Obama's biggest success...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Giving credence and a voice to the once subdued race pimps and hustlers. He has driven a steak deep through the heart of race relations with his words and actions. Constantly stepping into the private affairs of localities with stupid comments like "If I had a son" & "The cops acted stupidly"

Seeing that this type of bullshit was going to be supported entities like MSNBC went from spewing partisan hate mixed with occasional facts to straight up race baiting as a format.

Obama's election has really been bad for our country in more ways than one would think about.
The way Obama campaigned the first time, one never would have thought that Race Relations would be in such a state 4 and a half years into his Presidency.

He talked about "Yes, You Can!" all the time.

I thought he would spent his Presidency giving that speech to high schools and junior high schools all over the country--particularly in schools attended by mostly Blacks. An articulate and intelligent Black man who also happens to be President of the United States could have made a real difference on the new generation of a people who have been mistreated for many generations.

He could have done a lot of good in that areas of Race.

But, it would not have produced results in time to help him in his elections.

So, he played golf and stirred up class and racial tensions to get votes...instead.

What a shame.
Giving credence and a voice to the once subdued race pimps and hustlers. He has driven a steak deep through the heart of race relations with his words and actions. Constantly stepping into the private affairs of localities with stupid comments like "If I had a son" & "The cops acted stupidly"

Seeing that this type of bullshit was going to be supported entities like MSNBC went from spewing partisan hate mixed with occasional facts to straight up race baiting as a format.

Obama's election has really been bad for our country in more ways than one would think about.

That "steak" must have been frozen and very, very sharp.

I wish you right-wingers would stop all this nonsense about "racism." It's all you folks whine about these days. I suppose it's because of our black president and all.
Giving credence and a voice to the once subdued race pimps and hustlers. He has driven a steak deep through the heart of race relations with his words and actions. Constantly stepping into the private affairs of localities with stupid comments like "If I had a son" & "The cops acted stupidly"

Seeing that this type of bullshit was going to be supported entities like MSNBC went from spewing partisan hate mixed with occasional facts to straight up race baiting as a format.

Obama's election has really been bad for our country in more ways than one would think about.

That "steak" must have been frozen and very, very sharp.

I wish you right-wingers would stop all this nonsense about "racism." It's all you folks whine about these days. I suppose it's because of our black president and all.

Read the rest of the board you moron. Watch nearly any msm source. Read twitter.
Then get back to me on why racism is such a hot button issue. Besides like Zimmerman, Obama is also white. Not hispanic, not black...WHITE
Obama ran for, won, and utilizes his bully pulpit to promote his ideology, nothing else.
Anyone who thinks racial tensions are particularly high right now is spending too much time in front of the television, and not enough time in the real world.
Anyone who thinks racial tensions are particularly high right now is spending too much time in front of the television, and not enough time in the real world.

Haven't watched news for several days now. I have heard racially charged discussions at work and at the pub however.
Anyone who thinks racial tensions are particularly high right now is spending too much time in front of the television, and not enough time in the real world.

And what world have you been living in? Did you not see what went on during the trial? The problem of racism has never been solved. It goes on and on and on with no abatement. To think that racial tensions aren't higher than ever in the past 50 years, the person must have spent too much time in politics and not enough of it in reality.
Obama's biggest success is throwing the Republicans into an eight year long hissy fit and bringing about the demise of the Republican party
The way Obama campaigned the first time, one never would have thought that Race Relations would be in such a state 4 and a half years into his Presidency.

He talked about "Yes, You Can!" all the time.

I thought he would spent his Presidency giving that speech to high schools and junior high schools all over the country--particularly in schools attended by mostly Blacks. An articulate and intelligent Black man who also happens to be President of the United States could have made a real difference on the new generation of a people who have been mistreated for many generations.

He could have done a lot of good in that areas of Race.

But, it would not have produced results in time to help him in his elections.

So, he played golf and stirred up class and racial tensions to get votes...instead.

What a shame.

It's clear that it was all an act.

Just about every race merchant claimed that just electing Obama wasn't going to make racism go away. They were right. What they didn't say was that they were going to make it a focus of this administration.

Obama is probably the worst example of what could happen when a black man occupies an office with so much power. His uneven enforcement of the law is obvious. The feeling in Washington is that he doesn't believe in enforcing current laws so they don't trust him to enforce any new ones.

The push for immigration reform is a waste of time because Obama caused the crisis in the first place. Who says he's even going to enforce anything he signs? So essentially, the worst fears of all of those folks that refused to allow a black to win political office has come to fruition. Sadly Obama is legitimizing their bigotry with even more of his own.
Giving credence and a voice to the once subdued race pimps and hustlers. He has driven a steak deep through the heart of race relations with his words and actions. Constantly stepping into the private affairs of localities with stupid comments like "If I had a son" & "The cops acted stupidly"

Seeing that this type of bullshit was going to be supported entities like MSNBC went from spewing partisan hate mixed with occasional facts to straight up race baiting as a format.

Obama's election has really been bad for our country in more ways than one would think about.

That "steak" must have been frozen and very, very sharp.

I wish you right-wingers would stop all this nonsense about "racism." It's all you folks whine about these days. I suppose it's because of our black president and all.

I think he's made it crystal clear that he's not "our" president.
Anyone who thinks racial tensions are particularly high right now is spending too much time in front of the television, and not enough time in the real world.

I could say the same thing about Global Warming, gun-violence, immigration, abortion, Gay Marriage, and nuclear proliferation.
Giving credence and a voice to the once subdued race pimps and hustlers. He has driven a steak deep through the heart of race relations with his words and actions. Constantly stepping into the private affairs of localities with stupid comments like "If I had a son" & "The cops acted stupidly"

Seeing that this type of bullshit was going to be supported entities like MSNBC went from spewing partisan hate mixed with occasional facts to straight up race baiting as a format.

Obama's election has really been bad for our country in more ways than one would think about.

That "steak" must have been frozen and very, very sharp.

I wish you right-wingers would stop all this nonsense about "racism." It's all you folks whine about these days. I suppose it's because of our black president and all.

I think he's made it crystal clear that he's not "our" president.

I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
That "steak" must have been frozen and very, very sharp.

I wish you right-wingers would stop all this nonsense about "racism." It's all you folks whine about these days. I suppose it's because of our black president and all.

From the day that the founder of the democratic party, Andrew Jackson, drove red men on a trail of tears, and democrats bought black men from Arabs as property, and democrats went to war so they could keep humans as slaves, the democrats terrorism through the Ku Klux Klan, the democrats Jim Crow and up until today; racism and democrats are inseparable.

The racial hate of MSNBC and the NY Times is nothing new - it is part and parcel of the democratic party - always has been. A democrat who is a racist is like a child who likes candy - there might be some who don't - but damned few.
Giving credence and a voice to the once subdued race pimps and hustlers. He has driven a steak deep through the heart of race relations with his words and actions. Constantly stepping into the private affairs of localities with stupid comments like "If I had a son" & "The cops acted stupidly"

Seeing that this type of bullshit was going to be supported entities like MSNBC went from spewing partisan hate mixed with occasional facts to straight up race baiting as a format.

Obama's election has really been bad for our country in more ways than one would think about.

That "steak" must have been frozen and very, very sharp.

I wish you right-wingers would stop all this nonsense about "racism." It's all you folks whine about these days. I suppose it's because of our black president and all.

I think he's made it crystal clear that he's not "our" president.

You're not an American?
If you are - like it or not - he is your president.

I wish we had a better president too. And I'm pretty bummed out over the choices we had, but I am an American and I respect the office (if not the individual).

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