Obama, Worst president in history, bar none.

Here are some Metrics by which to Judge Obama ....Thank You Obama Thank You
U.S housing starts surge in December; jobless claims near 43-year low
Source: Reuters

Thu Jan 19, 2017 | 9:40am EST

U.S. homebuilding rebounded more than expected in December as a strengthening economy boosts demand for rental housing.

Other data on Thursday showed the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly falling last week to a near 43-year low, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market that should underpin economic growth this year.

Housing starts jumped 11.3 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.23 million units last month, the Commerce Department said. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast housing starts increasing to a 1.20 million-unit rate in December.

Groundbreaking on new housing projects increased 4.9 percent to 1.17 million in 2016. The housing market remains on solid ground even as mortgage rates have jumped above 4 percent. The tightening labor market is driving demand for multi-family housing, which has pushed up rents.

Read more: U.S housing starts surge in December; jobless claims near 43-year low
Since President Barack Obama first took office:

  • The economy has added more than 10 million jobs, and job openings are at a 15-year high.
  • The unemployment rate has dropped well below the historical norm, but long-term unemployment remains higher than at the start of the Great Recession.
  • The buying power of the average worker’s weekly paycheck is up 4.4 percent.
  • Corporate profits are running 152 percent higher, and stock prices have soared.
  • The number of immigrants caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally has dropped 53 percent.
  • Federal debt has more than doubled, and annual deficits, after shrinking, are again on the rise.
  • The home ownership rate has dropped by 4 percentage points.
  • The number of Americans on food stamps is up 36 percent.
  • Oil imports are down 53 percent, and wind and solar power have quadrupled.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance has gone down by 15.2 million.
Those are just some of the findings in our latest installment of Obama’s Numbers.


Look good for Obama...
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

Well there are your ignorant fantasies and then there are facts of life:

New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Obama at 18

How does Barack Obama fare? Scholars had a mixed view of him. Obama ranks 18th overall and, among the modern presidents (those since FDR), he is in the middle of the pack. He ranks behind not only Clinton and Eisenhower but also Reagan, Johnson, Kennedy, and George H.W. Bush. Obama ranks ahead of Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush (who was ranked 35 overall).
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

Well there are your ignorant fantasies and then there are facts of life:

New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Obama at 18

How does Barack Obama fare? Scholars had a mixed view of him. Obama ranks 18th overall and, among the modern presidents (those since FDR), he is in the middle of the pack. He ranks behind not only Clinton and Eisenhower but also Reagan, Johnson, Kennedy, and George H.W. Bush. Obama ranks ahead of Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush (who was ranked 35 overall).

The thread itself is absurd and based on intellectual dishonesty. I had fundamental differences with what I think is Obama's view of democracy and American society, but when you have to resort to "gving nukes to Iran" and "kept his background secret" you lose any credibility.
the debt was doubled under Obama's watch. That is true. Bush and Reagan also added to the debt, but no president added as much as Obama.
Yes, that is true... But that wasn't your statement. This is why I claimed your talking points were bullshit.. Either lies or distortions of the truth... The fact that you had to restate your original claim shows the distortion

then using your logic, Bush did not start the Iraq war. Right?
Bush along with the UK and other allies started the Iraq war when they attack Saddam in 2003. They were provoked to do so by the Saudi's so I guess you could argue that it was started by all parties involved. Whats your point?

My point------------that you make up shit to cover for the incompetence of Obama.,
Ya see that's my claim about you, you make shit up. Difference is I point out your bullshit. You simply make empty claims about me.

which of the points in the OP do you claim to be untrue, and why?
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag


Reagan Tripled the Federal debt

how many dollars did Reagan add? How many dollars did Obama add?

Nice try, but FAIL
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

Well there are your ignorant fantasies and then there are facts of life:

New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Obama at 18

How does Barack Obama fare? Scholars had a mixed view of him. Obama ranks 18th overall and, among the modern presidents (those since FDR), he is in the middle of the pack. He ranks behind not only Clinton and Eisenhower but also Reagan, Johnson, Kennedy, and George H.W. Bush. Obama ranks ahead of Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush (who was ranked 35 overall).

The thread itself is absurd and based on intellectual dishonesty. I had fundamental differences with what I think is Obama's view of democracy and American society, but when you have to resort to "gving nukes to Iran" and "kept his background secret" you lose any credibility.

As a result of his deal with Iran, that country will nave nuclear weapons

Please post his college records from Columbia and Harvard and explain how he paid the very expensive tuition at those colleges.

Once you do those two things, we can address his other failures and lies.
Doubled the national debt
created ISIS
divided the nation by race, religion, sex, location, income, and sexual orientation
bowed to foreign leaders
kowtowed to radical muslim terrorists
drew meaningless red lines in the sand
Lied about obamacare
put more americans in poverty than ever before
put more americans on welfare than ever before
put more americans on foodstamps than ever before
backed the corrupt lying hildebeast
made the USA the laughing stock of the world
gave nuclear weapons to Iran
accomplished nothing good for America
opened our borders to terrorists, drug pushers, human traffickers, and criminal aliens
kept his background hidden and lied about who he really is
allowed americans to die in Benghazi for political gain
commuted the sentences of traitors and murderers

please feel free to add to the list.

Well there are your ignorant fantasies and then there are facts of life:

New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Obama at 18

How does Barack Obama fare? Scholars had a mixed view of him. Obama ranks 18th overall and, among the modern presidents (those since FDR), he is in the middle of the pack. He ranks behind not only Clinton and Eisenhower but also Reagan, Johnson, Kennedy, and George H.W. Bush. Obama ranks ahead of Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush (who was ranked 35 overall).

LOL, rankings done by a bunch of left wing academics?????????????????? Come on, no one believes that shit.
Yes, that is true... But that wasn't your statement. This is why I claimed your talking points were bullshit.. Either lies or distortions of the truth... The fact that you had to restate your original claim shows the distortion

then using your logic, Bush did not start the Iraq war. Right?
Bush along with the UK and other allies started the Iraq war when they attack Saddam in 2003. They were provoked to do so by the Saudi's so I guess you could argue that it was started by all parties involved. Whats your point?

My point------------that you make up shit to cover for the incompetence of Obama.,
Ya see that's my claim about you, you make shit up. Difference is I point out your bullshit. You simply make empty claims about me.

which of the points in the OP do you claim to be untrue, and why?
Dude, that's what I've been talking about throughout this whole thread. I debunked the first lie that Obama doubled the national debt, as he was not responsible nor even capable of effecting a large percentage of what contributed to the debt... so you reworded it to "the debt doubled under Obama" which is a much less pointed statement. I addressed the next lie that he "created Isis" a group that's existed since 2004... Really? Isis may have grown in numbers and power after we withdrew troops from Iraq, but Obama didn't crest anything. I can keep going down your BS list and show the distorted wording and lies in each one of your statements if you like. Or just pick one you think you can defend.
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag


Reagan Tripled the Federal debt

how many dollars did Reagan add? How many dollars did Obama add?

Nice try, but FAIL
Did you forget about something.... What was the GDP under Reagan? GDP under Obama?
Why do you all love so much to make shit up and then toss around the lies like they are a football? Does it make you feel powerful or something?

Look in the mirror, little girl

Start refuting what the OP said or shut the fuck up.

Afraid we'll make you look the fool? Easier just to make general, obscure accusations then declare victory while you're running away? Waving the Fleur de Lis, no doubt.

Better you choose the latter of the two options. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed
I got as far as the first complaint.... Obama doubled the national debt...

Reagan tripled it and the right think he's a god.
And tomorrow a whole lot of people will consider Trump as the worst President ever. I see it all as just sour apples on both sides.
Well, Tramp is already the worst president-elect in history, even Bush II was better after the 2000 election.
Where do I start... There is a lie or distortion in each of those talking points. I'll start at the top. "Obama doubling the national debt" You are a fool if you think Obama alone was responsible for the doubling of the national debt. Discretionary spending is only a fraction of the debt and it controlled by both the congress and the President. Though I think it a valid critique to criticize Obamas spending, saying he is responsible for 10 Trillion dollars being added to the debt is completely false.

The Lying Cocksucker DOUBLED our National Debt.

Trump truthful about national debt doubling under Obama: RNC 2016 Fact Check

Period. All the obfuscations and lies you want to tell won't change that FACT.

You are demonstrably a liar.

Typical dimocrap scumbag


Reagan Tripled the Federal debt

how many dollars did Reagan add? How many dollars did Obama add?

Nice try, but FAIL

The fail is yours as you now have to switch to dollar amounts because your claim that Obama doubled the debt fails you since Reagan tripled it. :badgrin:
Did you forget about something.... What was the GDP under Reagan? GDP under Obama?

Idiotic comparison.


How much did a new F-150 cost under Reagan. How much do they cost now?

1988 4X4 Super Cab (top of the line at the time) -- Base Price $13,800

New, 2016 Super Cab 4 X 4 -- Base Price $27,500

You really do have a third grader's understanding of life, don't you?
Did you forget about something.... What was the GDP under Reagan? GDP under Obama?

Idiotic comparison.


How much did a new F-150 cost under Reagan. How much do they cost now?

1988 4X4 Super Cab (top of the line at the time) -- Base Price $13,800

New, 2016 Super Cab 4 X 4 -- Base Price $27,500

You really do have a third grader's understanding of life, don't you?
Tell that to the OP who's comparing the dollar amount between the 1980's and now.

The fail is yours as you now have to switch to dollar amounts because your claim that Obama doubled the debt fails you since Reagan tripled it. :badgrin:

Again, inflation.

the Lying Cocksucker had none to speak of.

Reagan was fighting MASSIVE inflation

Another imbecile trying to play with the adults
Tell that to the OP who's comparing the dollar amount between the 1980's and now.

Good point but the fact is, the Lying Cocksucker spent MASSIVE amounts of money in Constant Dollars...... Way more than Reagan and the worst part is -- We have nothing to show for it.

Oh yeah...... Forgot. Yes we do have something to show for it...

Why do you all love so much to make shit up and then toss around the lies like they are a football? Does it make you feel powerful or something?

Look in the mirror, little girl

Start refuting what the OP said or shut the fuck up.

Afraid we'll make you look the fool? Easier just to make general, obscure accusations then declare victory while you're running away? Waving the Fleur de Lis, no doubt.

Better you choose the latter of the two options. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed
I got as far as the first complaint.... Obama doubled the national debt...

Reagan tripled it and the right think he's a god.
Reagans debt bore fruit. Obama's debt was squandered and nothing changed. Solyndra and other scam artists thank him though.

The fail is yours as you now have to switch to dollar amounts because your claim that Obama doubled the debt fails you since Reagan tripled it. :badgrin:

Again, inflation.

the Lying Cocksucker had none to speak of.

Reagan was fighting MASSIVE inflation

Another imbecile trying to play with the adults
So? Obama was fighting a massive recession. Some 12 million jobs were lost in the U-6 measurement. Millions of folks lost their homes. Trillions were spent trying to keep the recession from becoming a depression. How much impact do you suppose that that had on lowering tax revenue, increasing spending, and GDP?

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