Obamacare: Deal with it

Obamacare hasn't even kicked in and it is already a disaster... the unions are running from it, government workers at the IRS are demanding federal subsidies for it, the President has delayed it's implementation....

It will never happen.

Deal with it.
Obamacare is a boondoggle nightmare destroying jobs, diminishing paychecks and doing zero to improve healthcare- instead it just creates a bureaucratic nightmare. Defending it is left to the rabid puppets who are devoid of logic or reason.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCBuYlq5iJA]TRIFECTA: ObamaCare Will Disrupt Your Health Care and Your Life - YouTube[/ame]
ObamaCare will not be repealed or defunded. Deal with it. - The Week

On March 21, 2010, my former boss and mentor, David Frum, wrote a story that ran on FrumForum.com under the headline "Waterloo." It harshly criticized conservatives for their uncompromising opposition to the bill officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, However, surveying the legislative landscape, David observed that the GOP never had enough votes to defeat the health-care bill. While conservatives could not prevent the bill from becoming law entirely, David argued that they could have engaged with Democrats and possibly watered down many of the bill's most unconservative provisions. Instead, though, the GOP refused to participate at all because the worse the bill the unchecked Democratic Congress passed, the better Republicans would do in the 2010 midterm elections.

Realistically, what that means is that repeal is not an option, since even if the GOP did somehow manage to secure a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate in 2014 (which even the most optimistic prognosticators will tell you is not going to happen), the GOP still could not affect repeal (since the president would veto). And yet, despite this harsh reality, serious members of the GOP are still promising voters that they will repeal the law. Indeed, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are threatening to shut down the government if the president does not defund the law.

Late last week, Charles Krauthammer finally put his foot down in the face of Cruz and Lee's continued efforts to shape GOP policy proposals as if they lived in a perfect conservative world that simply does not exist. Krauthammer did not mince words, describing the Cruz/Lee ultimatum as "nuts." While he acknowledged that he would support defunding ObamaCare if he thought it would work, he also said it's obvious that it won't work, and that he does not fancy "suicide." Indeed, while Lee and Cruz will undoubtedly claim those who don't support their cause are less than full conservatives, Krauthammer correctly observed that one's position on their proposal has little to do with principle and everything to do with "sanity."

Over the past three years, the GOP base has become so enamored with the idea of ideological purity that they have been willing to throw the realities of real world politics overboard to chase it. But real defenders of conservatism must learn to embrace the painful compromises of day-to-day governance. Otherwise, we will become a party that stands by and debates itself while living under completely unchecked legislation shaped wholly by our ideological opponents.

are you being paid by greenbread, or whomever pays him, to shill for obamacare now? :eusa_eh:

dude, we have several of you already :eusa_hand:

ObamaCare will not be repealed or defunded. Deal with it. - The Week

On March 21, 2010, my former boss and mentor, David Frum, wrote a story that ran on FrumForum.com under the headline "Waterloo." It harshly criticized conservatives for their uncompromising opposition to the bill officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, However, surveying the legislative landscape, David observed that the GOP never had enough votes to defeat the health-care bill. While conservatives could not prevent the bill from becoming law entirely, David argued that they could have engaged with Democrats and possibly watered down many of the bill's most unconservative provisions. Instead, though, the GOP refused to participate at all because the worse the bill the unchecked Democratic Congress passed, the better Republicans would do in the 2010 midterm elections.

Realistically, what that means is that repeal is not an option, since even if the GOP did somehow manage to secure a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate in 2014 (which even the most optimistic prognosticators will tell you is not going to happen), the GOP still could not affect repeal (since the president would veto). And yet, despite this harsh reality, serious members of the GOP are still promising voters that they will repeal the law. Indeed, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are threatening to shut down the government if the president does not defund the law.

Late last week, Charles Krauthammer finally put his foot down in the face of Cruz and Lee's continued efforts to shape GOP policy proposals as if they lived in a perfect conservative world that simply does not exist. Krauthammer did not mince words, describing the Cruz/Lee ultimatum as "nuts." While he acknowledged that he would support defunding ObamaCare if he thought it would work, he also said it's obvious that it won't work, and that he does not fancy "suicide." Indeed, while Lee and Cruz will undoubtedly claim those who don't support their cause are less than full conservatives, Krauthammer correctly observed that one's position on their proposal has little to do with principle and everything to do with "sanity."

Over the past three years, the GOP base has become so enamored with the idea of ideological purity that they have been willing to throw the realities of real world politics overboard to chase it. But real defenders of conservatism must learn to embrace the painful compromises of day-to-day governance. Otherwise, we will become a party that stands by and debates itself while living under completely unchecked legislation shaped wholly by our ideological opponents.

are you being paid by greenbread, or whomever pays him, to shill for obamacare now? :eusa_eh:

dude, we have several of you already :eusa_hand:


Read the papers...it is the law of the land

Whining does not change things
Another asshole who thinks it's our job to clean up their fucking messes. We really need to bring back ass whippings for bratty children. These people are growing only in physical size these days. Still sniveling, childish, demanding little assholes that need a really aggressive spanking.

My fix is to add a public option to truly bring in competition to the market.

Ok, your turn. What's your fix?

Time to put up or shut up, loud mouth.

A public option to sponsor competition in the market? :lmao: :rofl:

Surely you're joking. Then again, you probably aren't.

Why not?

If private companies provide a much better product than the public option.....let them do it

Let the public option disappear because nobody wants it
What is not fixable?

26 year olds on parents policy?
Health exchanges?

Yes, I am advocating that those whose only option is repeal...give up, it ain't gunna happen

Compromise and fix it

Fix it requires changing it fundamentally. Fixing it means getting rid of it. Deal with it.

Offer up some solutions....lets hear

I've gone on and on about better alternatives - often with you. So stow the bullshit, you've already 'heard'.
Workable...and can be done within Obamacare

But it does not need to be done in Obamacare... it does not and should not be mandated... it should not have federal government information gathering and oversight... it should not have any federal punishment taxation.. it should not have any federal redistribution scheme to have others pay for the healthcare of 'the needy'

All that should be done is to OPEN THE PRIVATE SECTOR UP so that people have more options, there is more competition between companies, and so that insurance is not always used as some 'pay for all' that drives up the price

Go for it

Set it up, get 50 states to agree to it and show that it provides a better service than Health Exchanges

You have to be bonkers if you think the government does great service better than the private sector.
But it does not need to be done in Obamacare... it does not and should not be mandated... it should not have federal government information gathering and oversight... it should not have any federal punishment taxation.. it should not have any federal redistribution scheme to have others pay for the healthcare of 'the needy'

All that should be done is to OPEN THE PRIVATE SECTOR UP so that people have more options, there is more competition between companies, and so that insurance is not always used as some 'pay for all' that drives up the price

Go for it

Set it up, get 50 states to agree to it and show that it provides a better service than Health Exchanges

You have to be bonkers if you think the government does great service better than the private sector.

I'm giving you an opportunity to prove it

Set up your private exchanges and go head to head with the government ones. You should have no problem proving your superiority to shoddy government service
We won't get a single payer system from either party because they do not want to lose their biggest campaign contributors which are insurance companies and unions that do not want a single system.

A Medicare for all would reduce our cost significantly since it would create the entire population to be in one pool where our money would be used for healthcare. Right now we pay billions of dollars for so many people that administer to it, big CEO's salaries, stock holders, etc. which is creating high deductible plans.

HDP plans means you are paying for healthcare expenses at a reduced rate. Do you people realize that the only bargaining chip that makes health insurance so powerful is their fee schedule that reduces charges of providers in half.
ObamaCare will not be repealed or defunded. Deal with it. - The Week

On March 21, 2010, my former boss and mentor, David Frum, wrote a story that ran on FrumForum.com under the headline "Waterloo." It harshly criticized conservatives for their uncompromising opposition to the bill officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, However, surveying the legislative landscape, David observed that the GOP never had enough votes to defeat the health-care bill. While conservatives could not prevent the bill from becoming law entirely, David argued that they could have engaged with Democrats and possibly watered down many of the bill's most unconservative provisions. Instead, though, the GOP refused to participate at all because the worse the bill the unchecked Democratic Congress passed, the better Republicans would do in the 2010 midterm elections.

Realistically, what that means is that repeal is not an option, since even if the GOP did somehow manage to secure a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate in 2014 (which even the most optimistic prognosticators will tell you is not going to happen), the GOP still could not affect repeal (since the president would veto). And yet, despite this harsh reality, serious members of the GOP are still promising voters that they will repeal the law. Indeed, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are threatening to shut down the government if the president does not defund the law.

Late last week, Charles Krauthammer finally put his foot down in the face of Cruz and Lee's continued efforts to shape GOP policy proposals as if they lived in a perfect conservative world that simply does not exist. Krauthammer did not mince words, describing the Cruz/Lee ultimatum as "nuts." While he acknowledged that he would support defunding ObamaCare if he thought it would work, he also said it's obvious that it won't work, and that he does not fancy "suicide." Indeed, while Lee and Cruz will undoubtedly claim those who don't support their cause are less than full conservatives, Krauthammer correctly observed that one's position on their proposal has little to do with principle and everything to do with "sanity."

Over the past three years, the GOP base has become so enamored with the idea of ideological purity that they have been willing to throw the realities of real world politics overboard to chase it. But real defenders of conservatism must learn to embrace the painful compromises of day-to-day governance. Otherwise, we will become a party that stands by and debates itself while living under completely unchecked legislation shaped wholly by our ideological opponents.

are you being paid by greenbread, or whomever pays him, to shill for obamacare now? :eusa_eh:

dude, we have several of you already :eusa_hand:


Read the papers...it is the law of the land

Whining does not change things

you mean whatever Obama chooses to enforce or allow to go forward of the bill , for Christs sakes roll out of bed one week will you and pick up a paper...

I haven't whined, I don't or won't need to, but you and the rest of the useful idiots certainly are working hard to tell us what a great joy it is and will be, to hard despite the evidence to the contrary if you ask me...

neither does your sycophantic drooling imitations of greenbeard.....who btw has been mis-characterizing information on a scale that if he weren't wired into this I'd say he was just ignorant, but hes not so hes basically a bare faced liar. Not that you'd even be aware or care.....

the program is already picking their crony winners and losers ( thats you, and those like you that need the subsidies btw) and you don't even realize and I bet even of informed would not care ( in the open becasue you have to tow the party line) they just picked a class of winners the other day and like a mindless sheep I bet you don't even know or care......sad actually.
are you being paid by greenbread, or whomever pays him, to shill for obamacare now? :eusa_eh:

dude, we have several of you already :eusa_hand:


Read the papers...it is the law of the land

Whining does not change things

you mean whatever Obama chooses to enforce or allow to go forward of the bill , for Christs sakes roll out of bed one week will you and pick up a paper...

I haven't whined, I don't or won't need to, but you and the rest of the useful idiots certainly are working hard to tell us what a great joy it is and will be, to hard despite the evidence to the contrary if you ask me...

neither does your sycophantic drooling imitations of greenbeard.....who btw has been mis-characterizing information on a scale that if he weren't wired into this I'd say he was just ignorant, but hes not so hes basically a bare faced liar. Not that you'd even be aware or care.....

the program is already picking their crony winners and losers ( thats you, and those like you that need the subsidies btw) and you don't even realize and I bet even of informed would not care ( in the open becasue you have to tow the party line) they just picked a class of winners the other day and like a mindless sheep I bet you don't even know or care......sad actually.

Its here and it is being implemented

Don't like what is being done, offer up some constructive changes.
What next?? Provide them with other insurance for auto, fire, home, etc??

Employers do not pay for other insurances like that.. why??


They made health insurance what it never was meant to be and never should have been.. an all inclusive plan...

When you pay for auto insurance... You use it to vacuum your car?? To rotate your tires?? To get a tune up?? no.... you use it for accidents, catastrophic issues, etc... you pay for upkeep and maintenance YOURSELF..... as it should be with health insurance...

Because health insurance has been forced to be a pay all for every last little thing, prices have increased, you don't know what the true cost of anything is, and there is no competition or shopping around...

It is not the job of your employer to get you insurance or pay for your personal upkeep... and it is not the job, nor should it have been the job, of government to force them to be via tax perks etc.. and it definitely should not be the job of government to provide it, dictate it, or mandate it
Another asshole who thinks it's our job to clean up their fucking messes. We really need to bring back ass whippings for bratty children. These people are growing only in physical size these days. Still sniveling, childish, demanding little assholes that need a really aggressive spanking.

My fix is to add a public option to truly bring in competition to the market.

Ok, your turn. What's your fix?

Time to put up or shut up, loud mouth.

A public option to sponsor competition in the market? :lmao: :rofl:

Surely you're joking. Then again, you probably aren't.

Not joking at all. Tell me why it's wrong.

Then again, we both know you have no clue. You just know to disagree with EVERYTHING blindly, but you don't know why. You just know what you're told to think.

Good dog.
My fix is to add a public option to truly bring in competition to the market.

Ok, your turn. What's your fix?

Time to put up or shut up, loud mouth.

A public option to sponsor competition in the market? :lmao: :rofl:

Surely you're joking. Then again, you probably aren't.

No he isn't.

OL'RD sees nothing wrong with every taxpayer footing the bills for those who can't pay.
In fact you should be overjoyed to pay someone elses HC bills. Its your duty.

Of course I think he's a nut but thats just me.

You shouldn't participate in conversations that are clearly over your head.
Read the papers...it is the law of the land

Whining does not change things

you mean whatever Obama chooses to enforce or allow to go forward of the bill , for Christs sakes roll out of bed one week will you and pick up a paper...

I haven't whined, I don't or won't need to, but you and the rest of the useful idiots certainly are working hard to tell us what a great joy it is and will be, to hard despite the evidence to the contrary if you ask me...

neither does your sycophantic drooling imitations of greenbeard.....who btw has been mis-characterizing information on a scale that if he weren't wired into this I'd say he was just ignorant, but hes not so hes basically a bare faced liar. Not that you'd even be aware or care.....

the program is already picking their crony winners and losers ( thats you, and those like you that need the subsidies btw) and you don't even realize and I bet even of informed would not care ( in the open becasue you have to tow the party line) they just picked a class of winners the other day and like a mindless sheep I bet you don't even know or care......sad actually.

Its here and it is being implemented

Don't like what is being done, offer up some constructive changes.

thank you for proving my point, you're a brainless sheep...jump sheep jump...

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