Obamacare’s 2014 ‘crisis’: Democratic incumbents ‘are starting to panic


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It will interesting to see if the libturds in this forum continue to maintain that they're going to make gains in 2014.

Obamacare?s 2014 ?crisis?: Democratic incumbents ?are starting to panic? - National Elections | Examiner.com

On Sunday, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- the chair of the Democratic National Committee – told CNN’s “State of the Union” host Candy Crowley that “Democratic candidates will be able to run on ObamaCare as an advantage leading into the 2014 election.” But The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Democratic senators who are “up for re-election in competitive states in 2014 are starting to panic.”

The ObamaCare Dozen—the Democrats who each cast the decisive 60th vote and are running for re-election in 2014—are fleeing for political cover. "Fifteen Senate Democrats plus Colorado's Michael Bennet who chairs the Senatorial Campaign Committee sat down at the White House Wednesday," The Wall Street Journal reported further, "and they want all and sundry to know that they let President Obama have it."

Considering the statements he made less than three months ago, Bennet’s “panic” is particularly telling.

On July 31, Politico’s Kyle Cheney reported that Bennet told reporters at the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee’s headquarters “that a year from now the health law probably won’t tip tight races — and is more likely to be a boon to Democrats on the November 2014 ballot.”​
Advantage? Yep. For the Republicans. This is the heavy artillery right here. Democrats should be fleeing for the hills right about now.
Ca. sen. Feinstein is not up for reelection, but, she apparently has come out in sppt of and will co sponsor La. sen. Landrieu's bill ( who is) to change the aca bill ala keep their current insurance policies.

So, is "panic" cleared for use as a verb here? :lol:
Ca. sen. Feinstein is not up for reelection, but, she apparently has come out in sppt of and will co sponsor La. sen. Landrieu's bill ( who is) to change the aca bill ala keep their current insurance policies.

So, is "panic" cleared for use as a verb here? :lol:

Obamacare can't exist if people are allowed to keep their current policies. How are they going to allow people with pre-existing conditions to buy "insurance" without massive rate increases for the healthy? How are they going to subsidize the healthcare of illegal aliens without massive rate increases on the middle class? How are they going to lower the rates for pregnant women with raising the rates for men and women who are no longer of child bearing age?

I am going to love watching the train wreck that occurs as a result of this bill to allow everyone to keep their old policies.
it won't go anywhere thats how, we may have to ride this trainwreck to the end....

Reid is in trouble and he may hang obama out to dry on this and allow a vote, I don't see him tabling or self filibustering a bill that has 60 or so senators behind it with 20 or more of his own in on it ( 15 are up for election, 8 or so are in states Romney carried) ........ right now hes figuring out how to bend enough arms to keep it from reaching more non election cycle senators and critical mass...........

If he has to he'll let go to a vote, hes covered for obama time after time....the house will of course vote yes and obama will have to veto it.......obama has little to lose in the practical sense, but he has a legacy though to protect, even if its on the cusp of complete failure, he will veto it....
This thing is his. He won't give it up. Reid may permit the senators to vote on it, but it will be an empty guesture.
Ca. sen. Feinstein is not up for reelection, but, she apparently has come out in sppt of and will co sponsor La. sen. Landrieu's bill ( who is) to change the aca bill ala keep their current insurance policies.

So, is "panic" cleared for use as a verb here? :lol:

More like "cover my ass."
Just heard that obama's approval is below 40%. Democrats gave him 72 hours to come up with a fix or they will join the GOP to repeal and replace with the GOP plan.
Just heard that obama's approval is below 40%. Democrats gave him 72 hours to come up with a fix or they will join the GOP to repeal and replace with the GOP plan.

You heard no such thing.

it won't go anywhere thats how, we may have to ride this trainwreck to the end....

Reid is in trouble and he may hang obama out to dry on this and allow a vote, I don't see him tabling or self filibustering a bill that has 60 or so senators behind it with 20 or more of his own in on it ( 15 are up for election, 8 or so are in states Romney carried) ........ right now hes figuring out how to bend enough arms to keep it from reaching more non election cycle senators and critical mass...........

If he has to he'll let go to a vote, hes covered for obama time after time....the house will of course vote yes and obama will have to veto it.......obama has little to lose in the practical sense, but he has a legacy though to protect, even if its on the cusp of complete failure, he will veto it....
Three important points:

No possible bill is veto proof in both houses because of the safe Democratic seats in the house. Safe if they stay to the left of Obama.

The growing availability of concierge medicine with catastrophic care insurance combined with the loss of hospital subsidies punishes Democratic constituencies in non subsidy (GOP) states by closing many of the local emergency rooms.

Generally the states that are in a fiscal box leading to default are Blue with a couple of swing states breaking up the monotony.

While obviously I can't guarantee that Obamacare will cause enough migration to bankrupt many blue states that is the way to bet and that could break the Democratic party as a national force. So, even with a solid majority in DC I don't see this bill ever being repealed nationally. All 50 states may end up certified as compliant with effectively zero compliance anywhere but repeal or reform, no.
Just heard that obama's approval is below 40%. Democrats gave him 72 hours to come up with a fix or they will join the GOP to repeal and replace with the GOP plan.

You heard no such thing.

Check the left leaning business sites such as CNBC and Bloomberg or go to realclearpolitics.com both stories are mentioned to some degree everywhere I have looked.
Just heard that obama's approval is below 40%. Democrats gave him 72 hours to come up with a fix or they will join the GOP to repeal and replace with the GOP plan.

You heard no such thing.

Check the left leaning business sites such as CNBC and Bloomberg or go to realclearpolitics.com both stories are mentioned to some degree everywhere I have looked.

What's being discussed are proposals to delay the mandate or keep current insurance plans a little longer. Repeal and/or replace, as the liar claimed, is being discussed nowhere.
True. No possible bill would pass both houses of congress with anything like a veto-proof majority.

Maybe, maybe not. The longer this show goes on, the closer to the midterm elections we get. If this drags out past the holidays and the recesses and has to be taken up again in the spring, and more and more pissed off people who already have insurance, pressure will be put on Congress. Obama may be done with elections, but all those people in the House and Senate want to keep their cushy jobs and may have to choose between Obamacare and reelection. At that point Obama's signature achievement is expendable and he knows it and as a lame duck, he'll have no more political capital to spend.
You heard no such thing.

Check the left leaning business sites such as CNBC and Bloomberg or go to realclearpolitics.com both stories are mentioned to some degree everywhere I have looked.

What's being discussed are proposals to delay the mandate or keep current insurance plans a little longer. Repeal and/or replace, as the liar claimed, is being discussed nowhere.

It's too late to keep current insurance plans. Obamacare forced the insurance companies to abolish those plans and create new ones. Obamacare simply can't work if the old insurance plans are allowed to continue. The math just doesn't work.
So, we have twelve dem. Senators running for re-election in 2014 somehow turning against Obamacare.


New Hampshire's Jeanne Shaheen is leading a coalition asking for an unspecified extension of ObamaCare's March 15 enrollment deadline. Mr. Begich (Alaska), Mark Pryor (Arkansas) and Mark Udall (Colorado) are among those on this bus... WSJ

I believe that each and every one of them would support Obamacare again if they get re-elected.
True. No possible bill would pass both houses of congress with anything like a veto-proof majority.

Maybe, maybe not. The longer this show goes on, the closer to the midterm elections we get. If this drags out past the holidays and the recesses and has to be taken up again in the spring, and more and more pissed off people who already have insurance, pressure will be put on Congress. Obama may be done with elections, but all those people in the House and Senate want to keep their cushy jobs and may have to choose between Obamacare and reelection. At that point Obama's signature achievement is expendable and he knows it and as a lame duck, he'll have no more political capital to spend.

I agree.

Any of those Dem idiots who passed this POS and are up for re-election are going to be shitting their pants.

Folks are getting a good look at the ACA and I doubt many are liking what they are seeing.

I think some of those Dems will be kissing their cushy Govt jobs goodbye. I sure wouldn't vote for anyone who voted for that trainwreck.

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