Obama's 48hr Strike Plan Revealed: 200 Tomahawks, B-52's, B-2's And B-1's To Be Used

Yes, that's what I said.

Fuckin' head case... :cuckoo:
Within days of 911 head cases in Bush Jr's Administration had already decided to invade Iraq AND inflict regime change on Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Why do you suppose they left Israel off the list, Golda?

Conspiracy Forum thataway, head case >>>>>>

Bush Began to Plan War Three Months After 9/11 (washingtonpost.com)

"Beginning in late December 2001, President Bush met repeatedly with Army Gen. Tommy R. Franks and his war cabinet to plan the U.S. attack on Iraq even as he and administration spokesmen insisted they were pursuing a diplomatic solution, according to a new book on the origins of the war.

"The intensive war planning throughout 2002 created its own momentum, according to 'Plan of Attack' by Bob Woodward, fueled in part by the CIA's conclusion that Saddam Hussein could not be removed from power except through a war and CIA Director George J. Tenet's assurance to the president that it was a 'slam dunk' case that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction."
It's funny when idiots quote things they are too stupid to understand. Case in point: Little 'Conspiracy' Georgie.
Unfortunately, Obama is not a strong leader.

obama isn't ANY kind of a LEADER. All he was and all he still is, is just a two bit little radical community organizer from nowhere that's never had a job in his life and had zero experience. How ANYONE thought this little moron with the big mouth was capable of managing the most powerful nation on earth is beyond me.

Those that voted for him have to be most ignorant, naive, easily bamboozled bunch of IDIOTS on the PLANET.

So...what would YOU do?
It's funny when idiots quote things they are too stupid to understand. Case in point: Little 'Conspiracy' Georgie.

Is there a black hole above your trailer? I only wonder because you suck.

Maybe Little Georgie will invite you for a visit if he ever finds a country he 'approves' of that will have him. Don't hurry back.
Why don't you hurry over and give Bibi and Bandar Bush a big hug?

"Strange bedfellows indeed. Bibi Netanyahu, with the full throated backing of the American Israeli Political Action Committee, and the Saudis have mounted an impressive, coordinated effort to push the United States into moving against Syria as a means of weakening Iran. Important to note, key Israeli intelligence and military leaders are against this."

Don't come back, little pussy.

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
Why don't you hurry over and give Bibi and Bandar Bush a big hug?

Where do you live, hypocrite?
Pico-Union, Los Angeles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What a surprise that a moron like you would take wiki-freakin-pedia as a 'source.' :rolleyes:

In any case, the answer is that you live in America. You sure as heck don't deserve to, but you are still here which makes you a big, fat hypocrite and a coward who lacks the courage of his convictions. What a loser.

What a surprise that a moron like you would take wiki-freakin-pedia as a 'source.' :rolleyes:

In any case, the answer is that you live in America. You sure as heck don't deserve to, but you are still here which makes you a big, fat hypocrite and a coward who lacks the courage of his convictions. What a loser.
How is it my fault the country I was born in is the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? How would my leaving change that historical fact?

What a surprise that a moron like you would take wiki-freakin-pedia as a 'source.' :rolleyes:

In any case, the answer is that you live in America. You sure as heck don't deserve to, but you are still here which makes you a big, fat hypocrite and a coward who lacks the courage of his convictions. What a loser.
How is it my fault the country I was born in is the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? How would my leaving change that historical fact?

No one is asking you to stay, asshole. What would change if you left is that you would be that much less a pathetic hypocrite. Of course you will never leave, because you have no balls to live out your convictions and would rather stay and take advantage of a country you don't deserve than to be a man for once in your miserable, meaningless life and match your actions to your supposed principles.
What a surprise that a moron like you would take wiki-freakin-pedia as a 'source.' :rolleyes:

In any case, the answer is that you live in America. You sure as heck don't deserve to, but you are still here which makes you a big, fat hypocrite and a coward who lacks the courage of his convictions. What a loser.
How is it my fault the country I was born in is the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? How would my leaving change that historical fact?

No one is asking you to stay, asshole. What would change if you left is that you would be that much less a pathetic hypocrite. Of course you will never leave, because you have no balls to live out your convictions and would rather stay and take advantage of a country you don't deserve than to be a man for once in your miserable, meaningless life and match your actions to your supposed principles.
So the only way I can criticize those who kill civilians for money without being a hypocrite is to personally participate in war crimes?
How is it my fault the country I was born in is the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet? How would my leaving change that historical fact?

No one is asking you to stay, asshole. What would change if you left is that you would be that much less a pathetic hypocrite. Of course you will never leave, because you have no balls to live out your convictions and would rather stay and take advantage of a country you don't deserve than to be a man for once in your miserable, meaningless life and match your actions to your supposed principles.
So the only way I can criticize those who kill civilians for money without being a hypocrite is to personally participate in war crimes?

Are you on drugs right now, idiot? That addle-brained question doesn't have the slightest thing to do with my comments you quoted.

Go sleep it off.

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