Obamacare is Obama unmasked


Jul 17, 2013

Rare.us | LIMBAUGH: Obamacare is Obama unmasked

Obamacare has opened my eyes to how Obama actually leads. It shows his lack of leadership and oversight on the items he is supposed to be heading. This is upsetting that a man that promised to lead the country is failing every which way he turns. It started with Iran, Russia stepped, now Obamacare. What will it be next month?

This needs to end. Please 2016 get here faster if you can!

Rare.us | LIMBAUGH: Obamacare is Obama unmasked

Obamacare has opened my eyes to how Obama actually leads. It shows his lack of leadership and oversight on the items he is supposed to be heading. This is upsetting that a man that promised to lead the country is failing every which way he turns. It started with Iran, Russia stepped, now Obamacare. What will it be next month?

This needs to end. Please 2016 get here faster if you can!

Look I hate to keep repeating this BUT people like you have to help the rest of the uninformed that the BIGGEST LIE Obama told and that has been perpetuated by the MSM and even ignorant conservative/critics is this statement he made which has been repeated endlessly!
Obama said:"46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
A) NOW Obama admits that 10 million of the 46 million are NOT CITIZENS.. YET that # was used as part of the 46 million!
B) Medicaid was available for the 14 million people that told Census they didn't have BUT THEY WERE QUALIFIED for coverage...yet they were counted as uninsured!
C) Finally how grossly deceptive to include 18 million people under age 34, making more then $50,000 but didn't want their employers' insurance plans.. they are counted!

Do you understand? This adds up to 42 million ! Subtract from 46 million we have 4 million that truly needed insurance! NOT 46 million!
So when people truly understand this gigantic LIE do you really think ACA was so good that even though it passed by just 7 votes... how many would voted NO???

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