Obama’s Bad Relationship with the Military Is Hurting the Fight Against ISIS


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Obama craps on our troops all the time. Again, if Obama was white, his gig would of been up a long time ago. But Washington is afraid of feral blacks


It is high time we heard from our military commanders. Our men and women in uniform are being humiliated, but the Pentagon brass sits mute. The administration's inability to “degrade and destroy ISIS,” or even to “contain” the terror plague, as President Obama so inappropriately claimed just last Friday, is an embarrassment.

While inept guidance from Obama and his shrinking circle of confidants has caused headline-worthy failures in Syria, pushback from military commanders has been silenced by a distrustful White House that’s jealous of control and willing to penalize those who stray from the Oval Office narrative. President Obama told graduates of the Coast Guard Academy that denying climate change is a “dereliction of duty.” Isn’t blindly following the flawed and politically skewed directives of the White House also a dereliction of duty?

Obama’s Bad Relationship with the Military Is Hurting the Fight Against ISIS
impeach the motherfucker, call me racist all you (liberscum) want, the mean of it has been worn so thin it has no impact on many of us Constitutional Conservative Patriots. :up:
Obama's military aide woke him at 3am to prepare a brief statement that would include" our hearts go out to the brave French police who were injured,,,blah blah blah". Obama insisted that blah blah blah be replaced with more sensitive terminology as long as no reference to radical Islamic terrorism was not included.

The above report cannot be corroborated at this time.
What utter BS and what an incredible insult to our military. Reminds me of when the RWNJs said the military was lying about killing bin Laden.
What has Obama done to crap on our troops?
Not followed their advice. Hamstrung their operations with ridiculous roe.

Which advice?
Like the advice on the number of troops needed to stabilize Iraq that Bush mocked?

Ignoring that advice cost 5000 lives...yet Bush is a hero because he wore a jumpsuit and landed on a carrier to declare mission accomplished
What has Obama done to crap on our troops?
Not followed their advice. Hamstrung their operations with ridiculous roe.

Which advice?
Like the advice on the number of troops needed to stabilize Iraq that Bush mocked?

Ignoring that advice cost 5000 lives...yet Bush is a hero because he wore a jumpsuit and landed on a carrier to declare mission accomplished

How many of those 5000 lives were lost AFTER Bush left office and your BOY took over? Better check the numbers of the person you call a hero simply because of skin color.

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