Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

United States GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

This is why right wingers are so ignorant. They don't bother to look anything up. I don't know why. And what's funny, is you don't even need to really look anything up to know the truth.

At the end of 2008, the GDP shrank to around -3. By the end of 2009, it had grown to over +2. That's a change of over 5. And right there, the entire argument is busted.

You aren't paying attention son.

"Barack Obama remains solidly on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history never to have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent"

The key word there is year, I hope that helps.
Why the job creators silly

What they have done though is find out how to hire more employees without increasing wages. $50 trillion has been added to our nations wealth.....what they have found is they no longer have to pass that along to their employees
Can you say obamacare?

The magic of Obamacare was a job eliminator
Still trying to sell that bullshit when 9 million jobs have been created since Obamacare
You don't get it fool I'm certainly not your educator. But we did discuss earlier the jobs that are created are not full time jobs. But you don't understand the difference between full and part time. Fool.
More bullshit, different day

A small percentage of new jobs are part time

"Yes, we have created 11.5 million jobs as of June during the last five years of labor force expansion, but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7 percent, or 822,000, lower than it was at the pre-recession peak and that was eight years ago. What we have seen within these numbers is a dramatic and unexpected increase in part-time jobs. We are living with a dismaying regression in wages and salaries growing at the slowest pace in three decades."

The Part-Time Recovery

The facts show you to be a liar youngster..
Gramps......less than one percent (0.7 percent) of jobs are full time?

Making stuff up as you go along?
United States GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

This is why right wingers are so ignorant. They don't bother to look anything up. I don't know why. And what's funny, is you don't even need to really look anything up to know the truth.

At the end of 2008, the GDP shrank to around -3. By the end of 2009, it had grown to over +2. That's a change of over 5. And right there, the entire argument is busted.

You aren't paying attention son.

"Barack Obama remains solidly on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history never to have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent"

The key word there is year, I hope that helps.

The worldwide economy is down America has one of the best economies in the world . U can't look at the GDP in a vacuum and get the full picture.
President Obama also has a chance of being one of only 2 presidents in the last 40 years not to have a recession begin on his watch.
Can you say obamacare?

The magic of Obamacare was a job eliminator
Still trying to sell that bullshit when 9 million jobs have been created since Obamacare
You don't get it fool I'm certainly not your educator. But we did discuss earlier the jobs that are created are not full time jobs. But you don't understand the difference between full and part time. Fool.
More bullshit, different day

A small percentage of new jobs are part time

"Yes, we have created 11.5 million jobs as of June during the last five years of labor force expansion, but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7 percent, or 822,000, lower than it was at the pre-recession peak and that was eight years ago. What we have seen within these numbers is a dramatic and unexpected increase in part-time jobs. We are living with a dismaying regression in wages and salaries growing at the slowest pace in three decades."

The Part-Time Recovery

The facts show you to be a liar youngster..
Gramps......less than one percent (0.7 percent) of jobs are full time?

Making stuff up as you go along?

" but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7 percent, or 822,000, lower than it was at the pre-recession peak and that was eight years ago"

If you actually read sources it wouldn't be so easy to make look silly kid.
Try again.
Still trying to sell that bullshit when 9 million jobs have been created since Obamacare
You don't get it fool I'm certainly not your educator. But we did discuss earlier the jobs that are created are not full time jobs. But you don't understand the difference between full and part time. Fool.
More bullshit, different day

A small percentage of new jobs are part time

"Yes, we have created 11.5 million jobs as of June during the last five years of labor force expansion, but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7 percent, or 822,000, lower than it was at the pre-recession peak and that was eight years ago. What we have seen within these numbers is a dramatic and unexpected increase in part-time jobs. We are living with a dismaying regression in wages and salaries growing at the slowest pace in three decades."

The Part-Time Recovery

The facts show you to be a liar youngster..
Gramps......less than one percent (0.7 percent) of jobs are full time?

Making stuff up as you go along?

" but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7 percent, or 822,000, lower than it was at the pre-recession peak and that was eight years ago"

If you actually read sources it wouldn't be so easy to make look silly kid.
Try again.
Do you understand what 0.7 percent represents?
United States GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

This is why right wingers are so ignorant. They don't bother to look anything up. I don't know why. And what's funny, is you don't even need to really look anything up to know the truth.

At the end of 2008, the GDP shrank to around -3. By the end of 2009, it had grown to over +2. That's a change of over 5. And right there, the entire argument is busted.

You aren't paying attention son.

"Barack Obama remains solidly on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history never to have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent"

The key word there is year, I hope that helps.

The worldwide economy is down America has one of the best economies in the world . U can't look at the GDP in a vacuum and get the full picture.

You did not just type that did you? Having the "best" economy in the world is elative don't you think?
Just because our economy is "better" than say Venezuela's really isn't saying much. I am betting you bought into that whole "new normal" thinks hook, line and sinker didn't you?
You don't get it fool I'm certainly not your educator. But we did discuss earlier the jobs that are created are not full time jobs. But you don't understand the difference between full and part time. Fool.
More bullshit, different day

A small percentage of new jobs are part time

"Yes, we have created 11.5 million jobs as of June during the last five years of labor force expansion, but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7 percent, or 822,000, lower than it was at the pre-recession peak and that was eight years ago. What we have seen within these numbers is a dramatic and unexpected increase in part-time jobs. We are living with a dismaying regression in wages and salaries growing at the slowest pace in three decades."

The Part-Time Recovery

The facts show you to be a liar youngster..
Gramps......less than one percent (0.7 percent) of jobs are full time?

Making stuff up as you go along?

" but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7 percent, or 822,000, lower than it was at the pre-recession peak and that was eight years ago"

If you actually read sources it wouldn't be so easy to make look silly kid.
Try again.
Do you understand what 0.7 percent represents?

Sonny I am sorry that you don't seem to be able to comprehend what you read, but it's really not my problem.
Try again.
Ever notice cons pull out obscure stats to bash obama ?

You mean like when both Bush and Obama had a 4.9% unemployment rate yet there were only 27 million on food stamps under Bush but well over 40 million under Obama? It that obscure or is that something you want to ignore.
Tell me the black President can't get the job done.

Do you credit Obama with the creation of millions of jobs causing unemployment to come down?
Unemployment has come down, profit and wealth has returned

But it is not getting into the hands of those who create it...the workers

We need government to stop being big pussies and force profitable business to either pay more to their workers or pay more in taxes to allow the government to do it
You still don't understand what a loser.

Maybe he wants the government to force more from businesses because he knows he doesn't have the skills to ever earn more.

I suspect I earn more than both of you combined. Bet I pay more in taxes than you earn
Or not

I bet he can't prove it.
I bet $10 on tomorrow's baseball game. The notional value of my bet is about $3 billion.
Should I worry?

No, the notional value of your bet is $10. Where the banks make their money on CDS is where the bookie makes his money. Except the banks get their money up front, which is like paying the booky his slice of the bet each and every month until the event occurs. That is why the banks sell Credit Default Swaps; they dont think that they will ever have to pay out - until they do.

So lets say you have this idea that GM is about to go bankrupt, and you buy a $10 million CDS on GM. This sort of thing is the typical kind of CDS that these Wall Street banks sell. The bank then charges you a monthly fee, say 0.1% of the total notional value which is their exposure if GM does go bankrupt which would be a fee of $10k a month. That sounds like a lot of money, and it is, but if you think that GM is about to go bankrupt and you will make $10 million, it is nothing.

But another difference between the bet with a booky and the CDS with a bank is that the CDS event might not ever happen. you could be paying your $10k for 50 years and never have win-lose event like a ball game that brings the bet to a close. The bank is betting that the game never takes place.

Derivatives market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Products that are always traded over-the-counter are swaps, forward rate agreements, forward contracts, credit derivatives, accumulators etc. The total notional amount of all the outstanding positions at the end of June 2004 stood at $220 trillion. (source: BIS: [3]). By the end of 2007 this figure had risen to $596 trillion and in 2009 it stood at $615 trillion.

Credit default swap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By the end of 2007, the outstanding CDS amount was $62.2 trillion,[3] falling to $26.3 trillion by mid-year 2010[4] and reportedly $25.5[5] trillion in early 2012. CDSs are not traded on an exchange and there is no required reporting of transactions to a government agency.[6] During the 2007-2010 financial crisis the lack of transparency in this large market became a concern to regulators as it could pose a systemic risk.[7][8][9][10] In March 2010, the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (see Sources of Market Data) announced it would give regulators greater access to its credit default swaps database.

A better analogy is with car insurance. Insurance companies wont let you take an insurance policy out for the family down the street. And for good reason; you have no skin in the game, you have nothing at stake in that families car or its well being. So if I called up State Farm and said that I wanted comprehensive insuracne, put every option in it that they have available, State Farm will say no, they dont live with you.

But that is what is happening with CDS. Suppose I knew the guy down the street is a drunkard who for the last 6 weeks in a row has been driving home drunk as a skunk. So I think that taking out a car insurance policy on him and a life insurance policy would be a good gamble, well so would the car insurance company and they would reject my request.

But not banks, as they are so fucking greedy that they are stupid greedy. They would sell you that car insurance plan in a heart beat, were they running car insurance. They do run CDS, and they will sell you a CDS on GM whether you own any stock in GM or not. Not only that, if you knew I took out a CDS on GM, they would sell you a derivatives contract that says that they will pay you if I collect on the CDS, sort of a CDS on a CDS, but technically not a CDS.

The unregulated derivatives market is full of these kinds of contracts and if the CDS market gets hammered in a massive series of defaults like almost happened in 20008, the whole derivatives market is threatened BECAUSE THE MAIN BANKS THAT ARE SELLING CDS ALSO SELL ALL THE OTHER CONTRACTS IN THE DERIVATIVES MARKET.

That means if the CDS market goes *poof* the rest of the derivatives market will also go *poof* too. a catastrophic $1,2000 trillion MOTHER OLF ALL POOFS.

We need to regulate the derivatives market. We need to ban CDS unless you hold the equity that the CDS is taken out on. We need to reinstate Glass Steagal.

We need to do this before everything blows up and we are thrown back into the Stone Age.

No, the notional value of your bet is $10.

You are mistaken.

The notional value is the total amount of a security's underlying asset at its spot price.

The underlying assets of my bet are the 2 baseball teams.
Combined they are worth about $3 billion.

We need to ban CDS unless you hold the equity that the CDS is taken out on.

Why? I can't force GM to go under, so why do I need to own the stock to buy a CDS?
Unemployment has come down, profit and wealth has returned

But it is not getting into the hands of those who create it...the workers

We need government to stop being big pussies and force profitable business to either pay more to their workers or pay more in taxes to allow the government to do it
You still don't understand what a loser.

Maybe he wants the government to force more from businesses because he knows he doesn't have the skills to ever earn more.

I suspect I earn more than both of you combined. Bet I pay more in taxes than you earn
Or not

I bet he can't prove it.
Nope he can't
Obamanomics. I told you this would happen 8 years ago.

We just got another extremely disappointing GDP number. It was being projected that U.S. GDP would grow by 2.5 percent during the second quarter of 2016, but instead it only grew by just 1.2 percent. In addition, the Census Bureau announced that GDP growth for the first quarter of 2016 had been revised down from 1.1 percent to 0.8 percent. What this means is that the U.S. economy is just barely hanging on by its fingernails from falling into a recession. As Zero Hedge has pointed out, the “average annual growth rate during the current business cycle remains the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949″. This is not what a recovery looks like.

In addition, Barack Obama remains solidly on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history to never have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent. Every other president in American history, even the really bad ones, had at least one year when U.S. GDP grew by at least 3 percent. But this has not happened under Obama even though he has had two terms in the White House.

Barack Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth | Zero Hedge

A statistical anomaly

What Obama has given us is eight years of steady growth. No real peaks, no real valleys , just steady growth in the 2-3 % range

Obama has also seen $50 Trillion added to our nations wealth. More than any president in history

they like forgetting that we were bleeding over 800,000 jobs a month because of baby bush when obama took the reins
The government propped up those businesses until they could get back on their feet. The workers paid the price for the bad decisions of the capitalists. The capitalists are doing great...the workers aren't

in an ideal world, everyone does great. right-wingers especially the uneducated white males, vote against their own interests.

right-wingers especially the uneducated white males, vote against their own interests.

Just as left-wingers, especially uneducated blacks, vote against their own interests.
Since unemployment is down, that means more jobs have been created and people are now making money instead of living off taxpayers.
Umm, not really. It also means that more people have take part time jobs that dont meet their budgets but helps to reduce the financial hemorraging for their family. IT means that the Obama regime has simply taken hundreds of thousands of people out of the labor pool.

Don't take my statement as believing the unemployment rate is really down. I realize that there are over 90 million not in the workforce, many of which aren't counted in the percentage.

Why do you continue that bullshit about 90 million out of the workforce?

My 85 year old mother is included in that 90 million along with 45 million other retirees. My niece stays home to care for her young children, she is included in that 90 million along with 12 million other stay at home moms. My nephew is in his second year of college ...and yes, he is included in your 90 million

My 85 year old mother is included in that 90 million along with 45 million other retirees.

You sure about that?

Labor force (Current Population Survey)
The labor force includes all persons classified as employed or unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary.

Labor force participation rate
The labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population.

Employed persons (Current Population Survey)
Persons 16 years and over in the civilian noninstitutional population who, during the reference week, (a) did any work at all (at least 1 hour) as paid employees; worked in their own business, profession, or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of the family; and (b) all those who were not working but who had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job. Excluded are persons whose only activity consisted of work around their own house (painting, repairing, or own home housework) or volunteer work for religious, charitable, and other organizations.

Unemployed persons (Current Population Survey)
Persons aged 16 years and older who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and had made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed.

United States GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

This is why right wingers are so ignorant. They don't bother to look anything up. I don't know why. And what's funny, is you don't even need to really look anything up to know the truth.

At the end of 2008, the GDP shrank to around -3. By the end of 2009, it had grown to over +2. That's a change of over 5. And right there, the entire argument is busted.

At the end of 2008, the GDP shrank to around -3. By the end of 2009, it had grown to over +2. That's a change of over 5.

A year after GDP shrank by 3%, it grew by 2%.
The fact that you think that means it grew by 5% is funny as shit.
United States GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

This is why right wingers are so ignorant. They don't bother to look anything up. I don't know why. And what's funny, is you don't even need to really look anything up to know the truth.

At the end of 2008, the GDP shrank to around -3. By the end of 2009, it had grown to over +2. That's a change of over 5. And right there, the entire argument is busted.
United States GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

This is why right wingers are so ignorant. They don't bother to look anything up. I don't know why. And what's funny, is you don't even need to really look anything up to know the truth.

At the end of 2008, the GDP shrank to around -3. By the end of 2009, it had grown to over +2. That's a change of over 5. And right there, the entire argument is busted.
View attachment 84539

In 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.9% and food stamp use was 27 million. Today, unemployment is claimed to be 4.9% but food stamp use is well over 40 million. If all the jobs that have claimed to be created have been, why are so many more on food stamps?

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