Obama's America: Little Girl Raped at Knifepoint By Syrian Refugees in Idaho

Well, in their culture, this may not be that big a deal.

And we have to be tolerant of others.

Plus, the Crusades!

I never really thought of that before. Which one of my children should I allowed to be raped by some Islamic asshole?
Report: Three Syrian “Refugees” Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho

"Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault."

Obama has brought in 1 MILLION Islamic 'Refugees' now from Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan....The vast majority of them advocate for the governance by Sharia law, not by adherence to THIS NATION's Constitution and Rule of law. We have already had a terrorist attack by a 'refugee' given a visa and allowed into the country (12 Americans killed in California). Now we are seeing the same animalistic, brutal sexual assaults / rape of our women and daughters Europe has been forced to endure after their own 'Islamic Invasion'.

The millions of Mexicans - to include violent, criminal illegals - Obama has illegally brought into this country has also taken it's toll not only on our nations' laws, resources, and security it has resulted in criminal acts that include assaults, robberies, theft, and murder of American citizens in large numbers.

This is ALL on Obama's hands as it has been HIS agenda and HIS policies and HIS crimes our government has perpetrated in the effort to illegally flood this nation with illegals / Islamists without a primary concern for the well-being, security, and safety of this country and its citizens!

This little girl will NOT be the last. Welcome to Obama's Fundamental Change for Obama's Future for America.
The Mythical Connection Between Immigrants and Crime

Newcomers to the U.S. are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or be incarcerated.
Some of you should have bothered to read the story. The alleged perpetrators were young boys, the court record is sealed, the public does not have access to their names, nor would they in any juvenile case.
It is racism. Nearly 200,000 victims of rape and sexual abuse a year in the US and the only ones you people can focus on is one committed by Syrian children. The article is also from an Alex Jones site. You remember him and his Loose Change movie. You still want to go with that kind of credibility.

We actually have some control over this since we can simply decide not to let these people in. That is the current immigration law in this country because people applying to enter this country must pass some kind of background check. It is kind of similar to the one I have to take when I buy a gun...you are cool with those. We can't deport the people who do do such things in this country but we still punish them by law. Why is it the left constantly has to make excuses for the criminal behavior of muslims?
Report: Three Syrian “Refugees” Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho

"Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.".


IF a little girl was raped and assaulted- I think we can all agree that is a horrible thing- but there is no evidence that what you claim took place, nor that the assailants were Syrian refugees.
Report: Three Syrian “Refugees” Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho

"Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault."

Obama has brought in 1 MILLION Islamic 'Refugees' now from Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan....The vast majority of them advocate for the governance by Sharia law, not by adherence to THIS NATION's Constitution and Rule of law. We have already had a terrorist attack by a 'refugee' given a visa and allowed into the country (12 Americans killed in California). Now we are seeing the same animalistic, brutal sexual assaults / rape of our women and daughters Europe has been forced to endure after their own 'Islamic Invasion'.

The millions of Mexicans - to include violent, criminal illegals - Obama has illegally brought into this country has also taken it's toll not only on our nations' laws, resources, and security it has resulted in criminal acts that include assaults, robberies, theft, and murder of American citizens in large numbers.

This is ALL on Obama's hands as it has been HIS agenda and HIS policies and HIS crimes our government has perpetrated in the effort to illegally flood this nation with illegals / Islamists without a primary concern for the well-being, security, and safety of this country and its citizens!

This little girl will NOT be the last. Welcome to Obama's Fundamental Change for Obama's Future for America.
The Mythical Connection Between Immigrants and Crime

Newcomers to the U.S. are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or be incarcerated.

That is because people who apply here legally are screened before we allow them to become citizens so new citizens are probably less likely to be criminals.
Report: Three Syrian “Refugees” Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho

"Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.".


IF a little girl was raped and assaulted- I think we can all agree that is a horrible thing- but there is no evidence that what you claim took place, nor that the assailants were Syrian refugees.

I thought it was sexest not to take the victim's word in such a case. Didn't Hillary once say that about victims of sexual assault?
Second thread on this and still not a single shred of evidence this was committed by Syrian refugees. Thread moved
WHY has the FACT that 3 Syrian Refugees raped a little girl at knife point been moved to 'Conspiracy Theories'? If it happened, it's not a theory.
Second thread on this and still not a single shred of evidence this was committed by Syrian refugees. Thread moved

Is the rule now that if you can't provide evidence it will get moved? In that case, you better get moving a lot of your own threads. Oooh...I will probably get randomly banned for saying that.
Report: Three Syrian “Refugees” Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho

"Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault."

Obama has brought in 1 MILLION Islamic 'Refugees' now from Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan....The vast majority .

And that of course is a flat out lie.

And why are you making that lie? Since President Obama has been in office roughly 60-70,000 refugees a year- total have been admitted- refugees from all over the world- that comes out to about 300-400,000 total. Roughly half have come from the Near East and South Asia
Refugee Resettlement In The United States

And of course we have been admitting refugees from these area's long before President Obama took office.
The political censorship that goes on in this country is unbelievable and it is usually done by 'liberals' to everyone else. One day America will see these people as something that they really are...fascist.

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