Obamacare... against most Americans self interest.

The mandate is absolutely unconstitutional and unnecessary

Republicans knock holes in Affordable Care Act but don’t demolish the law

Know what is ironic?

That idiot law was upheld by five morons on the Supreme Court because it was a tax.

It was a tax bill that neutered it.

MAGA Baby!

What is really ironic is that morons like you equate the mandate to the bill.

The bill is a 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations that is unaffected by the mandate.

When Trump gets rid of those then come talk to me

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The major problem was that politicians and the public NEVER understood how health insurance works!

Obamacare was destined to fail. Without young healthy people coughing up $3,000-$4,000 a year in premiums and over $6,000 total before the lame ass bronze plan pays even one dime there's no money to pay for the sick people and moochers. Do young healthy people just getting started in life have that kind of cash laying around? Hell no lol.

AND do they NEED health insurance ?

But Obama LIED about 46 million uninsured when he counted 18 million under 34 that made over $50,000 and DIDN"T WANT or NEED health insurance!
Plus one of the simplest and cheapest methods of reducing health expenses is COMMON SENSE being taught in schools, i.e. how to respond to dangerous situations.
For example don't do stupid ass activities that WILL put your health at risk!
Simple things like teaching kids DON"T DO THESE things!

The researchers examined data spanning two decades and found that more than 64,500 U.S. children and teens were treated in hospital emergency rooms each year -- about 176 a day -- for skateboarding-related injuries. Fractures and dislocations were among the most common injuries, the study indicated.Apr 27, 2016
Skateboard accidents land scores of kids in the ER every day
And that is just "skateboarding"!
But no matter what you call it, ATV riding is a risky pastime, sending nearly a quarter of a million fans of these all-terrain vehicles -- 230,666 to be exact -- to the hospital in 2010 [Source: NEISS].
The popularity of cycling, from training wheels to extreme mountain biking, lends itself to the higher number of injuries and a chart-topping 541,746 ER trips.
But there's one more factor that makes cycling more dangerous than any other sport: other vehicles.
(Personal note!... These bike riders that insist on being considered like a car i.e. riding in a car lane while a perfectly good sidewalk borders them! Most disgusting!)
5 Most Dangerous Recreational Sports (with the most ER visits)
Just these 3 activities count for over 836,912 trips to hospital emergency rooms at an average emergency room cost of :$1,233.
Uninsured patients face additional charges for things like x-rays, shots, lab tests or casting a broken bone. As a result, the costs for their care can be much higher. Average emergency room costs vary wildly based on treatment, but a 2013 National Institute of Health study put the median cost at $1,233.
Consider this as a total estimate cost of stupid dumb activities that cost over $1,031,912,496 estimated! Any wonder health premiums continue to climb?

Screen Shot 2017-12-26 at 11.21.52 AM.png
The mandate is absolutely unconstitutional and unnecessary

Republicans knock holes in Affordable Care Act but don’t demolish the law

Know what is ironic?

That idiot law was upheld by five morons on the Supreme Court because it was a tax.

It was a tax bill that neutered it.

MAGA Baby!

What is really ironic is that morons like you equate the mandate to the bill.

The bill is a 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations that is unaffected by the mandate.

When Trump gets rid of those then come talk to me

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Just see how many idiots sign up for that stupid over priced exchange when the oppressive government doesn't force you to do it.

The only people that would sign up would be the welfare queens getting the stupid subsides that other people were going have to pay for.

Obamacare was absolutely the worst bill ever passed by Congress. Maybe those dipshit idiot Democrats should have bothered to read it before voting for it, don't you think? Then health care in the US wouldn't have been screwed up by that worthless affirmative action asshole Muslim, would it?
The major problem was that politicians and the public NEVER understood how health insurance works!

Obamacare was destined to fail. Without young healthy people coughing up $3,000-$4,000 a year in premiums and over $6,000 total before the lame ass bronze plan pays even one dime there's no money to pay for the sick people and moochers. Do young healthy people just getting started in life have that kind of cash laying around? Hell no lol.
ACA has not failed and will not fail. It will eventually be morphed into single payer. End of story.
The major problem was that politicians and the public NEVER understood how health insurance works!

Obamacare was destined to fail. Without young healthy people coughing up $3,000-$4,000 a year in premiums and over $6,000 total before the lame ass bronze plan pays even one dime there's no money to pay for the sick people and moochers. Do young healthy people just getting started in life have that kind of cash laying around? Hell no lol.

AND do they NEED health insurance ?

But Obama LIED about 46 million uninsured when he counted 18 million under 34 that made over $50,000 and DIDN"T WANT or NEED health insurance!
Plus one of the simplest and cheapest methods of reducing health expenses is COMMON SENSE being taught in schools, i.e. how to respond to dangerous situations.
For example don't do stupid ass activities that WILL put your health at risk!
Simple things like teaching kids DON"T DO THESE things!

The researchers examined data spanning two decades and found that more than 64,500 U.S. children and teens were treated in hospital emergency rooms each year -- about 176 a day -- for skateboarding-related injuries. Fractures and dislocations were among the most common injuries, the study indicated.Apr 27, 2016
Skateboard accidents land scores of kids in the ER every day
And that is just "skateboarding"!
But no matter what you call it, ATV riding is a risky pastime, sending nearly a quarter of a million fans of these all-terrain vehicles -- 230,666 to be exact -- to the hospital in 2010 [Source: NEISS].
The popularity of cycling, from training wheels to extreme mountain biking, lends itself to the higher number of injuries and a chart-topping 541,746 ER trips.
But there's one more factor that makes cycling more dangerous than any other sport: other vehicles.
(Personal note!... These bike riders that insist on being considered like a car i.e. riding in a car lane while a perfectly good sidewalk borders them! Most disgusting!)
5 Most Dangerous Recreational Sports (with the most ER visits)
Just these 3 activities count for over 836,912 trips to hospital emergency rooms at an average emergency room cost of :$1,233.
Uninsured patients face additional charges for things like x-rays, shots, lab tests or casting a broken bone. As a result, the costs for their care can be much higher. Average emergency room costs vary wildly based on treatment, but a 2013 National Institute of Health study put the median cost at $1,233.
Consider this as a total estimate cost of stupid dumb activities that cost over $1,031,912,496 estimated! Any wonder health premiums continue to climb?

View attachment 167983

Dude . Broken bones are not draining the health industry.

When someone says “don’t need health insurance “ they are obvious fools .

We all need healthcare at some point for issues we have no control over .
BL farts out "Just see how many idiots sign up for that stupid over priced exchange when the oppressive government doesn't force you to do it", when in Utah alone 98% of last year's registration signed up this year in half the allotted time.
YES. Health care us NOT a Right. Get thst through your head.

But we as a society will not do that. Every state has laws in place that force ERs and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay.

We as a society have decided that we do not want to see dead people in the streets due to their lack of ability to pay.

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Do you even that the language you are using not only reduces your credibility to zero but actually gets people to dig in their heals even more. The fear mongering is a sure sign that you have no Constitutional, nor legal, argument to support your position.

If Obamacare disappeared right this very second, we would NOT have people dying in the streets nor will they be piling up and stacked like cordwood as you seem to imply.

There are better ways to do this than a government mandate and forcing people to pay for services they neither want or can afford.

My position is that the worst part of ObamaCare was not the mandate but the 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations. The mandate is the shiny object to keep people distracted from the real problems with ObamaCare.

And yes, I know that people will not be dying in the streets because we as a society have decided we do not want that to happen so we force ERs and hospitals and medical professionals to provide a service and product they know the one receiving it cannot pay for.

The people crying about the mandate have no issues with people being mandated to provide products and services to those who cannot pay for them.

The biggest problem with our health care system is that we cannot decide if healthcare is a commodity or a service and we have this broken hybrid system trying to make it be both and that is not sustainable

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It has little to do with the notion that we as a nation do not want people to die in the streets. The system that is in place keeps it from happening.

My position is and always has been that every single word in the Obamacare document is unconstitutional. Right down to the 'ands', 'therefores', 'ifs', and 'etc..'

The entire document is illegal and it took a trick of the SCOTUS to declare it a tax after the authors assured the American people it was not.

I am not certain who it is you are talking about, but no one I've ever read screams that people should be mandated to provide products or services to others. In fact, conservatives argue exactly the opposite. No one has a right to anyone's labor (service) and specifically, not for free.

I contend that healthcare costs would plummet if we outlawed insurance companies all together. If healthcare systems had to charge based upon the ability to pay of their customers, they'd drop their prices by more than 90% or face the fact that they have no customers.

It is your contention that the ACA is illegal and unconstitutional, correct? If so then every piece of legislation signed by any President would be illegal and unconstitutional. WTF grade did you make it to before you were kicked out of school?
That is not My contention. Where did you learn your non-existent comprehension skills?
It is your contention that the ACA is illegal and unconstitutional, correct? If so then every piece of legislation signed by any President would be illegal and unconstitutional. WTF grade did you make it to before you were kicked out of school?
That is not My contention. Where did you learn your non-existent comprehension skills?
You wrote above, "The entire document is illegal and it took a trick of the SCOTUS to declare it a tax after the authors assured the American people it was not." You don't think people can't read and understand your lies, Darkwind?
The major problem was that politicians and the public NEVER understood how health insurance works!

Obamacare was destined to fail. Without young healthy people coughing up $3,000-$4,000 a year in premiums and over $6,000 total before the lame ass bronze plan pays even one dime there's no money to pay for the sick people and moochers. Do young healthy people just getting started in life have that kind of cash laying around? Hell no lol.
ACA has not failed and will not fail. It will eventually be morphed into single payer. End of story.

You're tripping on acid.
But we as a society will not do that. Every state has laws in place that force ERs and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay.

We as a society have decided that we do not want to see dead people in the streets due to their lack of ability to pay.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Do you even that the language you are using not only reduces your credibility to zero but actually gets people to dig in their heals even more. The fear mongering is a sure sign that you have no Constitutional, nor legal, argument to support your position.

If Obamacare disappeared right this very second, we would NOT have people dying in the streets nor will they be piling up and stacked like cordwood as you seem to imply.

There are better ways to do this than a government mandate and forcing people to pay for services they neither want or can afford.

My position is that the worst part of ObamaCare was not the mandate but the 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations. The mandate is the shiny object to keep people distracted from the real problems with ObamaCare.

And yes, I know that people will not be dying in the streets because we as a society have decided we do not want that to happen so we force ERs and hospitals and medical professionals to provide a service and product they know the one receiving it cannot pay for.

The people crying about the mandate have no issues with people being mandated to provide products and services to those who cannot pay for them.

The biggest problem with our health care system is that we cannot decide if healthcare is a commodity or a service and we have this broken hybrid system trying to make it be both and that is not sustainable

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It has little to do with the notion that we as a nation do not want people to die in the streets. The system that is in place keeps it from happening.

My position is and always has been that every single word in the Obamacare document is unconstitutional. Right down to the 'ands', 'therefores', 'ifs', and 'etc..'

The entire document is illegal and it took a trick of the SCOTUS to declare it a tax after the authors assured the American people it was not.

I am not certain who it is you are talking about, but no one I've ever read screams that people should be mandated to provide products or services to others. In fact, conservatives argue exactly the opposite. No one has a right to anyone's labor (service) and specifically, not for free.

I contend that healthcare costs would plummet if we outlawed insurance companies all together. If healthcare systems had to charge based upon the ability to pay of their customers, they'd drop their prices by more than 90% or face the fact that they have no customers.

It is your contention that the ACA is illegal and unconstitutional, correct? If so then every piece of legislation signed by any President would be illegal and unconstitutional. WTF grade did you make it to before you were kicked out of school?
That is not My contention. Where did you learn your non-existent comprehension skills?

If one piece of legislation is unconstitutional then they all are, you can't have it both ways.
YES. Health care us NOT a Right. Get thst through your head.

But we as a society will not do that. Every state has laws in place that force ERs and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay.

We as a society have decided that we do not want to see dead people in the streets due to their lack of ability to pay.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Do you even that the language you are using not only reduces your credibility to zero but actually gets people to dig in their heals even more. The fear mongering is a sure sign that you have no Constitutional, nor legal, argument to support your position.

If Obamacare disappeared right this very second, we would NOT have people dying in the streets nor will they be piling up and stacked like cordwood as you seem to imply.

There are better ways to do this than a government mandate and forcing people to pay for services they neither want or can afford.

My position is that the worst part of ObamaCare was not the mandate but the 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations. The mandate is the shiny object to keep people distracted from the real problems with ObamaCare.

And yes, I know that people will not be dying in the streets because we as a society have decided we do not want that to happen so we force ERs and hospitals and medical professionals to provide a service and product they know the one receiving it cannot pay for.

The people crying about the mandate have no issues with people being mandated to provide products and services to those who cannot pay for them.

The biggest problem with our health care system is that we cannot decide if healthcare is a commodity or a service and we have this broken hybrid system trying to make it be both and that is not sustainable

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I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare.
The mandate is absolutely unconstitutional and unnecessary... health insurance is not healthcare

Yes. I know you have told me this 100 times.

Mandate making you buy something is evil and bad

Mandate making someone else provide service and products even if you cannot pay for them is great and wonderful.

Which makes you a hypocrite

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Why would I buy insurance? I’m a cash sort of guy...
The mandate is absolutely unconstitutional and unnecessary

Republicans knock holes in Affordable Care Act but don’t demolish the law

Know what is ironic?

That idiot law was upheld by five morons on the Supreme Court because it was a tax.

It was a tax bill that neutered it.

MAGA Baby!

What is really ironic is that morons like you equate the mandate to the bill.

The bill is a 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations that is unaffected by the mandate.

When Trump gets rid of those then come talk to me

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Making someone purchase something they do not want anything to do with, will never use and can’t afford... is insanity
The major problem was that politicians and the public NEVER understood how health insurance works!

Obamacare was destined to fail. Without young healthy people coughing up $3,000-$4,000 a year in premiums and over $6,000 total before the lame ass bronze plan pays even one dime there's no money to pay for the sick people and moochers. Do young healthy people just getting started in life have that kind of cash laying around? Hell no lol.
ACA has not failed and will not fail. It will eventually be morphed into single payer. End of story.
Then keep your single payer to yourselves, participation is not required by the rest of us.
The mandate is absolutely unconstitutional and unnecessary

Republicans knock holes in Affordable Care Act but don’t demolish the law

Know what is ironic?

That idiot law was upheld by five morons on the Supreme Court because it was a tax.

It was a tax bill that neutered it.

MAGA Baby!

What is really ironic is that morons like you equate the mandate to the bill.

The bill is a 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations that is unaffected by the mandate.

When Trump gets rid of those then come talk to me

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Making someone purchase something they do not want anything to do with, will never use and can’t afford... is insanity

That Obamacare bill was the worst example of legislative stupidity that ever came out of Congress.

None of the Democrat idiots even bothered to read what they were voting on. They didn't have a clue how much damage it was going to do American health care and to the economy. Maybe they knew and just didn't give a shit because they were hell bent on giving the filthy ass welfare queens the subsidies.

Doing away with the individual mandate goes a long way to neutering it. God bless Trump.
But we as a society will not do that. Every state has laws in place that force ERs and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay.

We as a society have decided that we do not want to see dead people in the streets due to their lack of ability to pay.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Do you even that the language you are using not only reduces your credibility to zero but actually gets people to dig in their heals even more. The fear mongering is a sure sign that you have no Constitutional, nor legal, argument to support your position.

If Obamacare disappeared right this very second, we would NOT have people dying in the streets nor will they be piling up and stacked like cordwood as you seem to imply.

There are better ways to do this than a government mandate and forcing people to pay for services they neither want or can afford.

My position is that the worst part of ObamaCare was not the mandate but the 1000 pages of hospital killing regulations. The mandate is the shiny object to keep people distracted from the real problems with ObamaCare.

And yes, I know that people will not be dying in the streets because we as a society have decided we do not want that to happen so we force ERs and hospitals and medical professionals to provide a service and product they know the one receiving it cannot pay for.

The people crying about the mandate have no issues with people being mandated to provide products and services to those who cannot pay for them.

The biggest problem with our health care system is that we cannot decide if healthcare is a commodity or a service and we have this broken hybrid system trying to make it be both and that is not sustainable

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare.
The mandate is absolutely unconstitutional and unnecessary... health insurance is not healthcare

Yes. I know you have told me this 100 times.

Mandate making you buy something is evil and bad

Mandate making someone else provide service and products even if you cannot pay for them is great and wonderful.

Which makes you a hypocrite

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Why would I buy insurance? I’m a cash sort of guy...

That's why the hookers love you.

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