Obamacare fiasco

All states applied to the government to expand Medicaid but many were denied due to either they were to generous with their benefits or they did not provide enough benefits under the new law. Those states that are not expanding right now have do some major cleanup in their health programs first before they can apply again.

It also seems as if nobody really wants to insure the Southern states including the government.
California's exchange is an active purchaser, meaning it deliberately selects which insurers will be allowed to participate. The number of applicants in that state was 3-4 times larger than the 13 that were selected to sell in the exchange. Less cost effective plans simply weren't allowed in.

Big Government Cronyism on Parade.

And the individual loses freedom of choice.

It's not surprising that a Sheeple such as yourself favors this.

Translation: When I gave an argument with actual figures it was shot down, so I'll just revert back to the usual wingnut bromides.

Translation: your head is so far up Obama's Ass that you can lick his sternum.
The Obama Administration is getting desperate. Organizing for Action is now engaged in trying to round up young, healthy men to pay for insurance they neither need nor want. Without these young men, the financial model (tenuous as it is), falls apart.

If you own a home, do you need homeowners insurance, assuming you are not so wealthy that you can be considered to be self-insured?

The idea that healthy people don't need insurance is preposterous to say the least. While healthy and especially health young people do not get sick as often as others, some still get sick, and they need insurance just in case they do. Obviously if they are too dumb to understand the need for insurance, or they think they can just pass the cost on to everyone else if they get sick, then we need to properly educate them.

Healthy young people need catastrophic coverage, nothing more. Gwtting sick does NOT require you to need health insurance.

For instance im 45 years old and have not needed to visit a dr in so long I cant remember the last year I actually went to one. Paying a few hundred vucks for a dr visit while only having a catastrophic policy is smart. Not tossing away thousands on unneeded and unused premiums

Problem is that these young ones aren't even purchasing catastrophic policies, which are basically high deductible policies. As for you, I suggest you go see your doctor for a yearly physical. I was like you and didn't go to the doctor for over 25 years, because I thought I was so healthy and never got sick. If I had gone and had a few blood tests done when I was a young adult, I wouldn't have cirrhosis of the liver today.
If you own a home, do you need homeowners insurance, assuming you are not so wealthy that you can be considered to be self-insured?

The idea that healthy people don't need insurance is preposterous to say the least. While healthy and especially health young people do not get sick as often as others, some still get sick, and they need insurance just in case they do. Obviously if they are too dumb to understand the need for insurance, or they think they can just pass the cost on to everyone else if they get sick, then we need to properly educate them.

Healthy young people need catastrophic coverage, nothing more. Gwtting sick does NOT require you to need health insurance.

For instance im 45 years old and have not needed to visit a dr in so long I cant remember the last year I actually went to one. Paying a few hundred vucks for a dr visit while only having a catastrophic policy is smart. Not tossing away thousands on unneeded and unused premiums

Problem is that these young ones aren't even purchasing catastrophic policies, which are basically high deductible policies. As for you, I suggest you go see your doctor for a yearly physical. I was like you and didn't go to the doctor for over 25 years, because I thought I was so healthy and never got sick. If I had gone and had a few blood tests done when I was a young adult, I wouldn't have cirrhosis of the liver today.

I hope you are taking milk thistle for that. The damage will stop and your blood tests will be normal. It isn't a cure, it doesn't repair, but it will stop the damage and help your liver function.
Big Government Cronyism on Parade.

And the individual loses freedom of choice.

It's not surprising that a Sheeple such as yourself favors this.

Translation: When I gave an argument with actual figures it was shot down, so I'll just revert back to the usual wingnut bromides.

Translation: your head is so far up Obama's Ass that you can lick his sternum.


And then he does it again.

The Obama Administration is getting desperate. Organizing for Action is now engaged in trying to round up young, healthy men to pay for insurance they neither need nor want. Without these young men, the financial model (tenuous as it is), falls apart.

If you own a home, do you need homeowners insurance, assuming you are not so wealthy that you can be considered to be self-insured?

The idea that healthy people don't need insurance is preposterous to say the least. While healthy and especially health young people do not get sick as often as others, some still get sick, and they need insurance just in case they do. Obviously if they are too dumb to understand the need for insurance, or they think they can just pass the cost on to everyone else if they get sick, then we need to properly educate them.

How is forcing someone to buy something or pay a penalty educating them?
Translation: When I gave an argument with actual figures it was shot down, so I'll just revert back to the usual wingnut bromides.

Translation: your head is so far up Obama's Ass that you can lick his sternum.


And then he does it again.


You are an utter moron...so it's not surprising you think eliminating 71% of the companies providing individual insurance plans is a good thing.
Big Government Cronyism on Parade.

And the individual loses freedom of choice.

It's not surprising that a Sheeple such as yourself favors this.

Translation: When I gave an argument with actual figures it was shot down, so I'll just revert back to the usual wingnut bromides.

Translation: your head is so far up Obama's Ass that you can lick his sternum.

least its not wrapped with 2 feet of tinfoil, So you claiming this is meaningless
Translation: When I gave an argument with actual figures it was shot down, so I'll just revert back to the usual wingnut bromides.

Translation: your head is so far up Obama's Ass that you can lick his sternum.

least its not wrapped with 2 feet of tinfoil, So you claiming this is meaningless

Having one's head wrapped in tinfoil would seem to be preferable if it were rammed up Obama's Ass, but if you prefer riding bareback, that's up to you.
To add I thought Obama told us the insurance companies and doctors would love this system. Well why aren't more insurance companies applying to get into the exchanges?

Logic tells me they KNOW there is no profit in it. It's a losing proposition

Why were so many trying to get waivers from it.
To add I thought Obama told us the insurance companies and doctors would love this system. Well why aren't more insurance companies applying to get into the exchanges?

Logic tells me they KNOW there is no profit in it. It's a losing proposition

Why were so many trying to get waivers from it.

And why are members of Congress saying they and their staff members will have to quit if they have to go onto ObamaCare?
Translation: your head is so far up Obama's Ass that you can lick his sternum.


And then he does it again.


You are an utter moron...so it's not surprising you think eliminating 71% of the companies providing individual insurance plans is a good thing.

i don't think it's a "good thing", I'm just interested in the intended net result of this, which is to significantly widen coverage. If certain companies aren't gonna make the cut to be part of these exchanges then that's just the way it goes.
If you think forcing people to buy something they don't want is the way to "widen coverage", you are a clueless moron.
If you think forcing people to buy something they don't want is the way to "widen coverage", you are a clueless moron.

Having single-payer would be even better, but we already know what idiotic, myopic wingnuts such as yourself think of that, so...
If you think forcing people to buy something they don't want is the way to "widen coverage", you are a clueless moron.

Having single-payer would be even better, but we already know what idiotic, myopic wingnuts such as yourself think of that, so...

Only Sheeple who can't make their own decisions or support themselves prefer single-payer.
I have to say, I've somewhat enjoyed the creeping desperation in these inane anti-Obamacare threads and posts over the past few months.

The slow realization that the GOP has a made a huge tactical mistake.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwQW3KW3DCc]Arrested Development - I've Made a Huge Mistake Compilation - YouTube[/ame]

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