Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal spending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.

A: Wow, brilliant and you got one right. FOUR CONSECUTIVE QUARTERS MAKE A YEAR! Impressive!

B: Really, I'm curious how you can in any way, shape or form, say that spending more in eight years, than the previous 230 COMBINED, can be described in a way you try to make good, the RATE. Goofy!

C: As for the GDP, here are the figures. Read and weep.


The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

You are citing yourself?

Seriously....you are a moron...

For example, Scrub passes on The Great Recession to his successor......with GDP growth of NEGATIVE 5.4% in q1 2009......roughly 2.3 million jobs are lost in that quarter alone.....continuing the miserable streak begun in Nov 2007. But you cut things off at the calendar year.

Here is the link to the quarterly Real GDP

Real Gross Domestic Product

To calculate the annualized growth rate, you will need a start date, end date, two amounts, and a TVM calculator....

Do you have any idea what that is?

Here...this one is free, and pretty much Idiot Proof...

Online TVM Calculator | Financial Calculator

Start Date

2001-01-01 12643283

End Date (1) /Start Date (2)

2009-01-01 14375018

End Date (2)

2017-01-01 16842362

Growth Rate (1) - 1.6

Growth Rate (2) - 1.8

This is BEFORE we adjust for discretionary fiscal policy effect......

Ya follah?
If you think I'm lying, show me another Republican president who didn't have a recession during his presidency or you're the liar...


You stated that neither Reagan nor Bush inherited a recession. That's a LIE.

Your utter desperation is noted!
Neither did....

GDP growth in q4 1980 and q1 1981 AVERAGED 7%....

That is about as far from Recession as you can get.

The start date for the 2001 recession was March....
These yahoo's are all brain-dead. I even gave that one a link to the NBER showing there was no recession in January of 1981 or 2001 and he still claims they inherited a recession. They reside in their own world of dementia. :cuckoo:

Seriously, Faun? You seem to forget that Reagan inherited "stagflation" from Jimmy Carter...a combination of double digit inflation and a double digit contraction of the economy.

There was no "double digit contraction" of the economy.....You are lying.....
Nope, nearly all started during the Republican presidents' terms. And neither Reagan nor Bush inherited one. Both had recessions start under their respective terms.

If you think I'm lying, show me another Republican president who didn't have a recession during his presidency or you're the liar...


You stated that neither Reagan nor Bush inherited a recession. That's a LIE.

Your utter desperation is noted!
Neither did....

GDP growth in q4 1980 and q1 1981 AVERAGED 7%....

That is about as far from Recession as you can get.

The start date for the 2001 recession was March....
These yahoo's are all brain-dead. I even gave that one a link to the NBER showing there was no recession in January of 1981 or 2001 and he still claims they inherited a recession. They reside in their own world of dementia. :cuckoo:
Your mistake was in assuming these idiots had any idea what NBER is...
If you think I'm lying, show me another Republican president who didn't have a recession during his presidency or you're the liar...


You stated that neither Reagan nor Bush inherited a recession. That's a LIE.

Your utter desperation is noted!
Neither did....

GDP growth in q4 1980 and q1 1981 AVERAGED 7%....

That is about as far from Recession as you can get.

The start date for the 2001 recession was March....
These yahoo's are all brain-dead. I even gave that one a link to the NBER showing there was no recession in January of 1981 or 2001 and he still claims they inherited a recession. They reside in their own world of dementia. :cuckoo:

Seriously, Faun? You seem to forget that Reagan inherited "stagflation" from Jimmy Carter...a combination of double digit inflation and a double digit contraction of the economy.

There was no "double digit contraction" of the economy.....You are lying.....

So the New York Times is lying as well?

NEW YORK— The first year of the Reagan era dawns bleakly, as the economic problems that helped Mr. Reagan gain the Presidency become his to solve.

The list is a formidable one, including double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, lagging savings and investment, sluggish productivity growth, chronic unemployment and a loss by some American industries, such as autos and steel, of the ability to compete in world markets.

The national mood is combative; conflicts have intensified among groups over shares of a real national income that has been stagnating.

These problems add up to a complex economic disorder known, for want of a better term, as stagflation. Mr. Reagan's campaign for the Presidency was based chiefly on his commitment to break the hold of stagflation on the American economy.
Here is a chart comparing Post WW2 recessions on two metrics, GDP and employment....

You stated that neither Reagan nor Bush inherited a recession. That's a LIE.

Your utter desperation is noted!
Neither did....

GDP growth in q4 1980 and q1 1981 AVERAGED 7%....

That is about as far from Recession as you can get.

The start date for the 2001 recession was March....
These yahoo's are all brain-dead. I even gave that one a link to the NBER showing there was no recession in January of 1981 or 2001 and he still claims they inherited a recession. They reside in their own world of dementia. :cuckoo:

Seriously, Faun? You seem to forget that Reagan inherited "stagflation" from Jimmy Carter...a combination of double digit inflation and a double digit contraction of the economy.

There was no "double digit contraction" of the economy.....You are lying.....

So the New York Times is lying as well?

NEW YORK— The first year of the Reagan era dawns bleakly, as the economic problems that helped Mr. Reagan gain the Presidency become his to solve.

The list is a formidable one, including double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, lagging savings and investment, sluggish productivity growth, chronic unemployment and a loss by some American industries, such as autos and steel, of the ability to compete in world markets.

The national mood is combative; conflicts have intensified among groups over shares of a real national income that has been stagnating.

These problems add up to a complex economic disorder known, for want of a better term, as stagflation. Mr. Reagan's campaign for the Presidency was based chiefly on his commitment to break the hold of stagflation on the American economy.
Reagan couldn't do anything about "Stagflation" except to allow Volker to execute the plan he had initiated in 1980...

But if you really want to know what Reagan believed about the state of the economy, look at his budget projections...

Critics contend that the large deficits of the 1980s were Reagan’s fault, the
product of an irresponsible plan to cut taxes and increase defense spending that
was founded on obviously overoptimistic economic assumptions.....

The critics are wrong. Because budget projections in early 1981 indicated mas-
sive surpluses, it seemed to be possible, based on the data then at hand, to cut taxes,
increase defense spending, and still balance the budget. The Reagan administration’s
economic forecasts were, at most, only slightly more optimistic than other forecasts at
the time.
It's laughable that you two clowns are now claiming that Reagan didn't inherit an economic situation as bad if not worse than Barack Obama did! He had to deal with both nonexistent growth and rampant inflation. But he's a conservative...so therefore you can't admit that Reagan succeeded where Obama floundered...can you?
a combination of double digit inflation and a double digit contraction of the economy.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Show me where there was a "double digit contraction of the economy" when Reagan became president...

Real GDP...

Q4-1980: +7.6%
Q1-1981: +8.5%


If you wanna see what those numbers actually look like when a president really does inherite a recession, take a gander at these numbers...

Q4-2008: -8.2%
Q1-2008: -5.4%

And for extra credit, while you've got that BEA page open to GDP, tell me how many times GDP fell more than 8.2% in a single quarter since they started tracking it 70 years ago.....
Last edited:
It's laughable that you two clowns are now claiming that Reagan didn't inherit an economic situation as bad if not worse than Barack Obama did! He had to deal with both nonexistent growth and rampant inflation. But he's a conservative...so therefore you can't admit that Reagan succeeded where Obama floundered...can you?
You are an idiot....


Can you spot 1981?

If you look WAAAAYYY up in the left corner, what do you see?

Here is the GDP data for the quarter of the election and the inauguration....

1980-10-01 7.6
1981-01-01 8.5

2008-10-01 -8.2
2009-01-01 -5.4

Do those situations look SIMILAR to you?
It's laughable that you two clowns are now claiming that Reagan didn't inherit an economic situation as bad if not worse than Barack Obama did! He had to deal with both nonexistent growth and rampant inflation. But he's a conservative...so therefore you can't admit that Reagan succeeded where Obama floundered...can you?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Even you struggle to say we were in a recession. Now you're referring to it as an "economic situation."

And claiming it was as bad if not worse than what Obama inherited...

The number 1 indicator of the economy is GDP. Reagan inherited a GDP of positive 7.6%. Obama inherited a GDP of negative 8.2%.

Which is worse? +7.6% of -8.2%?

The number 2 indicator of the economy is the job market. In January, 1981, when Reagan became president, we added 94,000 jobs. Compared to January, 2009, when Obama became president and we lost an all-time record of 793,000 jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Again, which is worse? +94,000 or -793,000?

I would tell you to stop lying but that's pointless since you won't.
It's laughable that you two clowns are now claiming that Reagan didn't inherit an economic situation as bad if not worse than Barack Obama did! He had to deal with both nonexistent growth and rampant inflation. But he's a conservative...so therefore you can't admit that Reagan succeeded where Obama floundered...can you?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Even you struggle to say we were in a recession. Now you're referring to it as an "economic situation."

And claiming it was as bad if not worse than what Obama inherited...

The number 1 indicator of the economy is GDP. Reagan inherited a GDP of positive 7.6%. Obama inherited a GDP of negative 8.2%.

Which is worse? +7.6% of -8.2%?

The number 2 indicator of the economy is the job market. In January, 1981, when Reagan became president, we added 94,000 jobs. Compared to January, 2009, when Obama became president and we lost an all-time record of 793,000 jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Again, which is worse? +94,000 or -793,000?

I would tell you to stop lying but that's pointless since you won't.
But that's not all....

Reagan succeeded the POTUS with the HIGHEST annual rate of employment growth......Obama was not quite so fortunate.....let's give the WSJ the opportunity to describe it...

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record
Obama didn't raise spending by a trillion dollars in his first year......it hasn't gone up by a trillion over 8 years, you fucking nematode.

Say what? Is there no minimum age for this forum?

You're right though, the debt did NOT go up by A TRILLION DOLLARS over eight years, it went up by TEN TRILLION DOLLARS over eight years.
The context was "Spending", Sparkle......you're a moron.

Gee, who knew? According to IcebergSlim, the BUDGET DOES NOT REPRESENT SPENDING. And he has to call others names. Isn't that cute! Just like a kindergarten playground!

Federal Fiscal Policy

December 8, 2016
Debt and Deficit under Obama Administration
Annual budget deficits, which represent the federal government’s spending in excess of revenue, have begun to rise for the first time in seven years, dating back to 2009. President Obama inherited a deficit of $1.4 trillion when he took office at the end of the Great Recession. The first chart shows that deficits began to shrink as the economy slowly recovered. As of 2016 the shortfall has started growing again. The red ink increased $152 billion from last year, for a total projected deficit of $590 billion. This increase is also reflected in the fact that the deficit has resumed growing as a share of GDP for the first time since 2009.

You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal spending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.

A: Wow, brilliant and you got one right. FOUR CONSECUTIVE QUARTERS MAKE A YEAR! Impressive!

B: Really, I'm curious how you can in any way, shape or form, say that spending more in eight years, than the previous 230 COMBINED, can be described in a way you try to make good, the RATE. Goofy!

C: As for the GDP, here are the figures. Read and weep.


The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

You are citing yourself?

Seriously....you are a moron...

For example, Scrub passes on The Great Recession to his successor......with GDP growth of NEGATIVE 5.4% in q1 2009......roughly 2.3 million jobs are lost in that quarter alone.....continuing the miserable streak begun in Nov 2007. But you cut things off at the calendar year.

Here is the link to the quarterly Real GDP

Real Gross Domestic Product

To calculate the annualized growth rate, you will need a start date, end date, two amounts, and a TVM calculator....

Do you have any idea what that is?

Here...this one is free, and pretty much Idiot Proof...

Online TVM Calculator | Financial Calculator

Start Date

2001-01-01 12643283

End Date (1) /Start Date (2)

2009-01-01 14375018

End Date (2)

2017-01-01 16842362

Growth Rate (1) - 1.6

Growth Rate (2) - 1.8

This is BEFORE we adjust for discretionary fiscal policy effect......

Ya follah?

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

Try again, sweetheart.

Obama didn't raise spending by a trillion dollars in his first year......it hasn't gone up by a trillion over 8 years, you fucking nematode.

Say what? Is there no minimum age for this forum?

You're right though, the debt did NOT go up by A TRILLION DOLLARS over eight years, it went up by TEN TRILLION DOLLARS over eight years.
The context was "Spending", Sparkle......you're a moron.

Gee, who knew? According to IcebergSlim, the BUDGET DOES NOT REPRESENT SPENDING. And he has to call others names. Isn't that cute! Just like a kindergarten playground!

Federal Fiscal Policy

December 8, 2016
Debt and Deficit under Obama Administration
Annual budget deficits, which represent the federal government’s spending in excess of revenue, have begun to rise for the first time in seven years, dating back to 2009. President Obama inherited a deficit of $1.4 trillion when he took office at the end of the Great Recession. The first chart shows that deficits began to shrink as the economy slowly recovered. As of 2016 the shortfall has started growing again. The red ink increased $152 billion from last year, for a total projected deficit of $590 billion. This increase is also reflected in the fact that the deficit has resumed growing as a share of GDP for the first time since 2009.

Gee, who knew? According to IcebergSlim, the BUDGET DOES NOT REPRESENT SPENDING.

No, you damned imbecile......YOU suggested that the BUDGET had gone up by 1 trillion in ONE year......I pointed out that it hadn't done so over 8 years....then you careened over to The Debt (which is NOT a proxy).

Now you've dug up the comically inept Veronique (yeah, I know who she is, and what Mercatus does......you have no fucking idea)....She points out that the Deficit under Obama HAS INDEED been reduced at a record rate.....she then goes on to warn about projections for the future.......Do you have any idea what is believed to be responsible for that increase?

(No....not Obamacare)...

(Understanding full well that you don't understand how Veronique is fudging the numbers, let me help you.....
ESAs for Iraqnam were NOT included in the Reported Deficit before FY 2010......so she UNDERSTATES the actual FY 2009 deficit, and then compares this number with Reported Deficits which INCLUDE such appropriations)
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal spending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.

A: Wow, brilliant and you got one right. FOUR CONSECUTIVE QUARTERS MAKE A YEAR! Impressive!

B: Really, I'm curious how you can in any way, shape or form, say that spending more in eight years, than the previous 230 COMBINED, can be described in a way you try to make good, the RATE. Goofy!

C: As for the GDP, here are the figures. Read and weep.


The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

You are citing yourself?

Seriously....you are a moron...

For example, Scrub passes on The Great Recession to his successor......with GDP growth of NEGATIVE 5.4% in q1 2009......roughly 2.3 million jobs are lost in that quarter alone.....continuing the miserable streak begun in Nov 2007. But you cut things off at the calendar year.

Here is the link to the quarterly Real GDP

Real Gross Domestic Product

To calculate the annualized growth rate, you will need a start date, end date, two amounts, and a TVM calculator....

Do you have any idea what that is?

Here...this one is free, and pretty much Idiot Proof...

Online TVM Calculator | Financial Calculator

Start Date

2001-01-01 12643283

End Date (1) /Start Date (2)

2009-01-01 14375018

End Date (2)

2017-01-01 16842362

Growth Rate (1) - 1.6

Growth Rate (2) - 1.8

This is BEFORE we adjust for discretionary fiscal policy effect......

Ya follah?

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

Try again, sweetheart.

I've demonstrated that you are a moron, Sparkle.....AND I've shown you the Raw Data, My Sources, and My Method....

if you can find a fault with any of them, let me know......I don't give a shit about the little charts you've learned to put together with random factoids.....go play that idiotic game with Healthmyth.....
It's laughable that you two clowns are now claiming that Reagan didn't inherit an economic situation as bad if not worse than Barack Obama did! He had to deal with both nonexistent growth and rampant inflation. But he's a conservative...so therefore you can't admit that Reagan succeeded where Obama floundered...can you?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Even you struggle to say we were in a recession. Now you're referring to it as an "economic situation."

And claiming it was as bad if not worse than what Obama inherited...

The number 1 indicator of the economy is GDP. Reagan inherited a GDP of positive 7.6%. Obama inherited a GDP of negative 8.2%.

Which is worse? +7.6% of -8.2%?

The number 2 indicator of the economy is the job market. In January, 1981, when Reagan became president, we added 94,000 jobs. Compared to January, 2009, when Obama became president and we lost an all-time record of 793,000 jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Again, which is worse? +94,000 or -793,000?

I would tell you to stop lying but that's pointless since you won't.
But that's not all....

Reagan succeeded the POTUS with the HIGHEST annual rate of employment growth......Obama was not quite so fortunate.....let's give the WSJ the opportunity to describe it...

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

Reagan succeeded the POTUS with the HIGHEST annual rate of employment growth......

Carter was doing a bang up job, eh? LOL!
Must be why he got 49 EV.
It's laughable that you two clowns are now claiming that Reagan didn't inherit an economic situation as bad if not worse than Barack Obama did! He had to deal with both nonexistent growth and rampant inflation. But he's a conservative...so therefore you can't admit that Reagan succeeded where Obama floundered...can you?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Even you struggle to say we were in a recession. Now you're referring to it as an "economic situation."

And claiming it was as bad if not worse than what Obama inherited...

The number 1 indicator of the economy is GDP. Reagan inherited a GDP of positive 7.6%. Obama inherited a GDP of negative 8.2%.

Which is worse? +7.6% of -8.2%?

The number 2 indicator of the economy is the job market. In January, 1981, when Reagan became president, we added 94,000 jobs. Compared to January, 2009, when Obama became president and we lost an all-time record of 793,000 jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Again, which is worse? +94,000 or -793,000?

I would tell you to stop lying but that's pointless since you won't.
But that's not all....

Reagan succeeded the POTUS with the HIGHEST annual rate of employment growth......Obama was not quite so fortunate.....let's give the WSJ the opportunity to describe it...

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

Reagan succeeded the POTUS with the HIGHEST annual rate of employment growth......

Carter was doing a bang up job, eh? LOL!
Must be why he got 49 EV.
If you are taking issue with my statement, bring something more than your canned idiocy - 'k?
You will be shocked to discover that Carter outperformed his predecessor with respect to avg annual job gains (nominal AND relative), as well as besting him on Real GDP..........

And Carter did so WITHOUT tripling the debt.
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal spending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.

A: Wow, brilliant and you got one right. FOUR CONSECUTIVE QUARTERS MAKE A YEAR! Impressive!

B: Really, I'm curious how you can in any way, shape or form, say that spending more in eight years, than the previous 230 COMBINED, can be described in a way you try to make good, the RATE. Goofy!

C: As for the GDP, here are the figures. Read and weep.


The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

You are citing yourself?

Seriously....you are a moron...

For example, Scrub passes on The Great Recession to his successor......with GDP growth of NEGATIVE 5.4% in q1 2009......roughly 2.3 million jobs are lost in that quarter alone.....continuing the miserable streak begun in Nov 2007. But you cut things off at the calendar year.

Here is the link to the quarterly Real GDP

Real Gross Domestic Product

To calculate the annualized growth rate, you will need a start date, end date, two amounts, and a TVM calculator....

Do you have any idea what that is?

Here...this one is free, and pretty much Idiot Proof...

Online TVM Calculator | Financial Calculator

Start Date

2001-01-01 12643283

End Date (1) /Start Date (2)

2009-01-01 14375018

End Date (2)

2017-01-01 16842362

Growth Rate (1) - 1.6

Growth Rate (2) - 1.8

This is BEFORE we adjust for discretionary fiscal policy effect......

Ya follah?

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

Try again, sweetheart.

Real GDP:

Q4-2000: 12,679.3
Q4-2008: 14,577.0 - 15.0% (Bush)
Q4-2016: 16,842.4 - 15.3% (Obama)


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