Obamacare: Deal with it

Besides, once that piece of shit goes into effect and people see what kind of disaster it creates, the Dems will own it full on. Then again, I fully expect them to turn and say "well, republicans didn't fix it." Because that is the type of lying, weazeling little assholes these people are.
Your point?

Obamacare is the law of the land and passed Supreme Court review. You can whine about it like people still whine about Social Security, but it is not going to be repealed

Don't like it? Make it better

The mess belongs to the dems, let them fix it. They passed it, its theirs. Why should the GOP bail them out of the POS bill that they passed without even reading it? Fuck em.

If that is the case, accept that Obamacare will remain as it is

If Republicans want to make it better.....offer up some solutions

Repeal is off the table

do you even read posts before replying? I said: The mess belongs to the dems, let them fix it. They passed it, its theirs. Why should the GOP bail them out of the POS bill that they passed without even reading it? Fuck em.[/
Clean up our mess or STFU. That's Democrats new motto.

The only ones who are suggesting it's a mess are the brain dead such as yourself. Why would democrats clean up something that they don't think is such a mess.

So if it's such an obvious mess to you, you must have plenty of ideas of what is wrong with it and how it should be fixed.

Let's hear it slick.

Uhhh, NO. how about the teamsters and UAW, how about congress, how about all the companies that have asked for exemptions? No one wants this POS bill. You libs need to grow some balls and admit that you fucked up big time by supporting this crap. its yours, you fix it.

Right? People are lining up for an exemption, including those who passed this POS and they tell us there is nothing wrong with it, but feel free to fix it.


Retarded assholes. You simply can not make this stuff up.
It is very very important to comprehend the gigantic fraud that there were 46 million uninsured!
ACA was passed by just 6 YES votes that I'm confident they didn't KNOW there were really only 4 million that truly need and want health insurance and are legal citizens !

I am really trying to get people to comprehend that NONE OF ACA was necessary IF the primary reason was to provide
health insurance for the uninsured that wanted and needed health insurance!

Is it that hard to comprehend these simple facts that:
18 million don't want, don't need and could afford health insurance .. BUT THEY WERE INCLUDED so as to pass ACA!
14 million ARE COVERED by Medicaid but don't KNOW IT so they were counted as uninsured so as to pass ACA!
10 million are NOT CITIZENS yet they were counted as uninsured!
So that leaves 4 million that truly needed insurance!

WHY then was the destruction of Health care then put into law to cover just 4 million when a simple tax of 10% on
lawyers $200 billion would pay the $5,000 premium per uninsured.
Tied to reducing the $850 billion that lawyers have caused PER PHYSICIANS... that is spent yearly wastefully!
Forcing hospitals to register the "uninsured" and sending claims to the insurance companies instead of marking UP 6,000%!

That is the simple fact that millions of Americans seem to be totally uninformed by our MSM and that's because the MSM
voted 85% of them for Obama/Democrats!!!
I love that Deal With it crap.

I wonder what RW will be saying when we ALL have to deal with that trainwreck?

Of course they want someone else to clean up the fucking mess they have made. They passed a bill they didn't even read and now they are seeing whats in it. Hell. I'd want someone else to clean up that mess myself.

Hope they love being part of that Historic Moment they all fell over themselves to enact. Idiots one and all.

What other options do you have?

If the people are so outraged, Republicans should have no problem taking the White House (didn't work in 2012), 60 seats in the Senate (didn't work in 2010 or 2012) and keep the House

Is reality such a hard concept for Republicans to accept?

A sympathetic press brainwashing the low info voters.
The author of the bill has described it as a trainwreck.
Few if any people have benefitted from the act.
Many are and more will suffer hardship because of it.

But the press don't tell that tale.
Dear leader this and dear leader that.
It's like the press in North Korea!

Change for the worse is OBAMAS plan.
He said so himself;-
"My Freinds, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!
If its the greatest, the change is to stop it from being the greatest?
That is the Obamacult goal.
To destroy the USA.

I truly believe that has been his goal from the beginning. He and his cronies clearly hate this country and everything it stands for. They are traitors of the worst kind.
WHY Obamacare wanted the 18 million under 34 that are uninsured was he their very very socialistic and anti-capitalist mind set was to "increase the risk pool".
DUH!!!! So why did the government have to get involved then with ACA????
TO force people to have a service they didn't want or need but to cover what???
4 million people that can't get or afford coverage?


I would have been for Obamacare if they simply said:

A) lawyers are costing health care $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc. per physicians out of fear of lawsuits.
B) A 10% tax on lawyers $200 billion would pay the premiums for the truly 4 million that need insurance!
C) NO need then to destroy the healthcare for the rest of the 99.8% of US!!!
I love that Deal With it crap.

I wonder what RW will be saying when we ALL have to deal with that trainwreck?

Of course they want someone else to clean up the fucking mess they have made. They passed a bill they didn't even read and now they are seeing whats in it. Hell. I'd want someone else to clean up that mess myself.

Hope they love being part of that Historic Moment they all fell over themselves to enact. Idiots one and all.

What other options do you have?

If the people are so outraged, Republicans should have no problem taking the White House (didn't work in 2012), 60 seats in the Senate (didn't work in 2010 or 2012) and keep the House

Is reality such a hard concept for Republicans to accept?

A sympathetic press brainwashing the low info voters.
The author of the bill has described it as a trainwreck.
Few if any people have benefitted from the act.
Many are and more will suffer hardship because of it.

But the press don't tell that tale.
Dear leader this and dear leader that.
It's like the press in North Korea!

Change for the worse is OBAMAS plan.
He said so himself;-
"My Freinds, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!
If its the greatest, the change is to stop it from being the greatest?
That is the Obamacult goal.
To destroy the USA.

That is a whine....not an answer

What options do you have?

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
2. Leave it as is
3. Make Obamacare better

What will it be Republicans?
Repeal and defunding is indeed an option.. you just don't want it to be, wrongwinger, because you have a hard on for big government nanny state shit

It, along with a lot of other things, should be eliminated from the federal government to give the power back to the states and the individuals AS INTENDED.. we just need a strong enough movement of fed up people who are sick of the leviathan living in Mordor on the Potomac
Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

So far?

They compromised on Single Payer
They compromised on a federal option
They compromised on the implementation date

What compromises have Republicans offered? Repeal without replacement?

No. Single payer wasn't going to happen. Do I need to show the clip from Barney Faygola where he says they dont have the votes for it?
They didnt compromise on implementation date. It was unworkable and Obama unilaterally made the decision, in violation of the law btw.
What other options do you have?

If the people are so outraged, Republicans should have no problem taking the White House (didn't work in 2012), 60 seats in the Senate (didn't work in 2010 or 2012) and keep the House

Is reality such a hard concept for Republicans to accept?

A sympathetic press brainwashing the low info voters.
The author of the bill has described it as a trainwreck.
Few if any people have benefitted from the act.
Many are and more will suffer hardship because of it.

But the press don't tell that tale.
Dear leader this and dear leader that.
It's like the press in North Korea!

Change for the worse is OBAMAS plan.
He said so himself;-
"My Freinds, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!
If its the greatest, the change is to stop it from being the greatest?
That is the Obamacult goal.
To destroy the USA.

That is a whine....not an answer

What options do you have?

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
2. Leave it as is
3. Make Obamacare better

What will it be Republicans?

We all know that the bill is greatly flawed, the dems passed it, why is it not their responsibility to fix it?

are you admitting that the dems cannot do anything right?
Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

Not including the public option for starters.

Your turn.

You are a dunce. You prove it with every post.
That isn't a compromise. Any more than not having a complete gov't takeover of all aspects of health isn't a compromise. The Dems didnt have the votes for that and that's why they didnt push it. There was no compromise.
I find it hard to believe that elected officials passed a fucking bill that none of them read.

A bill thats going to cost big time if the CBO numers are to be believed.

Of course they had to pass it to find out whats in it. Idiots one and all.
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Repeal and defunding is indeed an option.. you just don't want it to be, wrongwinger, because you have a hard on for big government nanny state shit

It, along with a lot of other things, should be eliminated from the federal government to give the power back to the states and the individuals AS INTENDED.. we just need a strong enough movement of fed up people who are sick of the leviathan living in Mordor on the Potomac

If it is indeed an option

Explain how repeal and defund can be executed. Still want to talk Government shutdown?
I find it hard to believe that elected officials passed a fucking bill that none of them read.

A bill thats going to cost big time if the DBO numers are to be believed.

Of course they had to pass it to find out whats in it. Idiots one and all.

Of course they read it.....Stop watching Fox and move on
Repeal and defunding is indeed an option.. you just don't want it to be, wrongwinger, because you have a hard on for big government nanny state shit

It, along with a lot of other things, should be eliminated from the federal government to give the power back to the states and the individuals AS INTENDED.. we just need a strong enough movement of fed up people who are sick of the leviathan living in Mordor on the Potomac

If it is indeed an option

Explain how repeal and defund can be executed. Still want to talk Government shutdown?

they can fund every govt function EXCEPT obamacare. there will be no govt shutdown. That would effectively kill it.
A sympathetic press brainwashing the low info voters.
The author of the bill has described it as a trainwreck.
Few if any people have benefitted from the act.
Many are and more will suffer hardship because of it.

But the press don't tell that tale.
Dear leader this and dear leader that.
It's like the press in North Korea!

Change for the worse is OBAMAS plan.
He said so himself;-
"My Freinds, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!
If its the greatest, the change is to stop it from being the greatest?
That is the Obamacult goal.
To destroy the USA.

That is a whine....not an answer

What options do you have?

1. Repeal Obamacare- Not a realistic option
2. Leave it as is
3. Make Obamacare better

What will it be Republicans?

We all know that the bill is greatly flawed, the dems passed it, why is it not their responsibility to fix it?

are you admitting that the dems cannot do anything right?

OK....That is one vote for "Leave it as is"

Any of you other Conservatives have an answer?
Repeal and defunding is indeed an option.. you just don't want it to be, wrongwinger, because you have a hard on for big government nanny state shit

It, along with a lot of other things, should be eliminated from the federal government to give the power back to the states and the individuals AS INTENDED.. we just need a strong enough movement of fed up people who are sick of the leviathan living in Mordor on the Potomac

If it is indeed an option

Explain how repeal and defund can be executed. Still want to talk Government shutdown?

they can fund every govt function EXCEPT obamacare. there will be no govt shutdown. That would effectively kill it.

Who is going to sign off on that?
I find it hard to believe that elected officials passed a fucking bill that none of them read.

A bill thats going to cost big time if the DBO numers are to be believed.

Of course they had to pass it to find out whats in it. Idiots one and all.

Of course they read it.....Stop watching Fox and move on

Bullshit, even the botoxed bitch from sanfrangayo admitted that no one had read it.
Repeal and defunding is indeed an option.. you just don't want it to be, wrongwinger, because you have a hard on for big government nanny state shit

It, along with a lot of other things, should be eliminated from the federal government to give the power back to the states and the individuals AS INTENDED.. we just need a strong enough movement of fed up people who are sick of the leviathan living in Mordor on the Potomac

If it is indeed an option

Explain how repeal and defund can be executed. Still want to talk Government shutdown?

Simple. House refuses to vote funding to implement it. Done.
Just like the Democrats could have when they controlled the House and voted resolution after resolution to end the Iraq War, instead of just cutting off funding.
Somehow it's just different, right, Nutsucker?

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