Obama's Attempt to Define Extremism for Political Purposes


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
We now have lefties out there claiming that Christians or Republicans are extremists. Obama has made it a point to bring up Christians when discussing radicalized religions, though still won't bring up Islam in the same light. The media is apparently covering up the mass murders committed by Christians.

ISIS is evil. As the article points out, to say they are extremists would mean there is a moderate version of ISIS or al Qaeda or any other group that routinely and savagely murders people so easily. There isn't. You either denounce them or defend them. Embrace evil or fight it because you cannot reason with it.

The left recently is trying to claim that there is a problem with Christian or rightwing terrorists in the U.S. Of course, the liberal media is always at the ready to sound the alarms when there is a tea party or NRA meeting and they must be ever so disappointed when those meetings don't end in a blood bath. How many times have they predicted doom and yet nothing happened? Meanwhile, there were numerous crimes, including rape, assault, theft and murder at the Occupy Wall Street protests and the liberals looked the other way. Then there was the mess, the big stinky mess that was OWS.

Obama wants to label opponents as extremists. Why? Because then government can go after them. Right now the plan is to simply point fingers to make people uncomfortable and gin up some fear of anyone standing firm on 2nd Amendment rights or those who think government is gaining too much power. You know, enemies of the state who still value and exercise their freedom of speech. Voicing opinions that differ from the narrative being pushed in Washington is now something that could land you on DHS's watch list.

As the left charges that ex-military, Libertarians and gun owners are far rightwing extremists, they are trying to downplay the threat posed by the real extremists who continue to slaughter anyone who is different from them. The Obama administration certainly gives the impression that the terrorists are misguided poor people who are either jealous or pushed over the edge by something we've done. What are their demands? Convert or die. Gosh, only another extremist could see that as a legitimate grievance. They keep yelling that Islam will control the world someday. They are coming for us, they say. And yet, we are the extremists for not wanting to lay down and take whatever those degenerates have to dish out.

Politics Obama s sinister attempt to criminalize extremism Best of Cain
We now have lefties out there claiming that Christians or Republicans are extremists.
Many are. It's not the religion, it's the mentality. Islam is having the day that both Christianity and Judaism have already had. There is plenty of blood on plenty of hands...
Many are. It's not the religion, it's the mentality. Islam is having the day that both Christianity and Judaism have already had. There is plenty of blood on plenty of hands...

Yet black America makes both look like the Merriam-Webster definition of love and peace. It's what make a Subaru a Subaru.
We now have lefties out there claiming that Christians or Republicans are extremists. Obama has made it a point to bring up Christians when discussing radicalized religions, though still won't bring up Islam in the same light. The media is apparently covering up the mass murders committed by Christians.

ISIS is evil. As the article points out, to say they are extremists would mean there is a moderate version of ISIS or al Qaeda or any other group that routinely and savagely murders people so easily. There isn't. You either denounce them or defend them. Embrace evil or fight it because you cannot reason with it.

The left recently is trying to claim that there is a problem with Christian or rightwing terrorists in the U.S. Of course, the liberal media is always at the ready to sound the alarms when there is a tea party or NRA meeting and they must be ever so disappointed when those meetings don't end in a blood bath. How many times have they predicted doom and yet nothing happened? Meanwhile, there were numerous crimes, including rape, assault, theft and murder at the Occupy Wall Street protests and the liberals looked the other way. Then there was the mess, the big stinky mess that was OWS.

Obama wants to label opponents as extremists. Why? Because then government can go after them. Right now the plan is to simply point fingers to make people uncomfortable and gin up some fear of anyone standing firm on 2nd Amendment rights or those who think government is gaining too much power. You know, enemies of the state who still value and exercise their freedom of speech. Voicing opinions that differ from the narrative being pushed in Washington is now something that could land you on DHS's watch list.

As the left charges that ex-military, Libertarians and gun owners are far rightwing extremists, they are trying to downplay the threat posed by the real extremists who continue to slaughter anyone who is different from them. The Obama administration certainly gives the impression that the terrorists are misguided poor people who are either jealous or pushed over the edge by something we've done. What are their demands? Convert or die. Gosh, only another extremist could see that as a legitimate grievance. They keep yelling that Islam will control the world someday. They are coming for us, they say. And yet, we are the extremists for not wanting to lay down and take whatever those degenerates have to dish out.

Politics Obama s sinister attempt to criminalize extremism Best of Cain

Yes... The Left is the manifestation of evil. The same evil of which ISIS and Islam, on the whole, are comprised.

They lie, because that is the singular tactic of evil.

For instance... if Bawney Fwank had begun selling 'Urban Redevelopment' as a terrific means to cause a run on mortgages, causing a prolonged spike in the value of real estate until the values rise beyond the means of the market to sustain such, summarily causing the collapse of the international financial markets... he would not have had to spend 3 decades causing the catastrophic collapse of the international financial markets. Because he'd have been kicked to the political curb the moment he convinced people that he was literally promoting their support for their own destruction.

Same with the black community... if Johnson and the Democrats had told them that in just one generation, their families would be torn asunder, their children imprisoned and addled in drugs and alcohol dependence... "The Great Society" would not have been passed and the US would not be 18 trillion in debt.

And that's why Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance are the fundamental elements of Left-think. One can't be 'honest' and a Leftist... just as one can't be honest and Muslim.

And this is because honesty run diametrically opposed to one's goals.
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We now have lefties out there claiming that Christians or Republicans are extremists. Obama has made it a point to bring up Christians when discussing radicalized religions, though still won't bring up Islam in the same light. The media is apparently covering up the mass murders committed by Christians.

Obama wants to label opponents as extremists. Why? Because then government can go after them. Right now the plan is to simply point fingers to make people uncomfortable and gin up some fear of anyone standing firm on 2nd Amendment rights or those who think government is gaining too much power. You know, enemies of the state who still value and exercise their freedom of speech. Voicing opinions that differ from the narrative being pushed in Washington is now something that could land you on DHS's watch list.

As the left charges that ex-military, Libertarians and gun owners are far rightwing extremists, they are trying to downplay the threat posed by the real extremists who continue to slaughter anyone who is different from them. The Obama administration certainly gives the impression that the terrorists are misguided poor people who are either jealous or pushed over the edge by something we've done. What are their demands? Convert or die. Gosh, only another extremist could see that as a legitimate grievance. They keep yelling that Islam will control the world someday. They are coming for us, they say. And yet, we are the extremists for not wanting to lay down and take whatever those degenerates have to dish out.

Politics Obama s sinister attempt to criminalize extremism Best of Cain

the problem with political religions and beliefs is carrying them out by one's own judgment
as judge jury and executioner.

This is true of any religious or political group, whether the IRS, public schools with more power of eminent domain than people have legal defense to protect their interests, cultlike religions that abuse collective unequal authority to coerce and censor members from petitioning to redress abuses, including sexual abuse of children.

The REASON Obama cannot specifically complain about this
is the same reason he cannot campaign against bullying -- because he does the same thing.

By forcing federal mandates on citizens, this deprived Americans of liberty without "due process" to prove any crime had been committed, much less any "intent to not pay for health care."

So if Obama doesn't respect "due process," how can he police this across the board?
He can only target select groups, and with the biases he has, this is how he frames the problem.

I would go after any and all collective organizations or entities that file for licenses through the govt, and require some form of due process and protection of individuals as in the Bill of Rights and Fourteenth Amendment. This would not target any group over others, but recognize abuses of collective authority, influence and resources that happen with any large group.

It helps to uphold the same standards if you expect to enforce them with any authority.
And that is where Obama is weak.
Yes... The Left is the manifestation of evil. The same evil of which ISIS and Islam, on the whole, are comprised.

They lie, because that is the singular tactic of evil.

For instance... if Bawney Fwank had begun selling 'Urban Redevelopment' as a terrific means to cause a run on mortgages, causing a prolonged spike in the value of real estate until the values rise beyond the means of the market to sustain such, summarily causing the collapse of the international financial markets... he would not have had to spend 3 decades causing the catastrophic collapse of the international financial markets. Because he'd have been kicked to the political curb the moment he convinced people that he was literally promoting their support for their own destruction.

Same with the black community... if Johnson and the Democrats had told them that in just one generation, their families would be torn asunder, their children imprisoned and addled in drugs and alcohol... "The Great Society" would not have been passed and the US would not be 18 trillion in debt.

And that's why Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance are the fundamental elements of Left-think.

Wow Where_r_my_Keys
just substitute BUSH for LEFT
and you have the rant I just heard on Friday
of people convinced the opposition to Obama were all evil racists
who let Bush get away with trillions and trillions of govt waste.

No wonder they hate each other so much.
This is like Muslims and Hindus fighting.

And somehow convincing half the nation that
it's the other group that's so evil....
The American left is either a secular cult or a terrorist front has yet to be determined.

Well, wie willie, we're just trying to keep NaziCon terrorists from more Christian Crusades and replacing the Constitution with the Old Testament.
The American left is either a secular cult or a terrorist front has yet to be determined.

Their views constitute political beliefs and their mandates under ACA declared "the law of the land by them"
is a political religion with forced compliance and tithing by tax penalties.

by a group that declares prochoice and separation of church and state except when it comes to their beliefs.

as for terrorism, I think Hillary Clinton running for President may be more frightening than Obama.
Frankly I would hold Democrats to have to fix the messes with ACA before running any candidate for President again.
Prolife lobbies are expected to fund their own agenda and political beliefs instead of imposing mandates everyone has to follow.
so shold the right to health care through federal govt only be mandatory for those who believe in that.
the rest of us who believe this violates Constitutional laws and rights should have free exercise of our beliefs equally
instead of being penalized and terrorized which is discrimination by creed, masked by secular appearance of law.
The American left is either a secular cult or a terrorist front has yet to be determined.

Well, wie willie, we're just trying to keep NaziCon terrorists from more Christian Crusades and replacing the Constitution with the Old Testament.

And this is done by enforcing the Constitution, not declaring people guilty by association and affiliation without due process.

there is nothing wrong with going after criminals. but blaming this on a group where you loosely attack anyone associated,
is as bad
as blaming all the wealthy for the crimes of the guilty corporate crooks or corporate welfare corruption which aren't all of them,
or blaming all the poor minorities for the crimes of the guilty crooks and welfare fraud cases which aren't all of them.

it is wrong to target a group by label which is stereotyping by class.

that is why people are complaining that Obama is dividing the nation by race when he deliberately targets one group
by political or racial affiliation. it is alienating half the nation and inciting the other to start attacking.
I get harassed even for trying to explain that the Tea Party is not terrorist but based on Constitutional education.

I'm glad if you agree on the Constitution and do wish all sides would enforce that
and include all political and religious beliefs and creeds equally instead of targeting andprojecting blame on each other.
The American left is either a secular cult or a terrorist front has yet to be determined.

Well, wie willie, we're just trying to keep NaziCon terrorists from more Christian Crusades and replacing the Constitution with the Old Testament.
Wow, just wow. Good job of illuminating your ignorance.

Hey Annie at last Lakhota mentioned the Constitution! Bingo, good answer!
Just like Obama mentioned microlending at his Cairo address which is the right answer.
Even Ben Carson agrees with that.

Can't we focus when liberals actually get something right? Even one word? Doesn't that get a cookie?
The American left is either a secular cult or a terrorist front has yet to be determined.

Well, wie willie, we're just trying to keep NaziCon terrorists from more Christian Crusades and replacing the Constitution with the Old Testament.
Wow, just wow. Good job of illuminating your ignorance.

Hey Annie at last Lakhota mentioned the Constitution! Bingo, good answer!
Just like Obama mentioned microlending at his Cairo address which is the right answer.
Even Ben Carson agrees with that.

Can't we focus when liberals actually get something right? Even one word? Doesn't that get a cookie?
I'm afraid I don't see where Lakhota got anything right.
Well, wie willie, we're just trying to keep ... from .... replacing the Constitution with the Old Testament.

Annie said:
I'm afraid I don't see where Lakhota got anything right.

^ it is true that we want to prevent anyone from overriding or replacing the Constitution with the OT/Bible ^
No religion should be practiced unchecked to the point of violating Constitutional freedom, rights and protections for others.
this is CORRECT. Lakhota gets a cookie!

RE: Hey Annie at last Lakhota mentioned the Constitution! Bingo, good answer!
Just like Obama mentioned microlending at his Cairo address which is the right answer.
Even Ben Carson agrees with that.

Can't we focus when liberals actually get something right? Even one word? Doesn't that get a cookie?
Then why do D consultants like Gruber point to stupid voters as their key demographic for things like the ACA? Stupid, crazy and/or criminal is how D operatives describe their supporters only with weasel wording usually.
We have a problem with fundamentalism here at home. Remember the last time the GOP controlled the executive branch of government?
We now have lefties out there claiming that Christians or Republicans are extremists. Obama has made it a point to bring up Christians when discussing radicalized religions, though still won't bring up Islam in the same light. The media is apparently covering up the mass murders committed by Christians.

ISIS is evil. As the article points out, to say they are extremists would mean there is a moderate version of ISIS or al Qaeda or any other group that routinely and savagely murders people so easily. There isn't. You either denounce them or defend them. Embrace evil or fight it because you cannot reason with it.

The left recently is trying to claim that there is a problem with Christian or rightwing terrorists in the U.S. Of course, the liberal media is always at the ready to sound the alarms when there is a tea party or NRA meeting and they must be ever so disappointed when those meetings don't end in a blood bath. How many times have they predicted doom and yet nothing happened? Meanwhile, there were numerous crimes, including rape, assault, theft and murder at the Occupy Wall Street protests and the liberals looked the other way. Then there was the mess, the big stinky mess that was OWS.

Obama wants to label opponents as extremists. Why? Because then government can go after them. Right now the plan is to simply point fingers to make people uncomfortable and gin up some fear of anyone standing firm on 2nd Amendment rights or those who think government is gaining too much power. You know, enemies of the state who still value and exercise their freedom of speech. Voicing opinions that differ from the narrative being pushed in Washington is now something that could land you on DHS's watch list.

As the left charges that ex-military, Libertarians and gun owners are far rightwing extremists, they are trying to downplay the threat posed by the real extremists who continue to slaughter anyone who is different from them. The Obama administration certainly gives the impression that the terrorists are misguided poor people who are either jealous or pushed over the edge by something we've done. What are their demands? Convert or die. Gosh, only another extremist could see that as a legitimate grievance. They keep yelling that Islam will control the world someday. They are coming for us, they say. And yet, we are the extremists for not wanting to lay down and take whatever those degenerates have to dish out.

Politics Obama s sinister attempt to criminalize extremism Best of Cain

Yes... The Left is the manifestation of evil. The same evil of which ISIS and Islam, on the whole, are comprised.

They lie, because that is the singular tactic of evil.

For instance... if Bawney Fwank had begun selling 'Urban Redevelopment' as a terrific means to cause a run on mortgages, causing a prolonged spike in the value of real estate until the values rise beyond the means of the market to sustain such, summarily causing the collapse of the international financial markets... he would not have had to spend 3 decades causing the catastrophic collapse of the international financial markets. Because he'd have been kicked to the political curb the moment he convinced people that he was literally promoting their support for their own destruction.

Same with the black community... if Johnson and the Democrats had told them that in just one generation, their families would be torn asunder, their children imprisoned and addled in drugs and alcohol dependence... "The Great Society" would not have been passed and the US would not be 18 trillion in debt.

And that's why Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance are the fundamental elements of Left-think. One can't be 'honest' and a Leftist... just as one can't be honest and Muslim.

And this is because honesty run diametrically opposed to one's goals.

You left out Bush getting 4000+ Americans needlessly killed in Iraq.

You left out Bush Sr. causing 9/11.

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