Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

They came alone because that was one of the requirements to qualify for care and placement under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which was limited to unaccompanied minors who came from a country which doesn't border the U.S..

That wasn't a qualifier of the Dream Act -- which never became law anyway.

How many times do you want to make a fool of yourself over this? Do you have a number in mind or are you just wingin' it?

So in this fantasy world of yours we didn't have thousands of children entering this country .. flooding the gates because of Obama's dream act?

What realty do you live in?

A land of rainbows and unicorns?

God you are a fucking moron
Spits the moron who actually blamed Obama for a law passed by Bush. :eusa_doh:
Obama was Bush on steroids. Both were crap.
Not according to the American people. Bush left office with a 34% approval rating whereas Obama left with a 60% JAR.

Yet he lost 900 plus seats..

What does that tell you ?
That folks on the right were more motivated to get out and vote than folks on the left.
There is something seriously wrong with you.:cuckoo:

If not in the Act I cited, cite the federal statute which authorizes the Department of Health & Human Services to transport the apprehended minors to all parts of the U.S.....

2011 Obama's dream act

2014 flooded with Minor's with no parents.

Still trying to blame bush ?


So fruit cake we got flooded with Minor's with no parents in 2014 because of a 2008 law?

What now news goes by pigeons still asshole?
No, moron, we get flooded every year.

By children with no parents?

You stupid bitch

You're such a dumbfuck.

First you lie and falsely claim the Dream Act (which never became law) had provisions to transport unaccompanied minors to anywhere in the U.S.

Now you demonstrate you're ineducable.

From the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008....

(1) CARE AND CUSTODY OF UNACCOMPANIED ALIEN CHILDREN.—Consistent with section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279), and except as otherwise provided under subsection (a), the care and custody of all unaccompanied alien children, including responsibility for their detention, where appropriate, shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The best part is -- everyone here can see I'm able to cite, and quote, the relevant sections of the the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008; whereas you can't do the same with the Dream Act because it doesn't say what you falsely claim it does.

You lose again.

But I'll give you credit for one thing -- you sure can take an ass-whoopin' :ack-1:


This is interesting, you think all these kids with no parents came here 6 years later came here because of that?

So why do you hate conservatives ?

Enquire minds want to know?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

They came alone because that was one of the requirements to qualify for care and placement under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which was limited to unaccompanied minors who came from a country which doesn't border the U.S..

That wasn't a qualifier of the Dream Act -- which never became law anyway.

How many times do you want to make a fool of yourself over this? Do you have a number in mind or are you just wingin' it?

So in this fantasy world of yours we didn't have thousands of children entering this country .. flooding the gates because of Obama's dream act?

What realty do you live in?

A land of rainbows and unicorns?

God you are a fucking moron
Spits the moron who actually blamed Obama for a law passed by Bush. :eusa_doh:
Obama was Bush on steroids. Both were crap.
Not according to the American people. Bush left office with a 34% approval rating whereas Obama left with a 60% JAR.
View attachment 125657
Reagan was a great president. I voted for him too. I'm glad to see you're comparing him with Obama.

Reagan .... 63%
Obama ..... 59%
Bush ......... 34%

Final Presidential Job Approval Ratings

2011 Obama's dream act

2014 flooded with Minor's with no parents.

Still trying to blame bush ?


So fruit cake we got flooded with Minor's with no parents in 2014 because of a 2008 law?

What now news goes by pigeons still asshole?
No, moron, we get flooded every year.

By children with no parents?

You stupid bitch

You're such a dumbfuck.

First you lie and falsely claim the Dream Act (which never became law) had provisions to transport unaccompanied minors to anywhere in the U.S.

Now you demonstrate you're ineducable.

From the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008....

(2) SPECIAL RULES FOR CHILDREN FROM CONTIGUOUS COUNTRIES.— (A) DETERMINATIONS.—Any unaccompanied alien child who is a national or habitual resident of a country that is contiguous with the United States shall be treated in accordance with subparagraph (B), if the Secretary of Homeland Security determines, on a case-by-case basis, that—​

The best part is -- everyone here can see I'm able to cite, and quote, the relevant sections of the the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008; whereas you can't do the same with the Dream Act because it doesn't say what you falsely claim it does.

You lose again.

But I'll give you credit for one thing -- you sure can take an ass-whoopin' :ack-1:


Still don't know history do you boob

Who's sock are you keep posting and I will figure it out..

View attachment 125659
Yeah, you keep working at it. :mm:
2011 Obama's dream act

2014 flooded with Minor's with no parents.

Still trying to blame bush ?


So fruit cake we got flooded with Minor's with no parents in 2014 because of a 2008 law?

What now news goes by pigeons still asshole?
No, moron, we get flooded every year.

By children with no parents?

You stupid bitch

You're such a dumbfuck.

First you lie and falsely claim the Dream Act (which never became law) had provisions to transport unaccompanied minors to anywhere in the U.S.

Now you demonstrate you're ineducable.

From the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008....

(1) CARE AND CUSTODY OF UNACCOMPANIED ALIEN CHILDREN.—Consistent with section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279), and except as otherwise provided under subsection (a), the care and custody of all unaccompanied alien children, including responsibility for their detention, where appropriate, shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The best part is -- everyone here can see I'm able to cite, and quote, the relevant sections of the the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008; whereas you can't do the same with the Dream Act because it doesn't say what you falsely claim it does.

You lose again.

But I'll give you credit for one thing -- you sure can take an ass-whoopin' :ack-1:


This is interesting, you think all these kids with no parents came here 6 years later came here because of that?

So why do you hate conservatives ?

Enquire minds want to know?
No, you dumbfuck. They come every year. Not just 6 years later.

And they're still coming and that law is still in effect.
So in this fantasy world of yours we didn't have thousands of children entering this country .. flooding the gates because of Obama's dream act?

What realty do you live in?

A land of rainbows and unicorns?

God you are a fucking moron
Spits the moron who actually blamed Obama for a law passed by Bush. :eusa_doh:
Obama was Bush on steroids. Both were crap.
Not according to the American people. Bush left office with a 34% approval rating whereas Obama left with a 60% JAR.

Yet he lost 900 plus seats..

What does that tell you ?
That folks on the right were more motivated to get out and vote than folks on the left.

It shouldn't of mattered, the demcrats had the Senate regardless.
So fruit cake we got flooded with Minor's with no parents in 2014 because of a 2008 law?

What now news goes by pigeons still asshole?
No, moron, we get flooded every year.

By children with no parents?

You stupid bitch

You're such a dumbfuck.

First you lie and falsely claim the Dream Act (which never became law) had provisions to transport unaccompanied minors to anywhere in the U.S.

Now you demonstrate you're ineducable.

From the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008....

(1) CARE AND CUSTODY OF UNACCOMPANIED ALIEN CHILDREN.—Consistent with section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279), and except as otherwise provided under subsection (a), the care and custody of all unaccompanied alien children, including responsibility for their detention, where appropriate, shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The best part is -- everyone here can see I'm able to cite, and quote, the relevant sections of the the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008; whereas you can't do the same with the Dream Act because it doesn't say what you falsely claim it does.

You lose again.

But I'll give you credit for one thing -- you sure can take an ass-whoopin' :ack-1:


This is interesting, you think all these kids with no parents came here 6 years later came here because of that?

So why do you hate conservatives ?

Enquire minds want to know?
No, you dumbfuck. They come every year. Not just 6 years later.

And they're still coming and that law is still in effect.

How many times do you want to try to revise history? We got slammed after the dream act... not last year not today..
So fruit cake we got flooded with Minor's with no parents in 2014 because of a 2008 law?

What now news goes by pigeons still asshole?
No, moron, we get flooded every year.

By children with no parents?

You stupid bitch

You're such a dumbfuck.

First you lie and falsely claim the Dream Act (which never became law) had provisions to transport unaccompanied minors to anywhere in the U.S.

Now you demonstrate you're ineducable.

From the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008....

(2) SPECIAL RULES FOR CHILDREN FROM CONTIGUOUS COUNTRIES.— (A) DETERMINATIONS.—Any unaccompanied alien child who is a national or habitual resident of a country that is contiguous with the United States shall be treated in accordance with subparagraph (B), if the Secretary of Homeland Security determines, on a case-by-case basis, that—​

The best part is -- everyone here can see I'm able to cite, and quote, the relevant sections of the the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008; whereas you can't do the same with the Dream Act because it doesn't say what you falsely claim it does.

You lose again.

But I'll give you credit for one thing -- you sure can take an ass-whoopin' :ack-1:


Still don't know history do you boob

Who's sock are you keep posting and I will figure it out..

View attachment 125659
Yeah, you keep working at it. :mm:

It's easy to do when I am focused on a sock.. this is my main board.

So in this fantasy world of yours we didn't have thousands of children entering this country .. flooding the gates because of Obama's dream act?

What realty do you live in?

A land of rainbows and unicorns?

God you are a fucking moron
Spits the moron who actually blamed Obama for a law passed by Bush. :eusa_doh:
Obama was Bush on steroids. Both were crap.
Not according to the American people. Bush left office with a 34% approval rating whereas Obama left with a 60% JAR.
View attachment 125657
Reagan was a great president. I voted for him too. I'm glad to see you're comparing him with Obama.

Reagan .... 63%
Obama ..... 59%
Bush ......... 34%

Final Presidential Job Approval Ratings


You're not one person but a few, I am a smart guy..

I seen this game many times before on political forums ..

Is this against the rules I will ask

KatUSMB ModStaff Member
There's nothing in that act that requires the federal government to go to foreign country, pick them up, and bring them here. Citing that law is a ruse. It's the work of lying scumbags.
Great, the forum moron chimes in.

No one said anything about the government going into foreign nations to pick them up. Did you read the article your fellow snowflake posted earlier?

Over 30,000 unaccompanied minors that have illegally crossed the U.S. border have been transported to sponsor families across the United States, including some in Alaska and Hawaii.

Do you ever post anything to demonstrate you have any brain activity at all?

What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

If you could quote the section that supports your idiotic claim, you would have done so.
See that? I'm 100% right. You are too stupid to read the law for yourself. You need me to do it for you.

Since I feel pity for you, here ya go...

(c) PROVIDING SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS FOR CHILDREN.— (1) POLICIES AND PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General, and Secretary of State shall establish policies and programs to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are protected from traffickers and other persons seeking to victimize or otherwise engage such children in criminal, harmful, or exploitative activity, including policies and programs reflecting best practices in witness security programs. (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted.
(3) SAFETY AND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENTS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B), an unaccompanied alien child may not be placed with a person or entity unless the Secretary of Health and Human Services makes a determination that the proposed custodian is capable of providing for the child’s physical and mental well-being. Such determination shall, at a minimum, include verification of the custodian’s identity and relationship to the child, if any, as well as an independent finding that the individual has not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child.

Where does that statute prevent the government from returning the child to the country he/she came from? Answer: it doesn't.

BTW, dumbass, I'm not required to do your work for you, which includes posting any evidence needed to support your idiotic claims.
Great, the forum moron chimes in.

No one said anything about the government going into foreign nations to pick them up. Did you read the article your fellow snowflake posted earlier?

Over 30,000 unaccompanied minors that have illegally crossed the U.S. border have been transported to sponsor families across the United States, including some in Alaska and Hawaii.

Do you ever post anything to demonstrate you have any brain activity at all?

What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

If you could quote the section that supports your idiotic claim, you would have done so.
See that? I'm 100% right. You are too stupid to read the law for yourself. You need me to do it for you.

Since I feel pity for you, here ya go...

(c) PROVIDING SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS FOR CHILDREN.— (1) POLICIES AND PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General, and Secretary of State shall establish policies and programs to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are protected from traffickers and other persons seeking to victimize or otherwise engage such children in criminal, harmful, or exploitative activity, including policies and programs reflecting best practices in witness security programs. (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted.
(3) SAFETY AND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENTS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B), an unaccompanied alien child may not be placed with a person or entity unless the Secretary of Health and Human Services makes a determination that the proposed custodian is capable of providing for the child’s physical and mental well-being. Such determination shall, at a minimum, include verification of the custodian’s identity and relationship to the child, if any, as well as an independent finding that the individual has not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child.

Where does that statute prevent the government from returning the child to the country he/she came from? Answer: it doesn't.

BTW, dumbass, I'm not required to do your work for you, which includes posting any evidence needed to support your idiotic claims.

Pal look above this post .. it's a sock
Obamacare economy? LOL. These boys are chanting theology now. The gdp sucked for 8 years. Fail.

Bro -- every recession and depression we ever had was presided over by a GOP president starting with Herbert Hoover in 1929. What happens is this, the GOP, if they get
into power, remove all the stops that slows down the economy, like Dodd-Frank, EPA regs, tax breaks for 1%, etc. And the economy responds by tying a rocket to its body
and goes straight up and then crashes in about 6-7 years. The only GOP President that did not have a recession was Reagan, but if you were alive then, you might remember 18.5% interest rates and Volker increased the interest rate a full 1% to try to pull back the inflation. It wasn't until Clinton came in that it settled down a little. My message is this:
you are better off with an economy that grows at 2.5% than one that grows at a higher rate. The 2-2/1/2 % growth of the Democrats produces a much stronger economy that lasts. .
Why go back only to Hoover? The fact is, there's been a recession under almost every single Republican president.

There are only two exceptions ... One was James Garfield, who served only six months as president; and the other is Donald Trump, who's been president for only 3½ months (so far). Neither having had enough time in office to send us spiraling into recession like every other Republican president.
Republican presidents have recessions that were handed to them by Democrat presidents, like the Reagan recession, which was the result of 22% interest rates under the Carter administration, and the Bush 43 recession, which was the result of the tech bubble collapse that occurred at the end of the Clinton administration.
Then why did they come alone?

Who are you trying to bull shit?

It was an Obama Hallmark card

I can lead you to the facts.....whether they will make an impression on you is a matter of indifference...

What facts..

Simple history..

2012 Obama signs the dream act

Word gets around and we end up with thousands of illegal children coming to this country.

Remember this?

View attachment 125635
There is something seriously wrong with you.:cuckoo:

If not in the Act I cited, cite the federal statute which authorizes the Department of Health & Human Services to transport the apprehended minors to all parts of the U.S.....

2011 Obama's dream act

2014 flooded with Minor's with no parents.

Still trying to blame bush ?

Now you're simply lying. The Dream Act did no such thing.

a) The Dream Act never became law

b) It offered no provisions to transport kids to safety.

c) The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 is a law and does provide care and transportation for unaccompanied minors from non-contiguous countries to the U.S.

d) The very link you posted included a link which cited the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 as authoritative legislation for governing the transportation of such unaccompanied minors.

You lose again.


" c) The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 is a law and does provide care and transportation for unaccompanied minors from non-contiguous countries to the U.S."

Really? Not in the section you quoted.
No, moron, we get flooded every year.

By children with no parents?

You stupid bitch

You're such a dumbfuck.

First you lie and falsely claim the Dream Act (which never became law) had provisions to transport unaccompanied minors to anywhere in the U.S.

Now you demonstrate you're ineducable.

From the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008....

(1) CARE AND CUSTODY OF UNACCOMPANIED ALIEN CHILDREN.—Consistent with section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279), and except as otherwise provided under subsection (a), the care and custody of all unaccompanied alien children, including responsibility for their detention, where appropriate, shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The best part is -- everyone here can see I'm able to cite, and quote, the relevant sections of the the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008; whereas you can't do the same with the Dream Act because it doesn't say what you falsely claim it does.

You lose again.

But I'll give you credit for one thing -- you sure can take an ass-whoopin' :ack-1:


This is interesting, you think all these kids with no parents came here 6 years later came here because of that?

So why do you hate conservatives ?

Enquire minds want to know?
No, you dumbfuck. They come every year. Not just 6 years later.

And they're still coming and that law is still in effect.

How many times do you want to try to revise history? We got slammed after the dream act... not last year not today..
Imbecile.... how many times does it need to be brought to your attention that nothing in the Dream Act provides for unaccompanied minors to be shuffled around the country as stated in the link you posted? That comes from the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008.
Great, the forum moron chimes in.

No one said anything about the government going into foreign nations to pick them up. Did you read the article your fellow snowflake posted earlier?

Over 30,000 unaccompanied minors that have illegally crossed the U.S. border have been transported to sponsor families across the United States, including some in Alaska and Hawaii.

Do you ever post anything to demonstrate you have any brain activity at all?

What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

If you could quote the section that supports your idiotic claim, you would have done so.
See that? I'm 100% right. You are too stupid to read the law for yourself. You need me to do it for you.

Since I feel pity for you, here ya go...

(c) PROVIDING SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS FOR CHILDREN.— (1) POLICIES AND PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General, and Secretary of State shall establish policies and programs to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are protected from traffickers and other persons seeking to victimize or otherwise engage such children in criminal, harmful, or exploitative activity, including policies and programs reflecting best practices in witness security programs. (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted.
(3) SAFETY AND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENTS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B), an unaccompanied alien child may not be placed with a person or entity unless the Secretary of Health and Human Services makes a determination that the proposed custodian is capable of providing for the child’s physical and mental well-being. Such determination shall, at a minimum, include verification of the custodian’s identity and relationship to the child, if any, as well as an independent finding that the individual has not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child.

Where does that statute prevent the government from returning the child to the country he/she came from? Answer: it doesn't.

BTW, dumbass, I'm not required to do your work for you, which includes posting any evidence needed to support your idiotic claims.

No one said it prevents kids from being sent back. It even lists such qualifiers.

It also provides for HHS to take custody and find homes for them in the U.S.
What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

If you could quote the section that supports your idiotic claim, you would have done so.
See that? I'm 100% right. You are too stupid to read the law for yourself. You need me to do it for you.

Since I feel pity for you, here ya go...

(c) PROVIDING SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS FOR CHILDREN.— (1) POLICIES AND PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General, and Secretary of State shall establish policies and programs to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are protected from traffickers and other persons seeking to victimize or otherwise engage such children in criminal, harmful, or exploitative activity, including policies and programs reflecting best practices in witness security programs. (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted.
(3) SAFETY AND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENTS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B), an unaccompanied alien child may not be placed with a person or entity unless the Secretary of Health and Human Services makes a determination that the proposed custodian is capable of providing for the child’s physical and mental well-being. Such determination shall, at a minimum, include verification of the custodian’s identity and relationship to the child, if any, as well as an independent finding that the individual has not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child.

Where does that statute prevent the government from returning the child to the country he/she came from? Answer: it doesn't.

BTW, dumbass, I'm not required to do your work for you, which includes posting any evidence needed to support your idiotic claims.

Pal look above this post .. it's a sock
I'm still waiting for you to tell me which one...
What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

If you could quote the section that supports your idiotic claim, you would have done so.
See that? I'm 100% right. You are too stupid to read the law for yourself. You need me to do it for you.

Since I feel pity for you, here ya go...

(c) PROVIDING SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS FOR CHILDREN.— (1) POLICIES AND PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General, and Secretary of State shall establish policies and programs to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are protected from traffickers and other persons seeking to victimize or otherwise engage such children in criminal, harmful, or exploitative activity, including policies and programs reflecting best practices in witness security programs. (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted.
(3) SAFETY AND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENTS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B), an unaccompanied alien child may not be placed with a person or entity unless the Secretary of Health and Human Services makes a determination that the proposed custodian is capable of providing for the child’s physical and mental well-being. Such determination shall, at a minimum, include verification of the custodian’s identity and relationship to the child, if any, as well as an independent finding that the individual has not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child.

Where does that statute prevent the government from returning the child to the country he/she came from? Answer: it doesn't.

BTW, dumbass, I'm not required to do your work for you, which includes posting any evidence needed to support your idiotic claims.

No one said it prevents kids from being sent back. It even lists such qualifiers.

It also provides for HHS to take custody and find homes for them in the U.S.

That's one option allowed. However, there's little evidence that the vast bulk of these kids have been victims of trafficking.
Obamacare economy? LOL. These boys are chanting theology now. The gdp sucked for 8 years. Fail.

Bro -- every recession and depression we ever had was presided over by a GOP president starting with Herbert Hoover in 1929. What happens is this, the GOP, if they get
into power, remove all the stops that slows down the economy, like Dodd-Frank, EPA regs, tax breaks for 1%, etc. And the economy responds by tying a rocket to its body
and goes straight up and then crashes in about 6-7 years. The only GOP President that did not have a recession was Reagan, but if you were alive then, you might remember 18.5% interest rates and Volker increased the interest rate a full 1% to try to pull back the inflation. It wasn't until Clinton came in that it settled down a little. My message is this:
you are better off with an economy that grows at 2.5% than one that grows at a higher rate. The 2-2/1/2 % growth of the Democrats produces a much stronger economy that lasts. .
Why go back only to Hoover? The fact is, there's been a recession under almost every single Republican president.

There are only two exceptions ... One was James Garfield, who served only six months as president; and the other is Donald Trump, who's been president for only 3½ months (so far). Neither having had enough time in office to send us spiraling into recession like every other Republican president.
Republican presidents have recessions that were handed to them by Democrat presidents, like the Reagan recession, which was the result of 22% interest rates under the Carter administration, and the Bush 43 recession, which was the result of the tech bubble collapse that occurred at the end of the Clinton administration.
Nope, nearly all started during the Republican presidents' terms. And neither Reagan nor Bush inherited one. Both had recessions start under their respective terms.
Obamacare economy? LOL. These boys are chanting theology now. The gdp sucked for 8 years. Fail.

Bro -- every recession and depression we ever had was presided over by a GOP president starting with Herbert Hoover in 1929. What happens is this, the GOP, if they get
into power, remove all the stops that slows down the economy, like Dodd-Frank, EPA regs, tax breaks for 1%, etc. And the economy responds by tying a rocket to its body
and goes straight up and then crashes in about 6-7 years. The only GOP President that did not have a recession was Reagan, but if you were alive then, you might remember 18.5% interest rates and Volker increased the interest rate a full 1% to try to pull back the inflation. It wasn't until Clinton came in that it settled down a little. My message is this:
you are better off with an economy that grows at 2.5% than one that grows at a higher rate. The 2-2/1/2 % growth of the Democrats produces a much stronger economy that lasts. .
Why go back only to Hoover? The fact is, there's been a recession under almost every single Republican president.

There are only two exceptions ... One was James Garfield, who served only six months as president; and the other is Donald Trump, who's been president for only 3½ months (so far). Neither having had enough time in office to send us spiraling into recession like every other Republican president.
Republican presidents have recessions that were handed to them by Democrat presidents, like the Reagan recession, which was the result of 22% interest rates under the Carter administration, and the Bush 43 recession, which was the result of the tech bubble collapse that occurred at the end of the Clinton administration.
Nope, nearly all started during the Republican presidents' terms. And neither Reagan nor Bush inherited one. Both had recessions start under their respective terms.

ROFL, The collapse of the tech bubble started during the Clinton administration. That fact is irrefutable. Lib douche bags like you were gloating that the decline of the stock market during the last months of the Clinton administration were supposedly the result of the election recount.

Interest rates went to 22% during the Carter administration. Bringing those down caused the economy to go into a recession. That is the inevitable result of credit inflation.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

If you could quote the section that supports your idiotic claim, you would have done so.
See that? I'm 100% right. You are too stupid to read the law for yourself. You need me to do it for you.

Since I feel pity for you, here ya go...

(c) PROVIDING SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS FOR CHILDREN.— (1) POLICIES AND PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General, and Secretary of State shall establish policies and programs to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are protected from traffickers and other persons seeking to victimize or otherwise engage such children in criminal, harmful, or exploitative activity, including policies and programs reflecting best practices in witness security programs. (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted.
(3) SAFETY AND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENTS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B), an unaccompanied alien child may not be placed with a person or entity unless the Secretary of Health and Human Services makes a determination that the proposed custodian is capable of providing for the child’s physical and mental well-being. Such determination shall, at a minimum, include verification of the custodian’s identity and relationship to the child, if any, as well as an independent finding that the individual has not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child.

Where does that statute prevent the government from returning the child to the country he/she came from? Answer: it doesn't.

BTW, dumbass, I'm not required to do your work for you, which includes posting any evidence needed to support your idiotic claims.

No one said it prevents kids from being sent back. It even lists such qualifiers.

It also provides for HHS to take custody and find homes for them in the U.S.

That's one option allowed. However, there's little evidence that the vast bulk of these kids have been victims of trafficking.
Bitch about it to the government. They're transporting tens of thousands of such kids all around the U.S. every year -- including 2017...

Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State

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