Obama's Beer was Non-Alcoholic

Anyone ponder on which religion forbids the intake of alcoholic beverages? :rolleyes:

I was brought up in a Conservative Baptist household. Alcohol is a big no-no. Even with Communion, Welch's Grape-juice was the substitute for wine.
So Bucko, what's your point, other than an opportunity to display your hate. Your OP is a big FAIL and so is the second attempt tying "O" to Islam, which wasn't hard figuring out, considering the source, That'd be you.

Obama's daddy tied him to Islam and his middle name is Hussein.

That didn't seem to matter when you guys went bonkers over Rev Wright. Which is it? It seems you haters just can't stick to one thing, which makes your argument look like the shot gun approach or the throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Both make you folks look kinda wishy-washy and not creditable at all.

What does the not so reverend Wright saying "God damn America" from the pulpit have to do with Obama's daddy being a Muslim? Are you just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
The problem is how this was just another attempt to make him appear different than reality. Why did he have to lift a glass of supposed regular beer in the first place?

The man simply cannot find it within himself to be honest about anything.
The problem is how this was just another attempt to make him appear different than reality. Why did he have to lift a glass of supposed regular beer in the first place?

The man simply cannot find it within himself to be honest about anything.

What makes you think it was "supposed regular beer"?
The problem is how this was just another attempt to make him appear different than reality. Why did he have to lift a glass of supposed regular beer in the first place?

The man simply cannot find it within himself to be honest about anything.

What makes you think it was "supposed regular beer"?

Good Lord! Just look at the picture! :rolleyes:

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