Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

"Life's a bitch. They you die. They they throw dirt in your face. Then the worm's eat you. Be grateful it happens in THAT order!"

Solomon Short (David Gerrold in "A Season for Slaughter")
DaGewse... I'm not reading your PMs. Please keep 'pwning' me in the thread you wuss. Maybe then with a few more good tugs we can pull your head out of your ass.

Uh-huh. Yeah, right. Whatever you say. :eusa_liar:

So now you're going to deny sending me PMs? Or that your head can be pulled out of your ass.

I can cut and paste the record that the PMs DID occur you idiot.

wait... holy shit! denying PMs.....

Corndog? Is that you? You went through Reintardation or something?

Uhhh.....no numbnuts. The fact that you claim to not read them. We both know better. :eusa_hand:

But we'll continue playing your little game. You can pretend to not read them if you like. But you ain't fooling anyone. :eusa_whistle:

Uh-huh. Yeah, right. Whatever you say. :eusa_liar:

So now you're going to deny sending me PMs? Or that your head can be pulled out of your ass.

I can cut and paste the record that the PMs DID occur you idiot.

wait... holy shit! denying PMs.....

Corndog? Is that you? You went through Reintardation or something?

Uhhh.....no numbnuts. The fact that you claim to not read them. We both know better. :eusa_hand:

But we'll continue playing your little game. You can pretend to not read them if you like. But you ain't fooling anyone. :eusa_whistle:


Are you a girl?
Uh-huh. Yeah, right. Whatever you say. :eusa_liar:

So now you're going to deny sending me PMs? Or that your head can be pulled out of your ass.

I can cut and paste the record that the PMs DID occur you idiot.

wait... holy shit! denying PMs.....

Corndog? Is that you? You went through Reintardation or something?

Uhhh.....no numbnuts. The fact that you claim to not read them. We both know better. :eusa_hand:

But we'll continue playing your little game. You can pretend to not read them if you like. But you ain't fooling anyone. :eusa_whistle:


Mm... good pwnage. keep up the... um... whatever it is you do...

on second thought, no. Stop. Someone's going to have to clean it up and we know you're not handi-capable enough to do it.
But you can't equate everyone that needs help with laziness!!! There are good people...who due to unforeseen circumstances...and low-paying jobs...need help. They're not lazy or stupid...just caught by the circumstances of life.

Truer words have never been spoken on this issue. And compassionate Americans are not opposed to giving them a hand up whether it's on the state or federal level.


'SUPPOSED to' 'required to' or 'forced to' are key terms... there should be no forced participation in such things.. through any level of government...

But I call on people continually to VOLUNTARILY give of their own income, efforts, time, goods, etc to help those who fall on hard time, who need a leg up, or who just need a boost in some way... that is a call to charity... not a call to forced redistribution for the sake of governmental power and legislated morality on the issue of 'need'.... but funny, the leftists sure like to legislate morality when it comes to causes that are near and dear to their hearts... not realizing that when they give government this power, it is not just to be used when it is in their favor.. that when the pendulum swings, it can and will come back the other way... but they sure as hell will complain about it then... because of their very subjective stance..

Me... I personally support keeping that power away from government and in the hands of the individuals who are supposed to benefit from the freedom our country affords... that freedom coming with both positives and negatives for every person... but I will certainly take that freedom over the shackles of increasing government control

Now if we can get away from Big Fitz's lies and pretending he doesn't read his PM's..... (he's such a weenie)

Out of curiousity just how much money (federal outlay on a percentage basis) do you think the US spends on AFDC which is commonly referred to as welfare?

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Truer words have never been spoken on this issue. And compassionate Americans are not opposed to giving them a hand up whether it's on the state or federal level.


'SUPPOSED to' 'required to' or 'forced to' are key terms... there should be no forced participation in such things.. through any level of government...

But I call on people continually to VOLUNTARILY give of their own income, efforts, time, goods, etc to help those who fall on hard time, who need a leg up, or who just need a boost in some way... that is a call to charity... not a call to forced redistribution for the sake of governmental power and legislated morality on the issue of 'need'.... but funny, the leftists sure like to legislate morality when it comes to causes that are near and dear to their hearts... not realizing that when they give government this power, it is not just to be used when it is in their favor.. that when the pendulum swings, it can and will come back the other way... but they sure as hell will complain about it then... because of their very subjective stance..

Me... I personally support keeping that power away from government and in the hands of the individuals who are supposed to benefit from the freedom our country affords... that freedom coming with both positives and negatives for every person... but I will certainly take that freedom over the shackles of increasing government control

Now if we can get away from Big Fitz's lies and pretending he doesn't read his PM's..... (he's such a weenie)

Out of curiousity just how much money (federal outlay on a percentage basis) do you think the US spends on AFDC which is commonly referred to as welfare?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-XEINagmaU]YouTube - I AM SINISTAR[/ame]
But you can't equate everyone that needs help with laziness!!! There are good people...who due to unforeseen circumstances...and low-paying jobs...need help. They're not lazy or stupid...just caught by the circumstances of life.

Life isn't fair and you cannot make it fair. When we try make it fair we make the situation worse. I am not oppose to giving people a hand up. I am oppose to it being done at the federal level. It should be done at the lowest level of government. It should also give a person only physiological needs, food and shelter. It is reasonable to expect something in return, like labor.

But, my back hurts, and I have ADD.


Yea, My back hurts too. I still have to work.
Truer words have never been spoken on this issue. And compassionate Americans are not opposed to giving them a hand up whether it's on the state or federal level.


'SUPPOSED to' 'required to' or 'forced to' are key terms... there should be no forced participation in such things.. through any level of government...

But I call on people continually to VOLUNTARILY give of their own income, efforts, time, goods, etc to help those who fall on hard time, who need a leg up, or who just need a boost in some way... that is a call to charity... not a call to forced redistribution for the sake of governmental power and legislated morality on the issue of 'need'.... but funny, the leftists sure like to legislate morality when it comes to causes that are near and dear to their hearts... not realizing that when they give government this power, it is not just to be used when it is in their favor.. that when the pendulum swings, it can and will come back the other way... but they sure as hell will complain about it then... because of their very subjective stance..

Me... I personally support keeping that power away from government and in the hands of the individuals who are supposed to benefit from the freedom our country affords... that freedom coming with both positives and negatives for every person... but I will certainly take that freedom over the shackles of increasing government control

Now if we can get away from Big Fitz's lies and pretending he doesn't read his PM's..... (he's such a weenie)

Out of curiousity just how much money (federal outlay on a percentage basis) do you think the US spends on AFDC which is commonly referred to as welfare?


Personally... I don't care if it is 1% or 99% or anywhere in between... ANY amount is too much, whether it be at the federal, state, or local level of government.... and against the concept of a free society...
Now if we can get away from Big Fitz's lies and pretending he doesn't read his PM's..... (he's such a weenie)

Out of curiousity just how much money (federal outlay on a percentage basis) do you think the US spends on AFDC which is commonly referred to as welfare?


90% of the federal budge is welfare, plus a big percentage of state budgets. Social Security is welfare. Medicare is welfare. medicaid is welfare. Agricultural subsidies are welfare.
You want to deny help to the crippled and infirm and you say I'M the evil one. :eusa_whistle:

Oh yeah.....Jesus would agree with YOU on that. :eusa_hand:


No. we would have helped them without the government. Now they will suffer and suffer, because you caused an economic collapse.

Why? You (or we) never have before. There's a reason welfare programs were created in the first place.

Even today with the programs already in place charities cannot keep up with the need.


Oh, spare me. I don't know what history books you're reading that tell you we as a society just tossed widows, orphans, and cripples to the curb and then stepped over them on the way to the opera, but you need new books.

Did we keep them in air-conditioned luxury in specially-built low-income housing (which they promptly proceed to trash, but anyway), and hand them checks and food stamps in exchange for them doing nothing at all? No, nor has that been a good idea since we started. But "we've never provided for people without government programs"? Bullshit.

The reason welfare programs was started wasn't because no one was caring for the destitute. They were started to buy votes. And look! That's STILL what they're for.
Now if we can get away from Big Fitz's lies and pretending he doesn't read his PM's..... (he's such a weenie)

Out of curiousity just how much money (federal outlay on a percentage basis) do you think the US spends on AFDC which is commonly referred to as welfare?


90% of the federal budge is welfare, plus a big percentage of state budgets. Social Security is welfare. Medicare is welfare. medicaid is welfare. Agricultural subsidies are welfare.

And then I am guessing that you yourself would NEVER be so hypocritical as to sign up for Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, right?

No. we would have helped them without the government. Now they will suffer and suffer, because you caused an economic collapse.

Why? You (or we) never have before. There's a reason welfare programs were created in the first place.

Even today with the programs already in place charities cannot keep up with the need.


Oh, spare me. I don't know what history books you're reading that tell you we as a society just tossed widows, orphans, and cripples to the curb and then stepped over them on the way to the opera, but you need new books.

Did we keep them in air-conditioned luxury in specially-built low-income housing (which they promptly proceed to trash, but anyway), and hand them checks and food stamps in exchange for them doing nothing at all? No, nor has that been a good idea since we started. But "we've never provided for people without government programs"? Bullshit.

The reason welfare programs was started wasn't because no one was caring for the destitute. They were started to buy votes. And look! That's STILL what they're for.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6MFN8yiVc0]YouTube - A Christmas Carol -- Ignorance & Want[/ame]

Now if we can get away from Big Fitz's lies and pretending he doesn't read his PM's..... (he's such a weenie)

Out of curiousity just how much money (federal outlay on a percentage basis) do you think the US spends on AFDC which is commonly referred to as welfare?


90% of the federal budge is welfare, plus a big percentage of state budgets. Social Security is welfare. Medicare is welfare. medicaid is welfare. Agricultural subsidies are welfare.

And then I am guessing that you yourself would NEVER be so hypocritical as to sign up for Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, right?


Personally.. if you think I am relying on ANY of those... you're sick in the head... my retirement and insurance during retirement are being saved for by me...
You want to deny help to the crippled and infirm and you say I'M the evil one. :eusa_whistle:

Oh yeah.....Jesus would agree with YOU on that. :eusa_hand:

Cite one time in scripture where Christ took from another person, against their will to help someone. Just one.

Sure. As soon as you provide evidence that supports YOUR contention that Jesus would disapprove a nation using its resources to help the poor and needy.


In other words, "I can't prove myself right. YOU have to prove me WRONG. And until you prove me wrong, I'll just hide behind demanding that you prove me wrong."

Might as well just get yourself a white flag and start waving it now, loser.
90% of the federal budge is welfare, plus a big percentage of state budgets. Social Security is welfare. Medicare is welfare. medicaid is welfare. Agricultural subsidies are welfare.

And then I am guessing that you yourself would NEVER be so hypocritical as to sign up for Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, right?


Personally.. if you think I am relying on ANY of those... you're sick in the head... my retirement and insurance during retirement are being saved for by me...

That's not what I asked.

Cite one time in scripture where Christ took from another person, against their will to help someone. Just one.

Sure. As soon as you provide evidence that supports YOUR contention that Jesus would disapprove a nation using its resources to help the poor and needy.


In other words, "I can't prove myself right. YOU have to prove me WRONG. And until you prove me wrong, I'll just hide behind demanding that you prove me wrong."

Might as well just get yourself a white flag and start waving it now, loser.

I thought you and Big Fitz were on the same side? :confused: Why are you asking him to wave the white flag?

Or a wing nut trying to describe tolerance and compassion.

BTW...I noticed Big Fitz liked your post. I suppose he's going to try and say that Jesus would call them names and cast stones? Wait.....maybe in his belief he would think that Jesus would do that.

Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.


Perhaps while you're running and hiding like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that Jesus would just LOVE forced government "charity" in place of personal charity, you could ALSO run and hide like a yellow bitch from proving your assertion that God expects us to sit around with blank stares on our faces, unable and unwilling to use any discernment as to whether or not behaviors are right or wrong, sinful or righteous.

And if you DO actually grow a pair long enough to throw up that tired misquote about "Judge not lest ye be judged", be warned that I will laugh right in your cowardly, lying face. And I'm sure I won't be the only one.
Or a wing nut trying to describe tolerance and compassion.

BTW...I noticed Big Fitz liked your post. I suppose he's going to try and say that Jesus would call them names and cast stones? Wait.....maybe in his belief he would think that Jesus would do that.

Whine whine WHINE whine whine. I don't give a fuck over political correctness. But you can try to hide behind your pharisee skirts if you want. Ain't working though. I've seen enough bad teaching in my life to know a poltical snowjob with Christian trimmings on sight.

1. Christ teaches that not one "Jot or tittle" of the law has been done away with. Only forgiveness for sin is offered through the sacrifice of Christ.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the eyes of God.
3. You think that Jesus would approve of "Adam and Steve's" behavior let alone their definition of marriage?
4. My agreement was with the concept, not the term.

You're still trying to hammer scripture home to fit your political correctness, which is evil unto itself. It codifies racism and the striation of people into false separation from God, and excuses abominable unrepentant behavior. Yeah, some real good teaching there.

And of course God has selected YOU to be their "Judge", right?

I can just see you judging Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners and forgiving the adulteress.

You not only "don't give a fuck for political correctness", you have shown you don't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.

And i'm quite sure you can display the direct eveidence of your charge that Fitz doesn't give a fuck about the poor, needy, disabled and crippled.

Btw, just what the fuck do YOU do to help the poor, needy, disabled and crippled?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:


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