ObamaCare Delay should end his Presidency


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
He shut the government down rather than deal with ObamaCare as an adult and like every other President. He "won" didn't get a delay and now he has to delay it.

Please resign Barry
The teabaggers held the nation hostage and shut it down over their temper tantrum. They should be arrested and thrown in jail for being a domestic terror cell.
Homeone in washingtoon is presidency is effevtively over now. Obama care will be delayed until next year when it will become a campaign issue. Obama has been so damaged and his credibility do destroyed that his immigration proposals won't do more than excite a few mexican riots. In two months the budget will again be under debate and obama tantrum.

Tie these failures into the monumental foreign policy catastrophies obama made and the only ciurse of reasonable action is to remove him. Let him give show, make speeches, go on Leno and Letterman. Just put someone competent into the leadership role.

Someone in washington should be taking these steps already.
The teabaggers held the nation hostage and shut it down over their temper tantrum. They should be arrested and thrown in jail for being a domestic terror cell.

We all certainly hope that democrats do exactly that. It is precisely what this country needs.

The last act. The final break. I hope you are in a position to effect such mass arrests. Probably not though.
The teabaggers held the nation hostage and shut it down over their temper tantrum. They should be arrested and thrown in jail for being a domestic terror cell.

We all certainly hope that democrats do exactly that. It is precisely what this country needs.

The last act. The final break. I hope you are in a position to effect such mass arrests. Probably not though.

It would be the greatest day in my life to see the teabaggers being lead out of congress in cuffs. I think I would shed a tear of joy :clap2:
The teabaggers held the nation hostage and shut it down over their temper tantrum. They should be arrested and thrown in jail for being a domestic terror cell.

We all certainly hope that democrats do exactly that. It is precisely what this country needs.

The last act. The final break. I hope you are in a position to effect such mass arrests. Probably not though.

It would be the greatest day in my life to see the teabaggers being lead out of congress in cuffs. I think I would shed a tear of joy :clap2:
May as well have the Constitution in cuffs right behind them. I'm sure you would cheer for that as well.
We all certainly hope that democrats do exactly that. It is precisely what this country needs.

The last act. The final break. I hope you are in a position to effect such mass arrests. Probably not though.

It would be the greatest day in my life to see the teabaggers being lead out of congress in cuffs. I think I would shed a tear of joy :clap2:
May as well have the Constitution in cuffs right behind them. I'm sure you would cheer for that as well.

The teabaggers needs to be slapped across the face with the constitution, as they have been ripping it to shreds.
The teabaggers held the nation hostage and shut it down over their temper tantrum. They should be arrested and thrown in jail for being a domestic terror cell.

The 40 or so newly elected congressmen representing Tea Party-leaning positions were sent to Washington by their constituents. Their constituents sent them to counter the big government, central planning, top-down, one size fits all, do as I say and not as I do system that failed so catastrophically in the Soviet Union.

Congressional districts are based on population. "The average size of a congressional district based on the 2010 Census apportionment population will be 710,767..."

40 x 710,767 = 28,430,689 American citizens who sent what you call a terrorist cell to D.C.

You got a jail handy that will fit 28 million Americans Skippy? You got enough Brown Shirts to haul them away?

It shouldn't be too hard. I'm sure most of them are unarmed and will peacefully go when ordered. Especially when ordered by a limp wristed liberal moon bat. Americans are real compliant like that. Just ask King George III.

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It would be the greatest day in my life to see the teabaggers being lead out of congress in cuffs. I think I would shed a tear of joy :clap2:
May as well have the Constitution in cuffs right behind them. I'm sure you would cheer for that as well.

The teabaggers needs to be slapped across the face with the constitution, as they have been ripping it to shreds.

How exactly? I'm sure you have some examples of these small government people going all against the Constitution. You know, the small government document and the only one to exist in human history. Let's see your examples.
He shut the government down rather than deal with ObamaCare as an adult and like every other President. He "won" didn't get a delay and now he has to delay it.

Please resign Barry

Do you ever wonder about your own mental condition that makes you such a hatefull pissant?

Frankie...it isn't normal or desireable to obssess the way you do. Taking pleasure in the hiccups that AHCA signups have experienced because you think it gives you liscense to say stupid things about Obama is kinda creepy. There is something wrong with anyone that sincerely hopes the country fail because your candidate wasn't elected. Get help Frankie.
How exactly? I'm sure you have some examples of these small government people going all against the Constitution. You know, the small government document and the only one to exist in human history. Let's see your examples.


Enumerated Powers Anyone?

I'm all ears.

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."
--The Federalist No. 45
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They have enough votes in the Senate to delay it. The house is in Republican control. A vote is all but inevitable. A veto by the president will all but end his Presidency, and damage his image among his own party.
He shut the government down rather than deal with ObamaCare as an adult and like every other President. He "won" didn't get a delay and now he has to delay it.

Please resign Barry

Look at that in your signature line:

Sent from my Encryption defeating NSA Supercomputer made of Xbox and Nintendo parts sold to the Chinese using Tapatalk 2

Now check this out:

GTA Online fans enraged over PS3, Xbox software issues

Fucking hilarious. I guess government can do it as well as private industry.

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May as well have the Constitution in cuffs right behind them. I'm sure you would cheer for that as well.

The teabaggers needs to be slapped across the face with the constitution, as they have been ripping it to shreds.

How exactly? I'm sure you have some examples of these small government people going all against the Constitution. You know, the small government document and the only one to exist in human history. Let's see your examples.

Shh it's about feelings.
Homeone in washingtoon is presidency is effevtively over now. Obama care will be delayed until next year when it will become a campaign issue. Obama has been so damaged and his credibility do destroyed that his immigration proposals won't do more than excite a few mexican riots. In two months the budget will again be under debate and obama tantrum.

Tie these failures into the monumental foreign policy catastrophies obama made and the only ciurse of reasonable action is to remove him. Let him give show, make speeches, go on Leno and Letterman. Just put someone competent into the leadership role.

Someone in washington should be taking these steps already.

Oh seriously now, get a grip. You cons are in so much trouble, I really don't think Obama is all that worried. All that is going to happen is that there will be an extension to enroll and penalties will be delayed by a year. No biggie.
He shut the government down rather than deal with ObamaCare as an adult and like every other President. He "won" didn't get a delay and now he has to delay it.

Please resign Barry

Look at that in your signature line:

Sent from my Encryption defeating NSA Supercomputer made of Xbox and Nintendo parts sold to the Chinese using Tapatalk 2

Now check this out:

GTA Online fans enraged over PS3, Xbox software issues

Fucking hilarious. I guess government can do it as well as private industry.


When you point out private industry glitches to right wingers, they say "huh"?
He shut the government down rather than deal with ObamaCare as an adult and like every other President. He "won" didn't get a delay and now he has to delay it.

Please resign Barry

Look at that in your signature line:

Sent from my Encryption defeating NSA Supercomputer made of Xbox and Nintendo parts sold to the Chinese using Tapatalk 2

Now check this out:

GTA Online fans enraged over PS3, Xbox software issues

Fucking hilarious. I guess government can do it as well as private industry.


Sure, Dean, sure (distracting Dean while the men with the butterfly nets close in)

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