Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

Have you ever known a liberal to get the point, no matter HOW many times you beat them about the head and shoulders with it?
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can beat it repeatedly with a rolled newspaper.

really , can you explain why after the Bush administration headed us off a financial clif they want to do it all over again ?
no matter how bade you neo-con butt heads screw things up you aways go right back to the same old same old as soon as you get a chance .

keep up the let them eat cake shit and see history repeat .

no how do you get bad selfish habbits out of conservatives ?


Anyone that believes the Bush administration was the only reason the car went into the ditch is a lobotomised moron.

really , can you explain why after the Bush administration headed us off a financial clif they want to do it all over again ?
no matter how bade you neo-con butt heads screw things up you aways go right back to the same old same old as soon as you get a chance .

keep up the let them eat cake shit and see history repeat .

no how do you get bad selfish habbits out of conservatives ?
Would this be the Bush administration alone, or did anyone else have a hand in aiming the car over the cliff?

The poster seems to forget events from 2006 onward...
Kinda what I'm thinking.
Have you ever known a liberal to get the point, no matter HOW many times you beat them about the head and shoulders with it?
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can beat it repeatedly with a rolled newspaper.

really , can you explain why after the Bush administration headed us off a financial clif they want to do it all over again ?
no matter how bade you neo-con butt heads screw things up you aways go right back to the same old same old as soon as you get a chance .

keep up the let them eat cake shit and see history repeat .

no how do you get bad selfish habbits out of conservatives ?

Oh, yeah, the problems with the Bush administration were the rare occasions when he acted like a conservative, rather than the myriad times that he acted like a liberal. Can YOU explain why, after the Bush administration's financial mistakes, YOU want to do the same thing all over again? Oh, yeah, you just did. It's because you're too goddamned shit-stupid to recognize problems when they crawl up your pants leg and bite you on the ass.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can beat it repeatedly with a rolled newspaper.

really , can you explain why after the Bush administration headed us off a financial clif they want to do it all over again ?
no matter how bade you neo-con butt heads screw things up you aways go right back to the same old same old as soon as you get a chance .

keep up the let them eat cake shit and see history repeat .

no how do you get bad selfish habbits out of conservatives ?

Oh, yeah, the problems with the Bush administration were the rare occasions when he acted like a conservative, rather than the myriad times that he acted like a liberal. Can YOU explain why, after the Bush administration's financial mistakes, YOU want to do the same thing all over again? Oh, yeah, you just did. It's because you're too goddamned shit-stupid to recognize problems when they crawl up your pants leg and bite you on the ass.

Not only repeat the mistakes...ENLARGE THEM...and then blame the other guy...(Bush)...
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.


In your avatar, you appear to be on a bridge? Please jump so I do not have to support your democrat parasitic ass for the rest of my life

Thank you,

The tax paying productive class
Anyone that believes the Bush administration was the only reason the car went into the ditch is a lobotomised moron.

Well, people are doing a lot of useless elective surgeries nowadays.
Well, people are doing a lot of useless elective surgeries nowadays.

I watched "Millionaire Matchmaker" with my daughter the other day.. I think I was telepathically lobotomized.

You were. It's things like that, that caused me to give up TV.

Only thing I watch on TV are History Documentaries...Science programs dealing with the Earth and the stars...and Comedy...

The rest of it is a waste.
I watched "Millionaire Matchmaker" with my daughter the other day.. I think I was telepathically lobotomized.

You were. It's things like that, that caused me to give up TV.

I thought I was the only one.
Nope. When the nation went digital, I didn't bother. They have a TV blaring at the driver's room at work and what I see is pretty much pathetic. And that's just CNN and MSNBS. The shows they title "entertainment' are flat out insipid.

Talk about the dumbing down of America.... You get yellow dog journalism and shows that make you wish to take up trictotilomania.
I only watch a couple shows myself and once they are off the air, I'm going to avoid picking up more. Id much rather have uplifting entertainment than some of the trash they peddle on TV. And honestly, I prefer the quiet. More time to think.

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