Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Does this mean you're not going to apologize for lying to the forum when you falsely claimed it wasn't until after the ARRA when Obama first used the term, though you now admit he used it before ARRA went into effect?

Once again, I didn't say the term wasn't used...my point was that they didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic! In the report prior to the stimulus being passed they used jobs created OVERWHELMINGLY! Find me a report from after the stimulus fell on it's face that does the same thing, Faun...I dare ya!
You said he "started" using it only after the ARRA to deceive Americans.

You now admit that's bullshit as he used it before ARRA as well.

Every bleat of yours in between proves to be complete bullshit.

Now where's that apology? :lmao:
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Does this mean you're not going to apologize for lying to the forum when you falsely claimed it wasn't until after the ARRA when Obama first used the term, though you now admit he used it before ARRA went into effect?

Once again, I didn't say the term wasn't used...my point was that they didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic! In the report prior to the stimulus being passed they used jobs created OVERWHELMINGLY! Find me a report from after the stimulus fell on it's face that does the same thing, Faun...I dare ya!
You said he "started" using it only after the ARRA to deceive Americans.

You now admit that's bullshit as he used it before ARRA as well.

Every bleat of yours in between proves to be complete bullshit.

Now where's that apology? :lmao:

I said he started using it as an economic statistic after the stimulus cratered. Duh?
The difference between the "before" and "after" reports from the Obama economists tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about the honesty of that White House!

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
To highlight your bullshit, you've now pivoted from claiming Obama "started" using "saved or created" "after" ARRA ... to ... The "ratio" he used it after versus before.


Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?

Last edited:

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Does this mean you're not going to apologize for lying to the forum when you falsely claimed it wasn't until after the ARRA when Obama first used the term, though you now admit he used it before ARRA went into effect?

Once again, I didn't say the term wasn't used...my point was that they didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic! In the report prior to the stimulus being passed they used jobs created OVERWHELMINGLY! Find me a report from after the stimulus fell on it's face that does the same thing, Faun...I dare ya!
You said he "started" using it only after the ARRA to deceive Americans.

You now admit that's bullshit as he used it before ARRA as well.

Every bleat of yours in between proves to be complete bullshit.

Now where's that apology? :lmao:

I said he started using it as an economic statistic after the stimulus cratered. Duh?
Actually, you said he "invented" it. Of course, that was before you went into contortions after you were shown the Bush administration did it before him.
Republican presidents have recessions that were handed to them by Democrat presidents, like the Reagan recession, which was the result of 22% interest rates under the Carter administration, and the Bush 43 recession, which was the result of the tech bubble collapse that occurred at the end of the Clinton administration.
Nope, nearly all started during the Republican presidents' terms. And neither Reagan nor Bush inherited one. Both had recessions start under their respective terms.

ROFL, The collapse of the tech bubble started during the Clinton administration. That fact is irrefutable. Lib douche bags like you were gloating that the decline of the stock market during the last months of the Clinton administration were supposedly the result of the election recount.

Interest rates went to 22% during the Carter administration. Bringing those down caused the economy to go into a recession. That is the inevitable result of credit inflation.
Even the NBER is laughing at your ignorance. They say there was no recession when either Reagan or Bush became president...


What part of "they had recessions handed to them" didn't you understand?
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Does this mean you're not going to apologize for lying to the forum when you falsely claimed it wasn't until after the ARRA when Obama first used the term, though you now admit he used it before ARRA went into effect?

Once again, I didn't say the term wasn't used...my point was that they didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic! In the report prior to the stimulus being passed they used jobs created OVERWHELMINGLY! Find me a report from after the stimulus fell on it's face that does the same thing, Faun...I dare ya!
You said he "started" using it only after the ARRA to deceive Americans.

You now admit that's bullshit as he used it before ARRA as well.

Every bleat of yours in between proves to be complete bullshit.

Now where's that apology? :lmao:

I said he started using it as an economic statistic after the stimulus cratered. Duh?
Actually, you said he "invented" it. Of course, that was before you went into contortions after you were shown the Bush administration did it before him.

Actually, you've attempted to use who invented the phrase as a diversion from who used the phrase to deceive the American public. The Obama Administration used "Jobs created or saved" as the means to hide how badly they misused 880 billion dollars in stimulus monies! You're doing contortions to point fingers everywhere BUT at Obama because you don't want to admit the obvious!
The difference between the "before" and "after" reports from the Obama economists tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about the honesty of that White House!
What about your honesty, lying con tool? You said Obama started using that "after" ARRA. You went on and on about that for days.
explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
You've now been forced to admit that's bullshit.

So do you apologize for bullshitting the forum all this time? No, of course not. You don't possess the required character to do so. Instead, you take the path of lying weasels and pivot to "ratios."

Nope, nearly all started during the Republican presidents' terms. And neither Reagan nor Bush inherited one. Both had recessions start under their respective terms.

ROFL, The collapse of the tech bubble started during the Clinton administration. That fact is irrefutable. Lib douche bags like you were gloating that the decline of the stock market during the last months of the Clinton administration were supposedly the result of the election recount.

Interest rates went to 22% during the Carter administration. Bringing those down caused the economy to go into a recession. That is the inevitable result of credit inflation.
Even the NBER is laughing at your ignorance. They say there was no recession when either Reagan or Bush became president...


What part of "they had recessions handed to them" didn't you understand?
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.
Trump created 370,000 jobs in his first 100 days.

The Kenyan Catastrophe lost 1,500,000 jobs in his first 100 days.

Even during the Great Depression FDR "created" jobs. Those numbers really don't mean much. Obama needed to create 225,000 jobs each month just to keep up with population growth and he very seldom did that.

That is why Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, increased national debt, increased income disparity and had a very dismal economic growth record. Most of the jobs that the Moon Bats point to were part time minimal wages while Obama's anti business stance sent the good paying jobs overseas.

Most of the job growth that the Obama asshole takes credit for happen in red states like Texas controlled by Republican governors and legislators.

Obama was a failure. The worst President this country ever had.
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Does this mean you're not going to apologize for lying to the forum when you falsely claimed it wasn't until after the ARRA when Obama first used the term, though you now admit he used it before ARRA went into effect?

Once again, I didn't say the term wasn't used...my point was that they didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic! In the report prior to the stimulus being passed they used jobs created OVERWHELMINGLY! Find me a report from after the stimulus fell on it's face that does the same thing, Faun...I dare ya!
You said he "started" using it only after the ARRA to deceive Americans.

You now admit that's bullshit as he used it before ARRA as well.

Every bleat of yours in between proves to be complete bullshit.

Now where's that apology? :lmao:

I said he started using it as an economic statistic after the stimulus cratered. Duh?
Actually, you said he "invented" it. Of course, that was before you went into contortions after you were shown the Bush administration did it before him.

Actually, you've attempted to use who invented the phrase as a diversion from who used the phrase to deceive the American public. The Obama Administration used "Jobs created or saved" as the means to hide how badly they misused 880 billion dollars in stimulus monies! You're doing contortions to point fingers everywhere BUT at Obama because you don't want to admit the obvious!
You're lying again. I pointed to the Bush administration to demonstrate for the forum that you're full of shit.


It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?

No, Slim...I'm a realist. I look at what the ARRA actually did and the affect that it had on job creation. As you can plainly see from the before report and after reports coming from the White House economists...something profound happened between the time when they were trumpeting the job creation aspects of the ARRA before it began and the time they summarized the ARRA years later...and that something profound was that they failed to create the jobs they said they would!

Now are you one of those "imbeciles" who can't read between the lines of that final report and see that it's them trying desperately to put a good face on a largely unsuccessful program?
ROFL, The collapse of the tech bubble started during the Clinton administration. That fact is irrefutable. Lib douche bags like you were gloating that the decline of the stock market during the last months of the Clinton administration were supposedly the result of the election recount.

Interest rates went to 22% during the Carter administration. Bringing those down caused the economy to go into a recession. That is the inevitable result of credit inflation.
Even the NBER is laughing at your ignorance. They say there was no recession when either Reagan or Bush became president...


What part of "they had recessions handed to them" didn't you understand?
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
Once again, I didn't say the term wasn't used...my point was that they didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic! In the report prior to the stimulus being passed they used jobs created OVERWHELMINGLY! Find me a report from after the stimulus fell on it's face that does the same thing, Faun...I dare ya!
You said he "started" using it only after the ARRA to deceive Americans.

You now admit that's bullshit as he used it before ARRA as well.

Every bleat of yours in between proves to be complete bullshit.

Now where's that apology? :lmao:

I said he started using it as an economic statistic after the stimulus cratered. Duh?
Actually, you said he "invented" it. Of course, that was before you went into contortions after you were shown the Bush administration did it before him.

Actually, you've attempted to use who invented the phrase as a diversion from who used the phrase to deceive the American public. The Obama Administration used "Jobs created or saved" as the means to hide how badly they misused 880 billion dollars in stimulus monies! You're doing contortions to point fingers everywhere BUT at Obama because you don't want to admit the obvious!
You're lying again. I pointed to the Bush administration to demonstrate for the forum that you're full of shit.


Putting up a picture of that banner simply underscores what a blinders wearing liberal shill you are, Faun! That banner was on a ship returning home after taking part in the successful invasion of Iraq. Their mission WAS accomplished!

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?

No, Slim...I'm a realist. I look at what the ARRA actually did and the affect that it had on job creation. As you can plainly see from the before report and after reports coming from the White House economists...something profound happened between the time when they were trumpeting the job creation aspects of the ARRA before it began and the time they summarized the ARRA years later...and that something profound was that they failed to create the jobs they said they would!

Now are you one of those "imbeciles" who can't read between the lines of that final report and see that it's them trying desperately to put a good face on a largely unsuccessful program?
In "reading between the lines" isn't it prohibitively likely that you will play Useful Idiot to the toxic mix of your ignorance and uninformed bias?

Why would your "stylings" trump the consensus of government, academic and private sector economists who are privileging, not their butthurt over seeing a black man repair the damage you eagerly enabled, but the actual numbers?

You don't even know where to begin looking for them......which explains your Narrative dependent rhetorical style.
You said he "started" using it only after the ARRA to deceive Americans.

You now admit that's bullshit as he used it before ARRA as well.

Every bleat of yours in between proves to be complete bullshit.

Now where's that apology? :lmao:

I said he started using it as an economic statistic after the stimulus cratered. Duh?
Actually, you said he "invented" it. Of course, that was before you went into contortions after you were shown the Bush administration did it before him.

Actually, you've attempted to use who invented the phrase as a diversion from who used the phrase to deceive the American public. The Obama Administration used "Jobs created or saved" as the means to hide how badly they misused 880 billion dollars in stimulus monies! You're doing contortions to point fingers everywhere BUT at Obama because you don't want to admit the obvious!
You're lying again. I pointed to the Bush administration to demonstrate for the forum that you're full of shit.


Putting up a picture of that banner simply underscores what a blinders wearing liberal shill you are, Faun! That banner was on a ship returning home after taking part in the successful invasion of Iraq. Their mission WAS accomplished!
Then why would Commander Codpiece run away from that sign faster than he ran from the remote possibility of being sent "over there"?

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?

No, Slim...I'm a realist.

No. Really.... tell me you didn't just post that??


You're not a realist. You're a lying con tool who can't stop lying. Don't fool yourself into think folks here don't see that.
Even the NBER is laughing at your ignorance. They say there was no recession when either Reagan or Bush became president...


What part of "they had recessions handed to them" didn't you understand?
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

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