Obama's Christmas present

Nice to have a Dictator. I don't want to hear any bitching when A Republican President comes in and does the same thing.

You all ok'ed it with Obama so such is life
OK, Staph. Have a little cheese with that whine. Been a very good year for our President. Putin's folly is biting the Russian economy hard, and you people swooning over Putin's bare chest can continue to do so, because he isn't going to have a shirt to put back on at this rate.

Our economy is roaring, unemployment going down, and the market is at record levels. The bet on renewables has paid off big time as wind is now much cheaper than dirty coal, and before President Obama passes the baton on 20Jan17, solar will also be much cheaper than dirty coal. Been a very bad year for our shriveled soul 'Conservatives. All the bad things that they wanted for the United States did not happen.
With Two Years Left, the Inflection Point of the Obama Presidency

PJ Media ^

The Revenge President The men behind Obama took a calculated gamble in 2008 that the nation was ready for the first post-American president, a man with no meaningful cultural roots in the nation he would profess to lead. They relied on the intrinsic good-heartedness of the electorate to show their lack of prejudice in voting for a man with an exotic Arabic/Muslim name only seven years after the atrocity of Sept. 11. They counted on the innate good will of the American people, judged that the time was right for a black president, and then went out and found the...
And that black man kicked your ass twice. And is kicking it again as this nation is pulling out of the major GOP Recession, and the economy is taking off. Going to be a good two years, 2015 and 2016. Then we will see what Hillary can do as President.

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