Obamacare: Deal with it

ObamaCare will not be repealed or defunded. Deal with it. - The Week

On March 21, 2010, my former boss and mentor, David Frum, wrote a story that ran on FrumForum.com under the headline "Waterloo." It harshly criticized conservatives for their uncompromising opposition to the bill officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, However, surveying the legislative landscape, David observed that the GOP never had enough votes to defeat the health-care bill. While conservatives could not prevent the bill from becoming law entirely, David argued that they could have engaged with Democrats and possibly watered down many of the bill's most unconservative provisions. Instead, though, the GOP refused to participate at all because the worse the bill the unchecked Democratic Congress passed, the better Republicans would do in the 2010 midterm elections.

Realistically, what that means is that repeal is not an option, since even if the GOP did somehow manage to secure a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate in 2014 (which even the most optimistic prognosticators will tell you is not going to happen), the GOP still could not affect repeal (since the president would veto). And yet, despite this harsh reality, serious members of the GOP are still promising voters that they will repeal the law. Indeed, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are threatening to shut down the government if the president does not defund the law.

Late last week, Charles Krauthammer finally put his foot down in the face of Cruz and Lee's continued efforts to shape GOP policy proposals as if they lived in a perfect conservative world that simply does not exist. Krauthammer did not mince words, describing the Cruz/Lee ultimatum as "nuts." While he acknowledged that he would support defunding ObamaCare if he thought it would work, he also said it's obvious that it won't work, and that he does not fancy "suicide." Indeed, while Lee and Cruz will undoubtedly claim those who don't support their cause are less than full conservatives, Krauthammer correctly observed that one's position on their proposal has little to do with principle and everything to do with "sanity."

Over the past three years, the GOP base has become so enamored with the idea of ideological purity that they have been willing to throw the realities of real world politics overboard to chase it. But real defenders of conservatism must learn to embrace the painful compromises of day-to-day governance. Otherwise, we will become a party that stands by and debates itself while living under completely unchecked legislation shaped wholly by our ideological opponents.

Not even the author has confidence in this disaster of epic propotions



Montana Senator Max Baucus, who led the effort in Congress to pass Obamacare, is now referring to it as a “coming train wreck”. Baucus has announced he will not to seek re-election in 2014, perhaps to avoid the inevitable embarrassment of this pending disaster. He’s not alone in his concern. The prospect that too few Americans will enroll in the program, thus rendering it unfeasible, has the administration fearful that Baucus is right -- it may actually end up derailed.
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

The problems with PPACA are fundamental; it's not a matter of 'fixing' a few particulars. You're asking opponents of Obamacare to give up, so don't pretend otherwise.

What is not fixable?

26 year olds on parents policy?
Health exchanges?

Yes, I am advocating that those whose only option is repeal...give up, it ain't gunna happen

Compromise and fix it
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

The problems with PPACA are fundamental; it's not a matter of 'fixing' a few particulars. You're asking opponents of Obamacare to give up, so don't pretend otherwise.

Yep. But again, you're asking a LOLberal to be honest. It's just not a possibility/ Lying is their forte.
Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

So far?

They compromised on Single Payer
They compromised on a federal option
They compromised on the implementation date

What compromises have Republicans offered? Repeal without replacement?

We need to bring the whole house of cards down and reboot

This country is down the tubes beyond any means of sustainment

Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

Spoken like a true LOLberal. You dont like the mess i made? Well, fucking clean it up and stop complaining.

ONly a true authoritarian asshole would suggest such things. But, this is the democraps we're talking about here. The ones that whined and complained about Bush for 8 years only to turn around and make the man look like a fucking political genius in only 5 years of power.

Nice work on that, BTW.

It is a political reality

Repeal is off the table till the end of Obama's term in 2017. Repeal after that date is only possible if Republicans win the White House, 15 Senate seats and keep the House. If that is what Republicans are banking on....they are dreamers

Fix it or STFU
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Cant fix whats fucked up beyond repair. Trash it and start all over

More Republican stubbornness...

You can't repeal it. It is not a political reality

Fix it or STFU

they tried that before it was passed. Pelosi and Reid would not allow any open debate or any GOP amendments to reach the floor of either house. the bill was passed by dems only in the dark of night before anyone had time to read it.

It was rammed up our collective asses by obama and the dems. Now the country is finally seeing what was done to it and 65% or more are demanding that it be repealed.

But once again, the dems in control of the govt will ignore the will of the people.
Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

Spoken like a true LOLberal. You dont like the mess i made? Well, fucking clean it up and stop complaining.

ONly a true authoritarian asshole would suggest such things. But, this is the democraps we're talking about here. The ones that whined and complained about Bush for 8 years only to turn around and make the man look like a fucking political genius in only 5 years of power.

Nice work on that, BTW.

It is a political reality

Repeal is off the table till the end of Obama's term in 2017. Repeal after that date is only possible if Republicans win the White House, 15 Senate seats and keep the House. If that is what Republicans are banking on....they are dreamers

Fix it or STFU

Give US an Exemption. Obama supporters are demanding them. Exemptions are good for everyone.
Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

Spoken like a true LOLberal. You dont like the mess i made? Well, fucking clean it up and stop complaining.

ONly a true authoritarian asshole would suggest such things. But, this is the democraps we're talking about here. The ones that whined and complained about Bush for 8 years only to turn around and make the man look like a fucking political genius in only 5 years of power.

Nice work on that, BTW.

It is a political reality

Repeal is off the table till the end of Obama's term in 2017. Repeal after that date is only possible if Republicans win the White House, 15 Senate seats and keep the House. If that is what Republicans are banking on....they are dreamers

Fix it or STFU

In the meantime, the Tax will be an absolute fucking disaster on the economy and American people and the best you can do, is essentially tell republicans and the american people, to fuck off and deal with it.

Which if course is true to form for an authoritarian asshole. Congrats.
Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

So far?

They compromised on Single Payer
They compromised on a federal option
They compromised on the implementation date

What compromises have Republicans offered? Repeal without replacement?

They tried to put compromises on the table BEFORE it was passed. the dems in control of the house and senate would not allow any compromises to be debated.

this mess belongs solely to obama and the dems. Let them fix it, or we can all just watch as in destroys our economy completely.
Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

Not including the public option for starters.

Your turn.
Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

Spoken like a true LOLberal. You dont like the mess i made? Well, fucking clean it up and stop complaining.

ONly a true authoritarian asshole would suggest such things. But, this is the democraps we're talking about here. The ones that whined and complained about Bush for 8 years only to turn around and make the man look like a fucking political genius in only 5 years of power.

Nice work on that, BTW.

Just scanned your whole post. No actual fixes suggested. Well done. You're a true "Conservative".
I love that Deal With it crap.

I wonder what RW will be saying when we ALL have to deal with that trainwreck?

Of course they want someone else to clean up the fucking mess they have made. They passed a bill they didn't even read and now they are seeing whats in it. Hell. I'd want someone else to clean up that mess myself.

Hope they love being part of that Historic Moment they all fell over themselves to enact. Idiots one and all.
Cant fix whats fucked up beyond repair. Trash it and start all over

More Republican stubbornness...

You can't repeal it. It is not a political reality

Fix it or STFU

they tried that before it was passed. Pelosi and Reid would not allow any open debate or any GOP amendments to reach the floor of either house. the bill was passed by dems only in the dark of night before anyone had time to read it.

It was rammed up our collective asses by obama and the dems. Now the country is finally seeing what was done to it and 65% or more are demanding that it be repealed.

But once again, the dems in control of the govt will ignore the will of the people.

Your point?

Obamacare is the law of the land and passed Supreme Court review. You can whine about it like people still whine about Social Security, but it is not going to be repealed

Don't like it? Make it better
Clean up our mess or STFU. That's Democrats new motto.

The only ones who are suggesting it's a mess are the brain dead such as yourself. Why would democrats clean up something that they don't think is such a mess.

So if it's such an obvious mess to you, you must have plenty of ideas of what is wrong with it and how it should be fixed.

Let's hear it slick.
More Republican stubbornness...

You can't repeal it. It is not a political reality

Fix it or STFU

they tried that before it was passed. Pelosi and Reid would not allow any open debate or any GOP amendments to reach the floor of either house. the bill was passed by dems only in the dark of night before anyone had time to read it.

It was rammed up our collective asses by obama and the dems. Now the country is finally seeing what was done to it and 65% or more are demanding that it be repealed.

But once again, the dems in control of the govt will ignore the will of the people.

Your point?

Obamacare is the law of the land and passed Supreme Court review. You can whine about it like people still whine about Social Security, but it is not going to be repealed

Don't like it? Make it better

The mess belongs to the dems, let them fix it. They passed it, its theirs. Why should the GOP bail them out of the POS bill that they passed without even reading it? Fuck em.
Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

Spoken like a true LOLberal. You dont like the mess i made? Well, fucking clean it up and stop complaining.

ONly a true authoritarian asshole would suggest such things. But, this is the democraps we're talking about here. The ones that whined and complained about Bush for 8 years only to turn around and make the man look like a fucking political genius in only 5 years of power.

Nice work on that, BTW.

Just scanned your whole post. No actual fixes suggested. Well done. You're a true "Conservative".

Another asshole who thinks it's our job to clean up their fucking messes. We really need to bring back ass whippings for bratty children. These people are growing only in physical size these days. Still sniveling, childish, demanding little assholes that need a really aggressive spanking.
I love that Deal With it crap.

I wonder what RW will be saying when we ALL have to deal with that trainwreck?

Of course they want someone else to clean up the fucking mess they have made. They passed a bill they didn't even read and now they are seeing whats in it. Hell. I'd want someone else to clean up that mess myself.

Hope they love being part of that Historic Moment they all fell over themselves to enact. Idiots one and all.

What other options do you have?

If the people are so outraged, Republicans should have no problem taking the White House (didn't work in 2012), 60 seats in the Senate (didn't work in 2010 or 2012) and keep the House

Is reality such a hard concept for Republicans to accept?
they tried that before it was passed. Pelosi and Reid would not allow any open debate or any GOP amendments to reach the floor of either house. the bill was passed by dems only in the dark of night before anyone had time to read it.

It was rammed up our collective asses by obama and the dems. Now the country is finally seeing what was done to it and 65% or more are demanding that it be repealed.

But once again, the dems in control of the govt will ignore the will of the people.

Your point?

Obamacare is the law of the land and passed Supreme Court review. You can whine about it like people still whine about Social Security, but it is not going to be repealed

Don't like it? Make it better

The mess belongs to the dems, let them fix it. They passed it, its theirs. Why should the GOP bail them out of the POS bill that they passed without even reading it? Fuck em.

If that is the case, accept that Obamacare will remain as it is

If Republicans want to make it better.....offer up some solutions

Repeal is off the table
Clean up our mess or STFU. That's Democrats new motto.

The only ones who are suggesting it's a mess are the brain dead such as yourself. Why would democrats clean up something that they don't think is such a mess.

So if it's such an obvious mess to you, you must have plenty of ideas of what is wrong with it and how it should be fixed.

Let's hear it slick.

Uhhh, NO. how about the teamsters and UAW, how about congress, how about all the companies that have asked for exemptions? No one wants this POS bill. You libs need to grow some balls and admit that you fucked up big time by supporting this crap. its yours, you fix it.

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