Obama, Worst president in history, bar none.

Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Well the historians will soon vote on Obama's place in their presidential rating tradition. Of the 45 presidents; where will Obama end up; first or forty-fifth?

Well, so far, we know he's the greatest American president since Bill Clinton.
Bill was pretty bad, you're right....

You're a homeschooled illiterate.
public school?
Which president can claim longest stock market winning streak?

The total return on the S&P 500, including dividends, was 11.96 percent for 2016, the eighth straight calendar year of positive returns since the crash of 2008 and 2009.

That means the S&P 500 produced a positive return during all eight years of President Obama’s administration.

An investment in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 2009 would have almost tripled by the end of 2016, increasing over 293 percent.

No other president in our history can claim a longer winning streak. Presidents Reagan and Clinton came the closest: The S&P 500 produced positive returns in seven of the eight years of their administrations.

(Thanks Obama!)
Obama, a President for the RICH! :badgrin:

So you believe that Americans should consider preferable that the stock market FELL over the course of Bush's presidency?
And is controlled by Russians...Next..
Owned by Russians, yes....
The Russians do not have a license to export any uranium mined by that comapny...
The company they own?
No, the one they don't own...
Yes, Obama sold it to them...uranium1 is its name....
Try again, but slower and more accurately, write what you think you don't mean...
Owned by Russians, yes....
The Russians do not have a license to export any uranium mined by that comapny...
The company they own?
No, the one they don't own...
Yes, Obama sold it to them...uranium1 is its name....
Try again, but slower and more accurately, write what you think you don't mean...
Which word are you having trouble with gramps?
Obama added more to the debt that all previous presidents....combined!!!!
Not true, but Bush II did and Reagan added nearly triple the debt of all previous presidents combined.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

"I am a deficit hawk."
- Dick Cheney
Nope...no illegal here... Born here 80 years ago....my flag is in my basement...my boots on top of it.
Obama added more to the debt that all previous presidents....combined!!!!
Not true, but Bush II did and Reagan added nearly triple the debt of all previous presidents combined.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

"I am a deficit hawk."
- Dick Cheney
True....shocking, no??
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

armed isis

provided air support for isis

armed thousands of felons in an attempt to make gains on gun confiscation
Cheney wasnt in it for america...he is all about the buck. At my age...80... In your honor I will set my Sorels on the flag as well.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
Ok, so #1 has been debunked lets move to #2 on your list of bullshit. "Created ISIS" Well thats an easy one. The Islamic State has been around since the early 2000's. They grew in power and obtained the name ISIS as they moved into Syria under Obama and partly because of his withdrawal of troops from Iraq. But Obama did not create ISIS... Thats a false statement. Shall we move on to #3?

"The UN's Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee first listed ISIL in its Sanctions List under the name "Al-Qaida in Iraq" on 18 October 2004, as an entity/group associated with al-Qaeda."
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia
Cheney wasnt in it for america...he is all about the buck. At my age...80... In your honor I will set my Sorels on the flag as well.
Apology accepted.

I'm sorry you're an ignorant douche.

Using your logic, ISIS was born when Britain divided the territory conquered from the Ottoman Turks.

Or from when Alexander Conquered the Persians.

Or from when --

Look, doucheboy....... ISIS did NOT exist when the Lying Cocksucker took office. Period.

They didn't even know what to call themselves until 2014, 5 years after the Piece of Shit in Chief took over and polluted the half-White House.

You're just an ideological little bitch that will tell any lie, propose any alternative to the truth if that truth hurts your inflatable doll image of the Lying Cocksucker

piss off
You are wrong again, earlier in this thread i disproved your arguement and you ignored it. Now you make it again. It's still false and you are still an idiot.

You're a lying bitch. All you got is repetition and stupidity.

ISIS became what they are today under the Lying Cocksucker when he pulled all the troops out of Iraq.

Watch this..... You won't because you're a dishonest piece of shit. But here's hoping others will

Bush warned about ISIS in 2007, years before it was even formed

But a scumbag like you will just lie. Then lie some more


This one's even better sans the juvenile lead-in

dimocraps are scum

you qualify

And even then , ISIS was a little known subgroup with few resources until they joined the fight against Asaad in Syria. Then 0bama and Hillary supplied them with training, weapons, and funding?

The majority of their weapons are not US weapons..

Didn't say they were, learn to read.
As many as they want to make.
So in other words, he didn't give them nuclear weapons since they have none...

They have none? How do you know? Are you a super secret spy? Are you a psychic? Or maybe you are the Ayatollah himself?
I know because if they did, they sure would brag about it..Yet that is not the premise of the original statement..

Just how many unicorns live in your world?

And it is relative to the original statement. 0bama gave Iran nukes.
What kind of nuclear weapons, and how many nuclear weapons did Oblama give them??

Whatever kind they want to make.
So in other words, he didn't give them nuclear weapons since they have none...

They have none? How do you know? Are you a super secret spy? Are you a psychic? Or maybe you are the Ayatollah himself?
I know because if they did, they sure would brag about it..Yet that is not the premise of the original statement..

Just how many unicorns live in your world?

And it is relative to the original statement. 0bama gave Iran nukes.
What kind of nuclear weapons, and how many nuclear weapons did Oblama give them??

Whatever kind they want to make.
gave nuclear weapons to Iran

How many nuclear weapons did he give them?
A metaphor.

Translation: set the stage for Iran to proceed with a nuclear weapons program over time, unhindered by the international community.

For the LibTard-impaired...
Which president can claim longest stock market winning streak?

The total return on the S&P 500, including dividends, was 11.96 percent for 2016, the eighth straight calendar year of positive returns since the crash of 2008 and 2009.

That means the S&P 500 produced a positive return during all eight years of President Obama’s administration.

An investment in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 2009 would have almost tripled by the end of 2016, increasing over 293 percent.

No other president in our history can claim a longer winning streak. Presidents Reagan and Clinton came the closest: The S&P 500 produced positive returns in seven of the eight years of their administrations.

(Thanks Obama!)
Since when does the Left commend the stock market? Oh yeah, that's his only accomplishment.., I get it now.

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