Obama's 48hr Strike Plan Revealed: 200 Tomahawks, B-52's, B-2's And B-1's To Be Used

Unfortunately, Obama is not a strong leader.

obama isn't ANY kind of a LEADER. All he was and all he still is, is just a two bit little radical community organizer from nowhere that's never had a job in his life and had zero experience. How ANYONE thought this little moron with the big mouth was capable of managing the most powerful nation on earth is beyond me.

Those that voted for him have to be most ignorant, naive, easily bamboozled bunch of IDIOTS on the PLANET.

A U.S. official confirms that the White House is also considering a separate proposal to have the U.S. military begin training Syrian rebel fighters in Jordan. Currently the CIA is running a small training program for vetted Syrian rebel fighters there . The thinking is that the U.S. military could broaden that training. The official says the proposal had been presented prior to the discussion of a limited military strike against Syria and is not tied to the current congressional debate.

Gee, all roads lead to Damascus all of a sudden.

Increasing military aid and spending for Syria is necessary to maintain the relevance of the industrial/military complex as the US reduces its forces in Iraq and A'stan.

oh, and...yeah there's that chemical weapons thingy to consider.

How convenient.
Now Barry is planning addressing the American public via television Tuesday night

Tuesday night????


September 10th

by the time of his address it will be Sept 11 in Syria

nothing good will come of this....
Gee, all roads lead to Damascus all of a sudden.

Increasing military aid and spending for Syria is necessary to maintain the relevance of the industrial/military complex as the US reduces its forces in Iraq and A'stan.

oh, and...yeah there's that chemical weapons thingy to consider.

How convenient.

Indeed, think about how many American jobs depend on building military hardware and those that support defense functions. War would really help the anemic economic recovery.
Increasing military aid and spending for Syria is necessary to maintain the relevance of the industrial/military complex as the US reduces its forces in Iraq and A'stan.

oh, and...yeah there's that chemical weapons thingy to consider.

How convenient.

Indeed, think about how many American jobs depend on building military hardware and those that support defense functions. War would really help the anemic economic recovery.

Better than crack.
Kerry says the jihadists are 15-25%of the rebels. And that is STILL limited. Ignoring the BS RW House wouldn't bother me...

Kerry pulled that number directly from his ass.

He knew there would be plenty of gullible saps who would believe it.
Kerry says the jihadists are 15-25%of the rebels. And that is STILL limited. Ignoring the BS RW House wouldn't bother me...

Kerry pulled that number directly from his ass.

He knew there would be plenty of gullible saps who would believe it.


I thought he conducted a house-to-house census over the summer of rebels in Syria.


What the fuck are we paying this guy for?
According to the pentagon planners obama has changed his mind more than 50 times leaving the pentagon in disarray, confusion and chaos.

Why would he approve a plan so Russia could learn of it beforehand? Best strategy is to keep everyone guessing. Russia & Iran have already shown their hand.
Kerry says the jihadists are 15-25%of the rebels. And that is STILL limited. Ignoring the BS RW House wouldn't bother me...

Kerry pulled that number directly from his ass.

He knew there would be plenty of gullible saps who would believe it.


I thought he conducted a house-to-house census over the summer of rebels in Syria.


What the fuck are we paying this guy for?

At a minimum we pay him to listen to the intelligence breifings, and report the truth...
House Homeland Security Committee chairman Mike McCaul (R–Texas) told reporters that he was "stunned" to hear Kerry tell House members on Wednesday that the number of jihadists serving in the Syrian rebel forces comprises less than a quarter of anti-Syrian government fighters.

McCaul says he's learned in various briefings that the number of jihadists migrating to Syria to take on the government there is closer to 50 percent.

Read more: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/3...f-jihadists-among-syrian-rebels#ixzz2e9RW8zU2


WASHINGTON — Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster, according to American officials and Middle Eastern diplomats.

That conclusion, of which President Obama and other senior officials are aware from classified assessments of the Syrian conflict that has now claimed more than 25,000 lives, casts into doubt whether the White House’s strategy of minimal and indirect intervention in the Syrian conflict is accomplishing its intended purpose of helping a democratic-minded opposition topple an oppressive government, or is instead sowing the seeds of future insurgencies hostile to the United States.

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Kerry pulled that number directly from his ass.

He knew there would be plenty of gullible saps who would believe it.


I thought he conducted a house-to-house census over the summer of rebels in Syria.


What the fuck are we paying this guy for?

At a minimum we pay him to listen to the intelligence breifings, and report the truth...


Hey, I'm not sure where you get these crazy standards from, but MY minimum standard for a Sec. of State is that they wear enough makeup while on camera so they don't look like Herman Munster.

I thought he conducted a house-to-house census over the summer of rebels in Syria.


What the fuck are we paying this guy for?

At a minimum we pay him to listen to the intelligence breifings, and report the truth...


Hey, I'm not sure where you get these crazy standards from, but MY minimum standard for a Sec. of State is that they wear enough makeup while on camera so they don't look like Herman Munster.

On the other hand if I was Taiwan, Japan, South Korea or any other nation that thinks we will come to their defense.

I'd be building my military as fast as I fucking can as America is officially done protecting these nations. We officially want to rebuild AMERICA!
I'll go with the Sec. of State and the CIA over the Tea Party hypocrites/ignoramuses. Rush says he has proof the rebels did it etc. Don't be dumb dupes lol...Pubs lie like rugs, so do Putin and Assad.

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