place charities cannot keep up with the need.


Oh, spare me. I don't know what history books you're reading that tell you we as a society just tossed widows, orphans, and cripples to the curb and then stepped over them on the way to the opera, but you need new books.

Did we keep them in air-conditioned luxury in specially-built low-income housing (which they promptly proceed to trash, but anyway), and hand them checks and food stamps in exchange for them doing nothing at all? No, nor has that been a good idea since we started. But "we've never provided for people without government programs"? Bullshit.

The reason welfare programs was started wasn't because no one was caring for the destitute. They were started to buy votes. And look! That's STILL what they're for.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6MFN8yiVc0]YouTube - A Christmas Carol -- Ignorance & Want[/ame]


It's interesting that you bring up "A Christmas Carol", inasmuch as it was SCROOGE'S attitude that he didn't need to provide anything in the way of PERSONAL charitable aid because there were workhouses and other GOVERNMENT programs to handle the poor. What you referenced was the spirit's response to Scrooge's championing of collective "charity" to replace personal charity.

Way to make my argument for me, fucknut.
Sure. As soon as you provide evidence that supports YOUR contention that Jesus would disapprove a nation using its resources to help the poor and needy.


In other words, "I can't prove myself right. YOU have to prove me WRONG. And until you prove me wrong, I'll just hide behind demanding that you prove me wrong."

Might as well just get yourself a white flag and start waving it now, loser.

I thought you and Big Fitz were on the same side? :confused: Why are you asking him to wave the white flag?


I always suspected that your generalized ignorance spread over into the realm of illiteracy.

Get Mommy to explain it to you.
Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.

And i'm quite sure you can display the direct eveidence of your charge that Fitz doesn't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.

Btw, just what the fuck do YOU do to help the poor, needy, disabled and crippled?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:


You know very well what he does for the poor, needy, etc. He votes for leftist Democrats who raise taxes, stealing money from the productive and crippling the economy, and then pass the ill-gotten gains out like Easter eggs in the form of welfare programs. Then he sits around patting himself on the back for what a warm, loving, compassionate human being he is for giving away other people's money to those nasty peasants so HE won't ever have to soil his hands by working with them.
And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.


Perhaps while you're running and hiding like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that Jesus would just LOVE forced government "charity" in place of personal charity, you could ALSO run and hide like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that God expects us to sit around with blank stares on our faces, unable and unwilling to use any discernment as to whether or not behaviors are right or wrong, sinful or righteous.

And if you DO actually grow a pair long enough to throw up that tired misquote about "Judge not lest ye be judged", be warned that I will laugh right in your cowardly, lying face. And I'm sure I won't be the only one.

And YOU'RE the one running around hiding like a yellow bitch from proving YOUR assertion that Jesus is opposed to using tax dollars for helping his disabled children and disabled war veterans.

Face it, you're wrong in that Jesus would be opposed to us using our tax dollars to help pay for childrens operations, disabled American vets medical care and food for elderly shut ins.


Dumb shit, this has already been long-established. The fact that YOU can't read, and the fact that YOU have deliberately dumbed down any comprehension ability you might have had so that you don't ever have to deal with facts, doesn't change the reality that Jesus NEVER talked about government or institutional charity. While He certainly talked about charitable obligations, they were ALWAYS personal and individual. I've said it several times, Fitz has said it, numerous people have said it, and you just don't want to hear it.

Sorry, ass clown, but it's not "hiding" for me to decline to climb down inside your waxy ear canals and physically implant the information you're avoiding into your tiny little brain.

Now that we have cleared up the fact that your question has been copiously answered, we are all still waiting - with no expectation that you will acquire any courage or intellectual honesty, mind you - for YOU to back up YOUR assertions. And since we have been so kind as to allow you to make unsubstantiated assertions and THEN demand that other people prove you wrong before you will deign to back up your bullshit, you will NOW get your lying, bullshitting, leftist ass busy on a post containing your documentation of Jesus' love for government "charity", and His instructions that Christians should love government "charity".

You made the statement; you demanded that we prove your statement wrong; you loftily declared that you were not obligated to provide any proof of your statement until it was proven wrong. You will now answer, straight up and no dodging. Anything else will be an admission of surrender.

Well, admittedly, he has shown a certain intolerance for your brand of retarded posting.

I believe God calls us to be intolerant of ignorant and evil prophets seeking to disseminate false teachings.

Truer words have never been spoken on this issue. And compassionate Americans are not opposed to giving them a hand up whether it's on the state or federal level.


And liberal Americans can't tell the difference between a hand up and cradle-to-grave Mommying.

Thank God that you people are in the VAST MINORITY and that MOST Americans don't feel the way you do.


Wrong on two counts. First, it is not God who is to be thanked for the execrable dumbing-down of America which has resulted in so many lazy idiots assuming that it is the government's job to care about their neighbors so they don't have to, or assuming that it is the government's job to provide for them so they don't have to feel guilty for being sucking leeches. That thanks goes to fools like you. God wants no part of the damage you do to men's souls.

Second, you have not done as good a job on dumbing-down America as you want to believe, probably because the same laziness and buck-passing attitude you bring to charity has also been brought to pushing your destructive agenda. Most Americans are still productive, useful people, and as such, still deeply resent being held at gunpoint so shitheads like you can have a warm fuzzy about how much better you are than them.

Now where's that proof that Jesus advocated government charity? If you spend any more time blowing smoke up our asses, our sphincters are going to sue Philip Morris.
And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.

And i'm quite sure you can display the direct eveidence of your charge that Fitz doesn't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.

Btw, just what the fuck do YOU do to help the poor, needy, disabled and crippled?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:


You know very well what he does for the poor, needy, etc. He votes for leftist Democrats who raise taxes, stealing money from the productive and crippling the economy, and then pass the ill-gotten gains out like Easter eggs in the form of welfare programs. Then he sits around patting himself on the back for what a warm, loving, compassionate human being he is for giving away other people's money to those nasty peasants so HE won't ever have to soil his hands by working with them.

That's why all these entitlement programs should be defunded and turned into National Charities.....Lets just see how generous these liberal clowns are if that happens.

Lib's do a good job of talking the talk. But it's quite known they don't walk the walk when it comes to laying down their own damn money.....Just ask Joe Biden!
Well, one thing is for sure. OBAMA is not practicing shared responsibility or compassion. His admin just filed a lawsuit: Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

The suit is against Boeing. They claim Boeing showed discrimination by picking South Carolina over Seattle for it's new 8,000 job Dreamliner plant. Why? Obama Admin says Boeing discriminated against union workers in favor of non-union SC workers. Guess he's not into sharing responsibility when it comes to providing jobs for ALL workers, not just union ones, right?

The US gov't, filing suit against a private company to force them to use the labor pool the gov't most desires they use. Punishment against Boeing, forcing that company to spend millions in legal defense, for daring pick non-union workers for it's private company employment.

Tyrant Obama.
Perhaps while you're running and hiding like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that Jesus would just LOVE forced government "charity" in place of personal charity, you could ALSO run and hide like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that God expects us to sit around with blank stares on our faces, unable and unwilling to use any discernment as to whether or not behaviors are right or wrong, sinful or righteous.

And if you DO actually grow a pair long enough to throw up that tired misquote about "Judge not lest ye be judged", be warned that I will laugh right in your cowardly, lying face. And I'm sure I won't be the only one.

And YOU'RE the one running around hiding like a yellow bitch from proving YOUR assertion that Jesus is opposed to using tax dollars for helping his disabled children and disabled war veterans.

Face it, you're wrong in that Jesus would be opposed to us using our tax dollars to help pay for childrens operations, disabled American vets medical care and food for elderly shut ins.


Dumb shit, this has already been long-established. The fact that YOU can't read, and the fact that YOU have deliberately dumbed down any comprehension ability you might have had so that you don't ever have to deal with facts, doesn't change the reality that Jesus NEVER talked about government or institutional charity. While He certainly talked about charitable obligations, they were ALWAYS personal and individual. I've said it several times, Fitz has said it, numerous people have said it, and you just don't want to hear it.

Sorry, ass clown, but it's not "hiding" for me to decline to climb down inside your waxy ear canals and physically implant the information you're avoiding into your tiny little brain.

Now that we have cleared up the fact that your question has been copiously answered, we are all still waiting - with no expectation that you will acquire any courage or intellectual honesty, mind you - for YOU to back up YOUR assertions. And since we have been so kind as to allow you to make unsubstantiated assertions and THEN demand that other people prove you wrong before you will deign to back up your bullshit, you will NOW get your lying, bullshitting, leftist ass busy on a post containing your documentation of Jesus' love for government "charity", and His instructions that Christians should love government "charity".

You made the statement; you demanded that we prove your statement wrong; you loftily declared that you were not obligated to provide any proof of your statement until it was proven wrong. You will now answer, straight up and no dodging. Anything else will be an admission of surrender.

You proved nothing!! Again....PLEASE show me where in the Bible that Jesus specifically said that taxes should not be used to help the poor, needy and disabled.

You know what? YOU CAN'T. Why? Because my Lord never said that and try as you might I will not allow you to put words in His mouth.

Why? You (or we) never have before. There's a reason welfare programs were created in the first place.

Even today with the programs already in place charities cannot keep up with the need.


Oh, spare me. I don't know what history books you're reading that tell you we as a society just tossed widows, orphans, and cripples to the curb and then stepped over them on the way to the opera, but you need new books.

Did we keep them in air-conditioned luxury in specially-built low-income housing (which they promptly proceed to trash, but anyway), and hand them checks and food stamps in exchange for them doing nothing at all? No, nor has that been a good idea since we started. But "we've never provided for people without government programs"? Bullshit.

The reason welfare programs was started wasn't because no one was caring for the destitute. They were started to buy votes. And look! That's STILL what they're for.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6MFN8yiVc0]YouTube - A Christmas Carol -- Ignorance & Want[/ame]

Yes! There it is! Shameless demagoguery where everyone who does not give till their own impoverishment is Marley and Scrooge forging chains of selfishness and greed. Oh so little has changed since Dickens penned that morality tale! Where are the workhouses? The orphanages? The children dying in the street?

Oh what a Dickensian hell the 21st century in America is!

In other words, "I can't prove myself right. YOU have to prove me WRONG. And until you prove me wrong, I'll just hide behind demanding that you prove me wrong."

Might as well just get yourself a white flag and start waving it now, loser.

I thought you and Big Fitz were on the same side? :confused: Why are you asking him to wave the white flag?


I always suspected that your generalized ignorance spread over into the realm of illiteracy.

Get Mommy to explain it to you.
He can't. He lives in the "Charles Dickens Memorial Home for Underage Wayward Idiots"
forced wealth transfer payments, stealing the labor of one to give to the parasitic behavior of another is simply immoral

Democrats are truly evil

You want to deny help to the crippled and infirm and you say I'M the evil one. :eusa_whistle:

Oh yeah.....Jesus would agree with YOU on that. :eusa_hand:


No. we would have helped them without the government. Now they will suffer and suffer, because you caused an economic collapse.

Democrats are not bright
And i'm quite sure you can display the direct eveidence of your charge that Fitz doesn't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.

Btw, just what the fuck do YOU do to help the poor, needy, disabled and crippled?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:


You know very well what he does for the poor, needy, etc. He votes for leftist Democrats who raise taxes, stealing money from the productive and crippling the economy, and then pass the ill-gotten gains out like Easter eggs in the form of welfare programs. Then he sits around patting himself on the back for what a warm, loving, compassionate human being he is for giving away other people's money to those nasty peasants so HE won't ever have to soil his hands by working with them.

That's why all these entitlement programs should be defunded and turned into National Charities.....Lets just see how generous these liberal clowns are if that happens.

Lib's do a good job of talking the talk. But it's quite known they don't walk the walk when it comes to laying down their own damn money.....Just ask Joe Biden!
Privatize privatize privatize.
I take issue with Liberals when they say we are our brother's keeper.

The relationship between suppliers (capital) and workers (labor) is not nearly so touchy-feely.

It's economic.

The fundamental challenge of neoliberalism is the contradiction between the drive for lower labor costs (which boosts profits) and the need for consumer demand (which is fueled by higher wages and benefits). Henry Ford -- a brilliant ultra conservative capitalist -- understood it perfectly. He paid his workers enough to buy the cars they made. Ross Perot and Lou Dobbs, both very conservative, understand Ford's logic. Bill Clinton, a deep Reaganite when it came to free trade and the corporate demand for cheap labor, did not understand's Ford's logic (and we are now paying a price - see NAFTA).

The problem with globalization is that American corporations are competing with Asian sweat shops who enjoy 3rd world labor rates. So, to stay competitive, American corporations have to drive down American wages and benefits -which has the tragic effect of destroying domestic demand.

Here is a paradox: the Asian manufacturing that American corporations compete against depend primarily on American consumers - which consumers had tons of cash because of postwar Keynesianism and government enforced wages/benefits/safety nets. When Reagan began to replace Keynesian policies with supply side policies (tax breaks, union busting, deregulation), consumer spending saw it's first major dip (in 1981) - which makes sense because Reagan's goal was to give capital cheaper labor in the US - and cheaper labor means workers get paid less in the form of wages, benefits, and safety nets. Reagan said that his policies would lead to greater rates of investment and job growth, which itself would cause trickle down wealth and thus make-up for the wage/benefit shortfall. When his policies caused an initial slow down in consumer spending, Reagan did something brilliant. He initiated a 30 year project of fueling American consumption with credit cards. Americans began to receive 3 credit card offers a week in the mail. In short, the fed printed money so we could continue to be the world's primary consumption engine. This is when America fell in love with debt as a way of life. The American Credit Card literally drove the global economy, which economy was protected by the Pentagon, which "stabilized" unstable 3rd world supply chains under the pretense of "Humanitarian Intervention". [Read the label on the stuff you buy. It comes from unstable places that require military protection]. But let's be clear: when Reagan moved American consumption from wage-backed spending to credit-backed spending, our fate was sealed. The credit lifestyle got so bad that we even hawked our houses to continue spending. (Countries lined up to buy our bonds and lend us money because the American consumer supported global consumption for so long)

Unfortunately, we all know how the story ends. You can only borrow so long.

So let me tell you something Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. We are not our brother's keeper. This is not why we have an obligation to make sure the American consumer has higher wages, affordable health care, and decent safety nets. We provide for the middle class consumer because of something Henry Ford said. "Every time I fire my workers to save money, and every time I ask the government to cut their assistance programs, I lose consumers"

Silly Republicans. You have been so terribly lied to by seekers of short term wealth. You have destroyed the middle class consumer in order to make a small group of people wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

You know not what you do.
Last edited:
Yep, like a Queer tryin' to describe marriage.

Or a wing nut trying to describe tolerance and compassion.

BTW...I noticed Big Fitz liked your post. I suppose he's going to try and say that Jesus would call them names and cast stones? Wait.....maybe in his belief he would think that Jesus would do that.

Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

The above is the most ironic post of this entire thread.


I almost wish that fairy tale you believe in were true so I could watch jebus tell you that he knows you not.
You want to deny help to the crippled and infirm and you say I'M the evil one. :eusa_whistle:

Oh yeah.....Jesus would agree with YOU on that. :eusa_hand:

And here we have the prime example of liberal paranoid talking points, fully on display.

LMAO!......And they wonder why their weak, loony liberal/progressive agenda is going down the fucking tubes.
Yep. Another person who doesn't get the fact that the Body of Christ has different ministries for every person in it. Some, are to preach and bring the word of God to those who do not know it. Some are to care for the sick and dying. Some are to be there for those in financial stress and desperate need. Some are called to intercessory prayer. Some are given the gift of teaching in depth and discernment for God's word.

No where does God say everyone must do the same as everyone else. When one of His disciples began to get jealous of how Christ interacted with another one, Christ admonished him. He was told flatly to not concern himself with how he interacted with the other disciple. He was to follow Him, and not let this interaction become a stumbling block to His own path.

So while DaGewse wants everyone to be responsible for every poor and hungry person in the world all the time, regardless of their ability or calling, God is not calling everyone to do that. If Gewse's heart is convicted to helping the sick, homeless and broken, God's calling is on HIM and HIM alone.

Jesus stated we will always have poor people, but we wouldn't always have Him. We are to reach out and help those when our hearts are convicted in our conscience to do so. That is God getting our attention. Nowhere does God say that we are to do this to EVER LAST PERSON as if it is our responsibility to make them well. Nowhere does God charge a government to take care of every last whim or need of the people from cradle to grave. It is not in scripture where government or any proxy of man's government is responsible to salve the wounds and feed everyone.

It is only implied by twisting scripture to assuage the guilt of the left who ignore the conviction of their heart, or have such a deep conviction that it is destructive to themselves to accomplish it. That is not of God but the enemy.


oh man, THAT is rich. (pun intended)

I feel sorry for your state of faith, fool. But, your belief structure illustrates how the world becomes filled with as many David Koresh's as it's seen.
Or a wing nut trying to describe tolerance and compassion.

BTW...I noticed Big Fitz liked your post. I suppose he's going to try and say that Jesus would call them names and cast stones? Wait.....maybe in his belief he would think that Jesus would do that.

Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

The above is the most ironic post of this entire thread.


I almost wish that fairy tale you believe in were true so I could watch jebus tell you that he knows you not.
Thanks for proving my point that an atheist doesn't know shit about what a relationship with Jesus is all about. Maybe as a believer I should tell you how to be a good atheist, since obviously those not of your faith are just as qualified as you are to tell others how their faith works.

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