Obama, Worst president in history, bar none.

The "Best/Worst President Ever" discussion will always be subjective, of course.

But how many Presidents left behind (1) an abject collapse of the domestic economy that was quickly spreading globally and (2) two horrific, unwinnable wars that fractured a critical region of the planet, for the next President?

Such a President would be at or near the top of any honest list, I would think.
Agreed. He is just slightly worse then the big eared one.
I can understand an argument that Obama didn't do a good job with the horrific mess he was handed, and that argument could go on forever.

But how does that make him worse than the guy who left behind that horrific mess?
He doesn't as my post clearly reflected. However, the difference is very slight.

You can't place all the blame on W for the Great Recession. It was a bipartisan effort, which BO prolonged.
The "Best/Worst President Ever" discussion will always be subjective, of course.

But how many Presidents left behind (1) an abject collapse of the domestic economy that was quickly spreading globally and (2) two horrific, unwinnable wars that fractured a critical region of the planet, for the next President?

Such a President would be at or near the top of any honest list, I would think.
Agreed. He is just slightly worse then the big eared one.
I can understand an argument that Obama didn't do a good job with the horrific mess he was handed, and that argument could go on forever.

But how does that make him worse than the guy who left behind that horrific mess?
He doesn't as my post clearly reflected. However, the difference is very slight.

You can't place all the blame on W for the Great Recession. It was a bipartisan effort, which BO prolonged.
Blame for such a massive event can't be put on one person, certainly, but the standard operating procedure is to put all the blame or give all the credit for what happens during a presidency to that President.

Which is silly, agreed.

But that's what these kinds of "worst ever" conversations do, so I'm just rolling with the tide here.
semantics, look it up if you don't know what it means.
It is not semantics it is accurate vs inaccurate , true vs false. You're OP is full of Bullshit talking points.

the debt was doubled under Obama's watch. That is true. Bush and Reagan also added to the debt, but no president added as much as Obama.
Yes, that is true... But that wasn't your statement. This is why I claimed your talking points were bullshit.. Either lies or distortions of the truth... The fact that you had to restate your original claim shows the distortion

then using your logic, Bush did not start the Iraq war. Right?
Bush along with the UK and other allies started the Iraq war when they attack Saddam in 2003. They were provoked to do so by the Saudi's so I guess you could argue that it was started by all parties involved. Whats your point?

My point------------that you make up shit to cover for the incompetence of Obama.,
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

lol, you're unhinged, tool.

It's weird that he did this but still leaves with a 60% approval rating, dumbfuck.

sure, using the same polls that said Hillary would win in a landslide. Pollsters lie, dumbfuck. pollsters have a political agenda. Their polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Well the historians will soon vote on Obama's place in their presidential rating tradition. Of the 45 presidents; where will Obama end up; first or forty-fifth?

Well, so far, we know he's the greatest American president since Bill Clinton.

Bush? I thought you didn't like him.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Well the historians will soon vote on Obama's place in their presidential rating tradition. Of the 45 presidents; where will Obama end up; first or forty-fifth?

Well, so far, we know he's the greatest American president since Bill Clinton.

Bush? I thought you didn't like him.

Learn to read.
And tomorrow a whole lot of people will consider Trump as the worst President ever. I see it all as just sour apples on both sides.

no, that's wrong. Obama was given a chance to be a good president. Most americans wanted him to succeed. He had a unique opportunity to bring the country together and heal the racial divide, the religious divide, the sex divide, the age divide, and the location divide. But instead he made all of them deeper. He was a terrible president.

So I ask those of you on the left to give Trump a chance, as we gave Obama a chance. If Trump fails, jump on him with both feet, if he succeeds be a big enough person to acknowledge it.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.
History will etch Obamas failed legacy in stone....
Well the historians will soon vote on Obama's place in their presidential rating tradition. Of the 45 presidents; where will Obama end up; first or forty-fifth?

Well, so far, we know he's the greatest American president since Bill Clinton.

Bush? I thought you didn't like him.

Learn to read.

learn to recognize humor, idiot.
released or pardoned terrorists, murderers, and traitors in his final week.

Would one of our resident lefties please explain why Obama has released these criminals to walk the streets with you and your children?
released or pardoned terrorists, murderers, and traitors in his final week.

Would one of our resident lefties please explain why Obama has released these criminals to walk the streets with you and your children?
you are scared of Chelsea Manning and your attraction to her ?:booze:
It is not semantics it is accurate vs inaccurate , true vs false. You're OP is full of Bullshit talking points.

the debt was doubled under Obama's watch. That is true. Bush and Reagan also added to the debt, but no president added as much as Obama.
Yes, that is true... But that wasn't your statement. This is why I claimed your talking points were bullshit.. Either lies or distortions of the truth... The fact that you had to restate your original claim shows the distortion

then using your logic, Bush did not start the Iraq war. Right?
Bush along with the UK and other allies started the Iraq war when they attack Saddam in 2003. They were provoked to do so by the Saudi's so I guess you could argue that it was started by all parties involved. Whats your point?

My point------------that you make up shit to cover for the incompetence of Obama.,
Ya see that's my claim about you, you make shit up. Difference is I point out your bullshit. You simply make empty claims about me.
released or pardoned terrorists, murderers, and traitors in his final week.

Would one of our resident lefties please explain why Obama has released these criminals to walk the streets with you and your children?
Yeah, he actually reviewed their cases opposed to you who just scanned headlines. He made the judgement that they've served enough time for their crimes
Certainly some presidents are better than others, so who is best to judge ex-presidents? At present, message board posters, are one group; political parties another and on down the line. But agree or not, historians will soon rate Obama, and for most historians their reputations as historians is usually more important than their politics. And more importantly the historians will pretty much determine how the ex-president will go down in the history books.
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag


Reagan Tripled the Federal debt

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