Obamacare: Deal with it

Clean up our mess or STFU. That's Democrats new motto.

The only ones who are suggesting it's a mess are the brain dead such as yourself. Why would democrats clean up something that they don't think is such a mess.

So if it's such an obvious mess to you, you must have plenty of ideas of what is wrong with it and how it should be fixed.

Let's hear it slick.

Uhhh, NO. how about the teamsters and UAW, how about congress, how about all the companies that have asked for exemptions? No one wants this POS bill. You libs need to grow some balls and admit that you fucked up big time by supporting this crap. its yours, you fix it.

A temporary waiver is not an exemption. Learn the difference.
What other options do you have?

If the people are so outraged, Republicans should have no problem taking the White House (didn't work in 2012), 60 seats in the Senate (didn't work in 2010 or 2012) and keep the House

Is reality such a hard concept for Republicans to accept?

A sympathetic press brainwashing the low info voters.
The author of the bill has described it as a trainwreck.
Few if any people have benefitted from the act.
Many are and more will suffer hardship because of it.

But the press don't tell that tale.
Dear leader this and dear leader that.
It's like the press in North Korea!

Change for the worse is OBAMAS plan.
He said so himself;-
"My Freinds, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!
If its the greatest, the change is to stop it from being the greatest?
That is the Obamacult goal.
To destroy the USA.

I truly believe that has been his goal from the beginning. He and his cronies clearly hate this country and everything it stands for. They are traitors of the worst kind.

This coming from the guy who wants his fellow americans to just die when they get sick.

Just scanned your whole post. No actual fixes suggested. Well done. You're a true "Conservative".

Another asshole who thinks it's our job to clean up their fucking messes. We really need to bring back ass whippings for bratty children. These people are growing only in physical size these days. Still sniveling, childish, demanding little assholes that need a really aggressive spanking.

My fix is to add a public option to truly bring in competition to the market.

Ok, your turn. What's your fix?

Time to put up or shut up, loud mouth.

That's worked really well with the Post Office.
Well heres one:

•Open Up a National Health Insurance Market for Us: I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations and restrictions that state insurance commissions impose. In 1987, thanks to persistent ridicule from Reagan Federal Trade Commission chairman Daniel Oliver (now a senior director at the White House Writers Group) and the intervention of a federal court, the state of New York dropped its 50-year ban on selling New Jersey milk in New York City. Milk prices in Manhattan dropped 17 percent. Competition produces better products at lower costs. Regulations have made the health insurance markets of our states no different from the New York City milk market before Chairman Oliver came along. Who but an ideologue can doubt lifting those restrictive regulations can produce the Oliver Effect in health insurance costs, too?

I'm sure there are others that could be done as well.

Workable...and can be done within Obamacare

Workable on its own without Govt.. The Best Alternative to Obamacare - Clark S. Judge (usnews.com)

I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations
What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

Not including the public option for starters.

Your turn.

You are a dunce. You prove it with every post.
That isn't a compromise. Any more than not having a complete gov't takeover of all aspects of health isn't a compromise. The Dems didnt have the votes for that and that's why they didnt push it. There was no compromise.

When you don't have a response it's time to move those goal posts. Good for you.
Workable...and can be done within Obamacare

But it does not need to be done in Obamacare... it does not and should not be mandated... it should not have federal government information gathering and oversight... it should not have any federal punishment taxation.. it should not have any federal redistribution scheme to have others pay for the healthcare of 'the needy'

All that should be done is to OPEN THE PRIVATE SECTOR UP so that people have more options, there is more competition between companies, and so that insurance is not always used as some 'pay for all' that drives up the price

Go for it

Set it up, get 50 states to agree to it and show that it provides a better service than Health Exchanges

It don't have to show better.. because the government is not empowered to provide health insurance, coverage, care, or exchanges
Just scanned your whole post. No actual fixes suggested. Well done. You're a true "Conservative".

Another asshole who thinks it's our job to clean up their fucking messes. We really need to bring back ass whippings for bratty children. These people are growing only in physical size these days. Still sniveling, childish, demanding little assholes that need a really aggressive spanking.

My fix is to add a public option to truly bring in competition to the market.

Ok, your turn. What's your fix?

Time to put up or shut up, loud mouth.

A public option to sponsor competition in the market? :lmao: :rofl:

Surely you're joking. Then again, you probably aren't.
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Because that would be admitting that Obama and the Democrats were wrong.

When have you ever seen that happen???
Obamacare's Mr.Kerry and his blood sucking sliminess.

At issue are the dollars that Medicare pays to hospitals for the wages of doctors and staff. Before the new health law, states were each allocated a pot of money to divvy among their hospitals. The states are required to follow rules in handing out the funds, in particular a requirement that state urban hospitals must be reimbursed for wages at least at the levels of state rural hospitals.

Enter Mr. Kerry, who slipped an opaque provision into the Obama health law to require that Medicare wage reimbursements now come from a national pool of money, rather than state allocations. The Kerry kickback didn't get much notice, since it was cloaked in technicality and never specifically mentioned Massachusetts. But the senator knew exactly what he was doing.

You see, "rural" hospitals in Massachusetts are a class all their own. The Bay State has only one, a tiny facility on the tony playground of the superrich—Nantucket. Nantucket Cottage Hospital's relatively high wages set the floor for what all 81 of the state's urban hospitals must also be paid. And since these dramatically inflated Massachusetts wages are now getting sucked out of a national pool, there's little left for the rest of America. Clever Mr. Kerry.
Another asshole who thinks it's our job to clean up their fucking messes. We really need to bring back ass whippings for bratty children. These people are growing only in physical size these days. Still sniveling, childish, demanding little assholes that need a really aggressive spanking.

My fix is to add a public option to truly bring in competition to the market.

Ok, your turn. What's your fix?

Time to put up or shut up, loud mouth.

A public option to sponsor competition in the market? :lmao: :rofl:

Surely you're joking. Then again, you probably aren't.

No he isn't.

OL'RD sees nothing wrong with every taxpayer footing the bills for those who can't pay.
In fact you should be overjoyed to pay someone elses HC bills. Its your duty.

Of course I think he's a nut but thats just me.

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