Obama's 48hr Strike Plan Revealed: 200 Tomahawks, B-52's, B-2's And B-1's To Be Used

It is now being revealed that it wont be a limited strike on Syria but rather a massive strike using our top military hardware in our arsenal.

Hmmmmm...I wonder what the difference is between an EIGHT YEAR war that COST OVER THREE TRILLION DOLLARS and involved HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS and a MASSIVE INVASION and... the proposed action in Syria which will fire LESS MISSILES THAN WERE FIRED IN THE FIRST MINUTE OF THE IRAQ WAR and will NOT INVOLVE AN INVASION.

Gosh. I'm totally stumped! I can't tell the difference.

The Russians and the faux right wing piss pourers leading you idiots around are counting on you not having have any sense of proportion or any critical thinking abilities of any kind. :lol:


I guess you ignore the Rebels background on this issue................

Cherry picking data.

The Arab Spring is a total disaster. The entire region is in Chaos. and the primary culprit of the whole nightmare situation is being caused by.......................................

The Muslim Brotherhood.........................

BTW Let's just ignore the killing of Christians across the region by these Noble Rebels.

Again, we have a choice of a single TYRANT versus a gang of TYRANTS. Which isn't really a choice at all.

Stay out of it.

You don't have a dog in this fight, let the real men handle it.
Hmmmmm...I wonder what the difference is between an EIGHT YEAR war that COST OVER THREE TRILLION DOLLARS and involved HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS and a MASSIVE INVASION and... the proposed action in Syria which will fire LESS MISSILES THAN WERE FIRED IN THE FIRST MINUTE OF THE IRAQ WAR and will NOT INVOLVE AN INVASION.

Gosh. I'm totally stumped! I can't tell the difference.

The Russians and the faux right wing piss pourers leading you idiots around are counting on you not having have any sense of proportion or any critical thinking abilities of any kind. :lol:


I guess you ignore the Rebels background on this issue................

Cherry picking data.

The Arab Spring is a total disaster. The entire region is in Chaos. and the primary culprit of the whole nightmare situation is being caused by.......................................

The Muslim Brotherhood.........................

BTW Let's just ignore the killing of Christians across the region by these Noble Rebels.

Again, we have a choice of a single TYRANT versus a gang of TYRANTS. Which isn't really a choice at all.

Stay out of it.

You don't have a dog in this fight, let the real men handle it.

Obama didn't lie about the red line, dumbazz, just didn't realize the whole world was still so pissed about the Iraq Pubcrappe.

No. He just didn't realize that by sticking his nose in regarding Syria and talking about this "red line", that he might just have to back it up. Obama's response puts me in mind of Robin Williams and Muammar Gaddafi: "Cross this line you die ..... cross THIS line you die .... this line you die."

Interesting to note you haven't heard from Colonel Gaddafi again after President Reagan made his point clear to him ...... Obama on the other hand is still indecisive in trying to figure this all out.
"An Iranian order intercepted by the United States instructs Shiite militia groups in Iraq to attack the American Embassy in Baghdad should the U.S. strike Syria, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday."

Report: Iran message orders Iraqi militias to retaliate if U.S. strikes Syria - CBS News

Should every member of the US Congress who votes for more war in Syria be required to move their families into the Green Zone?

That's odd.
The news, just last night, was telling me that there's no reason to believe that there is anything to be worried about surrounding 911
"An Iranian order intercepted by the United States instructs Shiite militia groups in Iraq to attack the American Embassy in Baghdad should the U.S. strike Syria, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday."

Report: Iran message orders Iraqi militias to retaliate if U.S. strikes Syria - CBS News

Should every member of the US Congress who votes for more war in Syria be required to move their families into the Green Zone?

That's odd.
The news, just last night, was telling me that there's no reason to believe that there is anything to be worried about surrounding 911
Surely, you don't think Obama would use next Wednesday as an opportunity to take-out WMDs in Syria?

"The intercepted message reportedly came from the head of Iran's Qods Force, a paramilitary arm of the country's Revolutionary Guards. The order directs militias to prepare to respond with force should the U.S. attack the Bashar Assad regime, Iran's ally..."

"Iraqi officials say they are taking the warnings seriously.

"The threats, which come as President Barack Obama's administration and Congress debate possible military action over the Syrian regime's alleged use of chemical weapons, risk exacerbating an increasingly deteriorating security environment inside Iraq."

Report: Iran message orders Iraqi militias to retaliate if U.S. strikes Syria - CBS News

Where's Dick and Dubya when we really need them?
It is important and relevant to know one Tomahawk missile costs $1.5 million. The proposed attack would be a happy windfall for the war profiteers and should not be disregarded as an influence.
It is important and relevant to know one Tomahawk missile costs $1.5 million. The proposed attack would be a happy windfall for the war profiteers and should not be disregarded as an influence.
Just imagine if a government that wasn't designed to enhance the power of its richest citizens ever imposed a 100% Death Tax on all war profits after the first innocent child lost her life? We might start building schools???
"An Iranian order intercepted by the United States instructs Shiite militia groups in Iraq to attack the American Embassy in Baghdad should the U.S. strike Syria, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday."

Report: Iran message orders Iraqi militias to retaliate if U.S. strikes Syria - CBS News

Should every member of the US Congress who votes for more war in Syria be required to move their families into the Green Zone?

That's odd.
The news, just last night, was telling me that there's no reason to believe that there is anything to be worried about surrounding 911
Surely, you don't think Obama would use next Wednesday as an opportunity to take-out WMDs in Syria?

"The intercepted message reportedly came from the head of Iran's Qods Force, a paramilitary arm of the country's Revolutionary Guards. The order directs militias to prepare to respond with force should the U.S. attack the Bashar Assad regime, Iran's ally..."

"Iraqi officials say they are taking the warnings seriously.

"The threats, which come as President Barack Obama's administration and Congress debate possible military action over the Syrian regime's alleged use of chemical weapons, risk exacerbating an increasingly deteriorating security environment inside Iraq."

Report: Iran message orders Iraqi militias to retaliate if U.S. strikes Syria - CBS News

Where's Dick and Dubya when we really need them?

Last year, around this time, we were smacked for our involvement in Libya

I literally cringe at what is ahead
That's odd.
The news, just last night, was telling me that there's no reason to believe that there is anything to be worried about surrounding 911
Surely, you don't think Obama would use next Wednesday as an opportunity to take-out WMDs in Syria?

"The intercepted message reportedly came from the head of Iran's Qods Force, a paramilitary arm of the country's Revolutionary Guards. The order directs militias to prepare to respond with force should the U.S. attack the Bashar Assad regime, Iran's ally..."

"Iraqi officials say they are taking the warnings seriously.

"The threats, which come as President Barack Obama's administration and Congress debate possible military action over the Syrian regime's alleged use of chemical weapons, risk exacerbating an increasingly deteriorating security environment inside Iraq."

Report: Iran message orders Iraqi militias to retaliate if U.S. strikes Syria - CBS News

Where's Dick and Dubya when we really need them?

Last year, around this time, we were smacked for our involvement in Libya

I literally cringe at what is ahead
Libya may present the best case for Obama's impeachment:

"Rep. Bill Flores (R-Texas) said he thinks the House of Representatives would vote to impeach President Barack Obama, BuzzFeed reports.

“I look at the president, I think he's violated the Constitution,' Flores said at a town hall event on Thursday. 'I think he’s violated the law. I think he’s abused his power but at the end of the day you have to say if the House decides to impeach him, if the House had an impeachment vote it would probably impeach the president.'

"Flores noted that any efforts to impeach the president would likely fail in the Senate, and would also risk Rebublicans losing the speakership.

"If you try and fail are you willing to put Nancy Pelosi back in the Speakership..."

Bill Flores: House 'Would Probably' Vote To Impeach Obama

It's probably accurate to say most presidents have committed impeachable offenses that went unnoticed prior to the internet. Maybe Obama will reap that whirlwind, too? He certainly has earned it.
Little Georgie is so upset that he wants to drive this thread straight into the Conspiracy Forum.

Yes, that's what I said.

Obama wasn't in office when 19 Saudis used two magical airliners to collapse three steel-framed skyscrapers in New York.

Fuckin' head case... :cuckoo:
Within days of 911 head cases in Bush Jr's Administration had already decided to invade Iraq AND inflict regime change on Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Why do you suppose they left Israel off the list, Golda?
Just when you think Barry Obumbler couldn't be more incompetent, well... you're proved wrong.

Yes, that's what I said.

Obama wasn't in office when 19 Saudis used two magical airliners to collapse three steel-framed skyscrapers in New York.

Fuckin' head case... :cuckoo:
Within days of 911 head cases in Bush Jr's Administration had already decided to invade Iraq AND inflict regime change on Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Why do you suppose they left Israel off the list, Golda?

Maybe because we don't invade allies?

Are you fucking retarded?

Yes, that's what I said.

Obama wasn't in office when 19 Saudis used two magical airliners to collapse three steel-framed skyscrapers in New York.

Fuckin' head case... :cuckoo:
Within days of 911 head cases in Bush Jr's Administration had already decided to invade Iraq AND inflict regime change on Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Why do you suppose they left Israel off the list, Golda?

Conspiracy Forum thataway, head case >>>>>>

I'll go with the Sec. of State and the CIA over the Tea Party hypocrites/ignoramuses. Rush says he has proof the rebels did it etc. Don't be dumb dupes lol...Pubs lie like rugs, so do Putin and Assad.

Putin is deploying his navy to the area you want to risk a shooting war with the Russians so Obama can be Al Qaedas air force

The claim is that Putin is bluffing. I don't know how anyone can prove it but that's where it's at. Personally I'd rather not fuck with a country that has nukes.

Gee, let's find out. Come on now. It took a lot to set all this shit up.
It is now being revealed that it wont be a limited strike on Syria but rather a massive strike using our top military hardware in our arsenal.

Hmmmmm...I wonder what the difference is between an EIGHT YEAR war that COST OVER THREE TRILLION DOLLARS and involved HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS and a MASSIVE INVASION and... the proposed action in Syria which will fire LESS MISSILES THAN WERE FIRED IN THE FIRST MINUTE OF THE IRAQ WAR and will NOT INVOLVE AN INVASION.

Gosh. I'm totally stumped! I can't tell the difference.

The Russians and the faux right wing piss pourers leading you idiots around are counting on you not having have any sense of proportion or any critical thinking abilities of any kind. :lol:

I suppose firing a single minuteman nuclear missile on whatever hapless country you want to choose would also not be considered an invasion but just a message.
Gee, all roads lead to Damascus all of a sudden.

Increasing military aid and spending for Syria is necessary to maintain the relevance of the industrial/military complex as the US reduces its forces in Iraq and A'stan.

oh, and...yeah there's that chemical weapons thingy to consider.

Before WWII, the American arms industry was almost dead.
After WWII, and after it became amazingly rich and powerful, there's always been a new enemy ready to attack America.
Vietnam and so on were all major threats to New York and bits of California.

Even without a "shooting war" increased government spending must be justified: Hence, the delcaration of "War on Poverty" and "War on Drugs."


We really need a War on Contrived Wars

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