Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

Economic Growth by President - by Jeffrey H. Anderson
Here is the complete list of average annual real GDP growth by postwar president (in descending order):

Johnson (1964-68), 5.3%
Kennedy (1961-63), 4.3%
Clinton (1993-2000), 3.9%
Reagan (1981-88), 3.5%
Carter (1977-80), 3.3%
Eisenhower (1953-60), 3.0%
(Post-WWII average: 2.9%)
Nixon (1969-74), 2.8%
Ford (1975-76), 2.6%
G. H. W. Bush (1989-92), 2.3%
G. W. Bush (2001-08), 2.1%
Truman (1946-52), 1.7%
Obama (2009-15), 1.5%

4) In the first quarter of 2009, President Obama pushed his massive fiscal stimulus package of $862 (It was originally at $787 billion) through the Congress and later passed by the House and the Senate, whose centerpiece was spending most of this stimulus funds in repairing and building infrastructure in transportation, healthcare, science and technology, and education.
Forbes Welcome
The Reason That Shovel Ready Stimulus Didn't Work Is That There Wasn't Any Stimulus
While Obama can talk the bark off a banyan tree, he cannot make Americans hallucinate prosperity. Here is the sad picture they actually see.
The Obama economy sucked. I ran a business through it and NEVER saw a large bump to indicate things were going up. Just year after of year of next to no growth.

On the contrary December thru April were booming for us. I do see signs that things are slowing a bit but it's too early to tell.
In light of the fact that I credit gdp growth in the quarter during which the new president is inaugurated to the outgoing POTUS, do you wanna revise that comment, Gramps?
OK....Are you aware that aggregate GDP growth in Q1 came in at about 0.7%?

Why do you believe your anecdotes "trump" the data?
What was the GDP growth Q1 when Obama took over? Just asking? You know the messiah who inherited an economy from Bush? President Trump inherited an economic mess from Obama? Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.

View attachment 125668
Umm... Obama's first quarter came in at 2.8 percentage points higher than Bush's last. Trump's first quarter came in at 1.4 percentage point lower than Obama's last. And if you think +2.1% is an "economic mess," then what do you think -8.2% is?
If the economy under Obama was good or even half way good Hillary would have been elected, not Trump. It's the economy stupid and it sucked for most Americans under Obama. Sure some government pukes did great but most of us did not.
Not a single year of 3% growth despite the energy boom and record spending. Pathetic.
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal ending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.
Notice how the fucking liberal uses the term RATE instead of the spending in Dollars? When Obama increased his first year spending over 1 trillion dollars, his rate of spending at 650 billion is less so the rate went down, yet Obama increased the national debt in 8 years over 9 trillion dollars, doubling the national debt of the first 43 presidents. Just cant get more stupid than a fucking(or non fucking) liberal.
Bush also nearly doubled the debt of every president before him. Where was your outrage then? Reagan nearly tripled it. And outrage at all?
Economic Growth by President - by Jeffrey H. Anderson
Here is the complete list of average annual real GDP growth by postwar president (in descending order):

Johnson (1964-68), 5.3%
Kennedy (1961-63), 4.3%
Clinton (1993-2000), 3.9%
Reagan (1981-88), 3.5%
Carter (1977-80), 3.3%
Eisenhower (1953-60), 3.0%
(Post-WWII average: 2.9%)
Nixon (1969-74), 2.8%
Ford (1975-76), 2.6%
G. H. W. Bush (1989-92), 2.3%
G. W. Bush (2001-08), 2.1%
Truman (1946-52), 1.7%
Obama (2009-15), 1.5%

4) In the first quarter of 2009, President Obama pushed his massive fiscal stimulus package of $862 (It was originally at $787 billion) through the Congress and later passed by the House and the Senate, whose centerpiece was spending most of this stimulus funds in repairing and building infrastructure in transportation, healthcare, science and technology, and education.
Forbes Welcome
The Reason That Shovel Ready Stimulus Didn't Work Is That There Wasn't Any Stimulus
While Obama can talk the bark off a banyan tree, he cannot make Americans hallucinate prosperity. Here is the sad picture they actually see.
Jeffrey is an idiot.....

You can go to FRED and get the numbers.....you can figure out the growth rate with a TVM calculator...assuming you even knew what that is, never mind how to operate it....

Are you beginning to grasp just how far out of your league you are?

Now quit the jiggery-pokery and post the GDP growth number for q1 2009...your idiot sites won't be laboring it, so look elsewhere.
If the economy under Obama was good or even half way good Hillary would have been elected, not Trump. It's the economy stupid and it sucked for most Americans under Obama. Sure some government pukes did great but most of us did not.
Not a single year of 3% growth despite the energy boom and record spending. Pathetic.
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal ending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.
Notice how the fucking liberal uses the term RATE instead of the spending in Dollars? When Obama increased his first year spending over 1 trillion dollars, his rate of spending at 650 billion is less so the rate went down, yet Obama increased the national debt in 8 years over 9 trillion dollars, doubling the national debt of the first 43 presidents. Just cant get more stupid than a fucking(or non fucking) liberal.
Bush also nearly doubled the debt of every president before him. Where was your outrage then? Reagan nearly tripled it. And outrage at all?
Stupid Faun, there was outrage against the liberal establishment Republican George Bush who created the Dept of Homeland Security, reached across with Ted(the swimmer) Kennedy and form "No Child Left Behind", Free Prescription Drugs for Warren Buffet, 2 wars, and other liberal policies. But if George had a (D) in front of his name, you would of loved him like you did the 1/2 white president. Yeah there was outrage, and that was why George's brother was out in the 1st round of the 2016 election. But you are too stupid to remember that.

As for Slim, you are a tard. I am done with you. I noticed you didn't correct me, about pointing out your usage of RATE, vs REAL dollars spent. Worthless tard.
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
If the economy under Obama was good or even half way good Hillary would have been elected, not Trump. It's the economy stupid and it sucked for most Americans under Obama. Sure some government pukes did great but most of us did not.
Not a single year of 3% growth despite the energy boom and record spending. Pathetic.
You are a moron...

A) Consider that ANY 4 consecutive quarters !make a year.

B) There was no "record spending". Federal ending grew at its lowest rate in 60 years.

C) GDP growth under Obama was 25% higher, on average, than under his predecessor...... For whom I figure you cast two enthusiastic votes.
Notice how the fucking liberal uses the term RATE instead of the spending in Dollars? When Obama increased his first year spending over 1 trillion dollars, his rate of spending at 650 billion is less so the rate went down, yet Obama increased the national debt in 8 years over 9 trillion dollars, doubling the national debt of the first 43 presidents. Just cant get more stupid than a fucking(or non fucking) liberal.
Bush also nearly doubled the debt of every president before him. Where was your outrage then? Reagan nearly tripled it. And outrage at all?
Stupid Faun, there was outrage against the liberal establishment Republican George Bush who created the Dept of Homeland Security, reached across with Ted(the swimmer) Kennedy and form "No Child Left Behind", Free Prescription Drugs for Warren Buffet, 2 wars, and other liberal policies. But if George had a (D) in front of his name, you would of loved him like you did the 1/2 white president. Yeah there was outrage, and that was why George's brother was out in the 1st round of the 2016 election. But you are too stupid to remember that.

As for Slim, you are a tard. I am done with you. I noticed you didn't correct me, about pointing out your usage of RATE, vs REAL dollars spent. Worthless tard.
But he didn't have a 'D' after his name. He had an 'R' and he too nearly doubled the debt. Where was your outrage? Where was your outrage when Reagan, another president with an 'R' after his name, nearly tripled it?
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact.

Absolute fucking moron.....and Style goes on like this for several paragraphs of......yes......Narrative....
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Does this mean you're not going to apologize for lying to the forum when you falsely claimed it wasn't until after the ARRA when Obama first used the term, though you now admit he used it before ARRA went into effect?
Anyone want to place a bet on the ratio of "jobs created" to "jobs created or saved" in reports coming out of the White House AFTER the Obama Stimulus numbers started coming in...making it obvious that they didn't create anywhere near the jobs they'd estimated? I'm guessing its going to be totally flipped from that 51 to 3 ratio that existed in the report that came out BEFORE the stimulus!
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Does this mean you're not going to apologize for lying to the forum when you falsely claimed it wasn't until after the ARRA when Obama first used the term, though you now admit he used it before ARRA went into effect?

Once again, I didn't say the term wasn't used...my point was that they didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic! In the report prior to the stimulus being passed they used jobs created OVERWHELMINGLY! Find me a report from after the stimulus fell on it's face that does the same thing, Faun...I dare ya!
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Let’s start with Obama’s stimulus. The standard Republican talking point is that it failed, meaning it didn’t reduce unemployment. Yet in a survey of leading economists conducted by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, 92 percent agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate.

The U.S. Economic Policy Debate Is a Sham


To get that kind of consensus among economists you really have to stretch.....it is virtually impossible..

Analysis | 35 of 37 economists said Trump was wrong. The other two misread the question.

I tell ya.....that man can forge unanimity, can't he?
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact.

Absolute fucking moron.....and Style goes on like this for several paragraphs of......yes......Narrative....
Hell, the forum liar doesn't even know what planet he's on. He referred to the ARRA as the ACA. And if you think it was merely a slip, think again -- he did it 4 times in that one post. In fact, he never called it ARRA. That yutz has no clue what he's rambling about.
The problem with engaging Old style is that he can make shit up faster than you can hope to disabuse him of it.
Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



You know what's amusing about your obsessive need to prove Obama didn't deliberately attempt to mislead Americans with "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Every time you attempt to do so...you invariably prove the opposite. Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact...but they mention jobs "created" 51 times! It's obvious that they were not using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their statistic of measurement prior to the ACA being implemented. They weren't using it because they were still convinced that they would create 3,000,000 jobs by means of the ACA! It's not until the ACA falls on it's face and they realize that they've spent a ton of money and failed to create many jobs at all that the emphasis totally changes and nearly every mention of jobs created is paired with jobs saved.
Let's look at your "plan" that the Obama Administration released prior to the ACA going to Congress...shall we? You're correct that they do mention in a vague manner jobs "saved"...3 times to be exact.

Absolute fucking moron.....and Style goes on like this for several paragraphs of......yes......Narrative....
Hell, the forum liar doesn't even know what planet he's on. He referred to the ARRA as the ACA. And if you think it was merely a slip, think again -- he did it 4 times in that one post. In fact, he never called it ARRA. That yutz has no clue what he's rambling about.
It's a template....

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