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Obama Won't Take Out Caliph of ISIS


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I blame all this islamic bs on beebop clinton's watch...
Obama Won't Take Out Caliph of ISIS b/c of Collateral Damage
"obvious civilian targets are off limits"
December 21, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


We could have beheaded the ISIS leadership by now. But we can't do it. Because of collateral damage. If this sounds familiar, it should.

Ten hours before the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, Bill Clinton allegedly told a group of businessmen in Australia that he had a chance to kill Osama Bin Laden, but passed because it would have meant killing hundreds of innocent civilians.

That’s according to never-before-released audio of remarks made public by Australian media on Wednesday.

At the event in Melbourne, which took place not long after the end of Clinton’s term in office, the former president was asked about international terrorism.

“And I’m just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden — he’s very smart guy, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about him — and I nearly got him once,” Clinton is heard saying. “I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn’t do it.”

Now we're getting the same routine from Barack Obama.

White House and Pentagon officials have made it clear that obvious civilian targets are off limits — and that attacking them would not only violate international law but undermine the effort to defeat the Islamic State.

As the capital of the Islamic State’s self-declared caliphate, Raqqa holds a dense concentration of potential targets: The group’s top leaders work and live in the city, and the bureaucracy they have created to run the self-declared caliphate is based there. There are financial specialists, computer experts, field commanders and as many as 10,000 foot soldiers, and they congregate in dozens of places, including the headquarters buildings.

Raqqa’s city hall is Exhibit A in the difficulties in targeting in an urban environment. Even the most advanced and precise missiles and bombs cannot achieve the surgical precision needed to target only militants in the city hall building, American officials said.

For months, the United States military has known that the Islamic State uses the city hall in Raqqa, Syria, as an administrative center and a dormitory for scores of fighters. Some American officials even believe that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the group’s leader, may have been in the building at times.

Yet, despite the American air campaign against the Islamic State, the white, three-story building remains standing because it also houses a jail. Its inmates are mainly victims of the extremist group — men caught sneaking a cigarette, women spotted with clothes that reveal even a hint of skin, shop owners who failed to pay their bills — and for American officials, the risk of killing any of them in an airstrike is too high.

The same is true of six other nearby buildings, including a mosque and court complex, which, together with city hall, compose the closest thing the Islamic State has to a headquarters.

So we can't bomb ISIS leaders until they're well away from civilians or people we think might be civilians or anyone who isn't waving a gun or an ISIS flag at the moment. Which means all ISIS leaders have to do to be immune from US airstrikes is surround themselves with human shields. Obama is actually making human shields mandatory for ISIS. Just like he did for the Taliban.

He had US planes buzz ISIS oil tankers and drop leaflets giving them 45 minutes of warning.


There we go. If we kill terrorists, we'll just "radicalize" more Muslims. And our main strategy is not to offend Muslims. It's not about the value of human life. It's about appeasement

Obama Won't Take Out Caliph of ISIS b/c of Collateral Damage
Fighting ISIS: Is Pentagon Using Air Power's Full Potential?

How Does OIR Stack Up?

As of Oct. 6, the US and partner nations had conducted 7,323 strikes against ISIS: 4,701 in Iraq and 2,622 in Syria, according to a Pentagon report on OIR. Over one year, that averages out to about 13 strikes in Iraq and seven strikes in Syria each day.

By comparison, during the 42-day Desert Storm air campaign against Saddam Hussein in 1991, coalition fighters and bombers flew 48,224 strike sorties, or 1,100 a day. Twelve years later, the 31-day Iraqi Freedom air campaign averaged more than 800 offensive sorties a day.

Even the 1999 Kosovo campaign and the 2001 strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan dwarfed OIR's strikes launched. These air campaigns averaged 138 and 86 strike sorties a day, respectively.

This limited application of air power to destroy ISIS raises questions about the administration’s objectives, according to retired Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula, former deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

“To what end it’s still unclear, particularly since the application of air power to date, while enormously precise and effective to the extent that it has been applied, the degree to which it has been applied is very, very, very limited relative to what the potential application of air power could be,” Deptula told Defense News. “So there’s a lot of confusion of just what are the US critical national security objectives that the application of force today has been aimed at.”

Deptula also pointed out that OIR is lead by an Army general: Lt. Gen. James Terry. This begs the question, he said, if the administration’s goal is to take out ISIS through the use of air power alone, why put an Army commander in charge of the air campaign?

Gulf War air campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he Air campaign of the Gulf War, also known as the 1991 Bombing of Iraq started with an extensive aerial bombingcampaign on 17 January 1991. The coalition flew over 100,000 sorties, dropping 88,500 tons of bombs,[2] widely destroying military and civilian infrastructure.[3] The air campaign was commanded by USAFLieutenant GeneralChuck Horner, who briefly served as Commander-in-Chief – Forward of U.S. Central Command while General Schwarzkopf was still in the United States. The British air commanders were Air Vice-Marshal Andrew Wilson (to 17 November) and Air Vice-Marshal Bill Wratten (from 17 November).[4] The air campaign largely finished by 23 February 1991 when the coalition invasion of Kuwait took place.
We have a lack of will in the WH to kill the enemy. Taking out ISIS is secondary to allowing them to take out Assad before being destroyed.

Beating ISIS is secondary to the main goal of removal of Assad.

Which is why this goes on and on..........

Militarily, if we want to destroy them for REAL............they could be taken out in a matter of months..........with ground troops as well.
US Pilots Confirm: Obama Admin Blocks 75% of ISIS Strikes
The Washington Free Beacon
Nov 20, 2015 - A target is hit during a Russian air raid in Syria / AP ... U.S. military pilots who have returned from the fight against the ... they were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets ... France dropped at least 20 bombs on key Islamic State targets .... ©2015 All Rights Reserved | Site Map ...
75% of U.S. bombing runs targeting Islamic State returned ...
Jihad Watch
Jun 1, 2015 - Nearly 75 percent of U.S. bombing runs targeting the Islamic State in Iraq and ... The U.S. conducted 7,319 sorties over Iraq and Syria as part of Operation ..... I respectfully answered your questions, and all you give in return is ...
U.S. bombers hold fire on Islamic State targets amid ground ...
The Washington Times
May 31, 2015 - Nearly 75 percent of U.S. bombing runs targeting the Islamic State in Iraq and ... half-blind and, as a result, are returning to base with their bombs still in the bay. ... The U.S. conducted 7,319 sorties over Iraq and Syria as part of ... There may just be fewer targets that pilots can hit in a war, and all agree it ...
Obama Blocks 75 Percent of Terror Targets From Bombing
Newsmax Media
Nov 20, 2015 - Obama Blocks 75 Percent of Terror Targets From Bombing ... on an ISIL position on November 10, 2015 near the town of Hole, Rojava, Syria. ... U.S. military pilots who have returned home from the fight against the Islamic State ... "I don't understand this strategy at all because this is what has allowed ISIS ...
U.S. pilots: Obama blocks 75% of ISIS strikes
Nov 20, 2015 - Pilots who have returned from deployments say Obama refuses to permit ... “I don't understand this strategy at all because this is what has allowed ISIS the .... Putin is now dropping hundreds of bombs on ISIS strongholds.
US Air Force Pilots Bombing Desert In Syria, Returning With ...
www.activistpost.com › Activism
Dec 2, 2015 - U.S. Air Force pilots who have returned from bombing raids in Syria are reporting that they are being forced to return back to base with around 75% of their ... I don't understand this strategy at all because this is what has ...
I guess you guys never heard of something called the Geneva Conventions which prohibit killing innocent civilians. After the leaders saw the destruction laid out during WWII, they decided to come together and draw up some rules of warfare. If we violate them, then a whole bunch of nations will be against us.
I guess you guys never heard of something called the Geneva Conventions which prohibit killing innocent civilians. After the leaders saw the destruction laid out during WWII, they decided to come together and draw up some rules of warfare. If we violate them, then a whole bunch of nations will be against us.
Another excuse for minimal air campaign, and ROE's that have allowed ISIS to maintain territory............Guaranteeing that more death and destruction to the survivors in the region from their Barbarism...........causing refugee crisis from hell...................

Either shit or get off the pot.........but that is not Obama's main strategy...........his main goal is to topple Assad which is why we are hitting so lightly over there.
Geneva Convention IV
Article 28 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.”

ICRC service

Yeah, but that doesn't mean carpet bomb the entire city either, because indiscriminate bombing IS against the conventions. Ground troops are required for things like this, and they should come from places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. You know, the people with a concern in the mess over there.
Geneva Convention IV
Article 28 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.”

ICRC service

Yeah, but that doesn't mean carpet bomb the entire city either, because indiscriminate bombing IS against the conventions. Ground troops are required for things like this, and they should come from places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. You know, the people with a concern in the mess over there.
We are arming forces to KILL Syrian forces there. You just float over that point............and Iran is there with it's para military forces...the same ones who helped train and arm those against us in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same ones killing our people with advanced IED's........

Saudi Arabia is in a War already..............against Yemen, which is spinning out of control as over a million in Yemen are now ready to invade Saudi Arabia itself.......................including MORE FROM IRAN to increase Shia dominance in the region.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean carpet bomb the entire city either, because indiscriminate bombing IS against the conventions. Ground troops are required for things like this, and they should come from places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. You know, the people with a concern in the mess over there.

I know. The entire situation is constantly changing, it is a giant mess. I can't say I disagree with BHO kinda staying out of ME for 8 years. It is way above my pay grade. I don't want wasted USA soldiers lives for nothing.

If USA is going to follow some sort of rules........but this particular enemy does not? whats the point?
Get out Stay out and let them kill each other, this is one way to go. If you decide to follow "rules"?
Yeah, but that doesn't mean carpet bomb the entire city either, because indiscriminate bombing IS against the conventions. Ground troops are required for things like this, and they should come from places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. You know, the people with a concern in the mess over there.

I know. The entire situation is constantly changing, it is a giant mess. I can't say I disagree with BHO kinda staying out of ME for 8 years. It is way above my pay grade. I don't want wasted USA soldiers lives for nothing.

If USA is going to follow some sort of rules........but this particular enemy does not? whats the point?
Get out Stay out and let them kill each other, this is one way to go. If you decide to follow "rules"?

Actually, I'm all in favor of pulling out and letting them fight among themselves. If those countries in the ME aren't interested in getting rid of the terrorists, why should we? Pull everyone out and let them figure it out.

If we're attacked again over here? Find those responsible and bomb them into oblivion. But, we have no business fighting their war for them.
Islamic State’s Ancient Jihadi Tactics ‘Shock’ the West
Thanks to the academics’ lies, the West must ever confront the jihad blindfolded and blindsided.
February 26, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

As Western politicians and other talking heads insist that the Islamic State (“ISIS”) has “nothing whatsoever to do with Islam,” not only does ISIS correctly implement Islamic law—whether by demanding jizya from subjugated Christians or by sexually enslaving “infidel” women—but even the “caliphate’s” arcane jihadi tactics belong to Islam.

Consider a recently exposed “recruitment” tactic of ISIS: abducting, indoctrinating, and beating young children in order to mold them into explosive-vest wearing “martyrs” who hurl themselves onto “infidels”:

The children who managed to escape describe how they were indoctrinated into the jihadi group's radical brand of Islam and taught that they should execute their “unbeliever” [infidel] parents…. “We weren't allowed to cry but I would think about my mother, think about her worrying about me and I'd try and cry quietly,” he [an escapee] said... Some children who managed to escape ISIS and are now living in the refugee camps in northern Iraq, have also been left badly psychologically scarred. The repeated beatings and endless propaganda have meant that some of the escapees wake up in the night with nightmares while others suffer seizures.

The report goes on to say that “The growing trend for ISIS to use child soldiers as suicide bombers, particularly in Iraq, has been suggested as a sign of how stretched their resources are in the region.”

Or it could suggest that ISIS is simply following another page of the jihadi playbook. For centuries, Muslim caliphates seized Christian boys from their families, forcefully converted and indoctrinated them in Islam, trained them to be jihadis extraordinaire, and then unleashed them back onto their former Christian kin to wreak havoc in the name of jihad on infidels. (Skanderberg was the exception.)


Yet because this historical event is now portrayed as an example of extreme Christian intolerance—the flipside of Western academia’s devotion to whitewashing Islam is its devotion to demonizing Christianity—another valuable lesson from Christian/Muslim history is lost.

The tactics employed by the Islamic State and other jihadi outfits—from indoctrinating Christian children to be martyrs for Islam to acting Christian, going to church, and wearing crucifixes—permeate Islamic history. But because the West refuses to acknowledge Islam’s true doctrines and history, it must ever confront the jihad blindfolded and blindsided.

Islamic State’s Ancient Jihadi Tactics ‘Shock’ the West
How an Administration's Refugee Policies Undermine National Security
Obama orders “shields down” in the wake of a succession of deadly terror attacks.
April 15, 2016
Michael Cutler

The issue of the admission of Syrian refugees into the United States has understandably ignited a firestorm of protest by Americans concerned about their safety and the safety of their families. These Americans are not exhibiting "xenophobia," the usual claim made by the open borders immigration anarchists. They have simply been paying attention to what James Comey, the Director of the FBI, and Michael Steinbach, the FBI's Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division, have stated when they testified before congressional hearings about the Syrian refugee crisis. They made it clear that these refugees cannot be vetted. There are no reliable databases to check and no capacity to conduct field investigations inside Syria to verify the backgrounds of these aliens.

I focused on these issues in my October 7, 2015 article for FrontPage Magazine, “Syrian 'Refugees' and Immigration Roulette: How the government is recklessly playing with American lives.”

Further reports have provided disturbing information that ISIS operatives have seized blank Syrian passports and other identity documents, along with the printing devices used to prepare passports and other ID, and have sold these documents to reporters in false names. These identity documents are indistinguishable from bona fide documents because they are bona fide documents -- except that the photos and biometrics do not relate to the original person but create credible false aliases for anyone willing to pay for them.

The challenges our officials face in attempting to vet refugees and others was the focus of my September 15, 2015 article for FrontPage Magazine, “The Refugee Crisis Must Not Undermine U.S. National Security: America's enemies cannot be permitted to turn our compassion into a weapon against us.”

These multiple challenges, where failures may well cost American lives and undermine national security, are well known to the administration, yet the administration defiantly continues to press for the admission of thousands of Syrian refugees. Meanwhile, the administration ignores a commonsense solution to the refugee crisis that would be far more cost effective and not undermine U.S. national security or pose a threat to public safety: The simple establishment of safe zones in the Middle East for these refugees. This is a proposal made by a number of our true leaders, including Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

In an unsuccessful attempt to assuage the fears of Americans about the vetting process, the administration claimed that the screening process was thorough, noting that the vetting process for Syrian refugees was a lengthy process that took from 18 months to two years. (Of course without reliable databases or the ability to conduct field investigations in Syria, no length of time would be adequate.)

The situation in Syria and the growing threats posed by ISIS was the subject of an April 12, 2016 hearing conducted by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the topic, “The Spread of ISIS and Transnational Terrorism.” While it should be obvious, I want you to bear in mind the term “Transnational Terrorism.” This refers to terrorists traveling across international borders to prepare for terror attacks. The movement of people across international borders is the domain of our immigration system, which has arguably become one of the most dysfunctional of all of our government's systems.


I have written about this madness and also testified before congressional hearings about the lunacy of sanctuary cities. In point of fact, on February 27, 2003 I testified before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims on the topic, “New York City's 'Sanctuary Policy' and the Effect of Such Policies on Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Immigration.”

For those politicians who cannot understand the anger of the citizenry of the United States, they would do well to look in the mirror to see who our adversaries are.

It is time for these politicians to get the memo: you are either with us or you are against us.

Obama to Retreat from ISIS in Egypt
May 4, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

The fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria has gotten the most coverage. ISIS thriving in Libya after Obama's illegal regime change war there has gotten less publicity. ISIS in the Sinai, where it has teamed up with Hamas, while attacking Egypt, has gotten almost no publicity. But that might be changing as at least a partial pullout advances within the administration.

What's at issue is the MFO or Multinational Force of Observers that's there to keep the peace between Israel and Egypt. The force is not there to fight ISIS, but for the moment ISIS is targeting Egyptian forces, rather than foreign soldiers. Still members of that force are potentially at risk and were pulled out from some areas after recent attacks.

The White House however appears to be turning into a potentially larger move. The plans are still vague and the reactions varied.

1. The US is not there to fight ISIS. It isn't even authorized to do so. But a pullout in the face of ISIS would be a major victory for a more obscure outpost of the terror group. And there's no doubt that ISIS would trumpet it loudly.

That may not bother Obama, but it should. Unlike previous pullout discussions, this would very clearly be the US surrendering to the Islamic State and cutting and running. That's how ISIS took off.


Obama to Retreat from ISIS in Egypt
I do not know if this is true but I heard we created ISIS to destroy Assad

If that is the case, why would we attack them?
Thanks Obongo...
ISIS is on the offensive and may have just picked up a surface-to-air missile system

The Washington Post
Thomas Gibbons-Neff 8 hrs ago


Images posted online Tuesday by the group also depicts fighters seizing what looks like a Syrian fire base to the west of the city. An independent researcher who runs a website that documents the Syrian conflict, puts the base just north of the government-held Tiyas air base. Images taken by the Islamic State show abandoned artillery pieces, machine guns and, in the background of one of the photos, the outline of what looks like an S-125 surface-to-air missile system and its associated targeting and tracking radar.

The S-125, known as a SA-3 to NATO countries, is a Soviet-era weapon that can hit targets flying at approximately 60,000 feet, and has a maximum effective range of 17 miles, according to U.S. military documents. It can be configured to fire two or four missiles from its rail system. If properly used, it could pose a threat to any aircraft flying in the area; however, systems such as the S-125 are complicated to use and are easily seen and targeted from the air.

A U.S. defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said military officials were tracking the Islamic State’s capture of significant equipment around Palmyra, “which we’re not very happy about.”

The official declined to say specifically what equipment that included. “There’s no doubt we’re paying pretty close attention to that. … It can end up in lots of places,” he said.

While U.S. and international forces are carrying out regular airstrikes in Syria, American aircraft have rarely carried out attacks near Palmyra.

The Islamic State recovered air-to-air missiles when the group took the Tabqa air base in 2014, but appeared to have failed to convert them into anything that could take down an aircraft. The group has also used shoulder-mounted surface-to-air-missiles, known as MANPADS, notably taking down an Iraqi helicopter in 2014 with a Chinese variant of the weapon.


ISIS is on the offensive and may have just picked up a surface-to-air missile system

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