Obama's advice to Walker: ‘Bone up on foreign policy’

Walker thought arresting little old lady schoolteachers gave him foreign policy cred.


How on Earth do you come to that conclusion?

And perhaps while you're at it, you can tell me what Obama's foreign policy experience, or any experience for that matter was back in '08?

a big fat 0. just like he is today
"If I can handle 100,000 protestors, I can defeat ISIS."


Now THERE'S a guy who needs to bone up. If he thinks there is ANY comparison between ISIS and schoolteachers who want more pay, he is one clueless fuck.

If you read your link... he refer's to, and I am quoting... "confidence". He doesn't mention foreign policy.
Battling ISIS is not a foreign policy issue?

Hmm. Do tell.

I already did.. and btw, the question's still pending... what exactly was Obama's foreign policy experience back in '08 when you drooled all the way to the polls to vote for him?
Foreign policy experience is every Governor's weak spot. Trying to claim that being next door to Russia or that arresting little old ladies makes one ready to take on the world demonstrates that one is completely full of shit and ready to shovel it into the mouths of the gullible rubes.
So you have that link showing Walking ordered her arrest,old lady or not your practice civil disobedience,expect to wear the bracelets,it that simple,your lame attempt to connect him to that show just how gullible you are.
LMAO The Bonehead of foreign policy blunders telling someone else to bone up on foreign policy? That's too effin rich

Obama's advice to Walker: ‘Bone up on foreign policy’

President Obama has sharp words for Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) over the 2016 White House hopeful’s criticism of the multilateral deal on Iran’s nuclear program, telling him to “bone up” on foreign policy.

“And, you know, I am confident that any president who gets elected will be knowledgeable enough about foreign policy and knowledgeable enough about the traditions and precedents of presidential power that they won't start calling to question the capacity of the executive branch of the United States to enter into agreements with other countries,” Obama said Monday during an interview with NPR News.

“It would be a foolish approach to take, and, you know, perhaps Mr. Walker, after he's taken some time to bone up on foreign policy, will feel the same way.”

Walker said last week that he would axe the deal on his first day in office, even if the U.S.'s European allies still supported it.

On Tuesday, the Wisconsin governor questioned the president's judgment on foreign policy.

"President Obama’s failed leadership has put him at odds with many across the country, including members of his own party, and key allies around the world," Walker said in a statement.

"Americans would be better served by a president who spent more time working with governors and members of Congress rather than attacking them," he added.

Obama s advice to Walker Bone up on foreign policy TheHill
That Obabble has the authority to do something does in no way guarantee he will do it well or effectively. Nay, to the contrary...he bes fuckin it up bigtime, yo......
I'm sorry I made all your asses hurt. I was willing to let it go with one post, but you thought I was like you guys and had made a completely unsupportable claim.

Too bad for you I rarely do that.

So you will just have to take your "don't hold your breath" condescension and suck on it.
Obama's advice to Walker: ‘Bone up on foreign policy’

Walker responded by removing a piece of his cerebral cortex mumbling "Ha that'll show HIM"
Obama does not have the ability to enter into a treaty on his own, maybe he should bone up on the US Constitution

If you read your link... he refer's to, and I am quoting... "confidence". He doesn't mention foreign policy.
Battling ISIS is not a foreign policy issue?

Hmm. Do tell.

I already did.. and btw, the question's still pending... what exactly was Obama's foreign policy experience back in '08 when you drooled all the way to the polls to vote for him?
I answered your question, willfully blind monkey.

And I did not vote for Obama. You delusional tards really need to stop manufacturing bullshit.

If you read your link... he refer's to, and I am quoting... "confidence". He doesn't mention foreign policy.
Battling ISIS is not a foreign policy issue?

Hmm. Do tell.

I already did.. and btw, the question's still pending... what exactly was Obama's foreign policy experience back in '08 when you drooled all the way to the polls to vote for him?
I answered your question, willfully blind monkey.

And I did not vote for Obama. You delusional tards really need to stop manufacturing bullshit.

Yes, and Starkey is a Republican too
I told the truth about Walker, and backed it up, and like a typical retard someone thought that meant I had to be a liberal who voted for Obama. And he's too retarded to understand how that really puts faux right wingers in a bad light if he thinks truth tellers are liberals.

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