
he is probably chained to a post.


It goes to reason that the union has instilled some sort of fear in him.That is how one becomes a slave, is it not?

then your friend is an extreme wimp.:lol::lol:

there are a multitude of people who would gladly take his union job(that whole better pay and benefits thing) he would be hardly missed if he were to leave and nobody would try to force him to stay, that's just ridiculous.

He is not my friend, just a guy I was talking to at work yesterday. I do not know him from adam, but he was adorned with all this union crap, jacket, hat,pins..he looked like a walking advertisement for a pixie question, so I asked him what the union has done for him, he said take his money, so that he can keep his job to provide for his family

I would say he has gotten used to being a union guy. People resist change. Especially if that is the only job they have ever had.

But I do have a friend who says her life was ruined by unions. She said they used mob like tactics to get what they wanted from her, and steal away her benefits that she counted on for years

Plus, I am a coal miners daughter, so I have seen first hand what a union can do
I've never worked for a union and I've been able to raise three children buy and sell thousands of acres of land, bought two houses, numerous cars and trucks, livestock, ranching equipment and I currently make 165 grand a year. All done without having to work a union job. So which union are you a member of?

well good for you, not everybody can have a ranch.

And why can't they? All it takes is hard work and dedication.

because if everybody had a ranch who would do all the other necessary jobs a community needs? where would you put the ranches belonging to the people who live in places like Chicago and New york city?

It goes to reason that the union has instilled some sort of fear in him.That is how one becomes a slave, is it not?

then your friend is an extreme wimp.:lol::lol:

there are a multitude of people who would gladly take his union job(that whole better pay and benefits thing) he would be hardly missed if he were to leave and nobody would try to force him to stay, that's just ridiculous.

He is not my friend, just a guy I was talking to at work yesterday. I do not know him from adam, but he was adorned with all this union crap, jacket, hat,pins..he looked like a walking advertisement for a pixie question, so I asked him what the union has done for him, he said take his money, so that he can keep his job to provide for his family

I would say he has gotten used to being a union guy. People resist change. Especially if that is the only job they have ever had.

But I do have a friend who says her life was ruined by unions. She said they used mob like tactics to get what they wanted from her, and steal away her benefits that she counted on for years

Plus, I am a coal miners daughter, so I have seen first hand what a union can do

ok so this guy was wearing all kinds of union clothing but he wound up being anti union? really? really? sounds kind of fishy to me.
I've never worked for a union and I've been able to raise three children buy and sell thousands of acres of land, bought two houses, numerous cars and trucks, livestock, ranching equipment and I currently make 165 grand a year. All done without having to work a union job. So which union are you a member of?

well good for you, not everybody can have a ranch.

Oh and you failed to answer my question. Which has become quite typical of you leftwing losers.

maybe i dont want to give the likes of you that kind of personal information about myself.
Because unlike his predcecessor Obama looks out for the working class.
Because bribes and extortion is really looking out for the working class.

Hows that tax on health care plans coming along?
well good for you, not everybody can have a ranch.

And why can't they? All it takes is hard work and dedication.

because if everybody had a ranch who would do all the other necessary jobs a community needs? where would you put the ranches belonging to the people who live in places like Chicago and New york city?

Oh brother! What are you ten??

I would assume that those that would like to own a ranch could be able to make that happen. Of course not every swinging dick wants to own a ranch. So when you say "not everone can own a ranch" I assume you meant only those that would like to own a ranch wasn't able to. And to that I say there only thing that stands in their way is determination and hard work.
And why can't they? All it takes is hard work and dedication.

because if everybody had a ranch who would do all the other necessary jobs a community needs? where would you put the ranches belonging to the people who live in places like Chicago and New york city?

Oh brother! What are you ten??

I would assume that those that would like to own a ranch could be able to make that happen. Of course not every swinging dick wants to own a ranch. So when you say "not everone can own a ranch" I assume you meant only those that would like to own a ranch wasn't able to. And to that I say there only thing that stands in their way is determination and hard work.

simple,dont assume, read the words as they are written.
then your friend is an extreme wimp.:lol::lol:

there are a multitude of people who would gladly take his union job(that whole better pay and benefits thing) he would be hardly missed if he were to leave and nobody would try to force him to stay, that's just ridiculous.

He is not my friend, just a guy I was talking to at work yesterday. I do not know him from adam, but he was adorned with all this union crap, jacket, hat,pins..he looked like a walking advertisement for a pixie question, so I asked him what the union has done for him, he said take his money, so that he can keep his job to provide for his family

I would say he has gotten used to being a union guy. People resist change. Especially if that is the only job they have ever had.

But I do have a friend who says her life was ruined by unions. She said they used mob like tactics to get what they wanted from her, and steal away her benefits that she counted on for years

Plus, I am a coal miners daughter, so I have seen first hand what a union can do

ok so this guy was wearing all kinds of union clothing but he wound up being anti union? really? really? sounds kind of fishy to me.

Maybe he just liked me, and wanted to agree with a perfect stranger :rolleyes:

I have no idea why he chose to say what he did, other than he was saying what he really thought to a non threatening entity :eusa_shhh:

See, right here with noose we have a union guy speaking the speak for the unions :eusa_whistle:
because if everybody had a ranch who would do all the other necessary jobs a community needs? where would you put the ranches belonging to the people who live in places like Chicago and New york city?

Oh brother! What are you ten??

I would assume that those that would like to own a ranch could be able to make that happen. Of course not every swinging dick wants to own a ranch. So when you say "not everone can own a ranch" I assume you meant only those that would like to own a ranch wasn't able to. And to that I say there only thing that stands in their way is determination and hard work.

simple,dont assume, read the words as they are written.

Then you've just shown yourself to be an idiot...yet again. You said "not everyone can own a ranch", you assumed everyone WANTS to own a ranch but can't.

Hypocrite much?
Oh brother! What are you ten??

I would assume that those that would like to own a ranch could be able to make that happen. Of course not every swinging dick wants to own a ranch. So when you say "not everone can own a ranch" I assume you meant only those that would like to own a ranch wasn't able to. And to that I say there only thing that stands in their way is determination and hard work.

simple,dont assume, read the words as they are written.

Then you've just shown yourself to be an idiot...yet again. You said "not everyone can own a ranch", you assumed everyone WANTS to own a ranch but can't.

Hypocrite much?

no dumbass it was you that made that assumption.:lol::lol:
He is not my friend, just a guy I was talking to at work yesterday. I do not know him from adam, but he was adorned with all this union crap, jacket, hat,pins..he looked like a walking advertisement for a pixie question, so I asked him what the union has done for him, he said take his money, so that he can keep his job to provide for his family

I would say he has gotten used to being a union guy. People resist change. Especially if that is the only job they have ever had.

But I do have a friend who says her life was ruined by unions. She said they used mob like tactics to get what they wanted from her, and steal away her benefits that she counted on for years

Plus, I am a coal miners daughter, so I have seen first hand what a union can do

ok so this guy was wearing all kinds of union clothing but he wound up being anti union? really? really? sounds kind of fishy to me.

Maybe he just liked me, and wanted to agree with a perfect stranger :rolleyes:

I have no idea why he chose to say what he did, other than he was saying what he really thought to a non threatening entity :eusa_shhh:

See, right here with noose we have a union guy speaking the speak for the unions :eusa_whistle:

yet you are the one trying to sell the idea that a guy all decked out in union regalia was anti union.
whats the union gonna do for ya i belong to the carpenters local and i'm still trying to see their weekly take being justified.

you really want to find out? you really oppose unions? leave your union and go find a non union carpenter job, sure you will take home a lot less money and have no benefits but at least you will be putting your money where your mouth is regarding your feelings about unions.

I've never worked for a union and I've been able to raise three children buy and sell thousands of acres of land, bought two houses, numerous cars and trucks, livestock, ranching equipment and I currently make 165 grand a year. All done without having to work a union job. So which union are you a member of?

Well aren't you special. What if you had been handed a life of squalor instead? Raised in third generation poverty in some ghetto? Pehaps you would have been as successful, but the odds say you would not, and you would have jumped at an opportunity for a union job. Get real.
maybe i dont want to give the likes of you that kind of personal information about myself.

Or perhaps you can't make up a lie fast enough.

or perhaps you are out mating with the horses on your ranch.

Damn you ARE ten!!

Well nancy, if you start talking about how good unions are without ever having been a union member that makes you a fucking moron. And the fact that you are clearly losing all your arguments in this thread it stands to reason that you would succumb to hurling insults. You really should try (at least once) giving an honest answer to questions posed to you. You brag about unions, but refuse to tell us your personal experience (if any) with unions and how you came to the conclusion that they are a good thing. I surmise you never belonged to a union that's why you refuse to answer honestly.

I patiently await your next childish insult.
try watching the older hands getting sent out when you've been on the out list. make it fair or do away with it.

if you dont like it go and work as a non union carpenter.

So, when a non unionized company says "If you don't like it, fuck off" it's uncaring and heartless, but when a union says "If you don't like it, fuck off" it's entirely reasonable. :doubt:

Well...it's been my experience that when any employer tells an employee (or union member in this case) to "fuck off," there's usually a pretty good reason. Sounds to me, with jobs in general being as scarce as they are, that this clown IS just a fuck off and they want someone who intends to WORK.
you really want to find out? you really oppose unions? leave your union and go find a non union carpenter job, sure you will take home a lot less money and have no benefits but at least you will be putting your money where your mouth is regarding your feelings about unions.

I've never worked for a union and I've been able to raise three children buy and sell thousands of acres of land, bought two houses, numerous cars and trucks, livestock, ranching equipment and I currently make 165 grand a year. All done without having to work a union job. So which union are you a member of?

Well aren't you special. What if you had been handed a life of squalor instead? Raised in third generation poverty in some ghetto? Pehaps you would have been as successful, but the odds say you would not, and you would have jumped at an opportunity for a union job. Get real.

I quit school at 15 and moved out on my own, I was sent to prison at 17 (spent nearly three years on a five year sentence), upon my release I found work at various ranches until I met Red Adair and he hired me for his international well control company. I spent the next twenty years working in that profession and the rest, as they say, is history.

I started out with nothing, everything I own was paid for by hard work. I was never given a dime.
I've never worked for a union and I've been able to raise three children buy and sell thousands of acres of land, bought two houses, numerous cars and trucks, livestock, ranching equipment and I currently make 165 grand a year. All done without having to work a union job. So which union are you a member of?

well good for you, not everybody can have a ranch.

And why can't they? All it takes is hard work and dedication.

Hard work doing what? And where? What if someone has five children and a sick wife? What if he never completed his high school education or had time to get a GED because he was supporting his mother and father and had to work? What if he lost a hand in some occupational accident and was severely restricted from "hard" work?

You make it sound as though everyone in the world had the same life and opportunities as you. I think you need to get off your "ranch" more, because there's a whole 'nuther world out there, fella, outside the confines of your little Shangri-La.
I worked in a union in the early part of my working career and while they have problems, as all organizations do, they provided a heck of a good life for many Americans. Look only at the higher paid New England states as an example. Unions at their best are people working together, sticking it to the 'man' who wants to fluck over you.

"It’s always been about cheap labor down here, just like everywhere else in America. Free slave labor may connect Southern history, but cheap labor connects all of American history. True, preserving free slave labor was the reason southern Congressman Preston Brooks clubbed the living hell out of Massachusetts anti-slavery Senator Charles Sumner right there on the Senate Chamber floor in 1856. But the main theme has always been about powerful men and more recently, faceless, bloodless corporations more powerful than any of the oligarchs of earlier times, aggregating wealth from the toil of the masses. That’s why there were hundreds of thousands of white indentured servants in America before the slave economy arose to the levels it did. And that’s why today the U.S. has such strong union busting laws as the Taft-Hartley Act and the misleadingly named The Right to Work Act."

Joe Bageant: Oligarchy, corporations and unions

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