Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

I believe that most of the animosity directed at Obama is not related to race. Most of the rhetoric directed at Obama would have been directed at Hillary if she had been elected.

However, there are two issues that I think are primarily racially motivated. One is the idiocy that he was born in Africa and the other is his inability to speak without someone posting it on a teleprompter

I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

Hey, idiot, if you're saying that the animosity many of us - indeed, a majority - now have toward obama is due to racist tendencies on our part you can, quite plainly, go fuck yourself.

The reason this has never happened to another president is because we never had another president who is pro-actively fighting like hell in court to keep his citizenship records hidden (much less doing so on taxpayer money, much of which is earned by the very people demanding to see the records), never had a president who at least was once a Muslim, sat in rev Wright's anti-white church of hate for 20 fucking years before political necessity drove him out and demanded that NASA's first priority is to "reach out to Muslims", never once had a President who associated with the likes of radical Marxist terrorists like William Ayres and Bernadine Dorn, and who in his own autobiography admitted to be sympathetic to Marxists, who had Marxist parents and grew up in the communist country of Indonesia, by his own admission.

So if after all that you still are determined to defend your democrat standard-bearer by calling classifying those who disagree with his policies and question his background, with the incomprehensibly insulting label of "racist", then I have two words as the only appropriate response: Fuck You.

Throw him a line....and this idiot will prove your point
I believe that most of the animosity directed at Obama is not related to race. Most of the rhetoric directed at Obama would have been directed at Hillary if she had been elected.

However, there are two issues that I think are primarily racially motivated. One is the idiocy that he was born in Africa and the other is his inability to speak without someone posting it on a teleprompter

I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

Hey, idiot, if you're saying that the animosity many of us - indeed, a majority - now have toward obama is due to racist tendencies on our part you can, quite plainly, go fuck yourself.

The reason this has never happened to another president is because we never had another president who is pro-actively fighting like hell in court to keep his citizenship records hidden (much less doing so on taxpayer money, much of which is earned by the very people demanding to see the records), never had a president who at least was once a Muslim, sat in rev Wright's anti-white church of hate for 20 fucking years before political necessity drove him out and demanded that NASA's first priority is to "reach out to Muslims", never once had a President who associated with the likes of radical Marxist terrorists like William Ayres and Bernadine Dorn, and who in his own autobiography admitted to be sympathetic to Marxists, who had Marxist parents and grew up in the communist country of Indonesia, by his own admission.

You are a liar and a birfer. Nothing else to say othern than you silly goobers are in a small, small minority in this country and you grow smaller every day in numbers for very good reasons -- you lie, you stinking lie, and you are stupid enough to think mainstream will not laugh at you. It has from the beginning of the Orly nonsense. Mainstream laughs at you.
I don't know how Hillary would have been treated, but it probably would not have been nice. Because there are also people that will never accept a female president.

Look at the birthers and the people that question where Obama was raised, who raised him, where he was educated, what religion he is, not believing he is Christian, and on and on. That has never happened to any other president that I know of. You can tell racists by the things they say and do. They don't have to use the "N" word.

Hey, idiot, if you're saying that the animosity many of us - indeed, a majority - now have toward obama is due to racist tendencies on our part you can, quite plainly, go fuck yourself.

The reason this has never happened to another president is because we never had another president who is pro-actively fighting like hell in court to keep his citizenship records hidden (much less doing so on taxpayer money, much of which is earned by the very people demanding to see the records), never had a president who at least was once a Muslim, sat in rev Wright's anti-white church of hate for 20 fucking years before political necessity drove him out and demanded that NASA's first priority is to "reach out to Muslims", never once had a President who associated with the likes of radical Marxist terrorists like William Ayres and Bernadine Dorn, and who in his own autobiography admitted to be sympathetic to Marxists, who had Marxist parents and grew up in the communist country of Indonesia, by his own admission.

You are a liar and a birfer. Nothing else to say othern than you silly goobers are in a small, small minority in this country and you grow smaller every day in numbers for very good reasons -- you lie, you stinking lie, and you are stupid enough to think mainstream will not laugh at you. It has from the beginning of the Orly nonsense. Mainstream laughs at you.

Every word is true. Would you like me to post another video show to prove it? I'd have thought you'd keep your fucking mouth shut about accusing truth-teller of lying about obama, because you just wind up with Obama and his associates - from their own mouths - proving it's all true. Assholes like you just never learn, do you?
Hey, idiot, if you're saying that the animosity many of us - indeed, a majority - now have toward obama is due to racist tendencies on our part you can, quite plainly, go fuck yourself.

The reason this has never happened to another president is because we never had another president who is pro-actively fighting like hell in court to keep his citizenship records hidden (much less doing so on taxpayer money, much of which is earned by the very people demanding to see the records), never had a president who at least was once a Muslim, sat in rev Wright's anti-white church of hate for 20 fucking years before political necessity drove him out and demanded that NASA's first priority is to "reach out to Muslims", never once had a President who associated with the likes of radical Marxist terrorists like William Ayres and Bernadine Dorn, and who in his own autobiography admitted to be sympathetic to Marxists, who had Marxist parents and grew up in the communist country of Indonesia, by his own admission.

You are a liar and a birfer. Nothing else to say othern than you silly goobers are in a small, small minority in this country and you grow smaller every day in numbers for very good reasons -- you lie, you stinking lie, and you are stupid enough to think mainstream will not laugh at you. It has from the beginning of the Orly nonsense. Mainstream laughs at you.

  • Every word is true. Would you like me to post another video show to prove it? I'd have thought you'd keep your fucking mouth shut about accusing truth-teller of lying about obama, because you just wind up with Obama and his associates - from their own mouths - proving it's all true. Assholes like you just never learn, do you

You are as scripture states, with no truth in your, birfer boy. You whine and pine, cry and sigh, squall and bawl, howl and scowl, and all good Americans will continue to hit you and shit on you.

BHO is a far better American and Christian than gstarz.
Take a total of 3 minutes and watch the two videos of nothing other than Michelle herself saying Obama is Kenyan. If you have believed the left all this time and never saw these, you're in for a very big shock - these were recorded before the citizenship thing was understood to be a block against his presidency:

Obama Is kenyan
Obama = Illegal President
Liberals are totally racist, like democrat congressional chairperson Robert Byrd, KKK officer (google it)
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Gstarz, you are loonier than a birfer or a 9-11 freak. Those videos, all of which I have seen before, are merely people yelling. Bernadette? Farrakhan? Ayers? Really? Bush was unquestionably allied to war criminals and became one himself. BHO can travel overseas while Bush can't. Guess why.

I am glad you are spewing evil far right reactionary wackism. People need to be reminded why they are mainstream, and you are nothing like it.
Oh, and what the heck to Harry Byrd and Hugo Black have do with anything other than everything they did later on in their careers were absolute rejections of their early forays into racism, where Strom Thurmond stayed until the day he died, and where you and your fellow wacks today dwell.

The mainstream knows your kind for the evil you spew.
Gstarz, you are loonier than a birfer or a 9-11 freak. Those videos, all of which I have seen before, are merely people yelling. Bernadette? Farrakhan? Ayers? Really? Bush was unquestionably allied to war criminals and became one himself. BHO can travel overseas while Bush can't. Guess why.

I am glad you are spewing evil far right reactionary wackism. People need to be reminded why they are mainstream, and you are nothing like it.

keep trying to convince other people not to watch them by acting dismissive about them - and once they watch them they'll call you what you are - a lying piece of shit. And then you won;t be able to blow Obama on this message board effectively anymore. by all means, run out your options.

Have a really nice day, asshole.
Gstarz, you are loonier than a birfer or a 9-11 freak. Those videos, all of which I have seen before, are merely people yelling. Bernadette? Farrakhan? Ayers? Really? Bush was unquestionably allied to war criminals and became one himself. BHO can travel overseas while Bush can't. Guess why.

I am glad you are spewing evil far right reactionary wackism. People need to be reminded why they are mainstream, and you are nothing like it.

keep trying to convince other people not to watch them by acting dismissive about them - and once they watch them they'll call you what you are - a lying piece of shit. And then you won;t be able to blow Obama on this message board effectively anymore. by all means, run out your options.

Have a really nice day, asshole.

Yes. I would suggest everyone watch those two videos GTardz posted a page back. If you don't already, you'll know why birfers aren't known as intellectual giants.
Personally I think its an ancient law that needs to change, why does the President have to be US born, so long as he/she does the job and is a citizen does it really matter? That is why I haven't really cared about whether Obama was born in America or not.
Gstarz, you are loonier than a birfer or a 9-11 freak. Those videos, all of which I have seen before, are merely people yelling.

It's even dumber than that. The two videos GTardz posted were of Michelle Obama saying that Barack is a Kenyan. Anyone with half a brain cell realizes that she is referring to his heritage. The birfers think this is an admission that he was born in Kenya. The stupidity is staggering.
Gstarz, you are loonier than a birfer or a 9-11 freak. Those videos, all of which I have seen before, are merely people yelling. Bernadette? Farrakhan? Ayers? Really? Bush was unquestionably allied to war criminals and became one himself. BHO can travel overseas while Bush can't. Guess why.

I am glad you are spewing evil far right reactionary wackism. People need to be reminded why they are mainstream, and you are nothing like it.

keep trying to convince other people not to watch them by acting dismissive about them - and once they watch them they'll call you what you are - a lying piece of shit. And then you won;t be able to blow Obama on this message board effectively anymore. by all means, run out your options.

Have a really nice day, asshole.

Yes. I would suggest everyone watch those two videos GTardz posted a page back. If you don't already, you'll know why birfers aren't known as intellectual giants.

You have abandoned the childish "Birther' for the even more childish "BirFer', now. Getting desperate to somehow change reality in your own fucked-up head now that those new state laws will be voted on and in effect soon, eh , Skippy? it's worthless.

Read the whole HUFFINGTON POST article.

"The only thing weirder than the Birthers are the anti-Birthers, who blame the Birthers for being conspiracy theorists yet actively feed the conspiracy by refusing to call for President Obama to release his birth certificate.

The state official in Hawaii who manages such things has reiterated that there is indeed an original birth certificate on file which would confirm President Obama's having been born in Hawaii and that she has seen it, but state law won't allow her to release it unless the president authorizes it.

So what's the problem here? Release the original and let's be done with this madness.

I realize there are some faith-based Obama supporters who believe without seeing, but the rest of us in the reality-based world are starting to get that strange feeling we got when Mark Sanford tried to convince us that he was away from his family on Father's Day, hiking the Appalachian trail in order to clear his head and write a book. "

- Mark Joseph writing for the LIBERAL Huffington Post, July 30, 2009

Poor Skippy and his insulting, anti-birther asshole pals - they must be getting very lonely, since the majority of Americans now recognize that there is an issue here, and the new state laws will get to the bottom of it. Poor, Pathetic Skippy.

By all means, watch Michelle Obama call Barack a Kenyan and Kenya his home country. I didn't say it - she did.

Poor, pathetic Skippy, the riverboat too-cool 10k anonymous online gambler wannabe.

Justice at last.

Does not matter where BHO aka The Kenyan aka The Usurper was born. What matters is where his papa held Citizenship. HINT: It was NOT the USA. hence BHO is not a Natural Born Citizen and therefore ineligible to hold the Presidency.
Hey, idiot, if you're saying that the animosity many of us - indeed, a majority - now have toward obama is due to racist tendencies on our part you can, quite plainly, go fuck yourself.

The reason this has never happened to another president is because we never had another president who is pro-actively fighting like hell in court to keep his citizenship records hidden (much less doing so on taxpayer money, much of which is earned by the very people demanding to see the records), never had a president who at least was once a Muslim, sat in rev Wright's anti-white church of hate for 20 fucking years before political necessity drove him out and demanded that NASA's first priority is to "reach out to Muslims", never once had a President who associated with the likes of radical Marxist terrorists like William Ayres and Bernadine Dorn, and who in his own autobiography admitted to be sympathetic to Marxists, who had Marxist parents and grew up in the communist country of Indonesia, by his own admission.

You are a liar and a birfer. Nothing else to say othern than you silly goobers are in a small, small minority in this country and you grow smaller every day in numbers for very good reasons -- you lie, you stinking lie, and you are stupid enough to think mainstream will not laugh at you. It has from the beginning of the Orly nonsense. Mainstream laughs at you.

Every word is true. Would you like me to post another video show to prove it? I'd have thought you'd keep your fucking mouth shut about accusing truth-teller of lying about obama, because you just wind up with Obama and his associates - from their own mouths - proving it's all true. Assholes like you just never learn, do you?

Your posts just don't have the same effect without the bold.
Does not matter where BHO aka The Kenyan aka The Usurper was born. What matters is where his papa held Citizenship. HINT: It was NOT the USA. hence BHO is not a Natural Born Citizen and therefore ineligible to hold the Presidency.

The ignorance of the US constitution in this country is laughable. Our schools need to do a better job in Civics

Note to nraforlife....Civics is not a bunch of Japanese cars

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