Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

LOL farce? Official CBO estimates are a farce?

Well what the fuck is not a farce? You retarded, based on nothing claims that 800 billion somehow managed to go through economy and didn't save and create jobs? That is a laughably stupid position.

I never said that no jobs were created by the Obama Stimulus. When you spend 880 billion dollars it would almost be impossible NOT to create jobs no matter how badly you handled the stimulus.

Simple question, Anton...how many jobs did that 880 billion dollars create?

Not save...which was always a total farce...but actually create?

Retard, it is not possible to put 800 billion into economy and NOT save some jobs. It is further not possible to separate news jobs from saved jobs on macroeconomic scale of assessment.

WTF is wrong with you? Why can't you get this simple concept?

Further you still didn't explain why you said that using official CBO estimates on ARRA effects is a "farce". You have a better estimate?
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The Dream Act applied exclusively to immigrants who had been in the US, without leaving, for the 5 years prior to the proposal.

If anything triggered the "invasion" which kept you sleeping with the dust bunnies, it was domestic events in central american countries....

Then why did they come alone?

Who are you trying to bull shit?

It was an Obama Hallmark card

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

They came alone because that was one of the requirements to qualify for care and placement under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which was limited to unaccompanied minors who came from a country which doesn't border the U.S..

That wasn't a qualifier of the Dream Act -- which never became law anyway.

How many times do you want to make a fool of yourself over this? Do you have a number in mind or are you just wingin' it?

So in this fantasy world of yours we didn't have thousands of children entering this country .. flooding the gates because of Obama's dream act?

What realty do you live in?

A land of rainbows and unicorns?

God you are a fucking moron
Spits the moron who actually blamed Obama for a law passed by Bush. :eusa_doh:
Obama was Bush on steroids. Both were crap.

Seriously..... Where do they find you people?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

They came alone because that was one of the requirements to qualify for care and placement under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which was limited to unaccompanied minors who came from a country which doesn't border the U.S..

That wasn't a qualifier of the Dream Act -- which never became law anyway.

How many times do you want to make a fool of yourself over this? Do you have a number in mind or are you just wingin' it?

So in this fantasy world of yours we didn't have thousands of children entering this country .. flooding the gates because of Obama's dream act?

What realty do you live in?

A land of rainbows and unicorns?

God you are a fucking moron
Spits the moron who actually blamed Obama for a law passed by Bush. :eusa_doh:
Obama was Bush on steroids. Both were crap.
Not according to the American people. Bush left office with a 34% approval rating whereas Obama left with a 60% JAR.
View attachment 125657
Good......memes......now you're "talking"...

You people are morons.....

Seriously..... Where do they find you people?
They have an NFL like draft from Breitbart and Gateway pundit posters ....he was a third round draft choice of the USMB "Fighting Right wing Morons"
If the economy under Obama was good or even half way good Hillary would have been elected, not Trump. It's the economy stupid and it sucked for most Americans under Obama. Sure some government pukes did great but most of us did not.
Not a single year of 3% growth despite the energy boom and record spending. Pathetic.
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal spending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.
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The Obama economy sucked. I ran a business through it and NEVER saw a large bump to indicate things were going up. Just year after of year of next to no growth.

On the contrary December thru April were booming for us. I do see signs that things are slowing a bit but it's too early to tell.
In light of the fact that I credit gdp growth in the quarter during which the new president is inaugurated to the outgoing POTUS, do you wanna revise that comment, Gramps?
OK....Are you aware that aggregate GDP growth in Q1 came in at about 0.7%?

Why do you believe your anecdotes "trump" the data?
What was the GDP growth Q1 when Obama took over? Just asking? You know the messiah who inherited an economy from Bush? President Trump inherited an economic mess from Obama? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.

If the economy under Obama was good or even half way good Hillary would have been elected, not Trump. It's the economy stupid and it sucked for most Americans under Obama. Sure some government pukes did great but most of us did not.
Not a single year of 3% growth despite the energy boom and record spending. Pathetic.
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal ending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.
Notice how the fucking liberal uses the term RATE instead of the spending in Dollars? When Obama increased his first year spending over 1 trillion dollars, his rate of spending at 650 billion is less so the rate went down, yet Obama increased the national debt in 8 years over 9 trillion dollars, doubling the national debt of the first 43 presidents. Just cant get more stupid than a fucking(or non fucking) liberal.
The Obama economy sucked. I ran a business through it and NEVER saw a large bump to indicate things were going up. Just year after of year of next to no growth.

On the contrary December thru April were booming for us. I do see signs that things are slowing a bit but it's too early to tell.
In light of the fact that I credit gdp growth in the quarter during which the new president is inaugurated to the outgoing POTUS, do you wanna revise that comment, Gramps?
OK....Are you aware that aggregate GDP growth in Q1 came in at about 0.7%?

Why do you believe your anecdotes "trump" the data?
What was the GDP growth Q1 when Obama took over? Just asking? You know the messiah who inherited an economy from Bush? President Trump inherited an economic mess from Obama? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.

View attachment 125668
In the spirit of giving, I'm gonna do you a major solid....

I'm not going to post that number before giving you a chance to look it up and get back to me....

You've got 5 minutes.....then I'm gonna show you what a fucking beefwit you are....
If the economy under Obama was good or even half way good Hillary would have been elected, not Trump. It's the economy stupid and it sucked for most Americans under Obama. Sure some government pukes did great but most of us did not.
Not a single year of 3% growth despite the energy boom and record spending. Pathetic.
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal ending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.
Notice how the fucking liberal uses the term RATE instead of the spending in Dollars? When Obama increased his first year spending over 1 trillion dollars, his rate of spending at 650 billion is less so the rate went down, yet Obama increased the national debt in 8 years over 9 trillion dollars, doubling the national debt of the first 43 presidents. Just cant get more stupid than a fucking(or non fucking) liberal.

Why do you try bluffing with me, Deplorable Douche?

Obama didn't raise spending by a trillion dollars in his first year......it hasn't gone up by a trillion over 8 years, you fucking nematode.
In the spirit of giving, I'm gonna do you a major solid....

I'm not going to post that number before giving you a chance to look it up and get back to me....

You've got 5 minutes.....then I'm gonna show you what a fucking beefwit you are....

Pleased take note that the Blowhard asshole you are posting too has a bastardized fake George Carlin quote in his every post ...he is very proud of carting around a fake post even though the fakers who created it apologized for it
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...
...I am informing you of this so you can take the measure of the Creep ...
"Hammer don't hurt him "
The Obama economy sucked. I ran a business through it and NEVER saw a large bump to indicate things were going up. Just year after of year of next to no growth.

On the contrary December thru April were booming for us. I do see signs that things are slowing a bit but it's too early to tell.
In light of the fact that I credit gdp growth in the quarter during which the new president is inaugurated to the outgoing POTUS, do you wanna revise that comment, Gramps?
OK....Are you aware that aggregate GDP growth in Q1 came in at about 0.7%?

Why do you believe your anecdotes "trump" the data?
What was the GDP growth Q1 when Obama took over? Just asking? You know the messiah who inherited an economy from Bush? President Trump inherited an economic mess from Obama? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.

View attachment 125668
In the spirit of giving, I'm gonna do you a major solid....

I'm not going to post that number before giving you a chance to look it up and get back to me....

You've got 5 minutes.....then I'm gonna show you what a fucking beefwit you are....
SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.
Who was the president in 2016? After 7 years of economic malaise, this was what you expect from a stupid liberal(I know redundant statement)...
In the spirit of giving, I'm gonna do you a major solid....

I'm not going to post that number before giving you a chance to look it up and get back to me....

You've got 5 minutes.....then I'm gonna show you what a fucking beefwit you are....

Pleased take note that the Blowhard asshole you are posting too has a bastardized fake George Carlin quote in his every post ...he is very proud of carting around a fake post even though the fakers who created it apologized for it
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...
...I am informing you of this so you can take the measure of the Creep ...
"Hammer don't hurt him "
Rules for Radicals, right Tyroneshlop? Why the fuck are you libertardies still here? You have done nothing but bitch and moan, like your loser vagina candidate has done, why not head to Canada or Cuba, where you can live your Socialist Utopian Paradise there, and leave the rest of US the fuck alone. We voted against you sorry worthless fucks, we don't want your kind here anymore.

In light of the fact that I credit gdp growth in the quarter during which the new president is inaugurated to the outgoing POTUS, do you wanna revise that comment, Gramps?
OK....Are you aware that aggregate GDP growth in Q1 came in at about 0.7%?

Why do you believe your anecdotes "trump" the data?
What was the GDP growth Q1 when Obama took over? Just asking? You know the messiah who inherited an economy from Bush? President Trump inherited an economic mess from Obama? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.

View attachment 125668
In the spirit of giving, I'm gonna do you a major solid....

I'm not going to post that number before giving you a chance to look it up and get back to me....

You've got 5 minutes.....then I'm gonna show you what a fucking beefwit you are....
SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.
Who was the president in 2016? After 7 years of economic malaise, this was what you expect from a stupid liberal(I know redundant statement)...
Focus, you brain dead tool....

What was the GDP growth Q1 when Obama took over? Just asking? You know the messiah who inherited an economy from Bush?

Do you have any idea?

Get cracking, cause in a minute, I'm gonna tear you a fresh aperture.
I've already shown this to you; but regrettably, you apparently didn't learn. So here's a refresher course...

Real GDP:

Q4-2000: 12,679.3
Q4-2008: 14,577.0 - 15.0% (Bush)
Q4-2016: 16,842.4 - 15.3% (Obama)


I hope you're taking notes this time.


The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
No amount of spin can alter the reality that GDP increased more under Obama than Bush...

Real GDP:

Q4-2000: 12,679.3
Q4-2008: 14,577.0 - 15.0% (Bush)
Q4-2016: 16,842.4 - 15.3% (Obama)

In light of the fact that I credit gdp growth in the quarter during which the new president is inaugurated to the outgoing POTUS, do you wanna revise that comment, Gramps?
OK....Are you aware that aggregate GDP growth in Q1 came in at about 0.7%?

Why do you believe your anecdotes "trump" the data?
What was the GDP growth Q1 when Obama took over? Just asking? You know the messiah who inherited an economy from Bush? President Trump inherited an economic mess from Obama? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.

View attachment 125668
In the spirit of giving, I'm gonna do you a major solid....

I'm not going to post that number before giving you a chance to look it up and get back to me....

You've got 5 minutes.....then I'm gonna show you what a fucking beefwit you are....
SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.
Who was the president in 2016? After 7 years of economic malaise, this was what you expect from a stupid liberal(I know redundant statement)...
Who the fuck would read that fat lying piece of shit on the economy?

Any 4 consecutive quarters make one year.....no.....really! That's why they call them " quarters" you see.

Can you name the POTUS who, since 1970 enjoyed a SMALLER fiscal contribution to GDP than Obama?

Do you have any idea what that means?
I've already shown this to you; but regrettably, you apparently didn't learn. So here's a refresher course...

Real GDP:

Q4-2000: 12,679.3
Q4-2008: 14,577.0 - 15.0% (Bush)
Q4-2016: 16,842.4 - 15.3% (Obama)


I hope you're taking notes this time.


The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
No amount of spin can alter the reality that GDP increased more under Obama than Bush...

Real GDP:

Q4-2000: 12,679.3
Q4-2008: 14,577.0 - 15.0% (Bush)
Q4-2016: 16,842.4 - 15.3% (Obama)

Actually, that's distorted by "crediting" Obama with q1 09...

If you go end of q1 to end of q1, Obama averages 2% per year.....Scrub about 1.6 ( needing little more than an 18 trillion dollar swing in the country's fiscal position to do so).
In the spirit of giving, I'm gonna do you a major solid....

I'm not going to post that number before giving you a chance to look it up and get back to me....

You've got 5 minutes.....then I'm gonna show you what a fucking beefwit you are....

Pleased take note that the Blowhard asshole you are posting too has a bastardized fake George Carlin quote in his every post ...he is very proud of carting around a fake post even though the fakers who created it apologized for it
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...
...I am informing you of this so you can take the measure of the Creep ...
"Hammer don't hurt him "
Rules for Radicals, right Tyroneshlop? Why the fuck are you libertardies still here? You have done nothing but bitch and moan, like your loser vagina candidate has done, why not head to Canada or Cuba, where you can live your Socialist Utopian Paradise there, and leave the rest of US the fuck alone. We voted against you sorry worthless fucks, we don't want your kind here anymore.

View attachment 125674
A meme Twin Bill?

You're really cogitatin' this morning, Witless Tool.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

They came alone because that was one of the requirements to qualify for care and placement under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which was limited to unaccompanied minors who came from a country which doesn't border the U.S..

That wasn't a qualifier of the Dream Act -- which never became law anyway.

How many times do you want to make a fool of yourself over this? Do you have a number in mind or are you just wingin' it?

So in this fantasy world of yours we didn't have thousands of children entering this country .. flooding the gates because of Obama's dream act?

What realty do you live in?

A land of rainbows and unicorns?

God you are a fucking moron
Spits the moron who actually blamed Obama for a law passed by Bush. :eusa_doh:
Obama was Bush on steroids. Both were crap.
Not according to the American people. Bush left office with a 34% approval rating whereas Obama left with a 60% JAR.

Few people denied that petulant Barack Hussein Obama was apparently a decent husband and father. The issue is that he was a horrid, failed president.

The end of 2016 the average of people who thought we were going in the right direction was 28.2%. Today that same figure is 36.4% from the Real Clear Politics averages.
More spin. :spinner:

Reagan ... 63%
Obama .... 59%
Bush ........ 34%

Whassamatter? Wasn't Bush a good enough husband & father? :lmao:
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