Obamacare: Deal with it

What other options do you have?

If the people are so outraged, Republicans should have no problem taking the White House (didn't work in 2012), 60 seats in the Senate (didn't work in 2010 or 2012) and keep the House

Is reality such a hard concept for Republicans to accept?

A sympathetic press brainwashing the low info voters.
The author of the bill has described it as a trainwreck.
Few if any people have benefitted from the act.
Many are and more will suffer hardship because of it.

But the press don't tell that tale.
Dear leader this and dear leader that.
It's like the press in North Korea!

Change for the worse is OBAMAS plan.
He said so himself;-
"My Freinds, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!
If its the greatest, the change is to stop it from being the greatest?
That is the Obamacult goal.
To destroy the USA.

That is a whine....not an answer

What options do you have?

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
2. Leave it as is
3. Make Obamacare better

What will it be Republicans?

Why isn't repeal an option just because you say so???
Pretty simple!
1) GOP takes the Senate.
2) Senate signs just one of the 40 House repeal bills!
3) Obama vetos..
4) Impeachment proceeds already started in House passed and Senate agrees.
5) Senate impeach moves forward
6) Obama according to the Nixon Timelines by the way, resigns in 2014!
7) Biden resigns as he also has a lot of scandals like Agnew had and speaker becomes VP.
8) VP becomes Pres as Obama has resigned.
That is a realistic option as there are 20 Senate seats held by Demos at great risk...INCLUDING THE DEM who
called "obamacare a train wreck" who wrote the Senate bill.. Baucus is retiring!
There are 33 U.S. Senate seats up for election in 2014. Of those seats, 13 are currently held by Republicans and 20 are held by Democrat
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What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

Not including the public option for starters.

Your turn.

You are a dunce. You prove it with every post.
That isn't a compromise. Any more than not having a complete gov't takeover of all aspects of health isn't a compromise. The Dems didnt have the votes for that and that's why they didnt push it. There was no compromise.

Isn't that how all compromises are made?

Hint: If you have the votes, you don't need to compromise
A sympathetic press brainwashing the low info voters.
The author of the bill has described it as a trainwreck.
Few if any people have benefitted from the act.
Many are and more will suffer hardship because of it.

But the press don't tell that tale.
Dear leader this and dear leader that.
It's like the press in North Korea!

Change for the worse is OBAMAS plan.
He said so himself;-
"My Freinds, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!
If its the greatest, the change is to stop it from being the greatest?
That is the Obamacult goal.
To destroy the USA.

That is a whine....not an answer

What options do you have?

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
2. Leave it as is
3. Make Obamacare better

What will it be Republicans?

Why isn't repeal an option just because you say so???
Pretty simple!
1) GOP takes the Senate.
2) Senate signs just one of the 40 House repeal bills!
3) Obama vetos..
4) Impeachment proceeds already started in House passed and Senate agrees.
5) Senate impeach moves forward
6) Obama according to the Nixon Timelines by the way, resigns in 2014!
7) Biden resigns as he also has a lot of scandals like Agnew had and speaker becomes VP.
8) VP becomes Pres as Obama has resigned.
That is a realistic option as there are 10 Senate seats held by Demos at great risk...INCLUDING THE DEM who
called "obamacare a train wreck" who wrote the Senate bill.. Baucus is retiring!

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
Not including the public option for starters.

Your turn.

You are a dunce. You prove it with every post.
That isn't a compromise. Any more than not having a complete gov't takeover of all aspects of health isn't a compromise. The Dems didnt have the votes for that and that's why they didnt push it. There was no compromise.

Isn't that how all compromises are made?

Hint: If you have the votes, you don't need to compromise

No. The idea was so unpopular it wasn't even feasible to talk about.
That is a whine....not an answer

What options do you have?

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
2. Leave it as is
3. Make Obamacare better

What will it be Republicans?

Why isn't repeal an option just because you say so???
Pretty simple!
1) GOP takes the Senate.
2) Senate signs just one of the 40 House repeal bills!
3) Obama vetos..
4) Impeachment proceeds already started in House passed and Senate agrees.
5) Senate impeach moves forward
6) Obama according to the Nixon Timelines by the way, resigns in 2014!
7) Biden resigns as he also has a lot of scandals like Agnew had and speaker becomes VP.
8) VP becomes Pres as Obama has resigned.
That is a realistic option as there are 10 Senate seats held by Demos at great risk...INCLUDING THE DEM who
called "obamacare a train wreck" who wrote the Senate bill.. Baucus is retiring!

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option

Because you say so?
Implement Obamacare-not a realistic option. Even Obama agrees with that.
That is a whine....not an answer

What options do you have?

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
2. Leave it as is
3. Make Obamacare better

What will it be Republicans?

Why isn't repeal an option just because you say so???
Pretty simple!
1) GOP takes the Senate.
2) Senate signs just one of the 40 House repeal bills!
3) Obama vetos..
4) Impeachment proceeds already started in House passed and Senate agrees.
5) Senate impeach moves forward
6) Obama according to the Nixon Timelines by the way, resigns in 2014!
7) Biden resigns as he also has a lot of scandals like Agnew had and speaker becomes VP.
8) VP becomes Pres as Obama has resigned.
That is a realistic option as there are 10 Senate seats held by Demos at great risk...INCLUDING THE DEM who
called "obamacare a train wreck" who wrote the Senate bill.. Baucus is retiring!

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option

did the orderly forget your drugs on his rounds this morning? or are you just a complete imbecile?
Why isn't repeal an option just because you say so???
Pretty simple!
1) GOP takes the Senate.
2) Senate signs just one of the 40 House repeal bills!
3) Obama vetos..
4) Impeachment proceeds already started in House passed and Senate agrees.
5) Senate impeach moves forward
6) Obama according to the Nixon Timelines by the way, resigns in 2014!
7) Biden resigns as he also has a lot of scandals like Agnew had and speaker becomes VP.
8) VP becomes Pres as Obama has resigned.
That is a realistic option as there are 10 Senate seats held by Demos at great risk...INCLUDING THE DEM who
called "obamacare a train wreck" who wrote the Senate bill.. Baucus is retiring!

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option

did the orderly forget your drugs on his rounds this morning? or are you just a complete imbecile?

You think impeachment of both Obama and Biden is possible?

Who forgot their meds this morning?
I find it hard to believe that elected officials passed a fucking bill that none of them read.

A bill thats going to cost big time if the DBO numers are to be believed.

Of course they had to pass it to find out whats in it. Idiots one and all.

Of course they read it.....Stop watching Fox and move on

Bullshit, even the botoxed bitch from sanfrangayo admitted that no one had read it.

No she didn't
You are a dunce. You prove it with every post.
That isn't a compromise. Any more than not having a complete gov't takeover of all aspects of health isn't a compromise. The Dems didnt have the votes for that and that's why they didnt push it. There was no compromise.

Isn't that how all compromises are made?

Hint: If you have the votes, you don't need to compromise

No. The idea was so unpopular it wasn't even feasible to talk about.

Repeal and defunding is indeed an option.. you just don't want it to be, wrongwinger, because you have a hard on for big government nanny state shit

It, along with a lot of other things, should be eliminated from the federal government to give the power back to the states and the individuals AS INTENDED.. we just need a strong enough movement of fed up people who are sick of the leviathan living in Mordor on the Potomac

If it is indeed an option

Explain how repeal and defund can be executed. Still want to talk Government shutdown?

Sure... indeed.. shut it down.. show that this shit is serious and government will no longer be allowed to grab power where it is not intended to have any

Put forth the spending agenda that unless it is repealed, spending will only be authorized for things laid out in the constitution and only at a level equal to that of the prior year's income.. the DEMs and big govt REPs refuse to repeal it, SHUT IT DOWN...

Funny how you guys probably did not flinch when old Blowjob Bubba shut down parts of government, including not paying us active duty soldiers for a couple months
Did you know that Obamacare today isn't the same bill that Obama signed back in 09' and still hasn't been fully implemented?

The original bill was roughly 2200 pages. Currently there are 20,000 pages of regulations that have been added to it. The bill is 8 feet thick. Nobody knows exactly what's in it. Nobody really understands it ether.

What gives them the right to change a law after it has been signed to such an extent? And what makes you think that Obama will enforce it equally?

Did you know that in 2009 the White House stated clearly that the bulk of new laws under the ACA would not go into effect until 2013?

The first implementations were parents being able to keep their 20-somethings on their family policy. Have you heard anybody bitching about that? Me neither.
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

The problems with PPACA are fundamental; it's not a matter of 'fixing' a few particulars. You're asking opponents of Obamacare to give up, so don't pretend otherwise.

What is not fixable?

26 year olds on parents policy?
Health exchanges?

Yes, I am advocating that those whose only option is repeal...give up, it ain't gunna happen

Compromise and fix it

Fix it requires changing it fundamentally. Fixing it means getting rid of it. Deal with it.
The problems with PPACA are fundamental; it's not a matter of 'fixing' a few particulars. You're asking opponents of Obamacare to give up, so don't pretend otherwise.

What is not fixable?

26 year olds on parents policy?
Health exchanges?

Yes, I am advocating that those whose only option is repeal...give up, it ain't gunna happen

Compromise and fix it

Fix it requires changing it fundamentally. Fixing it means getting rid of it. Deal with it.

Offer up some solutions....lets hear
Well heres one:

•Open Up a National Health Insurance Market for Us: I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations and restrictions that state insurance commissions impose. In 1987, thanks to persistent ridicule from Reagan Federal Trade Commission chairman Daniel Oliver (now a senior director at the White House Writers Group) and the intervention of a federal court, the state of New York dropped its 50-year ban on selling New Jersey milk in New York City. Milk prices in Manhattan dropped 17 percent. Competition produces better products at lower costs. Regulations have made the health insurance markets of our states no different from the New York City milk market before Chairman Oliver came along. Who but an ideologue can doubt lifting those restrictive regulations can produce the Oliver Effect in health insurance costs, too?

I'm sure there are others that could be done as well.
Well heres one:

•Open Up a National Health Insurance Market for Us: I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations and restrictions that state insurance commissions impose. In 1987, thanks to persistent ridicule from Reagan Federal Trade Commission chairman Daniel Oliver (now a senior director at the White House Writers Group) and the intervention of a federal court, the state of New York dropped its 50-year ban on selling New Jersey milk in New York City. Milk prices in Manhattan dropped 17 percent. Competition produces better products at lower costs. Regulations have made the health insurance markets of our states no different from the New York City milk market before Chairman Oliver came along. Who but an ideologue can doubt lifting those restrictive regulations can produce the Oliver Effect in health insurance costs, too?

I'm sure there are others that could be done as well.

Workable...and can be done within Obamacare
Well heres one:

•Open Up a National Health Insurance Market for Us: I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations and restrictions that state insurance commissions impose. In 1987, thanks to persistent ridicule from Reagan Federal Trade Commission chairman Daniel Oliver (now a senior director at the White House Writers Group) and the intervention of a federal court, the state of New York dropped its 50-year ban on selling New Jersey milk in New York City. Milk prices in Manhattan dropped 17 percent. Competition produces better products at lower costs. Regulations have made the health insurance markets of our states no different from the New York City milk market before Chairman Oliver came along. Who but an ideologue can doubt lifting those restrictive regulations can produce the Oliver Effect in health insurance costs, too?

I'm sure there are others that could be done as well.

Workable...and can be done within Obamacare

But it does not need to be done in Obamacare... it does not and should not be mandated... it should not have federal government information gathering and oversight... it should not have any federal punishment taxation.. it should not have any federal redistribution scheme to have others pay for the healthcare of 'the needy'

All that should be done is to OPEN THE PRIVATE SECTOR UP so that people have more options, there is more competition between companies, and so that insurance is not always used as some 'pay for all' that drives up the price
Well heres one:

•Open Up a National Health Insurance Market for Us: I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations and restrictions that state insurance commissions impose. In 1987, thanks to persistent ridicule from Reagan Federal Trade Commission chairman Daniel Oliver (now a senior director at the White House Writers Group) and the intervention of a federal court, the state of New York dropped its 50-year ban on selling New Jersey milk in New York City. Milk prices in Manhattan dropped 17 percent. Competition produces better products at lower costs. Regulations have made the health insurance markets of our states no different from the New York City milk market before Chairman Oliver came along. Who but an ideologue can doubt lifting those restrictive regulations can produce the Oliver Effect in health insurance costs, too?

I'm sure there are others that could be done as well.

Workable...and can be done within Obamacare

But it does not need to be done in Obamacare... it does not and should not be mandated... it should not have federal government information gathering and oversight... it should not have any federal punishment taxation.. it should not have any federal redistribution scheme to have others pay for the healthcare of 'the needy'

All that should be done is to OPEN THE PRIVATE SECTOR UP so that people have more options, there is more competition between companies, and so that insurance is not always used as some 'pay for all' that drives up the price

Yo Dave. Read the link.
Well heres one:

•Open Up a National Health Insurance Market for Us: I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations and restrictions that state insurance commissions impose. In 1987, thanks to persistent ridicule from Reagan Federal Trade Commission chairman Daniel Oliver (now a senior director at the White House Writers Group) and the intervention of a federal court, the state of New York dropped its 50-year ban on selling New Jersey milk in New York City. Milk prices in Manhattan dropped 17 percent. Competition produces better products at lower costs. Regulations have made the health insurance markets of our states no different from the New York City milk market before Chairman Oliver came along. Who but an ideologue can doubt lifting those restrictive regulations can produce the Oliver Effect in health insurance costs, too?

I'm sure there are others that could be done as well.

Workable...and can be done within Obamacare

But it does not need to be done in Obamacare... it does not and should not be mandated... it should not have federal government information gathering and oversight... it should not have any federal punishment taxation.. it should not have any federal redistribution scheme to have others pay for the healthcare of 'the needy'

All that should be done is to OPEN THE PRIVATE SECTOR UP so that people have more options, there is more competition between companies, and so that insurance is not always used as some 'pay for all' that drives up the price

Go for it

Set it up, get 50 states to agree to it and show that it provides a better service than Health Exchanges
Spoken like a true LOLberal. You dont like the mess i made? Well, fucking clean it up and stop complaining.

ONly a true authoritarian asshole would suggest such things. But, this is the democraps we're talking about here. The ones that whined and complained about Bush for 8 years only to turn around and make the man look like a fucking political genius in only 5 years of power.

Nice work on that, BTW.

Just scanned your whole post. No actual fixes suggested. Well done. You're a true "Conservative".

Another asshole who thinks it's our job to clean up their fucking messes. We really need to bring back ass whippings for bratty children. These people are growing only in physical size these days. Still sniveling, childish, demanding little assholes that need a really aggressive spanking.

My fix is to add a public option to truly bring in competition to the market.

Ok, your turn. What's your fix?

Time to put up or shut up, loud mouth.

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