Obama won now what?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Obama won he was not my choice bit no gripes or complaints here congrats to him. So we have democrat president a republican house and a democrat senate so my question is what happens now in terms of dealing withe problems we face as a nation? We have the same democrat leadership that would not work with republicans for the first two years of obamas term and the same republican leadership who would not work with democrats for the last two years this looks like four more years of broken gridlocked government to me. Anyone see it different?
The same death-spiral suck as yesteday, and the day before... and the day before...

Obama won he was not my choice bit no gripes or complaints here congrats to him. So we have democrat president a republican house and a democrat senate so my question is what happens now in terms of dealing withe problems we face as a nation? We have the same democrat leadership that would not work with republicans for the first two years of obamas term and the same republican leadership who would not work with democrats for the last two years this looks like four more years of broken gridlocked government to me. Anyone see it different?

The Democrats will push to win the house back in 2014, and keep the Senate. The key indicator will be the financial health of Blue states such as California, and Illinois, as those are models for progressive governance. If they manage to keep them bandaged up they may sweep all 3 parts of the federal government. If one of them falls, then watch out.
Gridlock is the best we can hope for.

How's that supposed to help the country? All that strategy will get us is a House reversal in '14, IMO. The American people are getting tired of that BS and they said so last night.
Gridlock is the best we can hope for.

How's that supposed to help the country? All that strategy will get us is a House reversal in '14, IMO. The American people are getting tired of that BS and they said so last night.

What the people said last night is that the country is irrevocably divided with half of them intent on stopping the predations of the other half.
Obama won he was not my choice bit no gripes or complaints here congrats to him. So we have democrat president a republican house and a democrat senate so my question is what happens now in terms of dealing withe problems we face as a nation? We have the same democrat leadership that would not work with republicans for the first two years of obamas term and the same republican leadership who would not work with democrats for the last two years this looks like four more years of broken gridlocked government to me. Anyone see it different?

You go on with your life and hope that Obama doesnt totally fuck up this country any more then he has..
Gridlock is the best we can hope for.

How's that supposed to help the country? All that strategy will get us is a House reversal in '14, IMO. The American people are getting tired of that BS and they said so last night.

Then why didnt the house flip?

Congressional races have a different, local dynamic. I think it'll take another two years for those voters to realize they've been sold a plan that just doesn't work. Patience.
Gridlock is the best we can hope for.

How's that supposed to help the country? All that strategy will get us is a House reversal in '14, IMO. The American people are getting tired of that BS and they said so last night.

Apparantly not because the House is still in Rep hands. I for one have no wish to see one party with all the apples. Thats a recipe for an even bigger disaster. Obamacare comes to mind.

We have the same demographics for the next four years that we had for the last four years.

Barry has shown no sign of bipartisanship and now with his re-election IMO he feels he has a green light to continue.

The debt and deficit are still through the roof. UE is still at 7.9% though in reality its around 14%.

Obamacare is going to kick in in 2014. Another huge entitlement that we simply cannot afford.

Personally I think The American voter is going to deeply regret giving this fuck a second term.
More doom and gloom,except now it will happen at a more accelerated pace.....
Obama won he was not my choice bit no gripes or complaints here congrats to him. So we have democrat president a republican house and a democrat senate so my question is what happens now in terms of dealing withe problems we face as a nation? We have the same democrat leadership that would not work with republicans for the first two years of obamas term and the same republican leadership who would not work with democrats for the last two years this looks like four more years of broken gridlocked government to me. Anyone see it different?

Urge you senators and representatives to work with the president.

Otherwise, yes, it will be the same.. Until 2014.
How's that supposed to help the country? All that strategy will get us is a House reversal in '14, IMO. The American people are getting tired of that BS and they said so last night.

Then why didnt the house flip?

Congressional races have a different, local dynamic. I think it'll take another two years for those voters to realize they've been sold a plan that just doesn't work. Patience.

Or they will realize they bought the same crap from 2008 and increase the size of the republican lead in the house, and maybe the senate.
No flames here, I am just wondering what happens now. It seem that the voters, by a narrow margin, voted for No Plan to balance the budget or address the Debt (i.e., no new taxes or spending cuts). Do we just keep borrowing $1 trillion a year? Do we let Sequestration gut our military? Taxing The Wealthy was an effective campaign slogan, but it is not a serious budgetary strategy. So, Democrats, what is the plan?
Give em a hot minute and they'll let you know.

Of course they have to think of something first so you better make it two minutes.
The government will continue to spend, spend, spend. We will continue to borrow money at alarming rates to cover all these "What can government do for me?" type programs.
It is like paying off your credit card by using another credit card.

They will continue to print more money to attemp to stimulate the economy. They call this "quantitative easment", further devaluating our dollar. They will continue to attempt to buy back some of our debt with these devalued dollars.

The US dollar is in real threat of loosing its position as the global monitary standard. It may actually be imminent.

The fed will not be able to artificially hold down interest rates much longer.
It has to compensate for the devalued dollar.
Rapid inflation will result probably in the next 12 to 24 months.
If you think your pocket book was hit hard from 2007-2012, hold on to your purse strings.

The very people who voted Obama in to office again due to their 30 second education from advertising will be hurt the most as our standard of living will have to go down.
Obama won he was not my choice bit no gripes or complaints here congrats to him. So we have democrat president a republican house and a democrat senate so my question is what happens now in terms of dealing withe problems we face as a nation? We have the same democrat leadership that would not work with republicans for the first two years of obamas term and the same republican leadership who would not work with democrats for the last two years this looks like four more years of broken gridlocked government to me. Anyone see it different?

Urge you senators and representatives to work with the president.

Otherwise, yes, it will be the same.. Until 2014.

Just remember that has to be a two way street Obama has to be willing to work across the aisle as well something he has not shown he's willing to do so far.

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