Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

I said he started using it as an economic statistic after the stimulus cratered. Duh?
Actually, you said he "invented" it. Of course, that was before you went into contortions after you were shown the Bush administration did it before him.

Actually, you've attempted to use who invented the phrase as a diversion from who used the phrase to deceive the American public. The Obama Administration used "Jobs created or saved" as the means to hide how badly they misused 880 billion dollars in stimulus monies! You're doing contortions to point fingers everywhere BUT at Obama because you don't want to admit the obvious!
You're lying again. I pointed to the Bush administration to demonstrate for the forum that you're full of shit.


Putting up a picture of that banner simply underscores what a blinders wearing liberal shill you are, Faun! That banner was on a ship returning home after taking part in the successful invasion of Iraq. Their mission WAS accomplished!
Then why would Commander Codpiece run away from that sign faster than he ran from the remote possibility of being sent "over there"?

Kind of hard to "run away" when you're on an aircraft carrier, Slim! I'm pretty sure he got on a plane and flew away...

Commander Codpiece? Dude, what the hell have you been smoking today?

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?

No, Slim...I'm a realist.

No. Really.... tell me you didn't just post that??


You're not a realist. You're a lying con tool who can't stop lying. Don't fool yourself into think folks here don't see that.

Folks? Who...you, Anton and Slim? As long as you three disagree with me, Faun...I'm pretty sure my opinion is spot on! The day you start agreeing with me is the day I'll start second guessing myself!
What part of "they had recessions handed to them" didn't you understand?
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.
You mean the longest period of sustained economic growth in decades? I DO remember that!

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?

No, Slim...I'm a realist. I look at what the ARRA actually did and the affect that it had on job creation. As you can plainly see from the before report and after reports coming from the White House economists...something profound happened between the time when they were trumpeting the job creation aspects of the ARRA before it began and the time they summarized the ARRA years later...and that something profound was that they failed to create the jobs they said they would!

Now are you one of those "imbeciles" who can't read between the lines of that final report and see that it's them trying desperately to put a good face on a largely unsuccessful program?
In "reading between the lines" isn't it prohibitively likely that you will play Useful Idiot to the toxic mix of your ignorance and uninformed bias?

Why would your "stylings" trump the consensus of government, academic and private sector economists who are privileging, not their butthurt over seeing a black man repair the damage you eagerly enabled, but the actual numbers?

You don't even know where to begin looking for them......which explains your Narrative dependent rhetorical style.

That may be the stupidest response to a post I've seen in quite some time, Slim! Did ANY of that make sense while you were typing it?
You are not accustomed to direct responses....

My bad....
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.
You mean the longest period of sustained economic growth in decades? I DO remember that!
20 years, actually......and the current one exceeds it......

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?

No, Slim...I'm a realist.

No. Really.... tell me you didn't just post that??


You're not a realist. You're a lying con tool who can't stop lying. Don't fool yourself into think folks here don't see that.

Folks? Who...you, Anton and Slim? As long as you three disagree with me, Faun...I'm pretty sure my opinion is spot on! The day you start agreeing with me is the day I'll start second guessing myself!
I just showed you that your opinion is the opposite of that of the consensus of economists surveyed on the topic by the Booth School at the U of Chicago......You are also across the fence on this matter from government and private sector economists...

Entirely coincidentally, I'm sure, you've yet to provide anything on the subject beyond mindless jibber jabber...
Actually, you said he "invented" it. Of course, that was before you went into contortions after you were shown the Bush administration did it before him.

Actually, you've attempted to use who invented the phrase as a diversion from who used the phrase to deceive the American public. The Obama Administration used "Jobs created or saved" as the means to hide how badly they misused 880 billion dollars in stimulus monies! You're doing contortions to point fingers everywhere BUT at Obama because you don't want to admit the obvious!
You're lying again. I pointed to the Bush administration to demonstrate for the forum that you're full of shit.


Putting up a picture of that banner simply underscores what a blinders wearing liberal shill you are, Faun! That banner was on a ship returning home after taking part in the successful invasion of Iraq. Their mission WAS accomplished!
Then why would Commander Codpiece run away from that sign faster than he ran from the remote possibility of being sent "over there"?

Kind of hard to "run away" when you're on an aircraft carrier, Slim! I'm pretty sure he got on a plane and flew away...

Commander Codpiece? Dude, what the hell have you been smoking today?
The White House ran from credit for the banner when the heat was on......insisted it was a spontaneous gesture by the crew which stitched it together from, like, candy wrappers and stuff....

which was an ignominious end to an episode which opened with near suffocating Duende

Obamacare economy? LOL. These boys are chanting theology now. The gdp sucked for 8 years. Fail.

Yes, that is why Hillary was so overwhelmingly elected.....

Post the popular vote totals....

In which countries does that matter?
You slow learners appear impervious to this rather simple notion....

If you are gonna talk about the election as an expression of the will of the people, then their votes CERTAINLY matter - and winning by the greatest NEGATIVE margin ever cannot POSSIBLY be described as "overwhelming"........no one is contesting the result, only the silly things many of you are driven to say about it...
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

You feel Bush caused a recession that wouldn't otherwise have occurred by proposing tax cuts that hadn't passed or gone into effect?
It was tongue in cheek......do you consider yourself Bripat's equal?
The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

You feel Bush caused a recession that wouldn't otherwise have occurred by proposing tax cuts that hadn't passed or gone into effect?
It was tongue in cheek......do you consider yourself Bripat's equal?

Ohhhh.....your idiocy was tongue in cheek. Thanks!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

You feel Bush caused a recession that wouldn't otherwise have occurred by proposing tax cuts that hadn't passed or gone into effect?
It was tongue in cheek......do you consider yourself Bripat's equal?

Ohhhh.....your idiocy was tongue in cheek. Thanks!
Relax, Todd......whatever revenge you desperately seek is best served cold....
As you were shown by NBER, neither one was handed a recession.

The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

You feel Bush caused a recession that wouldn't otherwise have occurred by proposing tax cuts that hadn't passed or gone into effect?

For sure, Cheney and Gingrich were involved in that crash. A reporter asked Gingy what he was doing at FNMC to be paid $1.7M and he replied that
he was advising them to not buy sub-prime mortgages. We would have to assume that FNMA mgmt is totally ignorant when actually they certainly know
much more about the world of Finance than big G They know all about sub-prime mortgages and the risk vs reward they give. It's like me telling you to put
your coat on when it's cold outside. Then we also know that Bush jr. and Cheney were shuned by the Republican National Committee and were not
invited to the convention. So, what did they do wrong? Didn't they follow all the converative principles and the economy still tanked. No, it's because they
were complicit in it's downfall and they allowed Bush jr. to take the heat for it. Cheney wanted to get a pardon for Gordon Liddy but jr refused and still
refused later on. Cheney allowed jr to take all the heat and the 2 parted as friends.Cheney was reported to have made over $400 million trading options
for his old company Halliburton. All Republicans are scammers and swindlers and one day they will get found out and there is no one better to do it to than $T
Last edited:
The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

You feel Bush caused a recession that wouldn't otherwise have occurred by proposing tax cuts that hadn't passed or gone into effect?

For sure, Cheney and Gingrich were involved in that crash. A reporter asked Gingy what he was doing at FNMC to be paid $1.7M and he replied that
he was advising them to not buy sub-prime mortgages. We would have to assume that FNMA mgmt is totally ignorant when actually they certainly know
much more about the world of Finance than big G They know all about sub-prime mortgages and the risk vs reward they give. It's like me telling you to put
your coat on when it's cold outside. Then we also know that Bush jr. and Cheney were shuned by the Republican National Committee and were not
invited to the convention. So, what did they do wrong? Didn't they follow all the converative principles and the economy still tanked. No, it's because they
were complicit in it's downfall and they allowed Bush jr. to take the heat for it. Cheney wanted to get a pardon for Gordon Liddy but jr refused and still
refused later on. Cheney allowed jr to take all the heat and the 2 parted as friends.Cheney was reported to have made over $400 million trading options
for his old company Halliburton. All Republicans are scammers and swindlers and one day they will get found out.
Easy.....this is the 2001 recession......brief, shallow, mild - but sufficient for Narrativists to blame the vaporization of the budget on....

Todd's got a Narrative for the other one though...you're gonna love it.....Scrub is JUST as blameless.....Innocent bystander to history...
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal spending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.

A: Wow, brilliant and you got one right. FOUR CONSECUTIVE QUARTERS MAKE A YEAR! Impressive!

B: Really, I'm curious how you can in any way, shape or form, say that spending more in eight years, than the previous 230 COMBINED, can be described in a way you try to make good, the RATE. Goofy!

C: As for the GDP, here are the figures. Read and weep.


The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
Obama didn't raise spending by a trillion dollars in his first year......it hasn't gone up by a trillion over 8 years, you fucking nematode.

Say what? Is there no minimum age for this forum?

You're right though, the debt did NOT go up by A TRILLION DOLLARS over eight years, it went up by TEN TRILLION DOLLARS over eight years.
Last edited:
The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.
You mean the longest period of sustained economic growth in decades? I DO remember that!
20 years, actually......and the current one exceeds it......
I thought we had a recession less than 10 years ago.
The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

You feel Bush caused a recession that wouldn't otherwise have occurred by proposing tax cuts that hadn't passed or gone into effect?
It was tongue in cheek......do you consider yourself Bripat's equal?
You mean you got caught stepping on your own dick.
The recession that began in March 2001 wasn't handed to Bush? Tell me more!
Bush started in January, 2001. Which came first that year, January or March? Thanks in advance.

He must have done a lot of bad stuff to cause a recession within 2 months.

Got a list?
Thanks in advance.
A lot of people are old enough to have heard the Supply Side Idiocy pitch before....and remembered the consequences.

You feel Bush caused a recession that wouldn't otherwise have occurred by proposing tax cuts that hadn't passed or gone into effect?

For sure, Cheney and Gingrich were involved in that crash. A reporter asked Gingy what he was doing at FNMC to be paid $1.7M and he replied that
he was advising them to not buy sub-prime mortgages. We would have to assume that FNMA mgmt is totally ignorant when actually they certainly know
much more about the world of Finance than big G They know all about sub-prime mortgages and the risk vs reward they give. It's like me telling you to put
your coat on when it's cold outside. Then we also know that Bush jr. and Cheney were shuned by the Republican National Committee and were not
invited to the convention. So, what did they do wrong? Didn't they follow all the converative principles and the economy still tanked. No, it's because they
were complicit in it's downfall and they allowed Bush jr. to take the heat for it. Cheney wanted to get a pardon for Gordon Liddy but jr refused and still
refused later on. Cheney allowed jr to take all the heat and the 2 parted as friends.Cheney was reported to have made over $400 million trading options
for his old company Halliburton. All Republicans are scammers and swindlers and one day they will get found out and there is no one better to do it to than $T

It appears you are writing you posts on Word or some other text program. Apparently, you are not allowing the program to automatically return and are setting return places. This makes the post you obviously spent a lot of time writing to be extremely difficult to read. Please learn to do it correctly.
Easy.....this is the 2001 recession......brief, shallow, mild - but sufficient for Narrativists to blame the vaporization of the budget on....

As a far left Progressive, you know full well that the 2001 recession was not brief, shallow or mild. It began when the dotcom bubble burst. We had not recovered from that when the 9/11/2001 act of war occurred and further pushed down the economy. Some folks laughed when President Bush was asked, what can we as citizens do and he replied, go shopping. He knew the attack could be devastating to the economy and there could be another attack. President Bush was 100% correct.

It's amazing. In the report BEFORE the stimulus, they mention job creation 51 times! In the report summarizing the stimulus they mention job creation twice and both times it's paired with jobs saved! Gee, think they were trying to polish a turd at that point?
You're an idiot....

One of the problems ARRA addressed was the cratering of state and local economies...these entities were unable to pay "essential personnel" police, firefighters, teachers....

ARRA provided funds to SAVE those jobs and communities...

This informed the Useful Idiots' bleat of "giveawayto dem constituencies"...

ARRA is credited with reversing the course of the Great Recession........by the conservative economist at AEI.....and sane observers everywhere...

Where you find most resistance to this Reality is among Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles..

Are you one of those?

No, Slim...I'm a realist. I look at what the ARRA actually did and the affect that it had on job creation. As you can plainly see from the before report and after reports coming from the White House economists...something profound happened between the time when they were trumpeting the job creation aspects of the ARRA before it began and the time they summarized the ARRA years later...and that something profound was that they failed to create the jobs they said they would!

Now are you one of those "imbeciles" who can't read between the lines of that final report and see that it's them trying desperately to put a good face on a largely unsuccessful program?
In "reading between the lines" isn't it prohibitively likely that you will play Useful Idiot to the toxic mix of your ignorance and uninformed bias?

Why would your "stylings" trump the consensus of government, academic and private sector economists who are privileging, not their butthurt over seeing a black man repair the damage you eagerly enabled, but the actual numbers?

You don't even know where to begin looking for them......which explains your Narrative dependent rhetorical style.

That may be the stupidest response to a post I've seen in quite some time, Slim! Did ANY of that make sense while you were typing it?
You are not accustomed to direct responses....

My bad....

I'm not accustomed to gibberish, Slim! "Prohibitively likely"? Phrases like that one put the moron in oxymoron!

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